FleetNews GOVERNMENT ‘IS LISTENING’News AS FEARS RISE OVER CAZs HELPING COMPANIES RUN EFFICIENT AND COMPLIANT FLEETS SINCE 1978 November 23 – December 13 2017 £4.00 Halfords Autocentres Independent repairer states its case: ‘we’re cheaper and our lead times are shorter’ CITROËNCITROËN C4 CACTUS Insight: insurance Comfort is key for new How cameras can family hatchback help fleets save money on their insurance costs Awards: Skanska Fleet News Award winner goes the extra mile when it comes to safety OUR PRIORITYFleet in focus: Ricoh UK IS OUR DRIVERS New controller Paul Stevens puts his drivers first when it comes to managing the fleet FLEET AND SAFETY PART 2 We focus on how fleets are tackling safety and dive into the world of online risk assessments adRocket NATURAL SELECTION. THE BMW PLUG-IN HYBRID RANGE. 6TJOHBDPNCJOBUJPOPGQFUSPMBOEFMFDUSJDQPXFS PVSJ1FSGPSNBODFSBOHFEFMJWFSTBMMUIFTUZMJOHBOE DJFODZPGBQMVHJOIZCSJEשXJUIUIFGVFMFG QFSGPSNBODFZPVγEFYQFDUGSPNB#.8 "WBJMBCMFBDSPTTUIF BOE4FSJFTBOE9NPEFMT UIFSBOHFJODMVEFTJOUFMMJHFOUBEBQUBUJPOT TVDIBT1SFEJDUJWF&OFSHZ.BOBHFNFOUBOEPQUJPOBMF%SJWFNPEF"OE BTUIFMBSHFTUTFMFDUJPOPG UGSPN#*,SBUFTBTMPXBTשJ1FSGPSNBODFNFBOTZPVDBOCFOF QMVHJOIZCSJETPOUIFNBSLFU XJUIPVUDPNQSPNJTJOHPONPEFM 7JTJU bmw.co.uk/iPerformance MLN HVSFTGPSUIF#.8J1FSGPSNBODFSBOHF$PNCJOFENQHשDJBMGVFMFDPOPNZש0G $02FNJTTJPOTHLN FP_FLEETNEW_3546182id3247322.pdf 10.11.2017 12:40 adRocket BMW 'MFFU#VTJOFTT4BMFT The Ultimate Driving Machine 'JHVSFT BSF PCUBJOFE JO B TUBOEBSEJTFEUFTU DZDMF VTJOH B DPNCJOBUJPO PG CBUUFSZ QPXFS BOE QFUSPMGVFM BGUFSUIF CBUUFSZ IBT CFFOGVMMZ DIBSHFE5IFZ BSF JOUFOEFEGPS DPNQBSJTPOT CFUXFFO WFIJDMFTBOENBZOPUCFSFQSFTFOUBUJWFPGXIBUBVTFSBDIJFWFTVOEFSVTVBMESJWJOHDPOEJUJPOT5IF#.8J1FSGPSNBODFSBOHFJTBTFMFDUJPOPGQMVHJOIZCSJEFMFDUSJDWFIJDMFTUIBUSFRVJSFNBJOT FMFDUSJDJUZGPSDIBSHJOH FP_FLEETNEW_3546183id3247327.pdf 10.11.2017 12:40 adRocket FP_FLEETNEW_2290027806id3233419.pdf 02.11.2017 15:22 Subscribe to Fleet News: 01635 588495. CONTENTS subscriptions@email.fleetnews.co.uk The text paper used in this publication is 100% recycled, produced from post-consumer waste. NEWS 26 6 Government open to CAZ discussion Cover feature 9 City’s grants to reduce emissions Fleet in focus: Ricoh Our main priority is our drivers, says 10 Autonomous EV ride-share project Paul Stevens, who stepped up to run 13 European CO2 targets ‘aggressive’ Ricoh’s UK and Ireland fleet a year ago 15 Drivers refuse VW emissions fix 17 Devolution may lead to ‘nightmare’ 18 Deliveroo riders are self-employed REGULARS 22 Letters and editor’s Big Picture 25 Opinion: fleet management/leasing 46 Awards winner: Skanska 66 Last word: Jonny Miller CAR/VAN REVIEWS 60 Citroën Cactus 62 Hyundai Kona 64 SsangYong Rexton 65 Long-term reports Sponsored by FLEETS & SAFETY In the spotlight: 35 30 Halfords Autocentres Pete Marden (left) and colleague Chris Rose say Halfords Autocentres can offer fleets significant savings on costs and time over dealers In the second of our Fleet & Safety specials we get insights from an award-winning manager who shares his top tips for road risk management fleetnews.co.uk November 23 2017 5 NEWS Government ready to listen as fears grow over impact of CAZs Criticism as London’s mayor says ULEZ will be introduced 17 months earlier than originally planned By Gareth Roberts These will be followed by final plans by the end to the new he Government has vowed to listen to of December 2018. charge, fleet concerns about clean air zones Edmonds said: “We’re giving local authorities compared to (CAZs), after the early introduction of the chance to put together their own plans on how the estimated London’s ultra-low emission zone was they will achieve compliance in the shortest 6,500 a day widely criticised. possible time. affected by the TIn addition to London, there are five other cities “But Government is ready to step in if those T-charge. – Birmingham, Derby, Leeds, Nottingham and plans don’t deliver and there is the idea of charging Southampton – which will have to introduce CAZs clean air zones to meet that challenge.” by 2019. Tough new emissions standards for vehicles HEAVIER However, the Government identified a further 23 entering central London came into force last VEHICLES HIT local authorities in its air quality plan where CAZs month (fleetnews.co.uk, October 23, 2017). HARDEST could be introduced to drive down emissions. The £10 ‘toxicity charge’, also known as the New mayors for the West Midlands, Liverpool Emissions Surcharge or T-charge, operates on It is clear that operators of City Region, Greater Manchester and the West of top of, and during the same operating times as, heavier vehicles, with their England (so-called metro mayors) all back the the city’s congestion charge (Monday to Friday longer replacement cycles, face introduction of clean air zones in their respective 7am-6pm). It now costs £21.50 to drive a pre-Euro the biggest upheaval. The shorter regions (Fleet News, June 8, 2017). 