JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF (Etjc Commontoealtf) of itlassacijusctts 2002 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE HOUSE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OK SECTION 10 OF CHAPTER 5 OF THE GENERAL LAWS. BOSTON EAGLE GRAPHICS, INC., LEGISLATIVE PRINTERS 30 LANCASTER STREET 2002 LIST OF PERSONS ELECTED AS MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE YEARS 2001-2002. D — Democrat R — Republican BARNSTABLE, DUKES AND NANTUCKET COUNTIES. Brewster 1 District Dennis, Precincts 1, 2, 4, 5 > Thomas N. George (R) of Yarmouth Yarmouth, Precincts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 . I Barnstable, Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, District 2 7, 8. 10. II Demetrius J. Atsalis (D) of Barnstable Sandwich, Precinct 4 Bourne, Precincts 3. 4, 5. 6 Falmouth, Precincts 3. 4, 7. 8 District 3 Mash pee Matthew C. Patrick (D) of Falmouth Sandwich, Precincts 5. 6. 7 Chatham Dennis, Precinct 3 Eastham Harwich Orleans . Shirley Gomes (R) of Harwich Provincetown Truro Wellfleet BARNSTABLE. DUKES AND NANTUCKET DISTRICT Barnstable (Barnstable Co.): Precinct 9 Falmouth (Barnstable Co.): Precincts 1. 2, 5. 6 Yarmouth (Barnstable Co.): Precinct 6 Aquinnah (Dukes Co.) . Chilmark (Dukes Co.) ^ Eric Turkington (D) of Falmouth. Edgartown (Dukes Co.) . Gosnold (Dukes Co.) Oak Bluffs (Dukes Co.) Tisbury (Dukes Co.) West Tisbury (Dukes Co.) . Nantucket (Nantucket Co.) BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Adams Clarksburg Florida North Adams Daniel E Bosley (D) of North Adams Savoy Williamstown BKRKSHIRK COUNT»' Concluded Bockel Cheshire Dal ton Hancock Hinsdale Lanes borough New -\shford . Peru Pittsfield: Ward I. Precinct B Richmond Washington Windsor \shfield (Franklin Co ) Shaun P Kelly (R) of Dallon Buckland (Franklin Co.) Charlemont (Franklin Co.) Haw ley ( Franklin Co ) Monroe (Franklin Co.) Rowe (Franklin Co.) Shelburne (Franklin Co.) Chester (Hampden Co.) Cummington (Hampshire Co.) Goshen (Hampshire Co.) Huntington (Hampshire Co.) Middlefield (Hampshire Co.) Plainfield (Hampshire Co.) Pittsfield: District 3 Ward 1. Precinct A Peter J Larkin (D) of Pittsfield Wards 2, 3. 5. 6, 7 Alford Egremont Great Barrington Lee Lenox Monterey Mount Washington New Marlborough • Christopher J Hodgkins (D) of Lee Otis Pittsfield Ward 4 Sandisfield Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham ... West Stockbridge BRISTOL COUNTY. Mansfield. Precincts 2, 3. 4 . District I Ì Norton Michael J. Coppola (R) Foxborough Foxborough (Norfolk Co.) District 2 Attleboro John A. l^epper (R) of Attleboro. Taunton Wards 1, 2. 3. 4. 5 District 3 Ward 7. Precinct A James H Fagan (D) of Taunton Ward 8. Precinct B BRISTOL COUNTY — Ctmiinueil Rehobolh Seekonk . Swansea, Precincts 1. 4 District 4 Taunton: Philip Travis (D) of Rehobolh Ward 7. Precinct B Ward 8, Precinct A Dighton Somerset Swansea, Precincts 2, 3 . Patricia A Haddad (D) of Somerset. Taunton: Ward 6 . Fall River Ward 4, Precincts A, C District 6 Ward 7, Precincts A. C, D David B Sullivan (D) of Fall River Wards 8, 9 Freetown. Precinct 1 Fall River: Ward I. Precincts B, C. D District 7 Wards 2, 3 Robert Correla (D) of Fall River Ward 4, Precinct B . Ward 5, Precinct A Fall River: Ward 1. Precinct A Ward 5. Precincts