*)»O3 ♦ C o URIER-G AZETTE. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1894. Entered ■■ K.cnnd Ola.s Mall Motto. N umbku 2 HOME LOYALTY. S E E T H I S WORTHY OBJECT STABLE FINA\CIALINSTITUTIONS. II ill, Samuel Bryant, J. C. Perry and C H. Berry. At a subsequent meeting How many of our readers when they For Which thx Elaborate Concert To­ morrow Evening Is to Be Given. And the White City went down in a EAT O p p o r t u n it y They Hold Their Annual Meetings and of the directors, the following officers order goods ask for those made at home? era of flame. Were elected: President, Geo. W. Tomorrow evening, tn Farwell Opera Elect Officers for Another Year, Il we buy home-made goods all tho Burry; Vice President. Chas. H. Berry; WITHOUT MONEY. House, there will be n fine concert England fears that she will lose her mon y stays here. If we buy goods Cashier, T. II. McLain. given for the pnrposo of raising fundB supremaoy on the seas. That same fear The Rockland Loan & Building Asso­ o not made at home, only a small portion to pay the expenses of a free bed in tile on the part of England coat Napoleon ciation— Resume of Its Condition — ,0 0 0 Grand N ew Year P r ese n ts! 3 0 0 G ifts! Vital Statistics—The County Banks Tho North National bank officers, of the money stays here. Emergency Hospital. In view of this his throne. and I Heir Exc.llent Condition • titled Tuesday, wero President, Sidney For Subscribers to The C.-G. fact a reporter of T he C.-G. thought The John Bird Co. manufactures The Rockland Ulcer is advertising a M. Bird; Vice President, E. R. Spear; tlE NEW YORK WEEKLY RECORDER Is th« best homo paper in tho 'twould be an opportune time for visit­ spices, nnd other household articles, biok entitled a ‘ Trip to the Moon.” it Cashier, N, T. Farwell; Directors, |J . Wo have ninde arrangements with tho publishers to send Tub 11E annual meeting ing tliis institution and getting some probably has reference to some of that ■key R ecorder for a who e year to every one subscribing to The < ourier- makes extra fine goods, nnd all the of the It ekland S. M. Bird, E R. Spear, F. R. Spear. fc»«,orp jing for one year, paying the su -seri;-t;on price •. « co m advance. little information regarding the condi paper’s “land tax” and other visionary grocers keep ’em They employ help, Lean & Building A. W. Butler and A I). Bird. ErnestJ r 'l ii r. v ? i k i. y Rbcobdbr Is a large twen y-iou page paper, containing tion of things therein. thrones. ) latest Parle fashions before they appear in any ott.e. American publlca- Association took Holman is clerk. n ; gives the latest news of the world, sensations, sermons and doings of increase our city’s business and pay The Emergency Hospital is on tlie o place Monday I creation n'inost on the instant of happening, and the publishers are con­ taxes. Tho money expended for their third floor of Syndicate Block. It The author of a hymn ’'There’s a light Rockland National Bank elected stantly introducing novel and startling sensations. evening, Jan. 9, Everybody obtaining Thb W&kkly Rroobdkb through this office Is en­ goods remains here with ns. Why not comprises ten rooms, including 2 wards, in the window for thee, brother,” lias officers Tuesday with tho following re­ titled to compete hi 2 private looms, dining room, dietary dii d in a Kansas jail, but nt last accounts 1894. The fol­ ask for home made spices and the like. sult: Directors, Wm. H. Glover, John kitchen, and operating room. Tlie the authors of “ After tlie Ball” and lowing sers nnd directors were S, Case, E. II. Lawry, W. T . Cobb, That’s tho kind of home loyalty that The First Grand Prize Distribution of 300 Valuable Presents, sanitary arrangements are perfect with “Ddgy” were still at largo.