2 l 1thE ([urrent I MARCH 7, 2011 I WWW.THECURRENT-ONlINE.COM I I NEWS 1Ch Q: rrcnt VOL. 44, ISSUE 1339 WWW.THECURRENT-ONLINE.COM EDITORIAL UMSL professo . ay n a.ctive Editor-in ~ Chief.. ...... .... ........ .. .. .... .. ........ .... Andrew W. Seal News Editor... .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .... ....... .... " ........ .. ........ .... ..... Ryan Krull Features Editor ....... ......... ... .... .... ... ........... .. .. ... ...... ........ ... Jen O'Hara Assoc. Features Editor ........... ........ ......... ..... ................ .. Ashley Atkins part in E Its 2011 Clean Air Act Sports Editor .......... .... .......... ...... .... ,............. ...... .... .. .. Cedric Williams A&E Editor .. ......... ,.... ,...... ... ., ..... " ... ... ........ ....... ... .. .. ,. .... Willi am Kyle As soc. A&E Editor ......... ....... ................ ....... ..... ........... Cate Marquis Opinions Editor... ...... ............ ,.. .. ........... .... ...... .. Matthew B. Poposky Economist and environmentalist Kosnik wlorks Copy Editors.... .......... .. .. ........ ........ La uren Wilding, Johanna Hoffarth Proofreaders ...... .... ............. .... .... ... .... .... .. Sara Nova k, Racheal White Staff Writers .... .. Min ho Jung, David Von Nordheim, Mary Grace Buckley to improve the EPA's latest undertaking Janaca Scherer, Sha ron Pruitt, Heather Welborn, Kristen Ross, Brent Hambrick, t-l1e agan Garey DESIGN Design Editor. .. ..... .... .... ......... ... ...... ... ....... ... .. .. .. Zacha ry James Kraft Kosnik believes that the new· standards issued by th,e EPA Ph oto Editor.. ........ .... .... ...... .. ....... .... ......... ... .... .... .. .Jennifer Mea han DAVID VON NORDH.EIM marks a victory for both herselt'and the Union of Concerned Web Edi tor .. ...... .... .. ....... ...... .. .. .... .. .. .... .. ... .. ....... ....... ..... .. .Louie Liu Staff Writer Scientists. W hile ·the group supported the EPA's initial Clean Staff Photographers.. .... .... ... .. ... .... ....... ..... ... ...... ....... .. .. .. Chenha0 Li , Nikki Vahle, Yumeto Yamazaki, Zha ng Zhen g 011 February 2.3 [he Environmental Protection Agency Air Act standards in its eRorts to hold companies to stricrer Illustrators .. : .. .. .. ......... .... ,. Zachary James Kra ft, Karlee Se llars, Gail f ike (EP ) released the new Clean if A t tandard for boilers and emissions standards, they felt the plan was not very economi­ in inerator:, aun lUg [ iguifi andy reduce the (Oxi c air poUu­ cal. The r urged a trimming of some of the budget excesses of BUSINESS tion from major co rp rations. The University of Missouri-St. the EPAs original proposal. Louis' own Prote_sor La-Rachel osnik was able to pla y- a role The receptive, diplomatic attitude the EPA takes to'V'tards its Ad Director.... ...... .... ..... .... .......... ... ..... ..... .Zachary Schwartz in the succe of th is legi "'latio n, working in tandem with a policies meant that the group's input was integrated into the act Distribution Manager. ... ... ........ ..... ... .... .. ... ......... ... ..... ...... .Ry an Krull Business Manager. .. ..... .. .. ... ........ ...... .. ...... ...... ............. John Wall ace menagerie of other experts nd icon in a wide assonment of without conflict. The EPA determines their standards through Advisor .... ....... ...... ... .... ... ... .... ............. ....... ..... .... ....... Charlotte Petty fi elds. input from outside sources, meaning that anyone, whether a According to Ko nik a group kn wn as rh Unjon of Con­ s ientist, economiSt, or student can get involved. Kosnik be­ CONTACT US cerned Scientist spearheaded the initiative . 111 drafted a se­ lie es that the group was successful in achieving 'what it wanted Address 388 MSC, 1 University Blvd lect group f p ople in luding a celebrity, Natahe Portman, a with its letter to EPA administrator Lisa Jackson. The admis­ Saint Louis, MO 63121-4400 climate scientist and an economi t. TIle Union of Concer:ned sions standards are strong, and they effectively halved the costs Newsroom 314-516-51 74 cientisrs a nonprofit d OC.acy group involved in a number of implementing the act from around $4 billion to $2 billion, Business/Advertising 314-516-5316 of environmenral cau soucrht to bring the input of the sci­ making them borh cost-eRective and stringent. Fax 314-516-6811 entific community to the EPA lat St venture.' As a leading en­ Although Kosnik's pare in the Un.ion of Concerned Scien­ E-mail (General) thecurrent@umsl .edu vironmental economist Kosnik is in high dem~md for projects rist's latest ouring may be coming to a dose, she stili considers E-mail (Advertising) [email protected] like these. her work far from over. Kosnik remains commjued to bringing E-mail (Employment Inquiries) [email protected] Professor