MONSTER MANUAL II Ed Bonny, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Skip Williams, Steve Winter ADDITIONAL DESIGN ART DIRECTOR David Eckelberry, James Jacobs Dawn Murin EDITORS COVER ARTIST Dale Donovan, Penny Williams Henry Higginbotham MANAGING EDITOR INTERIOR ARTISTS Kim Mohan Glen Angus, Daren Bader, Thomas Baxa, Matt Cavotta, Dennis Cramer, David Day, CREATIVE DIRECTOR Brian Despain, Tony Diterlizzi, Michael Richard Baker Dutton, Jeff Easley, Emily Fiegenschuh, Donato Giancola, Lars Grant-West, RPG CATEGORY MANAGER Rebecca Guay, Quinton Hoover, Jeremy Anthony Valterra Jarvis, Alton Lawson, Todd Lockwood, VICE PRESIDENT OF RPG R&D Raven Mimura, Matt Mitchell, Vinod Bill Slavicsek Rams, Wayne Reynolds, David Roach, Scott Roller, Richard Sardinha, Marc Sasso, VICE PRESIDENT OF PUBLISHING Brian Snoddy, Anthony Waters, Sam Wood Mary Kirchoff GRAPHIC DESIGNERS PROJECT MANAGER Cynthia Fliege, Sherry Floyd, Martin Durham Sean Glenn PRODUCTION MANAGER GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Chas DeLong Erin Dorries PLAYTESTERS: OSCAR AIRD, AARON ALBERG, BILL E. ANDERSON, MATTHEW AVERY, GREG BARTHOLOMEW, PAUL BENDER, ALFONSO BETENCOURT, ED BONNY, ALAN T. B ONNIN, CONSTANCE M. BONNIN, AARON J. BORIO, SARAH BRUNER, SCOTT BUCHAN, ED CHENG, DAVID CHRIST, TOD CHUBUCOS, TOM CLARK, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, MIKE COLASANTE, ANDY COLLINS, DAN COOPER, REX CROSSLEY, PREDRAG DJUKIC, MARTIN DURHAM, DAVID ECKELBERRY, PHIL R. EDWARDS, TROY D. ELLIS, ROBERT N. EMERSON, LON A. FAULKNER III, GEORGE FIELDS, KURSCHON FINCH, DONALD J. FISHER, JOHN FORD, CHRIS FRIZZELL, BENJAMIN J. GEHRKE, ED GIBSON, GARRY GRIFFITH, JR., GREGORY D. GUTKE, ROBERT GUTSCHERA, MICHAEL C. HARRIS, MICHELLE HARRIS, MATT HARTWELL-HERRERO, DARRIN HARVEY, WILLIAM H. HEZELTINE, PATRICK W. H IGGINS, DAVID M. HIRST, PAULA HORTON, TYLER T. HURST, BRIAN R. JAMES, CHARLES JAMES, FARRAH JAMES, MICHAEL JOHNSON, RAFE KAPLAN, ROBERT KELLY, CHRISTOPHER M. KIRALY, BRADLEY KUIPER, JABE LAWDONSKI, MICHAEL LAWDONSKI, MIKHAEL D. LOMBARD, TODD MEYER, ERNEST E. MORAHAN, BRIAN MOSELEY, CHAD J. MOWRY, TAMMY R. OVERSTREET, RASMUS PECHUÉL, JON PICKENS, CHRIS PICONE, ALAN PLECHATY, DAVID K. POOLE, ZACK POWERS, LEONARD F. RADCLIFF, MARK B. RANDOL, SEAN K REYNOLDS, JOE RICK, NOEL J. ROUSSEAU, BRAD RUBY, DIMA RUTGOS, JOHN RUYS, CHARLES RYAN, JEREMY W. S ANDS, DAN SAVELLI, CHRIS SHEPARD, JACQUE SHEPARD, KEN SHEPARD, RYAN SCHINDLER, MIKE SELINKER, MONICA SHELLMAN, GUS SIRAKIS, ED STARK, DOUGLAS STEVES, MELISSA THOM, DAVID THOMAS, DARA C. TRESSLER, JEFF TRESSLER, CHRISTINE TROMBA, KEITH TYRA, RYDIA Q. VIELEHR, CLINT E. WAGONER, FRANK WALDON, MICHAEL S. WEBSTER, IRA WHITE, JEFF WILKES, PENNY WILLIAMS, SKIP WILLIAMS, JOHNNY WILSON, ALEX WINTER, STEVE WINTER. RESOURCES: Monsters for this book were developed from many sources, including the Monstrous Compendium series, Masters of the Wild, adventures such as Heart of Nightfang Spire by Bruce Cordell and Deep Horizon by Skip Williams, and articles from DRAGON® Magazine and DUNGEON® Magazine. The razor boar is based on material created by Jeff Holt. The scorpionfolk is based on material created by Benjamin Monk. Based on the original DUNGEONS &DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS &DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. Except for the text on pages 220 and 221, this WIZARDS OF THE COAST® game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of the remainder of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit www.wizards.com/d20. Dedication by cover artist Henry Higginbotham: To my father, James L. Higginbotham. Without his world travels and knack for collecting exotic arti- facts, I wouldn't have the imagination I have today. Thanks, Dad. U.S., CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Belgium Wizards of the Coast, Inc. P.B. 2031 P.O. Box 707 2600 Berchem Renton WA 98057-0707 620-88268-001-EN Belgium Questions? 1-800-324-6496 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 +32-70-23-32-77 First Printing: September 2002 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, DRAGON, DUNGEON, DUNGEON MASTER, WIZARDS OF THE COAST, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The d20 System logo and d20 are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Distributed to the hobby, toy, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors. Distributed in the United States to the book trade by Holtzbrinck Publishing. Distributed in Canada to the book trade by Fenn Ltd. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and regional distributors. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. ©2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Made in the U.S.A. Visit our website at www.wizards.com/dnd ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF MONSTERS Abeil......................22 Dinosaur ..................70 Hook horror..............126 Planetouched.............169 Ashrat....................24 Dire animal................74 Immoth..................127 Psurlon ..................171 Asperi ....................25 Dragon, gem...............77 Ixitxachitl................128 Ragewind ................173 Automaton ................27 Dread guard ...............87 Jahi......................130 Raggamoffyn .............174 Avolakia...................28 Dune stalker...............88 Jermlaine ................131 Rampager ................177 Banshee...................30 Effigy .....................89 Juggernaut ...............132 Razor boar ...............220 Bladeling..................31 Elemental weird . ..........90 Julajimus.................133 Reason stealer ............178 Blood ape .................32 Ether scarab ...............94 Kopru...................134 Red sundew ..............179 Boggle ....................33 Ethereal doppelganger......94 Leechwalker..............135 Rogue eidolon ............180 Bogun ....................34 Ethereal slayer .............96 Legendary animal.........136 Rukarazyll................181 CONTENTS Bone naga .................35 Famine spirit ..............96 Leviathan ................139 Runic guardian ...........182 TABLE OF Bone ooze .................36 Felldrake ..................97 Linnorm .................140 Scorpionfolk .............221 Braxat.....................37 Fiendwurm................99 Loxo.....................144 Shadow spider ............184 Breathdrinker .............39 Fihyr ....................100 Marrash..................145 Sirine....................185 Bronze serpent.............40 Firbolg...................101 Meenlock ................146 Spawn of Kyuss ...........186 Captured one .............204 Firebat..................102 Megalodon ...............147 Spell weaver..............187 Catoblepas ................41 Flesh jelly ................104 Megapede ................148 Spellgaunt................188 Celestial...................42 Fomorian ................105 Monster of legend ........213 Spellstitched creature .....215 Chain golem...............44 Forest sloth...............106 Moonbeast ...............149 Spirit of the land..........189 Chaos roc .................45 Frost salamander..........107 Mooncalf.................150 Stone spike...............191 Chimeric creature.........206 Galeb duhr ...............107 Moonrat .................151 Swamplight lynx..........191 Cloaked ape ...............46 Gambol..................108 Morkoth .................152 Sylph ....................192 Clockwork horror..........47 Giant....................109 Mudmaw.................153 Tauric creature............216 Cloud ray .................49 Glimmerskin .............114 Myconid .................154 Tempest..................193 Corollax...................50 Golem...................115 Needlefolk ...............158 Teratomorph .............194 Corpse gatherer............51 Gravecrawler .............118 Neogi....................158 Thri-kreen ...............195 Crimson death.............53 Gravorg ..................119 Nethersight mastiff .......160 Titanic creature ...........217 Darktentacles..............54 Greenvise ................120 Nightmare beast ..........161 Twig blight...............197 Death knight .............207 Grell.....................121 Nimblewright ............162 Vaporighu................197 Deathbringer ..............55 Grimalkin................122 Ocean strider .............163 Warbeast .................219 Demon....................56 Grizzly mastodon .........123 Orcwort..................165 Windghost ...............198 Desmodu..................62 Half-fiend (durzagon) .....124 Ormyrr ..................167 Wyste....................200 Desmodu bat ..............65 Half-golem ...............209 Phase wasp ...............168 Yak folk ..................200 Devil......................67 Hellfire wyrm ............125 Phoenix..................168 Yugoloth .................202 MONSTERS BY TYPE (AND SUBTYPE) (Incorporeal): banshee, crimson death, effigy, glimmerskin, jahi, spirit Aberration: avolakia, catoblepas, darktentacles, fihyrs, grell, hook of the
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