ANNUAL REPORT Activities of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency and assessment of nuclear safety and 2016 radiological protection in Poland in 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Activities of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency and assessment of nuclear safety and radiological protection in Poland in 2016 WARSAW 2017 Table of contents 7 Introduction 8 National Atomic Energy Agency 44 Transport of radioactive material · Tasks of the President of the National Atomic · Transport of radioactive sources and waste Energy Agency · Transport of nuclear fuel · Organizational structure · Employment 48 Radioactive waste · Assessment of the operations of the National · Handling of radioactive waste Atomic Energy Agency · Radioactive waste in Poland · The Council for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection 54 Radiological protection of population and workers · Budget in Poland · National Atomic Energy Agency and the Polish · Exposure of population to ionising radiation Nuclear Power Programme · Control of exposure to ionising radiation · Granting personal authorisations on nuclear safety 14 Infrastructure for nuclear regulatory activities and radiological protection in Poland · Definition, structure and functions of nuclear safety 70 National radiation monitoring and radiological protection system · Nationwide monitoring · Basic provisions of law on nuclear safety and · Local monitoring radiological protection · International exchange of radiation monitoring data · Radiation emergencies 22 Supervision of the use of ionising radiation sources 82 Assessment of the national radiation situation · Tasks of the President of the National Atomic · Radioactivity in the environment Energy Agency in terms of regulatory · Radioactivity of basic food processing products and supervision of activities connected with exposure other foodstuffs to ionising radiation · Users of ionising radiation sources in Poland 96 International cooperation · Register of sealed radioactive sources · Multilateral cooperation · Bilateral cooperation 30 Supervision of nuclear facilities · Nuclear facilities in Poland 101 Index of abbreviations · Licenses issued · Regulatory inspections · Functioning of the coordination system for inspec- tion and supervision of nuclear facilities · Nuclear power plants in neighbouring countries 40 Safeguards · Legal basis for safeguards · Users of nuclear materials in Poland · Inspections of nuclear material safeguards The vision and the mission The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) is the central state administration authority, responsible for national nuclear safety and radiological protection. The vision: The National Atomic Energy Agency is a modern, competent nuclear regulatory authority respected and trusted by the general public, conducting activi- ties that are significant for ensuring nuclear safety and radiological protection. The mission: Through regulatory and supervisory activities, the National Atomic Energy Agency aims to ensure that activities involving exposure to ionizing radiation are conducted safely both for workers, the general public, and the environment. Introduction It is my pleasure and honour to present to you the Re- Objective and legal basis of the Report port on activities of the President of the National Atomic of the President of the PAA Energy Agency in year 2016. The report on the activities of the President of the The most important conclusion is that the inhabitants National Atomic Energy Agency and assessment of of Poland have been appropriately protected against nuclear safety and radiological protection in Poland has ionizing radiation. Radiation emergencies in year 2016, been prepared on the basis of art. 110 section 13 of the in Poland and abroad, had no impact on human health Atomic Law Act (Journal of Laws of 2017 item 576). or the natural environment within the territory of Poland. In accordance with the statutory obligation, this report The key events of the previous year was the shipment of has been presented to the Prime Minister. the last batch of spent highly enriched nuclear fuel from MARIA research reactor to the country of origin. Thus, Poland became a country free from nuclear materials of this type. Success of the undertaking, implemented with- in the framework of the Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI), was possible, among others, thanks to substantial commitment of the National Atomic Energy Agency. We have also ensured constant supervision of thousands of applications of ionizing radiation in scientific research, medicine, veterinary science, industry and the service sector. In our everyday work, safety of the society and the environment, including workers subject to occupational exposure to ionizing radiation, has been and will always remain a priority. I invite you to study the Report and wish you an infor- mative read! Andrzej Przybycin Acting President of the National Atomic Energy Agency 7 Tasks of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency The President of the National Atomic Energy Agency (PAA) is the central state administration authority, responsible National Atomic Energy Agency for national nuclear safety and radiological protection. Activity of the PAA is regulated by the act of November 29th, 2000 - Atomic Law (Journal of Laws of 2017 item 576) and the relevant secondary legislation to the act in • Tasks of the President of the National Atomic Energy Agency 9 question. The PAA President is obliged to report to a minister competent for environmental matters. • Organizational structure 10 • Employment 11 • Assessment of the PAA’s operations 11 The scope of activities of the PAA President includes gal information concerning nuclear safety and radiolog- • The Council for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protection 11 tasks which involve ensuring nuclear safety and radio- ical protection, including providing the general public 1 • Budget logical protection of Poland, and in particular: with the relevant information on ionising radiation and 12 • National Atomic Energy Agency and the Polish Nuclear Power Programme 13 its impact on human health and the environment, and on 1. preparation of draft documents related to national pol- the available measures to be implemented in the event icies involving nuclear safety and radiological protection, of radiation emergency, excluding promotion of the use entailing the nuclear power engineering development of ionising radiation and promotion of nuclear power en- programme, as well as internal and external threats; gineering in particular; 2. exercising regulatory control and supervision over ac- 7. cooperation with central and local administration au- tivities leading to actual or potential ionising radiation thorities on matters involving nuclear safety, radiological exposure of people and natural environment, including protection as well as scientific research in the field of nu- inspections conducted in this scope and issuance of de- clear safety and radiological protection; cisions on licenses and authorisations connected with the said activity; 8. performing tasks involving national and civil defence as well as protection of classified information, as stipulated 3. promulgation of technical and organizational recom- in separate regulations; mendations concerning nuclear safety and radiological protection; 9. preparing opinions on nuclear safety and radiological protection with reference to plans of technical activities 4. performing tasks related to assessment of the national involving peaceful use of nuclear energy for purposes of radiation situation in normal conditions and in radiation central and local administration authorities; emergency situations as well as furnishing the relevant information to appropriate authorities and to the general 10. cooperation with competent foreign entities and inter- public; national organisations on matters provided for in the Act; 5. performing tasks resulting from the obligations im- 11. preparing drafts of legal acts on the matters provided posed upon the Republic of Poland in terms of record for in the Atomic Law and settling them with other state keeping and control of nuclear materials, physical pro- authorities according to the procedures established in the tection of nuclear materials and facilities, special control Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers; measures for foreign trade in nuclear materials and tech- nologies, and from other obligations resulting from inter- 12. issuing opinions on draft legal acts developed by au- national agreements on nuclear safety and radiological thorised bodies; protection; 13. submitting annual reports on the activities of the Agency 6. activities involving public communication, education President and assessments of the status of national nuclear and popularisation, as well as scientific, technical and le- safety and radiological protection to the Prime Ministe 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 National Atomic Energy Agency 9 Fot. PAA FIGURE 1. Employment Organisational structure PAA’s mean annual headcount in 2016 came to 120 per- The Council for Nuclear Safety and sons (117 full-time employees), including 26 Nuclear Radiological Protection Radiation • Claims Settlement Office Regulatory Inspectors at the end of December. The Council for Nuclear Safety and Radiological Protec- Emergency • Emergency Preparedness and tion (BJiOR) is appointed by the Minister of the Envi- Centre Response Unit ronment. The Council is composed of the chairman, the • Monitoring and Forecasting Unit deputy chairman, the secretary
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