The Inventory of the Francesca Zambello Collection #1730 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Zambello, Francesca #1730 2/28/07 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Material. Box 1 A. Portfolios re: plays produced by FZ; includes costume sketches; set designs; scene charts; character sketches; research materials; set photographs; sound cues; scripts; scene breakdowns; notes; librettos; schedules; set props; casting; clippings; correspondence; programs; scores; photocopied books. 1. AAida Geneva, >99.@ [F. 1] 2. AAn American Tragedy.@ [F. 2-5] 3. AArianna.@ [F. 6-7] 4. AArshak.@ [F. 8-9] 5. ABartered Bride.@ [F. 10-13] 6. ABoris Godunov, 2002, Paris.@ [F. 14-18] Box 2 7. A[Dialogue of the] Carmelites, Paris >99, Japan >98, Santa Fe >99.@ [F. 1-5] 8. ACyrano de Bergerac.@ [F. 6] 9. ADeath Takes a Holiday,@ 2 files: a. A1/06 Reading.@ [F. 7-8] b. A10/04,@ includes 2 photographs re: FZ and Antonio Banderas as AZorro.@ [F. 9-10] 10. ADon Giovanni,@ Royal Opera House, 2002. [F. 11-12] 11. AHans Christian Anderson.@ [F. 13-14] 12. ALady in the Dark,@ 1997. [F. 15] 13. ADer Meistersinger Von Nurnberg.@ [F. 16-18] Box 3 a. Ibid. [F. 1] 14. AModern Painters.@ [F. 2-3] 15. AOf Mice and Men,@ 2002. [F. 4] 16. AOtello.@ [F. 5-6] 17. APaul Bunyan.@ [F. 7] 18. APeter Grimes.@ [F. 8-9] 19. APooh: The Hundred Acre Wood.@ [F. 10] 20. AQueen of Spades,@ 2001. [F. 11-12] 21. AShow Boat.@ [F. 13-14] 22. ASkrajojantis Olandas.@ [F. 15] 23. ATristan And Isolde.@ [F. 16] 24. ALes Troyens, 2002-3.@ [F. 17-18] 25. AWar and Peace.@ [F. 19] 26. AZorro - Eurodisney,@ includes audio CD. [F. 20] B. Model photographs/technical photographs re: sets. Zambello, Francesca (2/28/07) Box 4 1. AAn American Tragedy,@ Metropolitan Opera, 2005-2006. [F. 1-2] 2. AGuerre et Paix.@ [F. 3-4] 3. ALes Troyens,@ 2002. [F. 5] 4. AModern Painters,@ 1995. 5. ANapoleon,@ 2000. 6. AOtello.@ 7. Untitled. C. Costume sketches. 1. AGuillaume Tell,@ 2002. [F. 6] 2. AModern Painters,@ 1995. 3. Untitled. D. Set designs, sketches. 1. AGuerre et Paix.@ 2. AGuillaume Tell,@ 2002 3. ALady in the Dark.@ [F. 7-8] 4. Untitled. E. Press packets; includes photocopies of reviews; various articles. 1. ABoris Godounov.@ [F. 9] 2. ADialogues des Carmelites.@ 3. ALa Guerre et la Paix.@ 4. ATibet Through the Red Box,@ 2004. 5. Untitled re: Gary Bertini. F. Press kits. 1. Re: California Symphony. [F. 10] 2. Re: NYC Opera. G. Curriculum vitae of FZ; includes reviews. H. Notes re: various productions, holograph. I. Various casting materials; includes casting lists; headshots. [F. 11] J. ANapoleon,@ research for props. K. AWar and Peace,@ production schedules. L. Re: AGuillaume Tell,@ includes schedules; contact list; list of actors (French). M. Subject files; includes casting materials; reviews; clippings; research materials; postcards; photographs. 1. AFight Stuff Nap,@ re: ANapoleon.@ [F. 12] 2. AGrans Folder,@ re: ANapoleon.@ [F. 13] 3. ANap. Jo. Tal., Ideas Res.,@ re: ANapoleon.@ 4. AThe Little Prince - Callback Auditions.@ [F. 14] 5. AOriginal Costume Set.@ [F. 15] 6. APress.@ [F. 16-17] 7. AWexford.@ [F. 18] 8. AXerox.