J ■: „.•. yqlley.ciqin ■ I - . : . : --- • ' ^ ' f e ; , Idi — T u ^ .1 —trr^mUUTT'.” • ■••■..v' t t "50 cents- "rm r i '-, . CbODM OR i s ■•.'• fl * i '~ i— ' - ~ 'l ’ _ j puties (— p t e -rrengin»^to-«)htrol-thVtl DiflrsomBtliliiB?7" “ ^ f f i c r a l s r ^ispecrars in Jerotiie County, ha ^laid. • s O n - | ^ have InfomiMlon aboiit an . The fires - whjch b kHflInz ' . No suspects or possibible motives I.5T '"ent ' spate of arson on. about 1 a.m. -..wpre'a] . ' s H o c . ■ for-the fires had beenI fifound as of ■■ »"W«ss »early SalurtJay.ln Jefome abqiit diree miles of eaeach otter- . lotjng r Monday, said Jeromime County .. }ding counties, call the in what Robinene 'descrcribedjs a ' ■ • OME - Officials suspect Uhdersheriff Jocelyneae Roberts.. County SlicrllCs Olflce at “rough horseshoe patteternS -'S ar . By M a* Heinilelitt.-.■) in a string of five fires 'Butshe and the Jvomene rural fire 324-8845. ,1- • ; - ■■ ■ - the Coodlng*Jorome"cQj:'ounty bor* Tlm»*New»^« writer ' ‘i destroyed a dump tnick • chiefs Joe Robinette, both.saidb< it .* der. ^ ousands-oMoUars-worth-of—:----- was-alm osr c e rtainlyry i cubv uf . ". tu^diJitJrTIi:■ n n l^ ll'i b e ^ cienber-'< sta£ted-in- JEROME-4E—^nvestiflatdM— ^ riy Saturday on dairies in - arson. ■ ^ _ •.ately.set,”” -!Robinette said., , ' . Go^o^n^Coim ^^^^vimg into Monday.w^•riue, seeking suspects.iri' tiiyiy)ael& —tharShobtina4ng-Af-aJMotri>»i;.mnw ~ --- T. calls in' an: hour alTII grouped .' Fire Depapartrn'ent.’s seven fire . : ;picaseseeAi^ 1 Jerom e County: . HerbertcLM^Buck” Le Patterson, - ■ *'*f" ' % . ^t ' ' 24, told invesivestj^torshewas-shot ■ I ■ , once in thele abdpniena at about'.1 ' —tLm^near.the Highway 93-^3 and.Idahoi Highwi^ . W eather' .2 5 just noctorth of Jerome, said ——:--------- ■Jerome'CdurdunirUnaCTSh^rff-------- may.>: IP a rtly ■ ; . Jocelyne RobRpberts. Patterson suf^ ' ^ .jv ith a ^ • * w l ' sunny, w ^^^^Hr~'Oarla'SIrmTToni — -^fered-a wouhcluhd from-a-btdlerofTm— - chance (o f a n : undeterminecined caliber, she said, / ^ .'aftemooloon than* — sures the blodi-. .. • i_...Pattersonwm was in stable and sat* dfastdnii.^Lgli-yt)rtaLowSU: )HUH ' = -isfactbry corconalnon-Monday at' ' ' ■" . PageA2 . he . Twin.Fallss ClinicC &■ Hospital,'a— I ^ ^ ^ H ’■ emergency.roo00m at hospital spok<)okesman said, and ms'' . '-Ma^c-Valley, , chances forli-a a full recovery were ' ^M AGICV^lil ^ ^ ^ H ' Regional Medliji—I ■ ■ favorablfel liE-Y-----H : _ ^ Patterson>n gavef investigators! __ astjourzzz ~ P B ^ ^ ^ H — Center. In Twin' '. this accountuntjif_the.^hoo ting,:!: illots; | | 9 ^^■~~~FairroffiEiairIs are Robert said: leveral' He was drdriving: h is p ick u p .' *' a ^ c V a ll ^ ' H H „ , • n o rth on HHighway l| 93 when a 1 sid en tsw U l 1 " _ f f l i n possible ftrture courses for the. coihpact reded |pickup passed him; '. ’ j- ivoting .., Irt. Ill cut him offff aand forced him off •' day for county-owned*fJfaclll- th e road. TwoTw w hite m ales .jgSt . h o b lb o a i^ H ^ ^ l ty, including a»i shift' . oiit of the pickuppicl and confronted ' c a n d id a te . to a communityIty- Panereon; ancand a fight broke but based nonprofitiflf'COr*™ imfwcim ediately-£a tterson—■■ ■ ■ —Page-Bl r— and one off th e men w ere scuf* — ..... .. —flirigt^on-»th■nhe^rouridr~wi^ ' .