JANUARY 17, 2013 Vol. 190, No. 2 www.adventistreview.org January 17, 2013 A Wave and a Greeting 7 Religiously Unaffiliated Swell Worldwide 8 Divine Assassin? 26 Religious Freedom in the United States IS one of the most fundamental freedomS unde r attack? “Behold, I come quickly . .” Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ by presenting stories of His matchless love, news of His present workings, help for knowing Him better, and hope in His soon return. 16 22 9 6 COVER FEATURE ARTICLES DEPARTMENTS EDITORIALS 16 Religious Freedom in 14 Putting Away 4 Letters 6 lael caesar the United States Childish Things Purpose Nicholas Miller liNdsey GeNdke 7 Page 7 What issues will make What it means 7 stePheN chaVez headlines in 2013? to be mature 8 World News & A Wave and a Greeting Perspectives 22 Looking at God’s Law, Again 13 Give & Take Vara Prasad deePati 21 Cliff’s Edge It’s more than just a list of do’s and don’ts. 2 5 Back to Basics 26 Divine Assassin? 2 9 The Life of Faith MartiN Proebstle Did God really go after 31 Reflections Moses? And if so, why? NExT WEEk ON THE COVER What’s a Body to Do? Freedom of religion is founda- When the diagnosis is tional to life in the United States. cancer, there are a lot of What threats does it face? options to consider. Publisher General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, Executive Publisher Bill Knott, Associate Publisher Claude Richli, Publishing Board: Ted N. C. Wilson, chair; Benjamin D. Schoun, vice chair; Bill Knott, secretary; Lisa Beardsley-Hardy; Daniel R. Jackson; Robert Lemon; Geoffrey Mbwana; G. T. Ng; Daisy Orion; Juan Prestol; Michael Ryan; Ella Simmons; Mark Thomas; Karnik Doukmetzian, legal adviser. Editor Bill Knott, Associate Editors Lael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil, Coordinating Editor Stephen Chavez, Online Editor Carlos Medley, Features Editor Sandra Blackmer, Young Adult Editor Kimberly Luste Maran, KidsView Editor Wilona Karimabadi, News Editor Mark A. Kellner, Financial Manager Rachel Child, Technology Projects Coordina- tor Merle Poirier, Editorial Assistant Marvene Thorpe-Baptiste, Assistant to the Editor Gina Wahlen, Marketing Director Claude Richli, Editor-at-Large Mark A. Finley, Senior Advisor E. Edward Zinke, Art Director Bryan Gray, Design Daniel Añez, Desktop Technician Fred Wuerstlin, Ad Sales Glen Gohlke, Subscriber Services Steve Hanson. To Writers: Writer’s guidelines are available at the adventist review Web site: www.adventistreview.org and click “About the Review.” For a printed copy, send a self-addressed envelope to: Writer’s Guidelines,a dventist review, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600. E-mail: [email protected]. Web site: www.adventistreview.org.Postmaster: Send address changes to adventist review, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740-7301. Unless otherwise noted, Bible texts in this issue are from theh oly bible, New international Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Unless otherwise noted, all photos are © Thinkstock 2013.The Adventist Review (ISSN 0161-1119), published since 1849, is the general paper of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. It is published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists® and is printed 36 times a year on the second, third, and fourth Thursdays of each month by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. Periodical postage paid at Hagerstown, MD 21740. Copyright © 2013, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. Vol. 190, No. 2 Subscriptions: Thirty-six issues of the weekly adventist review, US$36.95 plus US$28.50 postage outside North America. Single copy US$3.00. To order, send your name, address, and payment to adventist review subscription desk, Box 1119, Hagerstown, MD 21741-1119. Orders can also be placed at Adventist Book Centers. Prices subject to change. Address changes: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. Subscription queries: [email protected]. OR call 1-800-456-3991, or 301-393-3257. www.AdventistReview.org | January 17, 2013 | (35) 3 uate and can relate to the Christ. I beseech each church frustrations and difficulties member, young and old, to of young adults in our look for the things that unite inbox church today. Our generation us—not tear us apart. This Letters From our readers faces an unraveling society, may be the “lost genera- an increasingly complex and tion”—but by God’s grace unpredictable world, and a we can be “found” again! struggling economy, among Sarah SINz other difficulties—and we Lodi, California more exciting ways. need the stability, support, As an Adventist, I have and encouragement of our The Mathematics abundantly researched and