
With Our Boys in Uniform The Burgettstown Enterprise 1942-1945 With Our Boys In Uniform Private Nicl' Hollick, who is sta­ tipnerl a.t Camp Shelby, Mis'l. , spent the week end with his mother at Slo­ van. Private Miro Borio o[ the United Sta.tes Army 'ipcnt a few days with hit> f.ather at Slovan. In·. W. S. Clark and Charles Mnl­ hol!and visited the week end with Dr. Walter S. Clark Jr. at Arlingten. VIrginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Proudfit have received word that their son John N. Proudfit, who has been stationed with the United State:::; Naval Reserves, as radio man, at .Philad.elphia Navy Yards, has been transferred to New Orleans. John enlisted in th.e Navy on .June 30, 1941. Private nuward GlASsner, who is stationed at Ca.mp Claiborne, Louisi­ .anna, is spending a 10-day furlowih :'lt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glessner of Dinsmore avenue. With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 9, 1942 Edition With Our Boys In Uniform Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krzn6wski, who reside on th.e Stevenson Farm near Bulger., received word la.st week that their two SOIlSare stationed at Pearl Harbor. Joe, 23, who has been in the United States Navy for the past 5 years. is now a submarine in- structor and Steve, 21" who enlisted in the air corps one year ago. has re- cently received his wings as a pilot. The boys are form-er Union high school students and went to grade Relatives have receivec1 word that school inClierry VaUey. The last Captain George Thomassy. who has word received by their parents came been stationed at the Walter Reed through on Wednesday and was mailed hospital, \Vash,ington, has been trans- 10 days ago. stated thoe boys are well ferred for service at an unannounced see each other frequently and are destination. busy at their jobs of helping Uncle ----v---- Sam scrap the Japs. William Lewi!', who is stationed at ---v--- Camp Wichita Falls. Texas and silent Sergeant Samuel F. Campbell, sta- \nst week at his home in Flol"enCe, tioiled at Foster Field. Victol"ia, Tex. ha, l'etu'rned to duty. He drove hi" spent a furlough with h.is parents. ell' hpck to camp and WI'S aCC01Jplnil'd Mr. and Mrs. .T. E. Campbell of by Miss Mary Adnrns an(l Miss F,thp.l- Avella. recently. ene Noble,' who will return to FIOI'- ence hy bus. Sel'geant Campbell. who was asso- ---v - ciated with the Weirton Steel Com- Martin Revay. who is employed nt pany priOl" to being drafted last July, Climax, after several att,empts to en- was graduated from W. & J. College list, wa<; accepted for sl'l'v;ice in the in 1937 nnd (rom University of Pitts- United States Nnv~' on Monday. He burgh two years later. expeots to he called (or active duty ---v--- in a few days. Mrs. L. C. Smiley of Bnvington has ---v--- received word that her son Paul, is Private Della R. Bani, son of Jol'll enrolled in the 146th Armed Signal Bani. of 44 Center av"nnp., wns "rad~ Corps at the Sixth A:rmored Division natell recently f"om thp Chnnnte Field at Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. branch of the U. S. Axmy Air Corps ---v--- Technical Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Dena :Taucher, of 1\ PittsbUl'gh street. h.tve received wonl Private" Donnld nnel Leoll"n] Le- froril their son, Melvin, whO has been COUVI"e.sons of ,Mr. ilnd Mr<;. Ma"cE'an stationed at Camp Polk. La., that he Lecouvre. of Bnl"er, "'PI'''! "tOgethel' h; being transferred to Fort. Knox, !'omew.hel'e in the Philippines," ne- Ky.. to attend____ a vRadio School. _ cording to the .last lettel' I'eceived by their pnrents. Sergeant Casper 'roth, with. the Written by Leonard. the letter was United States Army in Massachusett<;, received. April 24, but bore no date. is spending a 10 day furlough at his "We hilve been' through some tOIl~h home in Che'rry Valley. spots but we'll be home," he stated. ----v---- Theil' relatives and friends. were I Private' Rudy Richard with the Uni- J elated to receive the news concel'll- ted States Army has returned to duty ing them, the first. since the Japan- after a brief. visit with his parents at ese attacked Pearl Harbor. Cherry Valley.____ v _ Donald attended Midwa.~'high schad and Leonard graduated there in 1928. