March 1958 * * * 25 Years Ago *

March 1958 * * * 25 Years Ago *

MARCH 1958 * * * 25 YEARS AGO * * * "The only th ing we have to fear * . * lS fear itself." * (Fmt 111l1/1~flrld AddrcJ/, Mftrr/J 4. 1933) * * * * * * * * * . * "The test of our progress 1S not * whether we add more to the * * abundance of those who have much; * * it is whether we provide enough * for those who have too little." * * (Second 1lIlIl/gm(11 IIcI,/r au. J(I/I:I(lry 20, 1937) * EXECUTIVE OFFICERS GOROON M. F'REEMMol. Editor GOKOON M ••~ K1!1!MAN i 7ltl'Mwtiorwl PrelfidfJlIl 1200 15th St., N, W. WBshington 5. O. C. \'OLHME ~7. ~". ;1 "\HClI. 19~H J OSE PII D. KEENAN i ntertwlionfll SecrfJtarv 1200 l fi th St .. N. W. Wnshington 6, D. C. J ~:K~: 1'oI1"1I P. St'LI,I\' AN i 7l t eMwlioll(ll T rell.!lln'r 130 E. 25th St. New York :0, New York CO NTENTS VICI '1ISIDIHfS n nl Dld rjel•.. _____._._ .. ~ J o lIl< K... ·,.loI<O ~ 1I 11~ 41 8. 17 York SI","I T oronlo I . Onl.• Can.dA SHotld DJdrkt ., __ ,. __ ,__ .--IO H'f J . RCIa" H_ ! .., 1'.. 11 !'I<,u.~ Bld.-•• Booton 18. "' .... 1.A·gi,;;l;tth t> CIIII(t'rl'lIt'p in \\ 1I,. ltilllottli ll Third Dl"Mtt _,_. __ •__ J OIIIIPIl W. LJoocn 81 Columbia A...,,,_ , Room ! 04 A )1"lIIhcr Looks :ll ··f(jghl. lo.\\'nrk·· 4 _\ t"-on). N .... York Yoanh Ditoulc< ._11 . B. 11t-"1'P"BUI' TIlt' Lighl.~ 5 hillt· 1111 Our 'louutlll'lIl (. Room 1tt1 . .. E. 'tlo SI• • ClnrlnnllU !. Ohio Editorial" 8 I'1flh D lnrlct. ••. __ ._.•. ___.. _G. X. B ....KP1 Th. Clcnn Bul ldln • • 121 Mll r~ I'-- Bt...,.,t. N.W •• lIighlighl (rolll lilt· '\,'" " ll'I1I'r 10 Allllnl•• Gft)n:III dt. l h Dln rlct. ___ ,._.. ~_._ .. _._._W. J . Bon. Among Our Art' hht'f! •... 11 100 N. Je.e.... 81., Cble.1IO 8. III. How T,," of Ollr LoI·ltlll \n' S llltllllrtill~ COPE 12 So,y.,-nt ll DI.trld_ ... ___ .._ .. _ .. A. E . •: ........ _ Burk Bu.nau Balldlnll:. Room IIOS K):'EG-AII Cirl SlIIlim, 1;; Fort Worth. Tn... El/l'lIth Dblt.Ict.. __...... _ ... _ .. _ ..L. F, A1'o ....OIf S IHlt1ig11l un '''0 Jilllll 17 Poc:attllo Eleeulc BId.-.. In North M.I" P . O. BOll "0, l' oc:al~llo . Idaho Wilh Ilw Lwlit'l:I ... .. 18 Nl"tll Dl l tr l~ \ ..•.• _•..••... .._ • .... _ ... _OM: .... IJ ......... K ~ I O Crn!nli To ..n. ~ n . ·, " ncll<'O • • Calif. I}I'IHH"tllu'nt Itf Hl·1;tollrc· h 1111/1 E.lllc·atiltll 2() ' I'~ nlh m . tricl. .••... _._ ......_ ........... _ .... _J . J . Du ..... ISO South W~ II . SI .. ]100111 600. ChIn.., t. II I. LIII'a1 UlIl'iI 23 e le.·tnth m . l rltl. ____ ,_._._... F .... I<K W . J ... COQ Poem o( tl .. · Munth ·11 11m. 107. SIa.ln 8lda., IOOG Bollbomme JWt•• CIII.I"Ion 6, Mo. In l\It'lIIltrialll 6:l T welfth D l. l rl ~I ...... _ __.