Specia/5 th Anniversary Edition PUBLISHED MONTHLY AS A SERVICE OF THE MEMPHIS GAY COALITION News of Interest to the Gay Communi�y ----- FREE! Memphi. , Tennes.ee e., 'L 9?f TQM To Spea-rhead BWMT Founder Se)>ek s Cure Local AIDS Group For Gay Racism by Allen Cook The Jleu,. over the country are fl01m into Dr. • 'Du �s IDe. are attemp­ a certain set of upectatiolis ti.Da to create a local Aim cc:mmit­ Pifu's lab daily for �estiD&o Dr. of the Black 11ale which make it AIDS org ized Gay C<IIIIIUDity ueecls tee to funne 1 money into Pifer will offer free blood test 'lbe an hlrc1 to break tbe 1101c1... to make special efforts to oatnach research. screeni.Da to 8JIYOII8 atteodiu& the Sllith ccateDds that au,y Blacks who into the Black Gay c�ty. So 1QJI will host ID organizatioaal meetiq wishes to have this in power also have problems in says Hib �th. oo-foimder of the meet:i.ua of the Aid to Fad All Aim done. If her lab were to charge for deal:i.ua with Gays within the Black this test, the fee WOilld be about ticlaal AaooiatiOD of Black and ocmmmi Aadrew _,or · Omaittee Sunday. 1aDIJUY 13. at Na ty. Yoaaa, of OD Jhite Ilea Together. Sllllith was in in the Surrey Room of the itS. Atlanta. for example. reportedly 2:00 pn Jleqilis to spe:ad giv:i.ua with Coach House Hotel at Ulliou Yhen asked if her clinic could 'Thanb has a problem dealins with the 1262 _,. true the local was hosted by Ave. realize benefit in texms chapter. Be subject. CCH:ha Ro� spate c:mosexua TheSe por][lO of research frc:m the relatively �s irs lnrin Sllith of h lity in � and 1Q8 Cal.hQma. Black • !lo.tiJaa Ulll()le of � ·t,;i 1D � t-Dlf11 yi4f • � ou parcha of 'V:Isn :fma · to e aired put sity of Tennessee Center for �he Absolutely! c ld se b ia ldlosesoality openly as of its Jleced)er. spoke a IIUIIber ...a.lth Scie�Kles to coaduct reaeUch a new microscope - enabl iq an !iaith 011 culture. It was only after the aDd do search. of issues relatiq to Gays and &ropeiDS arr impa into the cause oure of the extra perSCID to re Even ived IDd cted OD dreaded .., if all JOD was 1nv oar cottca particululy 'lhirdWorld J!Uticipa- prao- Acquired :r..a. Defici dic1 the tribe's calture that the SyDdrme balls for year that ld tiOD in the Gay ri ts v 'UIIdezp:OIIIId. (AIDS). Another function us for a . wou ah m -.t. tioe went of the ccmnittee will be to offer help!.. Be iDdicatecl that Black Gays are Aaother probl• Sllith and Calhoun any - doubly discriminated against. First see assistaDce whenever possible to Dr. Pifer's work is currently for Black Gqs is the lack of a AIDS vi ctims which mi ght be bdna funded through a 3-year. because they are a *Visible"' positive Black Gay role .,.set. 'Die i disoovered in the Meq'lbis areL · $800.000 grant frc:m the National lllinor �. and. �y. because of- media geoerally perceives the Gay their mvisible sta s as man Guest speal:er at the oraaniza- Institutes of Health. is .tina tu Gays. as ·white and lliddle class. .. She Slllith f tional meetiq will be Linda procress . says that the first level o accordina to Slllith. While recently Dr. dis r is often so Pifer. Ph.D. who is in charge of Gary SaUes. president of 1QM c iminaticm intense gains have been made in the that the se is t even the Aim research DOW beiDa� emphasizes that this meet:i.ua is an. COIKI DO dealt portrayal of Gays in television� ted at UI'OIS. organizatioaal ODe. An iDdepeDlent with. prosr movies and the Ute. they Aim board BIDfl' he says. is org izatim --. next D.r. Pifer is OD the natioaal of directors will be elected . an an agree that the step will be a Working Callaittee and has the only which he hopes will include all that attempts to deal with raoi• J)O%trayal of a poSitive t.ae for cc.- and racial dis ation on all lab in the country which can screen sepents of the organized Gay crimin Gay waDen rather thiD Gay Blacks. level for PDe stis Carinii pJeliDOilia, 11111Dity - social clubs. service s. Natioaally. the organiza- 911lith indicated that both a dis­ 1JDOCY ti has been responsible for one of the chief opportunistic clubs and bar owners as well as on trust of the law and of tho white an pa organiziq boycotts against Gay Pe-er � infections associated with AIDS. illdependents.. Be tici tes all of ocmmmity structure has Results are obtained throush a the traditioaal ftmd rais:i.ua � businesses which discriminate IDd tr ibuted to Blacks avoiding hasbeen credited with spearheadiq simple blood test. Pneumocystis events but says. ""It will be up to involv.