5.Ae ~J 1940 AIRPOST JOURNAL Erie, Penn'a - An Oc:toLer 1s1L Inaugural Pennsylvania Central Airlines inaugurates AM-46 at Erie, Penn'a. Photo, taken on arrival of northbound trip at 4:15 p. m., shows (L to r.l Miss Adams, Stewardess, L. C. Wisenauer, Erie Station Mgr., Capt. J. B. Franklin, co-pilot, who Oew the trip through Erie, and W. E. Goodill. Asst. Sup. of Mails, Erie. -Photo by W. J. Conrath ~-:JAe~ A\A\l\mS A\llRIPOST A\lU<CTllO~ ~231UJ, t''''-'-'-''-'-'~ ~'''''~ ~''''''"'-''--'-'''-'-''-'''''-'''''"'2 ~PROPAGANDA OFFERS I ~ TO ENCOURAGE COLLECTING OF ~ ~ FIRST AIR MAILS ~ ~ ~ 1 AJ. $8.00. Pure Prop- ~ ~:.;~n~:~~;!:1 ~~~~ ~~~a~I£:ast 2 ~ ~ AJ. 2 :::-:.~~;;;;~~; · ~;~ · ;,;~;;:;;· ·····-········· · ·-····· · ·-·-- · ·-·$ ~ ~ ~~f~!J1t!~~ ~~~~~d S!ll~Jr ~~:o:: ~~; r~~ r.:~i:-~:f ~ ~ AJ. 3 ~~::;,~·~;~ - ;~~~; - ~·~~ --~~-~~~················ ..........................,.$ 20 ~ ~ Tracing a Flight Round the World. Armchair Travel! De- ~ ~ scribed and Mounted in a Victor-Rex Alum ........................ $· 40 ~ ~ :~: : ~:::~~~:~·:..:;::~~;;:;; •• .. .... .. -..... .. .......... MOD ~~ ~ Historical Collection from the Paris Siege Balloon Post of ,.... ~ 1870 to the Trans-Atlantics of 1939 .................................... $ 60 ~ ~ AJ. 6 DITTO. Including Rarities .: .................................................. $800 ~ ~ AJ. 7 100 SUPERB FIRST AIR MAILS ~ ~ Showing the Various Means of Transportation - Balloon, ~ ~ ~~~~~~ · ...~ .~~~-~~:.. ...~~~ -~~'. ....~~ ~~~: ....~. ~: ....~~~:~~~ -~-~ $s~ ~ ~ :~: : :::::;·:;i::1:::-; ·~;: · ;,;~~~;;~.. ;~.;-;.:: ~ ~ AJ. 10 FINELY BOUND VOLUMES 1939 AIR MAIL MAGAZINE ~ ~ <Sold at Actual Cost of Quantity Binding) (Mint Stamps Accepted) SOc ,....~ ~. ~ I ALL ABOVE POST FREE. ORDER BY NUMBER ~ ~ Orders can be placed with Complete Confidence as we Guarantee ~ ~ Satisfaction or Refund of Payment. ~ ~ USA & Canadian Collectors now buy at $4 to the £ instead of the ~ ~ Pre-War Rate of $5 to the £ - A Substantial Reduction. ~ ~ ~ ~ &ST. 1896 A. p H I L LI p s F.ST. 1898 ~ ~ AIR MAIL SPECIALIST ~ ~ NEWPORT MON ENGLAND ~ ~ · ~~ ~''-'--'-"-~ ~""'"'"'''''''''''''''~ ~,,,,,,,,,,~ ~'~ C:AM's IN THE LIMELIGHT • be found elsewhere in this issue of the Journal. News and Inventory on the Advent of the 15th Birthday of U. S. CAM Following Increases Contract Air Mail Service More than ever, this was also a month of greater interest in Contract Air Mail cover collecting. The gradu­ • al rise in interest began years ago, by WALTER J. CONRATH on a sound, thoughtful basis, and is still growing. More inquiries are cur­ • rently being received from collectors and prospective CAM collectors. De­ ONTRACT AIR MAIL collecting sirable covers of the more rare points CC inter€st and activity reached are becoming increasingly difficult new highs during October. First of to obtain. There's a greater activity all it was a month of feverish short­ in the buying and selling of domestic notice events, with inaugural flights first flight covers, which places them of new routes and additions popping on a plane even above the hereto­ from almost everv section of the for more renowned and revered ear­ nation. Four AAMS Advance Air ly postal covers bearing fancy and Mail Information Bulletins were is­ special cancels. Auction prices of sued· in a oeriod of two weeks. Two better items have borne out and of them within two days. Alert CAM compared well with CAM cover collectors who carefully studied their catalogue quotations. Daily Postal Bulletin found a few more first flights tucked away under Why the Popularity ? new and revised schedules. There But, how come this great evidence were but few official Post Office De­ of interest in Contract Flights? First. partment cachets, plus a few mis­ the air mail system has spun a net.­ understandings on the furnishing of work over the entire nation, and al­ cachets for new AM routes. Covers most everyone has, at one time or from the 5 October 15 inaugurals, on another during the past fourteen which but few collectors' items were years, seen or heard of first flight carried, should prove very desirable. CAM covers and cachets. Secondly, while pieces from the first flights to the covers are official in every sense and from Clarksburg, W. Va .. when of the word, being authorized by that city was added to AM-25 Octo­ the Post Office Department and ber 21, will undoubtedly be even handled with the same care and IIJiOre scarce. caution as would be employed to Continuing through November. protect any govenmental emission. CAM activity is still providing plenty Third, the covers are history-reveal­ of work for those who prepare their ing, they are clean, interesting proo­ own first flight covers. On or about erty; colorful and appealing, even to November first AM routes 48 and 51 the uninitiated. They are also quite are scheduled to be inaugurated. On readily secured, under the majority November 12 thirty-five covers will of circumstances. be necessary to S€cure complete di­ Totaling the reasons for CAM pop­ rectional coverage of a new Non­ ularity it must also be pointed out stop Pick-Up and Delivery Route that collectors of this group of first (AM-49-B} between Pittsburgh, Pa. flight air mail covers have had an and Huntington, via Parkersburg, W. efficient catalogue of listings and Va. Some readers will undoubtedly valuations of these items for a num­ still have opportunity to forward ber of years. There is no debate but their own covers on this new pick­ that this portion of the American Air up route and a reprint of the AAMS Mail Catalogue, ably edited by a Bulletin showing covers required will large and representative staff of OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THI: T~E AIRPOST JOURNAL AMERICAN AIR MAil.. SOCIETY NOVEMBER, 1940 Vol. XII, No. 2 - Issue 127 20c per Copy 40 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL specialists, has held old and attract­ United States, which will be Feb­ ed many new collectors to Contract ruary 15, 1941, it is pleasing to note flight covers. The CAM Catalogue the progress and the intensified in­ listings, after successive volumes and terest in CAM aero-philately. Many years of experience, have been de­ of us highly prize those first con­ veloped by AAMS members into a tract flights covers of 1926, specially both efficient and interesting group­ marked with history-telling cachets ing, without padding of unnecessary and cancels. We've gone a long way items or deletion of important as­ in our branch of the hobby, and we sociated facts. It is truly a listing don't regret it one bit. "BY the collector FOR the collector." At least a portion of the increased • interest in CAM cover collecting NO CHANGE IN POLICY OF might be attributed to the recent ap­ NEW AIR SERVICE RELEASES pearance of the new APJ album page sets for CAM's. These loose-leaf We reproduce here a letter from pages, of which a complete collection Mr. Roy M. Martin, Supt. of Air album is available, make it possible Mail, concerning recent Air Mail in­ for the average collector to properly augurals: mount covers of this type, anct have October 15, 1940 with his collection attractively writ­ "My dear Mr. Gatchell, ten-up information on the routes. Receipt is acknowledged of your complete route maps showing old, letter concerning the press release of revised and new routes, and illustra­ new air mail services to go into effect tions of the more attractive cachets October 15. · used on some of the covers. There has been no change in the policy concerning notices of first And :the Future flights, and the Department will en­ It is reasonable to assume that deavor to notify all concerned when­ CAM cover collecting popularity has ever there is sufficient time for full not yet reached its ultimate peak. coverage. Many collectors who have sent and saved a few covers in the past year~ Recently, there have been some are just beginning to realize their cases where the various factors upon importance. A more genuine appreci­ which authorizations for new ser­ ation of these souvenirs which chron­ vices are determined, were not in icle the historic development of our our hands until approximately the national network of airways is in­ time the carrier was ready to start. evitable as the years pass. Then too. In these cases, it did not appear war­ those who have indicated or thought ranted to delay the start of the ser­ that "all the possible new first flights vice for the considerable period re­ have been flown" will have to revise quired for first flight announcements. their premises as evidenced by the A number of notices are being sent numerous inaugurals of the past sev­ out at the present time, which will eral weeks. Though the number may indicate our intention of following be reduced, there will always be the long-established practice when­ new routes or services to maintain ever there is sufficient time for the a continued interest in new material. complete coverage necessary. Those The day has passed when collec­ which have come from the printer. tors or dealers, who specialize in at this time are enclosed herewith. some other branch of the hobby, We appreciate the cordial tenor or refer to CAM coYers as common y-0ur letter. cabbage and look upon their value Sincerely yours, as less than postage. Persons might Roy M; Martin, still TRY to BUY them at p0stage Superintendent." figures, but today they practically all look CAM's over and catalogue them At a later date Mr. Gatchell, sec­ quite carefully before SELLING the retary of the AAMS Advisory Board, covers. wrote Mr. Martin calling attention to the supplying of additional official Conlrac::t Bir:thday cachets for all cities on NEW routes So, as we approach the celebration AM-51 and AM-48. It was respect.­ of the 15th anniversary of the first fully suggested that the Department Contract Air Mail service in the provide the usual cachet treatment. Three Pounds For Erie Inaugural • FIRST FLIGHT Air Mail changes hands for the October 15th in­ augural of AM-46 (Buffalo-Erie-Pittsburgh) at Erie.
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