Michel Signs Forecast PartJ, douIty SIt1InIay wit.b little ~ r ' low. NIIN" pll'f'" M.rc MJcMI .... ...... ItIIn cbu&e ad ICIdtered thUlldenbowen tltned to • borIvt contrlCt by the s... Fr.... litely, HiJb &alarday will be IHII. 0ut100t fur cisco GI.nt bellb.n .,..... Iutlen. (See -'wry SIIndq putJy cloudy with little tempe atwe ..... four ) Serving the University of IOfDtJ dIanJt. ~ ---. or thUDdentOl1lll. 10 ceata • eopJ Study Indicates Asthma Infectious Disease By BRUCE "ARRISON of their ehiIdreII developed the diJease. This OAS Agrees To Withdraw St.ff Wrlftr loob like a gmetic pbeoomenon, but in half of · Preliminary studles completed in JohnIaa theae iDltlDcel the IeCOIld parent ~eloped 7 County by a Universlly doctor augglllt that Symptoms after IIIIrriage and during the same · asthma may be an lnIecUonUII dUJea. trllllllllit· year their cbildrelJ were developing the alIergl(' ted wllhln the family. disease." Dr. Smith aald. The bypothesis is contrary to established medi· It It temptinl to wonder. aald Dr. Smith. cal opinions. whether tbe prcWmity of the mother in both Dominican Peace Force Dr. Jeanne Montgomery Smith. aaaistant pro- breut feediJlg aDd care of the babJ. and Ole ~r : fessor of medicine. recently completed studies relative lack of contact. with the Lalber, may · on 1,760 families in rural Johnson County and have accentuated the effect of the mother on every fourth household In Iowa Cit)'. the early development of the disease. Members Still, Differ "The cooperation we received from Johnson "The chances for developing allergic &eDSitiVity · County residents was exceDent." Dr. Smith said. are greatest ill iDIancy, Jhe laid. Frequently APPROXIMATELV 22 per ('Cnt of the families nothing occurs until the cblld bas a respiratory Over Right Of Force RE~AL • reported respiratory problems. Twenty per cenl infection, such u a cold." W ill GTON (AP) - The American republics voted 100. STAMPS of the adulls who developed allergies after reach· · ing adulthood. developed them after marriage MOST OF THE allergic subjecl.'! in the study Friday night for withdrawal of the Inter-American Peace . showed symptoms within the first. ten years of lo an individual with an allergy. Force from the Dominican Republic. But even in doing so Ir USU.'''r close contact with allergic family. relatIves or .... Ceapon • "These results. Dr. Smith said, "strongly lug· iJt of them aid they wer not recognizing the right of the ; gests that allergic disease in a spouse increases friends. Some of the tubjecta, however. devel· Id "fte June 2S oped the Iymptoms after a much longer period troop to be ther . LTS ONl.Y , the risk of its development in a bltherto non· • allergic partner." of lime. Only lexica r fused on the final vote to approve the with­ Dr. Smith found the disease more prevelant "JC there I, a infectious agenl it is not highly drawal resolution, and recorded I--~-------­ where lhe relationship in the family was closest. [nfectioUi. Close and prolonged contact Is ap­ an abslention. ence on coaaullatiOD In represen. "Wben the motber Buffered from lhe disease, parently needed to acquire the disease." Dr. THE FIVE OTHER naUon. laUon of the foreign ntlDiJters of young ('hlldren developed it more often than Smith said. which said their favorable votes the hemisphere. when the father had the allergy." .he said. Dr, Smith ia currently doing more research to did ~OL mean they approved the The United &atel, Brasil IDd "WHEN 80TH PARENTS were affected. more gather data to support her theory. sendmg of the lroops Into the four other nations supplyln, Domlnlcan Republic after • troops or police ror the force hid l. 11,1" II "I . ~ , bloody ClVU war last April 1965 aaked that the forte be with. were drawn u IOOlI II the out·,oinl Chile. Peru, Ecuador. Urul\lay and incoming ,ovemment.l or s and Venezuela. the DominIcan Republle apo. Dodd Apologizes For Son Mexico. the only nalion in the proved. Organitati n of American States THE DOMINICAN Republic for. which maintains diplomatic :nd mally requeaed the conference trade relations with Cuba. de- for the withdrawal to start prior spite an OAS decision not 0 do menl Is to be Inaui\lrated In In Misconduct Investigation 10. commented that It voted to July I. when a new lovern· 2·Rolf IIl!oinst creallon of the peace Santo Domingo. Two U,S. shiPt ON A HOT SUMMER aft.~ ev.. ,.... ... •• ,a.c. hi the ...... City P.rtr ......... ,.,. 