B. C . District 8 Ward 6 Michael J Rodrigues (D) of Westport Ward 7, Westport Berkley Dartmouth ... District 9 • Freetown, Precinct 2 John F Quinn (D) of Dartmouth Lakeville (Plymouth Co ) Precinct 1 Fairhaven Marion (Plymouth Co.) Mattapoisett (Plymouth Co.) District 10 Middleborough (Plymouth Co.). William M Straus (D) of Mattapoisett Precincts 3, 6 Rochester (Plymouth Co.) . Acushnet Freetown, Precinct 3 New Bedford District 11 Ward 1 Robert M. Koczera (D) of New Bedford Ward 2, Precincts E, G Lakeville (Plymouth Co.): Precinct 2 New Bedford Ward 2, Precincts A. B. C, D, F District 12 Ward 3 George Rogers (D) of New Bedford Ward 4. Precincts C, E. F Ward 5. Precinct G BRISTOL COUNTY COIIC luilrtl New Bedford Ward 4. Precincts A. B. O. (i Antonio I' D Cabrai (11) of New Bedford Ward Precincts A. B. C. !">. E. I- Ward h Mansfield. Precincts I. 5A. SB District 14 North Attleborough Elisabeth Poirier (R) of North Atlleborough Plainville (Norfolk Co.) '..ss. \ COUNTY Ameshury District I Newbury port Paul E Ti rone (D) of Amesbury. Salisbury Georgetown. Precinct 1 Groveland Haverhill: Ward 3. Precinct 2 Ward 4. Precincts 1. 3 Distnct 2 Ward 7. Precincts 2. 3 Harriett L. Stanley (D) of West Newbury Merrimac Newbury Rowley West Newbury Haverhill: Wards 1.2 Ward 3, Precincts I, 3 Brian S. Dempsey (D) of Haverhill District 3 Ward 4. Precinct 2 Wards 5, 6 Ward 7. Precinct 1 Boxford Georgetown. Precinct 2 Hamilton Bradford Hill (R) of Ipswich Distnct 4 Ipswich Manchester-by-the-Sea Wenham Essex . Distnct 5 Gloucester Anthony J Verga (D) of Gloucester. Rockpon District 6 Beverly Michael P. Cahill (D) of Beverly District 7 Salem J Michael Ruane (D) of Salem Lynn Ward 3. Precinct 4 Douglas W Petersen (D) of Marblehead. Distnct 8 Marblehead Swampscott Lynn Ward I, Precincts I. 2. 3 Mark V. Palzone (D) of Saugus District 9 Lynnfield. Precinct 2 Saugus ESSEX COUNTY — Cnnludeil Lynn: Ward I, Precinct 4 Ward 2 District 10 Ward 3, Precincts 1, 2, 3 Robert F. Fennell ID) of Lynn Ward 4 Ward 5, Precinct 4 , Lynn: Ward 5, Precincts I, 2, 3 District i I Wards 6.7 Thomas M McGee (D) of Lynn Nahant f Peabody: District 12 \ Wards 1.2, 3. 4. 5 John P. Slattery (D) of Peabody, Districi 13 Theodore C Speliotis (D) of Danvers Lawrence: Ward A. Precincts 1, 3. 4 District 14 Ward E, Precincts 2. 3 David M Torrisi (D) of North Andover Ward F, Precincts 1,2,4 North Andover. Precincts 1. 2, 3, 6 f Methuen. Precincts 1. 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. District 15 1 8, 9. 10. 11. 12 Arthur J Broadhurst (D) of Methuen, Lawrence Ward A, Precinct 2 Wards B. C . District 16 Ward D. Precincts 3. 4 Jose L Santiago (D) of Lawrence Ward F. Precinct 3 Methuen, Precinct 2 Andover, Precincts 1, 2, 3. 4, 6. 7. 8 District 17 Lawrence. Ward D. Precincts 1, 2 Barry R Finegold (D) of Andover. Ward E. Precincts 1, 4 FRANKLIN COUNTY Conway Deerfield Leverett Montague New Salem District Sunderland Wendell I Stephen Kulik (D) of Worthington Whately Chesterfield (Hampshire Co.) Williamsburg (Hampshire Co.) Worthington (Hampshire Co.) Athol (Worcester Co.) FRANKLIN COUNTY Conlmled Bernardsion Colruin Erving Gill Greenfield Districi 2 Heath John l; Merrigun (D) of Greenfield Leyden Northfield Orange Warwick Royalston (Worcester Co ) HAMPDEN COUNTY. BrimfieM Holland Palmer