—Boston □nanimnu-ly elected : President, Samuel W. S. White, Fred W. W ight and pays. __ which will be made March 7,1894, and every one signing bis or her name to baths, lavatories, closets, etc. Dr, Globe. Bryant; Secretary, Fid ward K Gould; W. W. Case. John S. Case is re-elected the subscription blank balow and sending it ta*»ur office, wit »2.oo will receive CITY CHAT. W. V. Hanscom is the surgeon in charge, (Treasurer, Leander Weeks; Attorney, [ president, and G. H. Wiggin ia cashier. Tlie Courii r-pn/ette for on • year, regular p ric es oo, I hk WLekdy Recorder while Mrs. Dr. Bello S. Ayers is the Culture is getting in its work in K an­ J E Sherman; Auditor, E M SubbsjfF B. Hatch and Harry Hix are clerks. for one j par, price $1.00, and ar~ ono of the several premiums illtHlrat d be­ low, worth 75 cents oach; tola 7fl, |,..sid»»s being entitled to figure out the Here and There About Our Rapidly matron and house physician. There sas. A Lawrence papor rebukes a Tope- Directors. Samuel Iirymt. Albert W. | o time required for a United States silver dollar to fill I rota the top of The Growing Metropolis. eka paper for saying “The Matabeles." Recorder Lull d ig, 15 Spruce stic-’t, N«nvYor.{, to the street below. the dis­ nr: four regular nurses as follows: Butler, Samuel A. Burpee, Gardner L. | The following directors were elected tance froui the top of the building to tin street being exactly lu5 feet and 9 Miss Winifred Shaw of this city, Miss The Lawrence critic declares tint ‘ ma’’ Farrand, J. Henry Flint, Harry O. at the annual meeting of the stockhold- Inches. ’ ATI? a well known is merely tho article “the" and that it is A silver dollar will be dropped from t io top of The Recorder Building Clara Porkins of Newcastle, Miss Cum­ Gurdy, E Mont Perry,Frank C, Knight, „r8 of Georges National Bank of Thom- Rockland business February 2s, lf-94 at 3 p. m., and the time required in falling will he accur­ mings of Union, Miss Fuller of War­ only proper to say the Tabeles. Ju-tus E Sherman, William S. White, aston, held Tuesday last: Caleb Lovon- ate! v timed ami the time pub isne , In I he Weekly R i iorder, March 7, 1894. man, who employs Ezercii your wits and send n your answer t j tins p oblem. ren. Miss Shaw is head nurse. There is L"ander We ks; Finance Commitire, saler, Edward E. O'Brien, William A. The follow_ v ng partialpar tial list o. prizes wi.lwill byE given to tt.e subscrilM'rs who a number of meu: a corps of assistants beside these, m ak­ As stated elsewhere President Cleve­ Samuel Bryant, Frank C Knight, Campbell, Moses R Mathews, C Sydney between now and February 23. 1894, first send the correct failing time of the ‘‘Catholics are al­ ing a total of ten in all. land refuses to pardon Millorand Clark, Gardner I,. Farrand. Smith. Edward E. O'Brien was re­ those first Bending nearest the correct nine. and the pr os will be awarded in ways church-goers, th e order numbeied. No. 1 golnjr to tJi- o Ilrst sending the correct or near­ At the present time there are six the Jeffarson Burdan murderers who are There is but cne change on the Board elected president, and John O. Leven- est the correct time, No. 2 «oin to the seoond sending the correct or next and on Sunday yon patients, with accommodations for four­ serving a life sentence in Thomaston of Directors, E Mont Perry being saler cashier, Miss Lizzie Levensaler nearest tho correct time, and & , o i throughout the whole 1st. can depend upon T ry It, and you may receive on , of these Ne v Ye ir Gifts. teen. Three of tho six are sufferers who prison. Those mo:t conversant with tlie chosen to fill a vacancy caused by the assistant. it that they will The oorrect tim e w ill be published in The Weekly R ecobdeb, March 7, are unable to pay one cent towards their case endorse the president’s action. In resignalion of James Donohue. The o 1894. bo at mass and not Don't think that others may bo ahead of y m. Tee last person Bonding care, and the hospital is caring for them this cuse clemency would be ill-timed. report of Secretary Gould shows that Tho annual meeting of the stock- the enswer n ay wm the Ilrst. pr.ze.zo. It Is4s well worth trvtrying. off sprecing about the country j and on without hope of remuneration. Of remarkable prosperity has been the lot ho'ders of the Thomaston National Bank A list of the prize winners ill be publisbe 1 in The■: Weekly Reco Monday morning as a result, you will March 7.1894. course the institution can't do that kind The public will watch with interctl ^ js association for the year just past wnB held in their banking room. Jan. 9. generally find them at work and in a of work to any great extent and exist, The old board of directors, viz., SL LOOK OUT FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR I the progross of the co-operative experi­ Dispite tue financial stringency through condition to work.
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