4 vehicle in the zone. replacement cycle of company cars But, Vicky Edmonds, director of environmental However, despite only just being introduced, the should ensure car fleets are strategy at the Department for Transport (DfT), T-charge is now due to be replaced 17 months compliant. insists the Government is in listening mode. earlier than originally planned with a tougher Natalie Chapman, head of policy for She said: “There’s a lot of confusion about which regime, the ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ). London at the Freight Transport Associa- cities might have clean air zones, what that might From April 2019, the ULEZ will replace the tion (FTA), said: “By April 2019, there will only mean, how are they going to be rolled out, how T-charge and operate in the same area, alongside be two-and-a-half years’ production of vans much will I be charged, how will that happen, how the congestion charge (C-charge). available for operators to purchase, with little or will I make sure that my vehicle is compliant and Diesel vehicles that do not meet the Euro 6 no compliant second-hand market. This will put how can I future-proof my fleet operations?” standards and most petrol vehicles that do not pressure on operators already working to fragile meet the Euro 4 standard will have to pay. margins.” But, unlike the T-charge and C-charge, which Residents based within the ULEZ have been MINIMUM STANDARDS are only in place on weekdays, it will operate 24 given until April 2022 before they must comply hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. with emissions standards and the FTA wants the A clean air zone framework, published in May, There will be two ULEZ charge levels: £12.50 a same exemption to be given to the freight suggests Euro 4 petrol/Euro 6 diesel for cars and day for cars, vans and motorbikes and £100 a day operators who keep London’s businesses and vans, and Euro VI for trucks as minimum standards. for lorries, buses and coaches. These will be in consumers supplied and working. However, Islington Council has already broken addition to the C-charge, so the more polluting The British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Associa- ranks with a proposal to introduce a £2 parking cars and vans would pay £24 per day and trucks tion (BVRLA) has also called for special consid- surcharge in its north London borough for all would pay £111.50 during C-charge hours. eration to be given to commercial vehicle opera- diesel vehicles, including Euro 6 and diesel-hybrid. Up to 60,000 vehicles every day will be subject tors, particularly small-to-medium enterprises Nevertheless, Edmonds told delegates at the (SMEs). Energy Saving Trust’s Fleet Hero Conference, that Gerry Keaney, chief executive of the BVRLA, the framework could alleviate their concerns. said: “We need a carefully blended set of incen- She said: “There should be consistency, but we tives and restrictions that removes the oldest, know there are still worries and the Government “We’re giving local most polluting diesel vehicles without crippling is very keen to talk to people to make sure they authorities the chance to our economy or punishing people for decisions are aware of all the challenges they face.” they have already made.” These concerns, she said, would be shared with put together their own Road transport emissions in central London are local authorities, but fleet operators should also expected to reduce by an additional 20% in 2019 talk to councils in the areas where they operate plans, but Government is as a result of the early introduction of the ULEZ. to ensure their concerns are being heard. ready to step in if those NOx emissions from HGVs are expected to The Government’s air quality plan, which it reduce by nearly 50%; coach and non-Transport published in July, puts the burden on local author- plans don’t deliver” for London (TfL) bus emissions will reduce by ities to tackle the causes of air pollution. more than a third; and emissions from cars and Local authorities will need to set out their initial Vicky Edmonds, DfT vans are expected to reduce by 8% and 12% plans by the end of March 2018. respectively. 6 November 23 2017 fleetnews.co.uk For the latest news, visit: www fleetnews.co.uk/news FLEET FACTS “We need a carefully AND FIGURES blended set of OPINION POLL incentives and Do you think forcing fuel retailers to install EV charge restrictions that points is a good idea? removes the oldest, most polluting diesel vehicles without crippling our economy or punishing people for decisions they have already made” Gerry Keanry, BVRLA Yes 67.6% No 32.4% FleetNews view: Mandating charge points for electric vehicles (EVs) at motorway service areas and large fuel retailers was announced in the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill earlier this year, with our poll suggesting a majority of respondents support the plan. Our view is that EV charge points should be placed where there need is greatest and more fast- charging facilities need to be made available. This week’s poll: Do you think all new cars should be fitted with autonomous emergency braking John Pryor, chairman of fleet body ACFO, said: too,” said Baker.
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