; : ' .: ' "..;'-;;:1;i>vi:*1.#|^:4.-;fi/ f. =••>'* : v- • Woodbridge, Sewar< Uni )* a ttriw «t •UtrtWIn Jit ««*•«•«»• tun* t» M^*et ur« trlcfiflM-ngntlsg fortes ar» flawed fc dstrtidriU, tite tite flre tat nU low hu been and M widely reeogniied fourteen years, the flre district hu virtually stagnated so-.ii Mia SMI feWftrta. NMt w«tk tic sihmtkm'ii one thatf catotiot b«>ler»ttd or ftrtHUVM* throughout th* district Today, the hai&doil fact* preient- far as new equipment is concerned. • «' 0 i4k lbm*M wUI bt .causa It sp«H» d»Bg«. ' ' 4i by sntiqua, jjMt ftze equipment must b* faced. Three years ago the inadequacy of apparatus wai w- Elm«r J. Vecwy 'jHtt paid flremeh, and volunteers, do apt Ban thj •, - It may net bt possible to obtain immediately th*,Wiole • ported by the Schedule Bating Office of New Jersey. A more proper Material to Wit wilhj, the apparhU provided is ouf sum eOntid***! necessary to bring the ftn'dmMmrnt up recent test of the truck* fjbowed that afc lottr machiies ii« disgracefully nm-doWii condi- ' dated anil etttwqrnt/tihe high pr,e»ufi lines fill ftr short oi to date, but'there i* no reason why a start should not be 'were in;such condition ttitthiuld not hijutiL The jild ; tioh of sppartfaf H Fin B&trict No. 1, u muled tn ft < . naftH-i tint VHIKKIAM 'an mWtnt-ltt nhtnMts. • '. ' . «• raeije on the"tt*4b'lMUtion progranii ,. >< ,; , ,,' - penonnel, to well as the votanUers, rlik.jfcitr litea every recent test, (• «dw*th|ng thai directly concernjifevery test, Flre l.)QejjnbeAi knew yean pttK that apparatus Urn* the apparatus is to«f*d to answer nt alarm. The dent of WoodbW% «nd flewawn. •••Such a condition .ahndt go oh (or tonjr without in- would last 'W tbag.'thtt new 4evlces would & reqoired trablle may not be awsre, of tin* fact that (j^e department . other fcatytai of governmental operatloh may be ne- viting disaster.. It has already menaced'&e district lor too - as nra-flgh'I t*'chnla.ue developed, that trueks. and.wag- . makes numerous rons,*u ttahy silent alsrrat/are wspond- glected ox abose*, other ihtfftfc)|pal deryWet majr b« unsat- long a period. It shouUbe rectified without toUty* ' '. o'ns vould ., oijt, that new, equipment Would be ftqtolnd. - ed to by flie paid men. puflng 119.40, undet" Chief1 Efdon isfactory," othef locjd gandjri may be over-rtm, With inef. $e ofd;excuse of lack" of money canhofc stand In the ., f»..-«w^r'>tn'orts to hold' operating costft.td a' mini- Kaison-, the dejwfmwit jrniwered .164 alarms.; Since Nov- ! licienctf nnd the Averag* person may rerftain nndisttrbed. ' w»y'.Of k rehabilitated,fiTe-nghtfne;°system.' The efforts of mum, how«« i*^,fte.Ch»iiiing flre boards refused, o<r«r the . ember 1, under the new. thief, James-J&rdpt, the toapsny I3ut if safetf-aW* against fire are. inadequate, tf the dls* the' Board of Fire Commissioners to. economUe. and keep years to look IWd to future'need* of ,the department l» .(Continued on page six) Buy-Sell-M THE LARGEST SURBURBAN H ItpiyitouM^ NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY COMPLETELY COVERING \"' t\ CLASSIFIED COlUWNS WOODBRIDGE, 3EWAREN, AVEMBL».,| of tibii uewiptper PORT READING, tOLONIA ami ISELUf m^ul---i-r ' ,•,•'"•„, • . \-f_y.i .-No. 44 d M ataand ol»»« PRICE: FIVE nt Onto*. Woodbflflgs, H. J. I' "I —• .———— -' • — ."— || i- -. |-T - — . " • ~ , -T^ Q ————ym—————p FfOFKE Building Permit To Improve Plant 13 Sought By Gusmer's From Council -POlNT IN TAX RA1 Hearing To Be Held Tonight At Memorial Mxadcipcd LEAVE HER Building; Moron May Enter Protest WOODBRIDGU—A hearing will be held tonififl^t at ON AS 'POSSIBLE THIS YE «ight o'clock at the Memorial Municipal building to de- termine whether or not A. Gusmer Inc., of Edgar Hill, Eight Volanteers Included Increase InRatables It I ., Suspended, to Bewill be allowed to make repairs and improvements to the lifter Vfini Had Swept Flames Through Factory Vnit •en Hearing Monday plant. • ; In Second Contingent gest Factor; Budget Surf Thomas Moran, who hag conaiatently opposed any From Township plus Is Predicted : (Jight, Say* tUnkin move made by the plant to secure " r '• •'•• ';"J permission fo? enl|r|emenU, at p^ Jt-(fa$*jk**- fended a meeting of the Township LEGION TO GIVE BOYS FIRE, SCHOOL BOARDS COUNTS ALLEGED Committee Monday night and ih- On War-Time Investments #aated thaj he would be opposed WILL DETERMINE DROP )RMAL COMfLAIKT to the granting of the building WOODBRIBGE--Rev. Earl permit * k '• H. Devanny, pastor of the Flrat Part of the Gusmer plant was Presbyterian Church, announces If They Also ReduceCogtt, nissioner Styt 'Warn- destroyed by.flre recently. At* that on Sunday he will speak on Third Group Oi 18 Men