Full Range of Film Capacitors for Audio & Video: AudioCap™ Multi Cap™ Exotica™ ■ Film 14 Foil aluminum. tin. copper. polypropylene, polystyrene, Teflon Metalized Polypropylene .001 • 100 Microfarads 100 • .2400 Volts Reliable Capacitors • MultiCap RTX - Ultimate Film & Foil Recommended for high-current applications and wherever the finest performance is required. This poly­ Incorporated in 1962, Rel Cap has become a leading and innovative styrene cap exhibits the lowest DA and the highest stability in frequency producer of plastic film dielectric capacitors.Custom designed caps are and temperature characteristics. Its tin foil is compatible with the other now a part of the company's standard capabilities. Rel Cap has long materials used in the MultiCap , preventing oxidation and electrolysis and produced capacitors for the telecommunication, computer, industrial, providing an extraordinarily stable long-term performance, and consumerOEM markets and includes a division specializingin her­ metically sealed capacitors for military, aerospace, instrumentation & • MultiCap PPFXS - Excellent Film & Foil Recommended for high­ high-voltage applications, and high temperature usage in oil drilling, current, high-temperature applications. Polypropylene & tin, with power supplymanufacture, and for nuclear environments. similar characteristics to RTX, but with extended temperature range. Rel now introduces a division devoted to audio and video manufactur­ • MultiCap PPFX - Excellent Film & Foil Recommended for high­ ers, modiiiers, and distributors. In theseproducts, the company's abilities current, high-temperature applications. Polypropylene & aluminum. in the fields above are combined and concentrated into speciallines that Lowest ESR available. Lighter in weight, lower in cost than the RTX will meet the most exacting audio and video 'f)ecifications. or PPFXS. Highly accurate, stable performance. Audi0Cap1m Line • MultiCap PPMFX - Ultimate Metalized Polypropylene Recom­ This line offers five seriesof high-quality, high-performance caps at com­ mended for lower currents, and wherever small size & lower cost are petitive prices, designed to meet 'f)ecific needs of speaker, electronics, required. Self-healing; extended temperature range. Combines the and audio/video power supply designers. A full line ot film capacitors. small size and lower price of the metalized capacitor with the proven high performance of the self-bypassdesign. • AudioCap Metalized Polypropylene PPMF This seriesoffers high per­ formance at a reasonableprice, for all applications. It is available in val­ • MultiCap-11 PPMFX-2 - Excellent Metalized Polypropylene ues up to 100 microfarads, making it ideal for speakercrossovers. Similar in performance to the PPMFX, but smaller and less expensive, offering significantly increased performance over conventional, non­ • AudioCap Metalized Polypropylene High Voltage PPMT This series bypassed metalized capacitors for about the same price. An excellent comes in voltages up to 2400 Vat .47 mid. Put two in series for .22 introduction to the benefits of high performance capacitors. mfd/4800 V or parallel for 1 mfd/2400 V. Excellent for electrostatic speakers, power supplies, and !'Ornehigh-voltage tube applications. Exoticatm Line rilm and foil capacitors of l)Kialdesign and construction, made with the • AudioCap Alpha PPF Polypropylene & aluminum film & foil capa­ finest materials available for audio capacitors. to bring out the highest per­ citor. An excellent standard audio capacitor, preferred by lovers of formance possible in the most sensitive, highly raJlving equipment. clean, accurate !'Ound reproduction. Very fast. • Exotica Teflon TFT This series, with Teflon fi Im, has electrical prop­ • AudioCap Theta PPT Polypropylene and tin film & foil capacitor. erties that allow it to withstand high temperatures. Listening tests A little larger in size than the Alpha. The sound is rich and full. reveal superb sonic qualities, making it the designer's choice whenev­ er only the highest performance will do. The TFT is suitable for all • AudioCap Polystyrene & Tin Foil RT An industry standard in poly­ audio applications, and will provide high performance and long-life. styrene performance. Preferred by many audiophiles for its clarity. • Exotica Copper Foil Polypropylene Film PCU This series, with cop­ MultiCap1m Line per foil, has low distortion and provides superbly clean, clear perfor­ The MultiCap was conceived for high-current, high-speed, pulsed­ mance. It is especially suitable for ultra-high frequencies, bringing a power applications. It is ideal for audio, video, and high-frequency remarkable clarity in this sonic range. Special manufacturing tech­ designs because its patented construction, which w111ds capacitors niques are employed to insure that copper will remain reliable and coaxially one upon the other