church families. of Salvation come to terms with the fact The church greatly empha- » While Cliff Goldstein, in that Christmas has pagan sizes evangelism and is quite “The Mathematics of Salva- origin and, hence, should not successful at bringing in tion” (Dec. 20, 2012), is cor- be observed by Adventists. I people of diverse faiths, but rect that victorious living by also know very well that what about our own “flesh the Christian from any point Adventists do not celebrate and blood”? What about onward cannot compensate Christmas not because we do reaching out to and cherish- for past sins, he stops short Dokimazo not believe in the death and ing our own “lost genera- of citing the entire passage » I am writing regarding Del- resurrection of our Lord tion” of young believers? from Steps to Christ that indi- bert W. Baker’s “Dokimazo Jesus Christ, but for the way Many of our church’s pri- cates how the perfect obedi- 2012” (Dec. 27, 2012). Beauti- and manner Christmas came mary leaders and founders ence required by the law is to ful! This zinged right into my to be. Little wonder that were young adults, many be attained. Following the soul. Please convey my Scripture urges us not to be just in their 20s—and proba- sentence Goldstein quoted, respect for Baker’s being a unequally yoked with bly so were Jesus’ disciples Ellen White continues: Spirit-filled man of God. For unbelievers. when they began their minis- “More than this, Christ the first time in ages I am I’m at a loss as to why an try with Him. changes the heart. He abides going to have New Year’s res- Adventist press would be We young adults love our in your heart by faith. You olutions, and they will be as used to promote something faith and our church: many are to maintain this connec- he suggested. My spiritual that is clearly evil. Could it be of us do desire to be tion with Christ by faith and life always needs fine tuning that the Adventist Church is involved, to have more of a the continual surrender of by God. no longer one in faith, teach- role in our church, and to be your will to Him; and so long Thank you, once again, for ing, doctrine, beliefs, and entrusted with greater as you do this, He will work another excellent article. hope? Do some beliefs vary responsibility. Please give us in you to will and to do REbecca WhITED from locality to locality? the opportunities to do so! according to His good plea- Escondido, California NwokO N. SUNNy Remember the prophecy in sure. So you may say, ‘The life via e-mail Joel 2:28, 29: that the young which I now live in the flesh I Turning Christmas and old will unite together, live by the faith of the Son of From blue to Merry anointed by God’s Spirit—to God, who loved me, and gave » I read with great but have the same visions, himself for me.’ Galatians unpleasant amazement the dreams, and mission. 2:20 [KJV]. So Jesus said to editorial “Turning Christ- Yes, special church pro- His disciples, ‘It is not ye that mas From Blue to Merry” by grams and committees have speak, but the Spirit of your Carlos Medley (Dec. 20, their place, but what we Father which speaketh in 2012), wherein Medley pro- crave even more is the out- you.’ Matthew 10:20 [KJV]. moted Christmas and gave pouring of the Holy Spirit to Then with Christ working in some hints about how saturate each believer’s you, you will manifest the Adventist churches in North Finding Their Way heart—that we may truly same spirit and do the same America celebrate it. Medley » A hearty “Amen!” to Ashley love, support, and care for good works—works of righ- even urged us to continue Batiste’s article “Finding each other in the body of teousness, obedience. to celebrate Christmas in Their Way” (Dec. 20, 2012). I “So we have nothing in too am a recent college grad- ourselves of which to boast. 4 (36) | www.AdventistReview.org | January 17, 2013 We have no ground for self- but we still live in it. Unfortu- exaltation. Our only ground nately, our schools can con- of hope is in the righteous- tribute to us not even being ness of Christ imputed to us, in the world, and isolating us and in that wrought by His from those who need Jesus. Spirit working in and JOhN SechLER through us” (Steps to Christ, Littleton, Colorado pp. 62, 63). PHOTOGRAPHy NATURE © FORESTWANDER In other words, the perfec- able difference between ever- noticed how difficult it is to Draper Valley tion required by the law for greens and other trees; but be part of the group when I Vineyard Ad salvation is not attained sim- when the blasts of winter did not grow up Adventist or » I have seen this ad before ply by substitutional righ- come, the evergreens remain attend Adventist schools.
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