INSIDE THIS ISSUE Editorial Page 2 Archives Pages 2 & 3 Public Notices Page 3 Death Roll Page 4 Weatherly Council Page 4 Veterans Corner Page 5 White Haven This Week Page 6 the Weatherly This Week Page 7 Coming Events Page 10 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 • Volume 35 – No. 29 SINGLE COPY– 60¢ Seth’s Sightings Page 11 ©2016, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved (USPS 277440) Classifieds Pages 12-13 ournal-Herald Puzzles Page 13 Puzzle Answers Page 15 CONTINUING: THE WHITE HAVEN JOURNAL CONTINUING: THE WEATHERLY HERALD Journal Sports Pages 14-16 ESTABLISHEDJ 1879–137th YEAR, NO. 11 ESTABLISHED 1880–136th YEAR, NO. 37 Red & White Lady Comets host Pink Out by Stephanie Grega ets held their second annu- their home game versus Ha- survivors of any type of can- lost their battle to cancer, or The Crestwood Lady Com- al Pink Out on February 1 at zleton. The Pink Out honors cer, as well as those who have are still fighting it. The Lady Comets sold pink t-shirts that were worn by many people throughout the bleachers of the basketball court. Funds raised from the sale were donated to Can- dy’s Place in Forty Fort, which helps local cancer survivors and their families. The Pink Out ceremony be- gan between the JV and Var- sity games, when each player walked out arm-in-arm with a survivor or fighter. The Lady Comets formed two rows in the middle of the court, adorned with pink t-shirts and holding pink balloons, for sur- vivors to walk through. “To honor those who have survived, are fighting, or have lost someone to cancer is a great thing. Everyone knows someone who survived or who has had cancer. Doing this event is an honor for us,” ROWS OF COMETS: The Lady Comets formed two rows for survivors to walk through. To see more Pink Out photos, visit our said CHS girls’ basketball Facebook page or go to pocononewspapers.com. JH: Stephanie Grega head coach Ed Stepanski. Another Weatherly landmark building gets new life Congratulations to Michael Hadzick has now turned of the Weatherly Area Com- Hadzick on the sale of the for- over the keys to Ed Melber, munity Pharmacy. mer Erdman’s Dairy building pharmacist and proprietor of on Carbon Street in down- the Weatherly Pharmacy. Correction: town Weatherly. The building Melber is very happy to Last week’s front page pho- housed Hadzick’s Heritage be the new owner such a to of Warner’s Central Garage Marble and Tile business beautiful property, and hap- had a mistake. The buildings showroom and office. He py to preserve this piece of continue to be owned by the beautifully restored the histor- local history. He plans to be Warner family. ic building and used it for sev- a good steward of the prop- eral years. It has since been erty. vacant. This will be the new home PAGE 2 — THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 THE JOURNAL-HERALD (USPS 277-440) Published weekly at From the Archives 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 Telephone (570) 443-8321 Subscription Price—$35 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance. $40 per year elsewhere, payable in advance. Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address change to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661 (JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997) Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales Ruth Isenberg, Editor Steve Stallone, Sports Editor Heather Maslo, Production Manager Donnell Stump, Stephanie Grega, Contributing Reporters Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce White Haven Economic Development Association THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint. © Copyright 2016, The Journal-Herald Editorial Back to the budget by Ruth Isenberg A reader sent us this hundred year old postcard, showing the White Haven 1915-1916 girls Pennsylvania has a 2015 budget with a lot of holes in it. Hear- basketball champs of Luzerne and Carbon Counties. The credit on the photo is Steward’s ings are now being held to restore some of the funding the gov- Studio, Freeland, PA. If you can identify any of those shown, we’d love to hear from you. We’d ernor eliminated in line item vetoes—things as minor as prizes also be happy to share other reader’s pictures of our area from years past. won at the Farm Show, and as major as hospital burn centers. The $7 billion in spending the governor struck have to be re- 31 years ago in The front page photo Next week, the Branden’s stored through supplemental appropriation legislation, and that The Journal-Herald showed the Hemlock Street Heart organization holds its means hearings and wasted time. Thomas and Maria Yackiel Playground in White Haven first big fundraiser with a din- Few legislators of either party want to vote against