into a single unit, significantly reduc­ provide high performance over time. The gold-plated OFHC lead ing typical capacitor losses. Since each coaxial ,ection is in parallel, wires provide long-term reliability, superior to silver wires owing to the inductance of the overall capacitor never exceeds that of a piece gold's non-oxidizing properties; the matching of copper foil with cop­ of lead wire the samelength as the capacitor's body. Mea9.ired equiv­ per leads ensureslong -term high performance. alent series resistance (ESR) values are 5 to 10 time, lower than con­ ventional designs. MultiCap's patented internal bypass design also • Exotica Primetm This capacitor is a proprietary design from solves the problems of multiple resonancesencountered when a cir­ Richard Marsh, built to the highest specs by Reliable Capacitors to cuit s high-rrequencv impedance is lowered by externally paralleling satisfythe perfectionist. Unrivaled audio µerformance, superior in lis­ a lan:;e comen11onall\ wound capacitor with smaller ones, as in con­ tening tests even to AudioCap Te flon or MultiCap. Ultra-low distor­ \ ent1onal b\ p.1"111�. 111 addition the MultiCap uses the iinest film tion, extreme clarity throughout the audible frequency range. Values: materiab c1nd proprietar, slow-winding construction techniques to 0.10 mfd to 1 0 mfd, at 100, 200, 400 volts, in case form only. further reduce dissipation factor (OF) and dielectric absorption (DA). Applications: coupling, bypass, filter, For information on this cus­ 1he MultiCap ofiers substantial advantages in bypassing and in high­ tom line of high-performance audio capacitors, please call Finch & current applications, where lossescan be significant. Marsh at (916) 885-6809. , • 2 • • _ _ ,0 • Series PPM_F Audio@' High Performance Capacitors AudioCap Metalized Polypropylene Capacitor PPMF The PPMF Aud,oCaps are metalized polypropylene, useful as upgrade from Mylar or interior film caps, and available in val­ ues large enough to be ideal for speaker crossover networks. They are built ot the best materials and exhibit excellent electri­ cal and environmental characteristics. Their superior build quality and high capacitance values provide a high-quality stable, long-term performance not usually found in this price range. The gold-plated OFHC leads provide long-term high reliability and excellent solderablility, superior to silver wire because of gold's non-oxidizing properties. .68 to 100.0 mfd CapacitanceValues: r- I +/-10%. Also: 5%, 2%, 1% Capacitance Change vs Temperature Tolerances: 100,200,400; 50 - 100 mid di 100 volt:, only WorkingVoltages: 2.0 x rated voltage for one minute. TestVolts: < 0.05% 1.0 - 10.0 mfd@1 kHz @ 25° C Dissipation Factor: < 0.05% > 10.0 mfd@ 120 Hz@ 25° C I < 0 03% .1 - 1.0 mfd@ 1kHz @ 25o C < 0 02% .001 - .1 mfd @ 1 kHz @ 25° C >300,000 megohm/mid OperatingInsulation Temperature Resistance: Range: - 55o C to 1os ° C See Capacitance Change vs. Temperature Chart ., Temperature Coefficient: Rated voltage @ 85° C for 1000 hrs Life Tests: Will meet Mil-C-19978B Temper�ture Degrees Centigrade Vibration: Gold-plated OFHC Lead Ma terial: DIMENSIONS (IN.) • AUDIOCAP PPMF • AXIAL LEADS, OVAL CASE Dissipation Factor vs Temperature voe voe _J Caeacitance 100 200 400VDCX XI I nmfd hxwxl hxwxl h w + .68 -- .28 �x tl.69 . 30 x� 1.2- ---- .63 X .76 X 1.4 .82 .32 X .44X .69 .32 X .48 X 1.2 .57 X .77 X .1.4 --- ,, .35 X .48X .69 37X .53 X 1 .2 .64 x .84 x .1.4 � ___ I 1.5 .34 X .46X .94 .45 X .59 X 1 2 .72 X .92 X .1.7 .JI -U .15 I ll ◄S II ll 11S IH 2.0 .39 X .53X .94 .55X .65 X 1.2 .85 X 1.0 X 1.7 Temperature Degre� Centigrade 3.0 .51 X .63X .94 .68 X .82 X 1.2 .97 x 1.2� 5.0 .60 X .80X 1.2 .71 X .85 X 1 7 Voltage Derating vs Temperature 8.0 .60 X .80X 1.4 .Oxl.7 � 10.0 .68 X .88 X 1.4 1.2 X 1.7 15.0 .91 X 1.2 X 1.4 1.2 X 1.4 X 2.0 20.0 .88 X 1 .1X 1.8 I 1.3 X 1.5 X 2 .0 30.0 1.1 X 1.3 X 2. 1 1.4 X 1.6 X 2.8 ll 45 ti, U 11:S ll'J: 40 0 1.3 X 1.5 X 2.0 Tempuature Uegrees Lent1grade 50.0 1 .3 X 1.6 X 2.3 60.0 1.4 x1.6 x 2.8 AudioCap PPMF "Crossover" Cap 70.0 1.4 X 1.6 X 3.3 80.0 1.4 X 1.6 X 3.3 +- 100.0 1.5 X 1.8 X 3.3 Sizes accurate to+/- .06. Lead diameters: .025" for caps up to 1/2" diameter; .032" for caps up to 3/4" diameter; .04" for caps 1" and over. Capacitors are not covered by our warranty if used at over the rated voltage and temperatures. Please allow 48 hours break­ in before judging sonic performance. I www.reliablecapacitors.comReliable Capacitors (801) 377-2397 Series PPMT . • 3 • : AudioCap Metalized High Voltage Capacitor PPMT The PPMT AudioCap capacitors are metalized polypropylene, available in voltages high enough to be ideal for all high-voltage applica­ tions, such as power supplies for tube electronics, high-voltage bypassing, high-voltage coupling and electrostatic loudspeaker crossovers.
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