• Patterson on 1 • M o n e y ~ on top, when , the man Patterson wasivas fighting pulled out . Spare some change?)? (C alling a handgun andanc fired one shot; • . hom e.w ill soon b e mo:n o re . ^ ^ H : “He toldI.us us the-slioi blew him back off diele other01 mari. anci then __ IMM-t/ii-V.:-----------[- *80t5babfc=lnto=chell I ' • •.. trucK and jusjusTlefrhim tliere'” PageAT . Roberts said.id. P a tte rs oon n told.officers he, . thought thetie mw1 were<in thclr ; S p o r i i s ' - :!. „'.20s b u t coulduld not remember any , ' *thoii« details'!ils about thdr appeilr- I Going for gold; A fewIW individu-j -• § a l t h - € a f e 2 ^ : ^ ----------anc^Roberts-atrSald.Thfe’trudcWdJrzr — ais g a rn e re d golds ancand several 5 ; : p l ^ H e r s w e i g h i n o n h o sspital leasi described asaS probably] being an^ ' teams are’stOl alive af import, shefsaid. sai ByJennfferffer Sandmann .•jit corporation vyere aired • ^ t ^ ^ y o f d ^ H a h oto sa ta te ■ _jm aaJtoM c id. But countyIty commissioners- said ’ - In the meeting with1 countyc V e men left, Patterson • ’ iaSSS=^===S99^SS= — montmy-nTBBtlnBTsnKS-ew u n ty 's at'^ng more revenue numJ ber of people with ties St. tfenedici.s tami^y , ~ Page Dl TWINi FALLSCompetitiveJ Hospitm Board, board C.Chairman ' to the counijnty. Commissioners , Twin1 Falls Clinic St Hospit>1^?sui^ Medical CerCcjnter.'In. Jercim'e,' . ' advMtageIge, public operiness, and Terry Schultz said th«he board said they’ wouldv, continue to ..* portedp the county’s decl$:islonto accoMlngtodi0 the account he gave ‘ . pin io n a potentitjtial .boon to th e county would begin to devdc^> proposals,p explore die.fiB.finandal aspects of a , exploree other options. TlThe pri* officers, R obeitssaid. ^ r ^O ■ , . budget wewere the talking points at for lease payments to thefie county. 501(c)3 butIt also£ would consider vatev hospital is the mairlin local Emergencycy 1room personnel at- . , 'B roking the Chain: A Inrfll 3 publicc rmeeting Monday with • T he discussions wereire sched' leasing to other01 nonprofit and competitorc to the county-y-bwned. St. Benedict!lets called for law alls County commission' u led fo r th e board’s ex co u rt ca n h e lp d ru g aii executive for-profit coqorpbradons. ./ -AMagic Valley Regional. enforcementnt 1 Pafterson vias ' > .se^o'n, a closed meedn{ing follow- Monday night,nl, Dr. Kun Seppi ' CO* id, Roberts said. ., Kol ad d ic ts b re a k thei] Dr. David'McCluskyiyi 'a being treated, 1 leiraddic- ■ Aboutt twoti dozen peoplem et at ' ing the bdard’s'pub^c sesession. told die MospMpital Board he repre- ownero of Twin Falls Cli:iln lc & Patterson1 loltold investigators he . |tion^ todays editoriiJlalsays. thecourthrthouse Monday n^oming . Hospital leaders halav e pro* sented doctoj:tors at the Physicians Hospital,F served on a.cicitizens Jd not i^ovvIW tdie other men and PageAlO about proproposed changes to Magic posed creating a nbnprofofit corpo^ Center. Hef saidst they support the committeec appointed bby th e had no idea whywh he.was attacked, . V alley . Regional Medical ration, known as a 501(cl(c)3. This 501(c)3 prop•oposal, and they are ^: countyo commissioners to> tconsid* • Roberts said.i. • ; , ■ , Center^s5 ggovernance. It was the' new entity, would takeI over( the disappointeded to see Va step back*! ere die lease. The doctor ddisputed i PattersonI de<dedined to comment ____________ first timelfi^ewpoint&.atheiijhan____!