RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX, NO. 15. KED BANK, N. J,,. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO Todd House Sold Little Silver V "Get Acquainted" Local Women's GardenClubRFDHQlfc At Eatontown Meeting For P.T.A. Highlands Borough Th* Ray VanHorn. Agency of Activities Start. Members of the Junior-Senior Group Observing Fair Haven has sold the Querln Parent-Teacher association' execu- Fall Flower Show Todd, Jr., property, located on aNe*t Tuesday tive boards-will be hostesses next Wins Water Case third acre plot on Elizabeth park- Tuesday night at a "Get Acquaint- 50th Anniversary way, Eatontown, to'Mr. and Mrs. ed" night In the Red Bank junior Jan Bakker of Brooklyn. Gym Instructor high school auditorium, A feature Missionary Sopiety Over 225 Entries in Holmdel Event— The home is of rambling design, of the evening will be conducted has six.. rooms, two baths, a fire- Secured B«side» tours of both the senior and jun- Next Sunday At The Decision Vindicates Council place and automatic heat. A garage ior high school buildings from the Sweepstakes Won By Mrs. Fred Nojble 1* on the landscaped grounds. - ,. Club Leaders cellar to' the top floor. Refresh- Presbyterian Church And Engineer Craig Finnegari ' Mr.-Todd is an attoraey and has ments will be served In the junior Mrs. Fred Nbble won the sweep- been practicing law in; Newark Little Silver Y.M.CA. board made, high cafeteria. Tile 50tti annivrsjary of the -*• stakes award, and« Mrs. Robert since his discharge from the armed final plans.at a meeting last Thurs- The'association will hold a food founding' of the1' Women's mission- Unless tho Highlands Property. Marvin won a trl-color ribbon for Miss Schlicting forces. He has ghanged hii buel- day night for tha opening of the sale Saturday, October 18, In theary society of the Red Bank Pres- Dean's Celebrating Owners association or A, Raymond' the moit outstanding exhibit at the neis connections and is moving to fall and winter activities sched- lobby of the Strand theater, with byterian church will be observed Travis, owner of the American second annual flower show of Gar- Detroit , uled for next Tuesday, from 7 toMrs. Hermann Wolf as chairman. at special services Sunday after- Drilling company of Fair Haven den club, R.F.D., held- Saturday at Re-Elected To Mr. Bakker la associated with, 10 ,p; m. in the Little Silver school. noon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. J. Leon Hoo- 50th Anniversary make application for review before Fellowship hail at Holmdel. There Anton Smith & Company of New Club groups will be organized per, who has jecently returned' the State Supreme court, the High- were more than) 225 entries. County Of f ices York, industrial diamond Import- again this year as follows: two National Guard from an extended trip through the lands water case la closed. Second place winners for the ers. Mr. and Mri. Bakker expect to Gra-Y clubs for boys 9 to 12; a Philippines and Slam, will be the'In Florist Trade After nearly a month of waiting, sweepstakes awards were Miss take possession of their new home junior Hl-Y club for boys 12 to 15 guest speaker.' / Justice Albert E. Burling of the •- Anna Cross, Mrs. Joseph T. Cross Red Bank Agent October IB; , ' and a senior Hl-Y club for boys To Hold Open Biuiriess Founded State Suprcma court ruled In favor. ' and Mrs. William Mulberon. Ex- 15 and over. Club leaders will In- of the defendants, tho borough of hibits given special mention /by the Again Honored By clude Richard /Robinson of. Wood- By Daniel Dean And Highlands and the Layne company judges were those made by Mrs. Officials Mourn bine avenue, Kenneth and Frank House Wednesday of New York, as he handed down's, Mulheron, Mrs. Joseph T. Cross Large Insurance Group Curchln of Branch avenue, and Frank McMahon decision September 18, which stat- "'.' and Mr;. Arthur Cowen. Robert Hobson of Parker avenue. "The TrutTGlory" cd that a writ o; certiorarl will not The following were prize win- Miss • Dorothy M, Lawley Death The "Y" board has also secured a Dean and company, Little Silver be Issued, as requested by the prop- gymnasium Instructor who will be erty owners and Mr.. Travis, re.pj ners; t • .: ' ^ •'."'•:[• .: trading. as C. Irving Patterson To Highlight Night's florists, this week are observing the ' Small dahlia arrangement in fiat'pot- agency,' 60 Broad street, swas re- In charge of all gym activities. 50th anniversary of their founding. resented by Ward Kramer, Asbury. tery container—Mrs. Burl Benton, first; Midtfletown To Vote This poet will be filled by Harry Park attorney. 