~. __ ...... W. U. 1'lITTl U 23 1I.",Hln" N It, I"n"t Bank 81tlsf .. {.-I Chanllnootrll : . T enn. Oculll "'·I",Iil;t. lNUINAT10l<lilL IXICUTln COUNCIL E. J . Fu"' ....... \·. Cb;r"'.~ 21 21 W.." WI_... ln Avrn .... lI4 l1wau be S. WI"""n.ln . ·Int Ol .ul~t.._ .. ~ ,I .... "" P . 11 ... 111:, ... ",. no 8 road 81• • N ew ..k . N . J . :;eeond D!.t ..~t __._ .. _C ...... u.:. .:. C ... -.-q;, 1&' f1orene.. S1., S pr l nlll~ld . M ..... Third Dl . l rt ~1 __ •• _ .. ,_._... _.... _.... _C. N cM.LU... ", Room UOI. .. !:. "olin .. St•• Cllle,nn." I. O~ 1o .'OIIrth O i.trl ~ I_ ...... __... _ ... _._C .... L 0 . So; '". LU lUI &1111 IOlb SI .. &11"no .. III, Md. t 'lfth Di . lrlc1. ... _ .. _ .... R ........ _ .... _11. II. UIOO ... CII 12 00.151b St .. N.W .. W • • hlnff!on. D. C. :;lIlh m .. rld.......... _ ...... _ ... _.. _....... ~C. ]t. C... RI.. 526 Dll il ell St .. Shreye POrt. Ur. " ~ venl h Dl. trlcl... ...... ~ ........ ~ .CI I ... RI.a J . FOII:II I< $(13 I' th St .. 8 " .. Fnlnc1..,o 10. CIIllf. ",!bth DI.trlct........ ..... ... ._ .•_ ... Cco_ I'... TTUIIQS "~" au II lI·n. 7 ~ 6 l)oreh.le. Ava.. Wlflnlt ... " " Mltn .. CII ..... III PIUN'!!:.:!) os t ' NION Mi\D!:.: !' AI't; 1I Til E lul)Ol' Ilhl\"('UH'1I1 in IIJi~ '·tHIIIII·... · i" ,'xll·"llwl ...· ("'III­ "prlll',l llh(ulI ri .. il1:! 111H'1lI111'lYllH'llt 11111\ III(' thl'l'al til' l'I'I'I',>"jOIl, H,', 1l1t'1lI11('I'ill1! til(' hill1'I', 1IIIIIg... y. jHh. It'"" IlIIYS of Ih(' t'ud,\' ;10\, 1;111(11' LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE 1IIIiOli 1111'11 Hlld 'IOIllI'1I III'" IlIli('k W IIl'g: tll('iI' pa l'I'lit III·glllliI.Ulioll" . .. ( )ulI'l It't it hnppI'1i u).t'nill.·' .\Ilrl IIII' pnr'I'1I1 nl'~nlli"alioll" 11,"1 tilt' .\ "'l j·C' I O 111'1' "ilw ... ,·(,I ... · 11·,I·itl/: to Jl,'OIllO\t' WH,\"''; IIIlII IIIt'lin .. of 1)('11("', ami H,·III·I· ..."II'"lil,''' ILL'j.dlll! ,11('i,' ill~ tl\(' 1'111"1"1'111 \'I'tllltl1l1ij' "ilUrllintl, ~UfJP01" 1'0" Ilu' dl'PU1'IlIlt'ltl '" h'~i". P re8, Fr('cman g ret'l !!I J. J . I'iuc.'o!. 1$,;\1. Bl'!.rillnil1)! 1)11 .\ IUI'I,h :~, \Ilt' lati\"(' 1\1·,)!!I'IIIll, lind Ilwir hal'kill,J.! or L, ll. :113, Wilmington, al' W. W. ;\lal· 1'01' olhl'I' Il1l'a~LII'"S I-'nlll'l II I '('ld,,11l1 iI'(' 1 '011 1""'1'111'1' I,r laIIl.JI'.nPPI·ul't't! culm, lUI. or L.U. 271 , Wkhitll, \\'oit!l. lilt' .\1" 1.· 1' 10 Hllildiul: IIlId , '011· 10 ('Olllhlll IIIlt'lIIploYItU'III. ~I 1'111'1 iOIl ' 1 '1';H h '~ I )"11:1 "I Illi'lll II;", Orr tilt' fUIlI·th und firral dll.l· of \\"ashill),!loli. I). ,', 111'11\ ill '1'11\'1'1' till' /'IlIII"'I','Il('!', Iht' '\l'IC1.:'1tlt'S I·t'· W(','P aPI'I"IlXinWlt'I," :L:-.