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jaylock, of On July 5, 1940, Leonnrd enlisted as a I Pittsburgh street. have received word mechanic in the Anny Air Corps. He that their son, Zigmond Jnylock, who was stationed for several months at is station"ed at Pnnama, has been,pro- Hickman Field, Hawaii. On October 'moted to____ Corpornl. v' • _ 3, 1940, his older brothel', Donnld. enlisted and 'was sent to \Vh.ee.1er Corp. Geol'/~e Kovac,h, of Raccoon Field. Hawaii, where he studied to with the U. S. Army in Arkansas. is be a 1!U11!lerona homher. Then in the home on a furlough. fall of 194] their companies were mov- ___ v--- ed and the llrothers were nnited' and Sergeant Ray Adams of. Camp Lee, sent to the Philippines to\!ct.hcr in the Va .• is visitin~ his parents, Mr. and' 14th Pursuit Squadron. ' Mrs. George____ Adams v' o( Joffre. _ ---V----- Sel'l;'ennt and Mrs. HemHln Bell are Captain Walter Scott Clark, Jr., visiting' Mr. Bell's pnrpnts. Postmas- who is stationed at the Post Hospital ter nnd MI's. Ralph BeU of Highlnnn at Fort Myers. Va.. spent ,a' 20-hour nvenue. Herman is "'ith the 4Rth furlough ,with ,Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Bomh GranD at Will Rogel's Field, Clark of the Clark Hotel last Sunday. Oklahoma City. v---- _....._-~-=---- With Our Boys in Uniform Burgettstown Enterprise-April 30, 1942 Edition I With' Our. Boys In Uniform Cecil Mester, is the second son o[ . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mester of Lan- geloth to enlist in the Navy. Cecil who studied the C. A. A. Course at \ Went\yorth Military Academy, LeX-' oington, Mo., and received his pilot's license. lett Wednesday evening [or ,the Philadelphia Navy yards. where he will study for one month and then .expect's to_be stationed/at the Pensa- ocola. Fla., A.ir Base. The Mesters last sa,w their son. Ensign Charles Private First Cla'ss James R. Zelin- . Mester, who is stationed on the Air . sky of Muse has written h is parents, o Carrier, the \Vasp at Norfolk. Va., in ,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zf'.linsky that oMarch, but have received no word : he has been transferred from Fort from him since. Lewis. Wash., to Fort Ord. Cal. He -----v.---- o has recently been appointed a Techni- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stottlemeyer of cal Sergent. Zelinsky is the brother Florence avenue have received word of Mrs. Sara Monteouin of L;m.teloth of the promotion o[ their son. Robert and has many friends in thi'S district. o to First Lieutenant. Bob is stationed ---v-- at Norfolk, Va. Sergeant Casper Toth of Fort Rod- ----v---- m:'ln, Mass .. visited in the C. P. De- Valkeneer home at Joffl'e. Howard Buxton. Jr.. has been I transferred from FL Bragg, N. C.• to ---v--_. Camp Shelb~T, Miss. Bucky said, Captain and Mrs. Lee B. Martin, "A,rmy lif,e is agreeing with me and who are stationed at Fort Myel's. Va. I like it fine!" are spending this week with relatives ----V.---- here. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilbert Morrow re- ----v---- oceived word [rom their son, Kenneth. Ray. son of Mr. and MI's. Ead who is in Camp at Virginia Beach. Smiley of Bul~er, who has been sta- Va. Kenneth and some o[ his friends tioned at the Boston N:wy Yards. is had spent the week end visiting at hOTJle on n month's ful'1ough and is Fort .Belvoir and Washington. D. C. taking-, advanced studies' at Pitts- ---v--- burgh .. Recruiting officers at Pittsburgh ----v----- i Mr. anrl Mrs. N. R. Hollano pntpl'- announced this week that Joseph HO-j tajn~d with a familv dinner Sunoay mitz, Jr. of 'Bulger. and Milan Vis- in their home on Mnin street in honor nich of Slovan have enlisted in the I of their son Fred, who left. Tup~day Army. for servICes in the United States ----v---- Army. Mrs. William Sabo visited her son I ---v,--- Frank, Jr .• -who is stationed at Col- 'William. son of MI'. and Mrs. W. umbus, Maryland, last week end. I R. Prour1fit of Center avenue. left . v--- 1'uesrlnv faI' a.n unkno'wn rj"stinMinn. Mrs: Tony Bertoni, MI's. John Bacu ! He. enlisterl in the United States. , Mr. and Mrs. DeU Miller, Billie Da-.I Army. 1 vis, Mrs. HaI'shall and son, Dennis.] ---_v _ \ Jr. , visited Mrs. Harshall's son. John CHANUTF: FIELD. Ill.-Pvt. Al- , }.'rancis Harshall, who is stationed at hert Capozzoli, son of Mr. anr] Mrs. Culumbus. Md.. last week end. Nick Ca.nozzoli. Main stl'eet. Slovan. ---v I was g'rRrlunterl recentlv from the Mrs. A. D. Po.llon and son Hugh of 0 Chanute Field hl'an"h of the 'U. S. the Bavington Road. visited the for- i Army Air Corps Technical Schools. mer's son, Private Jack R. Pollan at ---v--- Camp Polk, La .• last week. Private LEXTNGTON:. :Mo.. Mw 7-Cadet Pollan was inducted into the service .T.
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