1: Mre. Fred Noble, second; Mra. Elmer elected secretary and treasurer of Program Of Events Now composed of tv/o branches— Bahrenburg, third, and. Mrs, Adrian the Monmouth County Insurance On Police Pension Greenwood. ... the 'retail and wholesale depart- Justice Burllng*s decision com- Moreau, honorable mention, , Agents association at their first The -Little. Silver Y.M.OA. board The 614th Tank battalion,- Red ments—the firm currently Is malt- pletely vindicates the mayor and . Zinnia arrangement (or a luncheon meeting of the ,year held at the A resolution' of sympathy was also reviewed a report, given by Bank's unit of the National Guard Ing plans for a period of expan- council of Highlands and Borough table—MIM Cross, first; Mrs. Joseph T. Manasquan River Golf club, Bri- read "and adopted Thursday by the Miss Joan Coughlln ofthr Little Wednesday night will hold open sion In the shop and greenhouses. Engineer Craig Finhegan of' Bel-, Grose,' second; Mrs. William C, Biker, elle. , third, and Mrs. 0. Knight, honorable Middletown township committee, Silver summer playgrouhd which house In their armory'on Chestnut Founded by the late Daniel Dean ford, whose integrity was attacked Mention. and will be' sent to the family of was conducted for eight weeks last and West streets from 8 to 10:30 and his brother-in-law, Frank Mc- by Ward Kremcr, attorney for the Marigold arrangement In a qean rot- the late John T. Lawley, a mem- summer. Miss Coughlin reported prosecution, at deposition hearings. Mrs. Noble, first: Mre. Harold Holmes, o'clock. The' purpose of the affair Mahon,: the business originally was second: Mrs. Douglas Fromm, third, and ber of the committee, and a former that 110 boys and girls were-en- Is to acquaint Monmouth county devoted exclusively to growing Justice Burling made It clear that Mre. William Florence, - honorable men- sheriff. ••• rolled In the prograiriMVith an av- residents with the facilities of the roses for the wholesale market. A "As far 03 Travis Is concerned, the tion. ' * ' Township Clerk Howard W. erage attendance of 40-chlldren for armory and the work of tho Na- site of 30 acres was purchased crux of the controversy is his per? ' Arrangement of colored leaves—Mrs. each morning and afternoon' ses- .Joseph T. Cross, first; Mre. Noble, sec- erts announced that township' res- tional Guard. It is being conducted •from the late Wllllani T. Parker, siatent attempt to usurp the mil-, ond; Mrs, Van Walker, third, and Mre. idents will vote on the proposed sion. This participation In the sum- In conjunction with President Tru- upon which four greenhouses wero nlclpal governing body's function. Henry Cross, honorable mention. mer program exceeded tha record police pension plan in the general man's National Guard program, constructed. A fifth house was The gist of his complaint is that Still life arrangement—Miss Oroes, for 1946. •'•'••'(" first; Mrs. Harold Bontock, second: Mrs. election November 4. According to which commenced September 16, built five years later. Mr. Dean the judgement of the elected rep- Marvjln, third, and Mra. Knight, honor- the state police and firemen's re- A Hallowe'en celebration for the tho seventh anniversary of the in continued as head of tho firm un- resentatives' of the people was bad able mention. tirement system, the annual normal children of Little Sliver was dis-duction of the first guard unit into, til June,' 1019,' when his son Frank, In adopting a closed system for "Floral arrangement In an antique cup contribution to be made on account cussed and Georga Kyser was ap- purification of the water, Instead '. —Mre. Marvin first; Mre. Noble, seconds federal service In World War II. the present head of the business, of employees, in service will be pointed chairman of the committee of tho open method which includes Mrs Joseph T. Crow, third, and Mri Various types of tanks, armored MBS. J. LEON HOOPER returned from service in World war Elmer Bahrenburg, honorable mention. $1,714.60. .Accrued liability to the to wcrk out detailed plans.which aeration. If in the exercise of this Vehicles and radio equipment will I, He was attending the Univers- Miniature arrangement—Mrs. Mul- township will amount to $18,827.54. will be announced later: Thoss ity of Pennsylvania at tho out- discretion their judgement was bad heron; fimt: Mm. Bahrenburg. second; be on display. Guardsmen, will ex- Mrs. A. T. Doremus, a charter John K. Werner of Belford was present for the board meeting In- break of the first World war, andthey are answerable to those whom MM. Noble, third, and Mrs. Fromm, hon- plain the functions and uses of the member, will give the society his- orable mention. •,„ ' approved as a special police officer, cluded Jule* Dlstel, president; Clif- tory. Others who have been-socie- enlisted in ' the naval aviation they govern. The evidence ahcyr; Zinnia arrangement for a hall, table William J. Martin and Eugene M. ford Dorlng, Paul Hemschoot, armored equipment used so success branch.
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