US 20060269507A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0269507 A1 Fuller (43) Pub. Date: Nov.30, 2006 (54) TOPICAL OINTMENT COMPOSTION AND Publication Classification METHOD FOR MAKING THE SAME (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventor: Susan Fuller, Orlando, FL (US) A6IR 36/889 (2006.01) 46R 8/97 (2006.01) A6IR 36/53 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: A6IR 36/898 (2006.01) BEUSSE WOLTER SANKS MORA & MAIRE, (52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 424/74; 424/727; 424/745: P. A. 424f776 390 NORTH ORANGEAVENUE SUTE 2500 (57) ABSTRACT ORLANDO FL 328O1 (US 9 (US) A topical ointment composition comprises a mixture of (21) Appl. No.: 11/140,234 organic beeswax, organic cocoa butter, Virgin coconut oil, organic shea butter, cold-pressed extra Virgin olive oil, pure (22) Filed: May 27, 2005 lavender essential oil and benzoin tincture. US 2006/0269.507 A1 Nov.30, 2006 TOPCAL OINTMENT COMPOSTION AND oil, shea butter, cold-pressed extra Virgin olive oil, a pure METHOD FOR MAKING THE SAME lavender essential oil and benzoin tincture. These ingredi ents are organic in the sense the ingredients are minimally BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION processed and not manufactured with the employment syn thetic ingredients or methods. The mixture preferably con 0001. This invention relates generally to topical oint tains from about 7% to about 17% by weight of beeswax, ments, creams or lotions. More particularly, this invention from about 21% to about 29% by weight of cocoa butter, pertains to such ointments or creams that comprise oils and from about 21% to about 29% by weight of virgin coconut waxes that are minimally processed and do not contain oil, from about 21% to about 29% by weight of shea butter, artificial or synthetic ingredients or components. from about 11.5% to about 21.5% by weight of the extra 0002 Millions of people suffer from temporary or virgin olive oil. In addition, from about 0.1 to 20 milliliters chronic skin problems including dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, of the lavender oil and benzoin tincture may be added to the bruising, rashes, allergic reactions, minor burns and the like. composition. A variety of topical skin-care products are available on the market. However, many of these products employ synthetic 0006 For purposes of describing the invention, specific compounds such as ammonia, acids, alcohols, animal oils, amounts of the ingredients are provided, but the invention is artificial color, cobalt, mineral oil, silicones, lead nitrates, not so limited. Varying amounts may be used as long as the iron salts, oxides, and petroleum derivatives that may cause above-described percentages or range of percentages, or skin irritation, and/or allergic reactions. Such products may range of Volumetric amounts, are maintained in the making cause allergic reactions when applied to the skin only the composition. The below described process or method compounding the problem. can be conducted at one’s home in the kitchen, but the invention can be made on a larger scale. 0003. In addition, products are available that utilize organic ingredients without artificial compounds. However 0007 An exemplary embodiment of the invention com Such products may combine an extensive list of ingredients prises the following ingredients: that unnecessarily complicate the manufacturing process and increase the cost of the product or dilute the effective 0008 4 ounces (weight measurement) of organic bees ingredients. Accordingly, a need exists for a topical ointment Wax that treats a variety of skin care problems; incorporates 0009) 8 ounces (weight measurement) of organic cocoa organic ingredients at concentrated levels to enhance the butter potent effectiveness of the components without compromis ing the integrity of the composition; provides satisfactory 0010) 8 ounces (weight measurement) of virgin coco skin penetration and Supplying properties to leave skin nut oil Smooth for an extended period of time, provides organic moisturizing compositions that provide a water resistant 0011 8 ounces (weight measurement) of organic shea antiseptic film on the skin; provide a high volume of organic butter cold pressed olive oil for immediate transdermal delivery 0012. 8 ounces (volume measurement which is equal and has other general healing properties, that are inexpen to about 5.5 ounces by weight) of cold-pressed extra sive and simple to manufacture. Virgin olive oil; SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0013 0.1 to 20 milliliters of lavender essential oil; and 0004 The present invention for a topical ointment com 0014) 0.1 to 20 milliliters of benzoin tincture. position comprises a mixture of organic waxes, oils and/ butters, one or more of which may have anti-fungal, anti 0015 The above listed ingredients are preferably mixed bacterial, anti-microbial or preservative properties; as well in a glass container under heat. The container is heated from as general skin care properties such as antiseptic, moistur