@ [F. 19] Box 5 9. Untitled. Zambello, Francesca (2/28/07) a. Re: AAriadne.@ [F. 1] b. AKhovanshchina.@ [F. 2-4] c. AModern Painters.@ [F. 5] d. ANapoleon.@ [F. 6] e. AWar and Peace.@ II. Manuscripts. A. Scripts / librettos. 1. AAn American Tragedy,@ by Tobias Picker, libretto by Gene Scheer, 25 p., 11/20/04, 2 copies. [F. 7] 2. ACafé Puccini,@ by Robin Ray, 156 p. 3. ACarnival,@ music and lyrics by Bob Merrill, approx. 100 p. [F. 8] 4. AFlight,@ by unidentified author, approx. 30 p., 10/13/97. 5. ALady in the Dark,@ by Moss Hart, lyrics by Ira Gershwin, approx. 200 p.; includes notes. [F. 9] 6. ANapoleon,@ by Andrew Sabiston and Timothy Williams, 6/19/00; includes scene charts; correspondence; cast lists; notes; summaries; 4 scripts. [F. 10-12] 7. AWest Side Story,@ by Jerome Robbins, 77 p., 1956. [F. 13] 8. 4 script fragments, 2 English, 2 German, approx. 130 p. [F. 13-14] B. Script outlines. 1. ASister Carrie,@ adapted by Donald Sturrock, approx. 60 p., 9/1/99. [F. 14] 2. AThe Snow Queen,@ 2 p. 3. AThe Wild Swans,@ 2 p. C. AWords and Music: Opera in Translation,@ chapter fragment, TS, approx. 20 p. D. Scores. 1. AAn American Tragedy,@ libretto by Gene Scheer, 3 piano/vocal scores, 78-347 p., 1/16/04, 4/5/04, 9/29/05. [F. 15-16] Box 6 2. ACarnival,@ piano-conductor=s score, music and lyrics by Bob Merrill, 214 p., n.d. [F. 1] 3. AFantastic Mr. Fox,@ libretto by Donald Sturrock, 35 p., 5/10/97. [F. 2] 4. AGuillaume Tell,@ by Giochino Rossini, 382 p, n.d. 5. AThe Little Prince,@ music by Rachel Portman, libretto by Nicholas Wright, 3 piano/vocal scores: Aug. 2004, n.d. [F. 3-4] 6. AModern Painters,@ music by David Lang, libretto by Manuela Hoelterhoff, 291 p., revised May 1995. [F. 5] 7. ANapoleon,@ music and lyrics by Andrew Sabiston and Timothy Williams, 2 scores, approx. 450 p. each, 9/7/98, 6/26/00. [F. 6-7] 8. AThe Nose,@ piano/vocal score by Dimitri Shostakovitch, Russian; includes English translation, 288 p., 1962. [F. 8] Zambello, Francesca (2/28/07) 9. APaul Bunyan,@ libretto by W. H. Auden, music by Benjamin Britten, 172 p., 1978. [F. 9] 10. ATherese Raquin,@ 2 scores, libretto by Gene Scheer, 57-275 p., 8/21/01, n.d., multiple copies; includes rehearsal schedule, 2 copies; email, 11/12/01; contact sheet, 11/01/01. [F. 10] 11. AWest Side Story,@ vocal score, music by Leonard Bernstein, lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, 200 p., n.d. [F. 11] III. Notebooks and Journals. A. Professional, re: production notes. 1. ABolshoi - Turandot.@ [Loose] 2. ALady M[acbeth] - 2002, F. Zambello.@ 3. A[Guillaume] Tell - Paris - 2005.@ 4. AW+P, Bartille, 2000.@ 5. 8 untitled notebooks; may includes contact sheets; printed materials; schedules; play breakdowns; chorus lists. Box 7 a. Ibid. [Loose] IV. Printed Material. A. Programs re: various performances. [F. 1-12] Box 8 1. Ibid. [F. 1-9] B. Magazines; includes articles, ads re: FZ, operas, 1984-2007. [F. 9-12] C. 9 booklets. [F. 13-14] D. Brochures. [F. 15] E. 3 fliers. F. 4 seasonal calendars. G. 17 postcards; includes printed photographs re: various productions. H. Invitation, 11/19/92. Box 9 I. 6 newsletters, 1985-2006. [F. 1] J. 2 maps. K. Photocopies from various books; includes librettos, approx. 