To cording to James S. Wight, who is "Safety of Investments During Substantial Reduction To Man Were 'Re- representing- plant officials and the War." With mounting bud- Go To Camp January 28; who submitted tKe application for gets, taxes and the other prob- In 1941 Assured^ [peat a building permit, the plans call lems of the conflict there iB Forms Being Mailed for wising tho roof of the present more uncertainty than ever, he building four feet and making a feels, and.says he will try to WOODBRIDGE—"All tMngS" W>1 help with this problem. W00D?RID6Eli- Eight yojun, DDBRIDGE — Written two-etory building out of the rear teers and five, diaftces will leave/ ing equal tho 1941 tax rate ittibl .1 against Ofteer George. Mi- Of the structure. Mr. Wight also Woodbridge Tuesday morning a? at least 30 points lowers ho was suspended last week said that Gusmer, Inc., does not lie; gecotid <continKent fibm , tht StatoJnem was George E. Keating, wil Intend to increase the amount of "owrlship under the,Sel?«tiva " nutly presented to the Town- its.. equipment or output. The /clock. pointed out, would increase safe- secretary to &iift Board er Misak has received notice ty in case of another flre and volunteers am: Andrew G«- 'bo ready for advertisement^ car ut the meeting and if would eliminate fumes, which have " I Liodeiv. Avenue, Wood* end of tho month or the i" ills guilty, the committee will been the basis of Mr. Moran's for- —_„-. William AklMH, 470/fiart in February t Mr. i btcdly pass sentence lt»medl- However, Mr, MoEMioy mer complaints. ped For Annual Drive For Avenue, Sewaren; Steve Meieroe, if he pleads not ftriltf, a 116 West Pond Road, Hop.lawi; out that although a decre* \i\\\ be set for a trial before Paralysis War Fund John T. Omenhiser, Junior, Fair- peetedin thq tax rate, thftl bnijttee. view Avenue, Colonia; Thomas G. figure will depend largely co Commissioner Herbert ISEL1N MAN FINED, WOODBRIDGE — Preparations Scripko, 7 William,Street, AvenT* what the flre districts and/ithql said yesterday that the for all activities to raise funds to John W. * Almasi, Jr., 298 Main Board of Education do.' ' ' Iharges against Officer Mlsak combat infantile paralysis and to The Board of KducatioiC f UCENSEJEVOKED Street, Woodbridge; William^ . ,,., ,,, —Statt Photo by Vecsoy I) Sleeping on duty;" (2) Mot >restent its budget to the p«' aid the victims of that disease Cterity, 836 Amboy Avenue, Wo* All that ritaVined of the ttorage iKed and freight yardt of the Fed-ral Seaboard Terra Cotta linn hi» beat properly. will be made tonight at a meeting bridge, and Steve Kuchie, 346 Main ta annual election on .TIL peer Misak," Cotnmltteeman Company plant fin Cuttor'i Dock Road after it Wa« razed by fire early Sunday mornin.. Firemen 'ebruary 11, while the flre dii DeMott Convicted In Eliza of the local Committee for the Street, Woodbridge. Kuchie Is un- *r^r* greatly hampered by a high wind which •Wpljlt the flamei over the itructure. Plani are being declared, "was warned re- Celebration of the President's iier age but volunteered with.&e, 1 'ill seek approval of their 1. beth Court On Drunk- Bade for immraMte wbuilding. • J ' ' t v . ; ' n Saturday, February 16. by the chief but he evi- Birthday at. eight o'clock in the Consent of his mother. One of the contributing fact j ignored the warnings. He en Driving Count Memorial Municipal Building. The draftees are' J?eter J, Te«e- Zullo Appointed Overseer towards a lower tax rate ta the 1 I the offense on New Year's PlanS'will.be nude for the fenko, 121 Tonlyn Place, Sewjufefe M it was decided to prefer ISELIN—Edward DeMott, 33, William A. Lang, lH Main Strej& ^^ Mining Fire Counts Over that the budget is balanced' «n<l 1 President's Birthday Ball which Of Poor After Short Delay 1 against him." of 82 Trento Street, was fined hat there. Will be a avupju*. ,L» will be held Thursday night, Jan- Woodbridge; Frank li. Bertolajnlj (200, assessed conts of $10 and year, the administration had to 1 understood ijhat the writ- uary 30, in No. U School audi- Turner Street", ..Port-Reading; Mi- WOODBRIDGE—After a one •es enumerate the several had his 'driver's license revoked 1 1 ret $0,000 Damage At Local Plant content with a deficit. torium, A date will also be select- ohael "Tutin, B9 Mf ^'" ^ *$' week's delay, Carmen. Zullo, of in which the suspended for two years when he appeared Port Reading and Stanley J. Do««- ed for a teato be held at the home Port Reading, was reaopointed RaUblei Shoot Up pan allegedly was found before Police Judge John L. Mc- lais, Middlesex Ayenwi lseli.n' ' • Then, too, due to the.large i _ of Dr.
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