Belchertown (Hampshire Co.) Distnct I Precinct B Reed V Hillman (R) of Sturbridge Ware (Hampshire Co.) Bast Brookfield (Worcester Co.) Sturbridge (Worcester Co ): Precinct 2 ......... East Longmeadow. Precincts 2, 3 Hampden Longmeadow District 2 Monson Mary S Rogeness (R) of longmeadow Springfield Ward 6. Precinct B Wales Agawam Blandford Granville Daniel F. Keenan (D) of Southwick District 3 Russell Southwick Tolland Montgomery Cele Hahn (R) of Westfield. District 4 Westfield Holyoke. Wards 1,2 Ward 3, Precinct B District 5 Ward 4 Michael F Kane (D) of Holyoke Ward 5, Precinct A Wards 6. 7 Chicopec Ward 3, Precinct C Holyoke Stephen J. Buoniconti (D) of West Springfield. District 6 Ward 3. Precinct A Ward 5. Precinct B West Springfield Chicopee Ward 6 Ludlow Thomas M Petrolali (D) of Ludlow District 7 Belchertown (Hampshire Co ) Precincts A, C Granby (Hampshire Co.) HAMPDEN COUNTY — Contuded Chicopec: Ward I Ward 2, Precincts C, D Ward 3, Precincts A, fi Joseph F. Wagner (D) of Chicopee Ward 4, Precincts A, C Wards 7, 8, 9 Chicopee: Ward 2, Precincts A, B Ward 4, Precinct B Ward 5 Christopher P Asselin (D) of Springfield. Springfield Ward 2 Ward 8. Precincts A, D Springfield Ward I Ward 3, Precincts B, C. D, F, H Cheryl A Rivera (D) of Springfield. Ward 6. Precincts A. E Springfield: Ward 5, Precincts C. D, E, G, H Ward 7, Precincts C, F. G. H Paul E Carón (D) of Springfield Ward 8, Precincts B, C. E. F, G. H Springfield: Ward 3, Precincts A, E, G Ward 4 Benjamin Swan (D) of Springfield Ward 5, Precincts A. B. F Ward 7, Precinct A East Longmeadow, Precincts 1. 4 Springfield Ward 6, Precincts C. D. F. G. H Gale D Candaras (D) of Wilbraham. Ward 7. Precincts B. D. E Wilbraham HAMPSHIRE COUNTV Hatfield \ Southampton J William P. Nagle. Jr. (D) of Northampton. ' Westhampton Easthampton Ì Hadley \ Nancy Flavin (D) of Easthampton South Hadley . I Amherst Pelham Ellen Story (D) of Amherst Shutesbury (Franklin Co.) MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Ayer, Precinct 1 Groton Pepperell Robert S. Hargraves (R) of Groton Townsend Lunenburg (Worcester Co.) MIDDLESEX COUNTY — ConiinucJ Aver. Precinct 2 Littleton Geoffrey D. Hull (D) of Westford. Wcstford Harvard (Worcester Co ) Hudson Shirley District ? Sto» • Putrida A Walruth (D) of Stow. Bolton (Worcester Co.) Lancaster (Worcester Co.) Marlborough Berlin (Worcester Co.) Stephen P LeDuc (D) of Marlborough District 4 Northborough (Worcester Co.) Precinct 3 Natick Sherborn David Paul Linsky (D) of Natick. District 5 Mi111s (Norfolk Co.) Precinct 2 FrarninghamI. PrecinctPr s 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. District 6 { 6. 7. 9. 10. 13 I Deborah D. Blumer (D) of Frarningham. Ashland John A. Stefanini (D) of Frarningham. ' District 7 Frarningham. Precincts 8. II. 12. 14, Karen Spilka (D) of Ashland.2 ( 15. 16. 17 Hollislon Hopkinton Paul J P. Loscocco (R) of Holliston District 8 Medway (Norfolk Co.) Southborough (Worcester Co.) Belmont. Precinct 4 District 9 Waltham: Thomas M. Stanley (D) of Waltham. Wards 1, 2, 3. 4. 7 Newton Ward 1. Precinct 4 Ward 2, Precinct 1 District 10 Ward 3, Precincts 3, 4 Peter J. Koutoujian (D) of Newton. Waltham Wards 5. 6, 8, 9 Newton: Ward 1, Precincts 2, 3 Ward 2, Precincts 2, 3 .
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