__ cp.Mnty;Qwned.hospital-U-under-a___.waidZ___ __ -:a 88e rtio n 6-that-M oglc^\-Valley-: —Monday^.— ) supportt ffbr a proposed lease lease arrangement involvliving ordy . .Tlie doctortors don’t know how a - RegionalP needrto becccome a ■ • „ agreemenient betwe^^ the county - a noihinial payment to thetl coun- . lease to-a.fc:. for*prpfit company . 5Ql(c)35' In order to competete on a TimoS'Ncivsvs reportern Maii:. H difz' . >mmunity>based nonprof* ' ’ty. '. ••_• i&TECHNOLCj OGY and a com would affectct theirt practices. Please see HOSPITAL. VaaaP 4o'. ^ rcdcbcdted ca t 735-3238 or by:i^ Tnailatniheinziinz&maecva!lcy.conj^ [What Is truth? Don’tt believb e everything yoii readlo or n th e • Tnteraet! ' S | = G e uijFt-says-m j ^0-t0-mee^ieal-maririjmnal—7 PageCT - - i f ' - ■ ■■■•' ' ' gssd-yote-is-u-unanimous^— iuana. In Hawaii a similar Jaw_was.^la ___doii.aLalLfoc.'aic.'any^cdical-use-o^— ^ ~^E C T IO N BY SEGEGTION enacted by the Leglslaturure last morijuana”' excepte for.'thiS I ^ ^ H I The AssociatedtedPreas ' ' . year.y< . research, eventhn though the law doeS ' --^eftttojTjLSeetl Angel McClary, 35. of Oai)akland. so for odier dp»gsJ!HicL.court-wasdrui ..'__ _ GTON - The Suprem e, Callt., said she n o t stopjpusuig •• “unwilling to vie ■ ;Tlfeatlier,....2. MagloVId valley 1-3' view this omission as- ^ ^ ^ H l .Court ruledi 8*08 on Monday that die“i dnig to help her cope withw an anacddent,”ThcThomas wrote 1 ■ 'l)atlon. .3 Obituarl . 2 . there is no exceptiones in federal inoperable brain tumorr and1 a Justice Johrohn Paul StevensJ . , , [MsgteWlley .4 g „ lawfori^ple3le to use marijuana p ^seizure disorder. ' . though joiningn g ini die overall.ruC* .‘Movies . .4- ' ease their pairain from cancer, AIDS _ “I am not going to let. m'my chil- ing, said in a concurringcc opinioij ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ H or bdier illnessA5«y*f, . -dldren watch me die. If tith a t is with two coUeagleagues diat the ded< . idommudi^ .5^ P^dgat Padents cou:ouId still use marijua* wrongw; so be, it,” she told a news sion went-tooi.far. far • I . •JMoney ...- .M puter ...7 ' for medicaical reasons in states conference. • • , It should haveave left open the po^ , sSplnlon,. ...10 . that allow it, legal experts said, W riting for the c'ourt, JiJustice sibility that an individual couJ^ But it woiddd bet more difficult to ClarenceCl Thoma.s siaid a 197970 fed-' ' raise a medical i . '580(01111 break . ,• a l necessity, dcferisffl ■ obtaiii'the! drug because the end law “rQflects'q determiilinadon especially a patientpa “for whom ■ ■ 11-12. S ectl^ l o n D ^ ^ ^ ^ H . Supreme Couiourt said distribution that marijuana has<no menedlcal there is no alteiiltemative means df .• ^■r5fo5s\K!rd....ll,,__Sports.ts.,..,;..l-3_l J H H * | ^ ^ ^ ^ H violates federaeral law, they said.
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