money for of RD1, White Haven, recently covered in snow. ner and three bands at the child advocacy programs, or agricultural research, so the gov- celebrated their 25th wedding Saint Patrick’s parish center ernor knew full well his actions were symbolic, not substantive. anniversary. From The Weatherly Herald in White Haven. Based on Governor Wolf’s budget message on Tuesday, Penn- February 11, 1965 sylvanians should get ready for another contentious budget sea- James Luhman was ap- A contract was signed to re- son. The governor has made it clear he wants new tax revenues. pointed to Weatherly Borough John Wargula was reelect- habilitate the Engine House in He has proposed an increase in the personal income tax, an Council to fill the vacancy left ed president of the Communi- White Haven to become the expansion of the sales tax to categories previously not taxed, like by the resignation of Joseph ty Chest for 1965. new home of the White Haven cable TV, and a new tax on fire, property and casualty insurance. Stallone. Area Community Library. Worse yet, he expects taxpayers to cough up the increased in- McGrail Furniture Store in come tax revenues, approximately a 10% increase, retroactively. Carbon County Treasurer Lehighton was advertising From The Weatherly Herald If the budget he proposes passes by June 30, he expects income Gilbert Gerhard announced new Danish modern chairs February 1935 tax payments at the higher rate going back to January 1. That’s that he will seek re-election. for only $8.88, featuring wipe On the morning of the half a year of increased taxes that won’t have been withheld, Gerhard was appointed to clean leather grain vinyl up- newspaper’s printing, vari- meaning double withholding during the second half of the year. the position in May of 1984, holstery in three colors, tan, ous people around Weather- Pension reform has apparently gone by the wayside. Appar- succeeding treasurer Dean turquoise and tangerine. ly reported temperatures that ently it’s easier to extract taxes from working people than it is to DeLong who was elected to night were from 14 to 21 de- make the tough choice to limit pensions in the future. County Commissioner that From The Journal-Herald grees below zero. There is plenty of time between now and June 30 for legisla- year. February 1, 2012 tors and the governor to come up with compromises. Unfortu- Rural postal route carrier The Weatherly High School nately, the 2015 experience doesn’t offer much hope for such a Wagner Bros. Hardware in Robert Trout retired after 21 basketball team defeated one reasonable course in 2016. Weatherly had a Midwinter years of service to his Packer from Fairview Township High Madness sale on Eveready Township customers. School 65 to 11. Readers—want your organization’s activities featured in these alkaline batteries, two AA or pages? Send news tips, press releases and photos to the editor AAA batteries for $1.80. Please turn to page 3 at [email protected], or call 443-9131 xt304. THE JOURNAL-HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2016 — PAGE 3 WAHSAA board Public Notices meeting notes LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BID The Weatherly Area High There are currently 618 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Notice is hereby given that non-refundable check, in the School Alumni Associa- paid members. that Letters Testamentary in the sealed bids will be received by amount of $25.00, made payable Estate of John Lesho, late of the the Penn Forest Township Of- to Barry Isett & Associates, Inc., tion Board of Directors met Bette Rambaran, Chair- Borough of Freeland, Pennsyl- fice, 2010 State Road, Route for shipping fees. on Thursday, January 21 in person of the Scholarship vania (died November 19, 2015), 903, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229, un- Bids must be accompanied the Weatherly Area Middle Committee prepared a re- have been granted to Leeann O. til 3:00 P.M., prevailing time on by a certified check, cash, or a Wagner, Executrix. All persons March 7, 2016, for the second bid bond with a corporate sure- School LGI Room. There were port stating: letters were indebted to said Estate are re- phase of the recreational park, ty authorized to do business in 10 members in attendance. mailed to Weatherly Area quested to make payments and which includes the construction Pennsylvania in accordance with President Todd Gimbi called High School seniors in- those having claims to present of sporting fields, tennis courts, the project specifications in the the same without delay to: basketball courts, and additional amount of ten percent of the to- the meeting to order. Those in forming them of scholarship George R.
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