Kosnik has been doing 'work in air quality for her unique perspective as an economist to the ongoing envi- E-mail (Tips) thecurrenttips@umsl .edu Twitter umslcurrent Facebook The Current A BOUT 1:hr ([urrrnt "The admissions standards are strong, and The CUrrent is the student newspaper at the Unive rS ity of Mi ssou:'i­ St. Louis, printing weekly th rough the fall and spring semesters on iviondays. Advertising rates are available upon re qu est; terms, cor.:ji­ they effectively halved the costs of implementing tions and restrictions apply. The Current financed in part by student activities fees, is not an official publication of Uf'll-St. Louis. The University is not re sponsible for the content of The Currentandl the act from around $4 billion to $2 billion " or its policies. All materials contained in each printed and online is­ sue are property of The Current and may not be reprinted, reused , or some time now, and has become a popular economist in Mis­ ronmenralis( dialogue. She encourages UMSL students to take reproduced without the prior, expressed and written consent of The souri based on this subject. Her official role as an environ­ a similarly passionate approach 'towards their particular areas Current. mental and energy economist (Kosnik being one of the few of interest, hoping that this gives them a greater srake in their The Current accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be brief, people with a PhD on the subject) means that when private future. If nothing else, it provides a great way to meet interest­ and those not exceeding 250 words will be given preference. The Cur­ or government organizations are looking for an expert on an ing, and famous people like Natalie Portman. rent edits letters for clarity and length, not for dialect, correctness, in­ environmental issue, especially one. \-'lith a background in eco­ tent or grammar. All letters must be Signed and must include a daytime phone number and, where applicable, student number. The Editor-in­ nomic policy, Kosnik is key figure. Chief reserves the right to respond to and to deny any letters. AFFILIATIONS MON. 46 THU ~ ~. 57 3 47 NEWS I· I WWW.THECURRENT-ONlINE.COM I MARCH 7, 2011 I .~hc ~ITrnt 1 3 Early' Alert System aims to elp stude ts "What do you think of Albert Pujols' asking price to continue Advising suggests students enroll mid-semester wit h t he Cardinals?" "I think it depends on how much benefit he brings to the team. If RYAN KRULL other hand, a class that is dif­ given semester she may get "We are pushing mid­ the benefit is high and the team NeVIS Editor ficult early on in the semes­ 800 to 1000 Early Alert Sys': semester coUrses as a way thinks that he is worth that value, ter is likely to only get more tern referrals. of increasing the variety of then why not?" Some department heads as difficult and might wind up Clark said that a student . courses offered at UMSL as well as the University of Mis­ as a D or F on a transcript. who receives one of these ear­ well as a mechanism for in­ Lucy Huayanay souri-St. Louis advising staff It is a tough situation, but ly alert emails would be wise creasing-our retention rates," Marketing Senior are acutely aware that many UMSL now has in place an to not ignore it. said Ronald Yasbin, Dean of students may be in a unique Early Alert System and, in ~'For those who do [re­ the College of Arts and Sci­ bind early on in the semester conjunction with new mid­ spond] some outcome is pos­ ences. "Basically we have "1 think Albert Pujols is a terrific and they are doing their best semester classes ~ hopes to itive," Clark said. found a considerable number player and should get the 300 to help. help out these very students. Students are encouraged of students who get into aca­ million dollars for 10 years. I . Students struggling 'with a The Earlr Alert System is to respond promptly so that · demic [rouble because they would like to see him and his class early on in the semester . a process in which professors they might drop the class have either taken tOo many career in a Cardinal's uniform." otten find themselves in.a bit refers students struggling ear­ they are struggling in and en­ courses or have miscalculated Carlos Cuartas of a catch-22. On the one ly in the semester to academic roll in a mid-semester class. the difficulty of the schedule International Business hand, they shy away form advising who the reach out This way, a bad grade can be that they established. These Senior dropping the class because to the students and help to avoided and full time student students will otten stick with they need to stay enrolled ensure the worst of outcomes starns can be maintained. The a course in which th T know in at least 12 credit hours in is avoided. cur off
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