2 Pk" . WASHINGTON fA'! - Sen. olliee to internaUonal cloak·aJId. but said, "The committe can·t force. are now en route to the Domini· SUE ~ .,.. "r , ___ ,. tab a OIl'...... , ev ... ,etItt..... ...", ceeI elf. ~ .., K .. Kephart Thomaa J. Dodd apologized Fri· dagger aaaaasination. stand by and see any witness THE DECISION came at a can Republic aDd are due there day for remarks made by one of The lC!IIator'. exptelSlon of re· coerced or Intimidated... meeting of the representaUvei of June 28. his Ions to a witness who had gret was made after chairman Dodd In a ltatemenl IBid his the American repubUes in lhe No announcemenl has heen appeared before a Senate com· John Stennis (D·MI ...> of the Sen· IOn. iererny. 'rI, wa~ havlnl: I OI\S. ailting as a special confer· made concerning withdrawal of mittee investigating charges of ate Ethics Committee ended Fri· breakfast in a Senale cafeteria the foreet of Brazil, Honduraa, Hike Seen In Defense Budget • • misconducted by the Connecticut day morning'. _1011 with a when he unexpectedly met Mi. N!csraiUs, ParaiUBY and Costa (.fI - HOUle at high .... the flacsl poUell!ll. and ur,ed crelltlon Democrat. warning agaiDat inUmidaUon of cha.el O'Hare. 30, .Dodd·, form. er Goldberg Joins Rw'ocr·k·edbUoLutthbl.y ia, ~Ia:tledcomlombel'" WASHINGTON The eonlinlMl I -el... Dodd's apology came after the witnesses. {C 0 H b din·...... Ap\lroprlationa Committee en· committte aa1d In I formal re­ of a clvIlIan·mllitary ~tnrl'lts/on focUl of the investigation moved STENNIS DICLINID to lpeD 0 Ice manager, ne a JO • Fete Of Fa,'sal tee of lhe OAS. repruenUna the dorsed Friday a fS8 .7·bllUon down port. to male ....., Independent and 0b­ from. intrigUei in the senator's out the realOn for the w-_lft " ed a IfOUP of former Dodd em· Unlted StateJ. Brattl and Salva· ........ ployel in removing documents dor payment on the coat of runnlna The committte emphubed that jective evaluation" or the na· ----------~----------- from the senator's [iles a.Dd turn· NEW YORK (II - AmbuAdcw DoMINICANS held peaceful the Defense Department and n· itt arbitrary decltIOIII to Unanee tIon', defelll8 posture. nanclng the war In Viet Nam lor the defelll8 program for a full Ing them over to columnists Prew Arthur J. Goldberg joIned other electioM June 1 and elecled THI MOMIV toned into the ete nts Joa· the llteal yeat startlna July •. )'ear lhould not be conatrud a. Mob Ta u Pr~· Peason and Jack Anderson. United Nations dignitaries Friday quln Balaguer. a former chief bill over and abov., lhe Hy-V..ea's • thaI amount. proVided In a bID • predlctiOll U towhOft the war dent'. requeJU InclUde financing Wh "Mr. O'Hare had worked in at a luncheon honorint Saudi Ar· executive, Lo the presidency. I to the floor for action would end. my olfice lor over four abla's Kin, Faisal. reo A dispatch from Santo Domingo senl HoUle for th' new Nike·X IIIU·balUsde ye~rs wh~ ach duled /lext week. won 't be ADDID TO THI to billion in Bakery and was very close to my entire marks about ~ew. led to hIS boy· Friday said an artillery baLta lion mi ile Iymm. construction of a "ou~b "If combat op ratia unexpended baIatIctI from pre­ nuclear · powered frl&lIte. con· Neg ro Demonstrators .... wly. " Dodd', latemenl said. cotl by the City of ~ York. and an armored company. about vloWl appropriation., the new tinued operation of a flM of IiOO 'I son. Jeremy. bas been up- Goldberg. himself Jewish aDd a 1,lOO officers and men. probably fundJ would give thl! nefenae De­ 852 bombel'l, further develop. \\E PECAN PHILADELPHIA, Miss. (II - and we are going to do it in our set over the dlaloyalty wblch 0" 1Corm r V.S. SUpreme COurt ju.. will be amon, the IIr.t U,S. unit. partment around $100 bUllon for ment of the FI2 Inlerceptor pia"". Negro demonstrators rallied at own way." Hare haa demonstrBted towards tiee, talked {or four or five min- to leave the country. Senate OKs the comlna year. and retention of Hparate Army the Neshobs County CourthoUse THE 300 demonstrators - In· me and my family. ut.ea with the white·robed, beard· The resolution adopted Fnday Tbe money in the new hill II National Guard and Army Re­ Friday .. heavily armed police. eluding a few whites and several "THIS MORNING when Jere. ed Arab monarch before they lit nlghL IIld the withdrawal or the $t4U mllUon more than Presi­ Hrye organizatlolll. CAKES men pusbed back: an angry mob white clergymen - roared apo my aaw O'Hare the displeasure down at a luncheon tendered peace force ahould be completed Auto Safety dent Johnson requested aod about oflCreaming. curling wbltes. proval. he felt for O'Hue cBused him to Faisal by U.N. Secretary.General within 80 day. of the departure The hu,e bundle of funds I. to 'U blllioa more than ... prorided IUpport active military "They represent America to- . The 1,000 wbitet, forced be- spontaneously 'Voice his anger U Thant. of the flrlt COtIUncent. In the firIt of .evertl defense 3.093,109 pel'lOflnel, a fleet of 939 active day." screamed Stokley Carmi.
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