-ent in Gay rights aotivi­ a ve in Atl ta create pneumonia is the most cOBIIlon the board of directors to decide m iD to a city ties. He said that rather than diaposabl e precursor to the just what will be done. where and ordinance which prohibits tho ue sitt:i.ua by and expectin& the Black disease. Blood specimens fraa all holr of ezcessive identificaticm as a Gay CQII!IIDity to becaae involved on ... to area prerequisite adlldssiOD to its on. Gay activists should gain clubs . Black support by becc:Dina involved Coalition Elects Officers - Both Smith and Calhoun concede in areas in which there is a Oa.cm that discrimination aaainst Gays interest C<DIIIIli within the Black ty is also VU.. D featuriD& the cc.­ diffic � Plans Christmas Party_ a ult thiq to overca��e. plete interview with S.ith and Oalhoan sa¥ the u.ge of �Black Calhoun will be presented dar:i.ua The Memphis Gay Coalition has large positiODs. Elected to those man as a .. super ma.. cho man is a December on Memphis Cablevison elected officers for first time positiODS were Rick Bray. Vbu:eot tho problem. Society. Calhoun said. Channel 7. See ad on page for in its five year hi story. Astor and Joe Calhoall. 18 times dates. OJlminatina moves made daring the In other busi.Dess. the Coalitim and adopted new aareed to have its ..-r. the Coalition ammal Ott istmas potluck dimler in brlaws in October which called for the parlor of the elected officers to tab office in OrpJeun in place of its replarly 1anuary. Elected at the Novedler 19 schednled program meeting December meet:i.ua were Bob DaDais. president; 17. lmyoae briD&iD& a covered dish Oleryl Goebel. vice president; Jdm is welcane to attead. Torley will Stilwell. secretary; and Cecil be provided by the <halitioa. Vin­ cent Astor. host McLeod. treasurer. In addition to of the dinner. the executive CCIIIIlittee, tbe board says the Orpheum Parlor will be of directors iacludes three at- decorated for the season. Editorials appearing in Gaze represent only the opinions of the Gazln authors unless otherwise indicated. Happy Birthday� Gaze! iers. movies, clubs. bookstores, because n see a Deed in that JJUt :4·be all thiDa• to all people, n by Allen Cook and the like. They advertise be­ of the state which is DOt beiDa met . feel we've cnated a solid foaada­ This issue of Gue auks the cause they bolr they can reach the Gaze has ccae a loq way since tiOD on which to build.. fifth anniversary of its publi� audience they want. Deccllhr 1979 and as n begin wmt C. thi.Da that hasn't clumged is just to show you how Auother obvious difference is the Vol uae tamer 1. n hope to that Gae is still publisbecl by the tion. And em 6. while sane thinss chaqe, sane growth of Gue's distribution. We make you proud to be a reader of Memphis Gay Coalition and it's thiqs remain the saae. we are aren't sure how __, of that first Gae. still pi1t together by vol1111teers. reprintiDg the ea.tire first issue issue nre distributed. but as tJf Editorial chaqes signaled M. Not one lllfllber of the staff is paid of as oar center spread. three years ago, ODl.y 2SOO copies a growth for the newspaper. A$ the a cent for the or does. Gue work he she certainly have We month were printed. Today that size of paper grew DO loaaer For those of us who publish Gue, 'DI.i.D&s changed. the . hope changed for the better and fisure has doubled and we have was it acceptable to be politically it is a labor of love. We believe perhaps now, at the end of the trouble fulfilliD& oar oblisatiODS strident in our approach. After there is power in the press and it is appropriate for us to with those. all, you can't spout political . that poweris what eventually will year , that the past few months, we've make every Gay man and WCJDaD free. look at sane of the chaqes In rhetoric for 24 pages every mmth. have been made years. upmded oar distribution to East we added lifestyle features, over the So thiDa Tennessee, not with an eye on cartoons, health Of course, the obvious for � and reJ,_igion Gu• is that the Dft'spaper itself cnasiDg advertisiDg revenue (al­ co 1uams to fit what you said you is much larser••• six to seven thoush that would be nice), but wanted.
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