(K) dt'It'l!al('~ IlII'nrtl 10 I]lt' holt'} 10 t'('POI'1 ,ht' Hilt! ",IlIH';;OO I'i-;itnl'" in alll'IIIIIIIII'I' l'l"ml1s of ,llI'i,' I'olllnl'!s. stule Ity Itl ,hi' Itll'I'li,t\! fl'llllI illll·t·lll1titlllttl slate. Ullin"", huildi'l/! tl'lltk .. l'OIlI1I'il" IIlId II)/'ul uniOlh ill nll pal"" nf tlu­ I n hi" add .... ,.... " hI 1111' mel·lin/!'. .\ F I,·('I () l 'I'l'"idl't1t I:t'llrl!l' ) 11'/111",­ l'Ollll!I·.'· 'I'llI'l'I' Wl'rl' 111111'" Ihal! lold tilt' !lI'it'I.WIt'" that il W;-\'oi /I :tOO I BE \\" IIlt'I1III('I"-; i II II 11 1'lIdllll<'t', !!ood !illlt' ful" 1111' l'Onnll'",' 10 tllkl' .\" in JWI'I'iou" ... ·,'aJ"o; 1111' ,1I,h·lt/IIt·" a }!I}()(I look al till' l'I'OItOIlL,I" lIIH) lin 1111'1 ,III Ihl' lil'>;t tluy ill till' ~hl'I';l' '->OIllNllinj[ ahnll\ it 011 Ill(' ha .. i~ nf 11m I'ilrk 11 1111'1 nUl l li ... II'lwll I" WOI'I)", "'IW(>('hl'''' I,,· 1" "I.'"i,II'1I1 " PHIII- HilI! il(·\ion-IiUI )It'any ('ill'll 1111\('1' .\I,; I ,.I ' ! () IlIhfll' h:Il,I",·>;. 11Ill'1lI plt);l"lllt'u I , •• 11 "JWIIlII' hill)! !IH' 1'(1)'11111111\1'11 pll1l1" 1111t! II prounllll, :) milliOIl mark," :I" tlJ(> ":\'0, I 0 11 , II!' followilll! \11'11 dll,\'''' ,It'll" ('OIl('{'1'1l of all .\ IIIt'I'il'ILII"'" )l'all'>; ,j.,itt'd ,h~'i l ' ,'Olt!!I·",,,lllt·,1 (Col/tilll/cd lilt /)lII/f' 16) Page Two The Electrical Workers' .\1 III":\\' !.uncht'on h('ld in lIamilhul Hulel, IlorliUll uf head labl., "ho .. n in Iliciure include.. nc,' Pre"i· dl'l1l~ Ed .. ards, ,\nd('r"oll. I(.'~arl, J'n""ide'll l'rl'l'lIIall Bnd \' icl' I'rl';;idl'nll' Jacob,., lIa)lliond. I.iKKt'I1. IBEW COtIUl,t'1 Loui ... ~herlnllll chul!' .. ilh An· dn'" ni.'mill.'r, Ilin'clur of !'t'lo: is lalh'f' J)" . ImrlJlll'Jll IIf Iht' AFL·CIO. during ~t,,,~i"I1, 1<' ,,(';"11t' in baJlrunm nr ~ 1 1t'ral"l1 "ul' k lt'l, WashinJtlun. 11.'1 r.'gil'lali\'(' COli' ,'tift' ht'gan "ith 2,000 in ullendancc. 'It'" of:l liurliull IIr Iht' ru"m "h,'n Ih" 1lIlt' rnuliun~lr .\lIlIlh.'r ;,,'clion IIr II", r(Hlnt durin ),: IlInch,'uII gl\.'11 h} Illn)\'d hosl 10 IIJEW members atl"mlinlo: cunelu,,', Iht' Inlermltinnal. )lemlwrs fir Ih., 111 1': \\ juiUl'd "ith Lt'gili lalors "('rt· made a ... are uf altitudes of hlhur. rl'l)rt'''<'lItnlhes or olh,'r IIniolls und dsitcrl "Ulllll!!, Journal for Ma r c h . 1958 Page Three A MEMBER LOOKS MOllth nfter 1Iwuth here (II/ the LI I III' uS 1'.'nlt'mhl~1" II I(' .. tn1"Y IIdrnin·.lnllllll'OIl/!h 111 (' day h,\' the 1}/I!}f'lf u/ yOlO' F:l<>ctl'icai WOl'k(,I's' A WI' ]'1',111 in '<I'ho(ll ;]111)Ul 111(' 1'11- .. \-i('tllr1l)1h" 'I'1'ojalls" J OIlI"nal, yUill' / lttITII"tiOIlfII ODi(,l'I'>I 111011" j ;1'1'I'k '1'] ~)jllll 11 1)]'''1' all1)u\ JUJld /orth with th.

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