about 220 F. to about 230 Fahrenheit. In an exemplary izing, lubricating, and hydrating. The composition com embodiment, the beeswax and the cocoa butter are melted to prises a mixture of organic beeswax, organic cocoa butter, a liquid in the glass container. The beeswax and cocoa butter Virgin coconut oil, organic shea butter and cold-pressed are preferably shredded prior to placement in the container extra virgin olive oil. Lavender oil may be added for to expedite the melting of these ingredients. The beeswax fragrance and its anti-inflammatory properties. BenZointinc and cocoa butter may be purchased from various Suppliers, ture may be added as a natural preservative. This composi for example Tropical Blossom Honey Company located in tion has been found to alleviate a variety of skin conditions Edgewater, Fla. Sells beeswax, and Let Sleeping Dogs Lye for example: chronic chapped or dry skin, eczema, heat Soaps, located in Halstead, Kans. Sells cocoa butter. rashes, minor burns, stretch marks, diaper rash, wrinkles and reducing skin discoloration. The composition has been 0016. After the beeswax and cocoa butter are melted to a found to be useful to treat Such skin conditions on humans liquid, the Virgin coconut oil and organic shea butter are added. Each of these products is solid but become liquid at and animals. approximately 76° Fahrenheit, and quickly melt upon addi tion to the mixture. The beeswax and shea butter provide DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED EMBODIMENT essential polyunsaturated oil lipids the skin needs to main 0005 The present invention for a topical ointment com tain its healthy condition. A Supplier of Virgin coconut oil is prises a mixture of waxes, oils, butters and an organic Tropical Traditions, Inc. located in Mabel, Minn. A supplier preservative to control bacterial growth. More specifically of the shea butter is Shea Terra Organics located in Fairfax, the mixture comprises beeswax, cocoa butter, Virgin coconut Va. US 2006/0269.507 A1 Nov.30, 2006 0017. Once the coconut oil and shea butter have melted, EXAMPLE 4 the heat source is terminated. Then eight (8) ounces (volu metric measurement) of Virgin olive oil is added, and the 0024. A ten year old boy often suffered from heat rash in mixture is stirred. As it cools it thickens to form a cream. The the groin area as a result of the playing Softball in the mixture should have the consistency of pudding once it is Summer heat. The composition was applied once before the cooled. The virgin olive oil is understood to provide a swift boy went to bed. The following morning the inflammation of transdermal delivery and penetration of the composition to the rash was only slightly pink, and the boy did not expe the dermis. Extra virgin olive oil may be purchased from rience any irritation at areas of the rash. Whole Foods Market in Austin, Tex. 0025. While the preferred embodiments of the present 0018. The composition is allowed to cool to room tem invention have been shown and described herein, it will be perature, at which point about about 0.1 milliliters to about obvious that such embodiments are provided by way of 20 milliliters of lavender essential oil and benzoin tincture example only and not of limitation. Numerous variations, are added and the composition is stirred a sufficient amount changes and Substitutions will occur to those skilled in the of time to adequately mix these ingredients in the compo art without departing from the teaching of the present sition. After mixing the composition may be placed in a jar invention. Accordingly, it is intended that the invention be in which the composition continues to set up to a consistency interpreted within the full spirit and scope of the appended of a vegetable shortening. claims. 0019. It has been found that by the use of these effective What I claim as my invention is: ingredients at higher concentrations than found in other 1. A topical ointment composition, comprising: an effec skin-care products, it eliminates the need for additional tive amount of beeswax, cocoa butter, Virgin coconut oil, preservatives that may dilute the concentrations of the shea butter, Virgin olive oil, lavender oil and benzoin tinc effective ingredients. The shea butter and coconut oil, for ture. example, have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. 2. A topical ointment composition, comprising: about 7% When used at these disclosed concentrations, and in com to about 17% by weight beeswax; about 21% to about 29% bination with the benzoin tincture, (which also has preser weight of cocoa butter; about 21% to about 29% by weight Vative characteristics), no additional compounds or ingredi of virgin coconut oil; about 21% to about 29% by weight of ents are needed to act as a preservative. Moreover, the shea butter; and, about 11.5% to about 21.5% by weight of increased concentration levels promote the lubricating, the extra virgin olive oils moisturizing and hydrating characteristics of the shea butter 3.
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