50 p. L. Clippings, 1986-2006. [F. 2-4] M. Clipping files, re: 1. ACyrano de Bergerac,@ April-May 2006. [F. 5] 2. AGuerre et Paix (War and Peace),@ 1999 3. AL=Assedio di Calais,@ 1991. 4. ALes Troyens,@ 1991. 5. ALucia di Lammermor, 1993.@ [F. 6] 6. AMidsummer Marriage,@ 1993. 7. ANYC,@ 1995; includes photographs; programs. 8. AOf Mice and Men,@ 2001. [F. 7] 9. AIl Pirata,@ Fidelio, 1992. 10. ARomulus Hunt,@ 1993; includes program. Zambello, Francesca (2/28/07) 11. ATosca,@ 1991. 12. Untitled, 1989-1997. N. Miscellaneous; includes ANapoleon,@ 3-D information card; membership directory; CD booklets; photocopies re: various subjects. [F. 8] O. Posters re: shows produced by FZ. Additional posters are located in the Large Size Material section of this Preliminary Listing. V. Correspondence. A. General. 1. 120 TLS, ALS, faxes, emails, cards, invitations, 1993-2006, n.d.; notables include: Eisner, Michael. TLS, 2005. [F. 9-10] VI. Photographs. A. Personal. 1. Re: friends and family, 1 Polaroid, 19 color, 4 black and white prints. [Env. 1] B. Professional. 1. Re: shows by FZ. a. AThe Little Prince,@ approx. 50 color scans; includes holograph notes; synopsis/description of project, TS, 9 p. [F. 11] b. ANapoleon,@ approx.150 color prints of production and model set. [Env. 2] c. ATurandot,@ 23 color prints. [F. 12] d. Unidentified show, 24 color prints, 1986; includes TLS card, 1986. [Env. 3] 2. Re: various dinners/award presentations, 16 color prints. [Env. 4] 3. Headshot re: FZ, black and white print. VII. Scrapbooks. Box 10 A. Re: ADialogues des Carmelites@ production. [F. 1] B. Re: various productions, press clippings. [F. 2-4] VIII. Personal Memorabilia. A. 2 children=s drawings for FZ. [F. 5] B. Re: AThe Little Prince.@ 1. Photograph collage, 2003. 2. Magnet. C. 2 ticket stubs re: ALes Troyens.@ D. 2 cards with religious quotes. Zambello, Francesca (2/28/07) IX. Legal Material. A. Contracts between FZ and various organizations. 1. Disney Creative Entertainment re: show at Tokyo Disney Sea, 8/9/04. 2. Buena Vista re: AThe Little Mermaid,@ play, 9/1/04. 3. Washington National Opera re: ABilly Budd,@ 8/23/04. 4. Opera Nationale de Paris re: ADialogues des Carmelites,@ 11/3/04. 5. Metropolitan Opera re: AAn American Tragedy,@ 3/25/03. 6. Royal Opera House re: ACarmen,@ 5/12/04. X. Financial Materials. A. Bank deposit ticket. B. Credit card statement, 2/1/04. XI. Film and Video. A. VHS re: rehearsals/performances, 1993-2005. [Loose] 1. AAmahl and the Night Visitors,@ 14 VHS. 2. ABartered Bride,@ 2 VHS. 3. ADialogue des Carmelites,@ 2 VHS. 4. ADon Giovanni,@ 3 VHS. 5. AEmmeline.@ 6. AGuerre et Paix,@ 2 VHS. 7. ALes Troyens,@ 4 VHS. 8. AThe Little Prince.@ 9. ANapoleon,@ 3 VHS. 10. AOf Mice and Men,@ 5 VHS. Box 11 11. APaul Bunyan.@ 12. APeter Grimes.@ 13. A48 Preludes and Fugues.@ 14. AQueen of Spades.@ 15. ATraviata.@ 16. ATurandot.@ 17. ALa Vaisseau Fantome.@ 18. ADeath Takes a Holiday.@ B. 3 untitled DVDs. XII. Audio Materials. A. CDs re: opera/performances, 1999-2004.
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