Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa: 2015 Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa Statstcs on Post-SchoolReleased in March 2017 Educaton and Training in South Africa 2016 i Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa: 2015 Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa: 2016 Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa: 2015 Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training Released in March 2017 in South Africa: 2016 Released in March 2018 i i Statstcs on Post-School Educaton and Training in South Africa: 2016 Department of Higher Educaton and Training 123 Francis Baard Street Pretoria South Africa Private Bag X174 Pretoria 0001 Tel.: 0800 87 22 22 Published by the Department of Higher Educaton and Training. www.dhet.gov.za © Department of Higher Educaton and Training, 2018. This publicaton may be used in part or as a whole, provided that the Department of Higher Educaton and Training is acknowledged as the source of informaton. The Department of Higher Educaton and Training does all it can to accurately consolidate and integrate natonal educaton informaton, but cannot be held liable for incorrect data and for errors in conclusions, opinions and interpretatons emanatng from the informaton. Furthermore, the Department cannot be held liable for any costs, losses or damage that may arise as a result of any misuse, misunderstanding or misinterpretaton of the statstcal content of the publicaton. ISBN: 987-1-77018-839-6 This report is available on the Department of Higher Educaton and Training’s website: www.dhet.gov.za Enquiries: Tel: +27 (012) 312 6191/5961 Fax: +27 (012) 323 0991 Email: [email protected] ii Foreword FOREWORD The Department of Higher Educaton and Training presents to you its seventh issue of Statstcs on Post- School Educaton and Training in South Africa. The report includes 2016 enrolment and graduate statstcs obtained from public and private Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs), Technical and Vocatonal Educaton and Training (TVET) colleges, private colleges, and Community Educaton and Training (CET) colleges, as well as fnancial and work-place learning data for the 2016/17 fnancial year, obtained from Natonal Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), Natonal Skills Fund (NSF) and Sector Educaton and Training Authorites (SETAs), respectvely. The statstcal data provided in this report excludes insttutons managed by other government departments and state enttes. Previous statstcal reports of a similar nature have been published by the Department since 2010, and can be found on the Department’s website at www.dhet.gov.za. Statstcs pertaining to HEIs, TVET and CET colleges that cover the decade prior to 2010, can be found in statstcal publicatons available on the Department of Basic Educaton’s website at www.educaton.gov.za, and those pertaining to SETAs, on the Department of Labour’s website at www.labour.gov.za. The Department seeks to improve on the quality of data collected from diferent PSET insttutons, and the 2016 data for TVET colleges was collected using the Technical and Vocatonal Educaton and Training Management Informaton System (TVETMIS) for the frst tme, which collects informaton for each individual student and staf as opposed to aggregate informaton which was provided to the Department in the past. Access to high quality post-school educaton and training, which is responsive to the needs of society and the economy, remains the main focus for South Africa, as outlined in the Natonal Development Plan. However, expanded student access to PSET remains a challenge owing to, inter alia, the capacity of PSET insttutons to absorb higher levels of student enrolment owing to inadequate funding, and the inability of large numbers of students to pay fees owing to high levels of poverty. Currently, students are supported fnancially through the Natonal Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and the Funza Lushaka bursary scheme for students enrolled in the Educaton feld of study. During the 2016 academic year, 451 507 students were awarded NSFAS bursaries/loans and 14 136 students received Funza Lushaka bursaries. Although the number of NSFAS student benefciaries has increased dramatcally since 2010, recent shifs in government policy are likely to result in signifcantly greater number of benefciaries in 2018 and the future. iii Foreword The Statstcs on PSET report provides statstcal informaton on student enrolments (which is a key measure of access), graduaton and stafng levels at post-school educaton and training insttutons, as well as other relevant informaton in the PSET system, including Workplace-Based Learning (WBL) over which the Department has oversight. It also includes key fnancial statstcs pertaining to NSFAS, the skills levy fund, and funds allocated to key components of the post-school educaton and training system. The report serves as an important resource for planning and the allocaton of budgetary resources in the post-school educaton and training system. It is a reference document for reportng purposes in government, including the monitoring and evaluaton of post-school educaton and training. In additon, it provides statstcs for use in research, policy and decision-making at the diferent levels within the system, and by the public. It therefore makes a crucial contributon towards the achievement of the goals of the post-school educaton and training system. The Department strives to make this report accurate and responsive to stakeholders’ needs. Therefore, feedback on the report, including suggestons for improvement, can be emailed to: [email protected]. Mr GF Qonde Director-General: Department of Higher Educaton and Training Pretoria, South Africa iv Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Department of Higher Educaton and Training wishes to thank public and private Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs), Technical and Vocatonal Educaton and Training (TVET) colleges, Community Educaton and Training (CET) colleges, private colleges, Sector Educaton and Training Authorites (SETAs), the Natonal Artsan Development Support Centre (NADSC), the Natonal Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), and the Natonal Skills Fund (NSF) for providing data in order to make this publicaton possible. v Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xiv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 3 3. THE PROVISIONING OF POST-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND TRAINING: A STATISTICAL OVERVIEW 6 4. HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS 9 4.1 ENROLMENT IN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) 9 4.2 PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) 11 4.2.1 Introducton 11 4.2.2 Enrolment in public Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs) 11 4.2.3 Graduates from public Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs) 20 4.2.4 Stafng in public Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs) 26 4.3 PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIs) 27 4.3.1 Introducton 27 4.3.2 Enrolment in private Higher Educaton Insttutons (HEIs) 27 4.3.3 Stafng in private HEIs 30 4.3.4 Graduates from private HEIs 31 5. TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGES 32 5.1 OVERVIEW OF TVET COLLEGES 32 5.1.1 Enrolment of students in TVET colleges 33 5.1.2 Overview of the TVET sector by province 36 5.1.3 Enrolment in TVET colleges by qualifcaton levels and programmes 38 5.1.4 Full-Time Equivalent student enrolment in TVET colleges 40 5.1.5 Examinaton results in TVET colleges and private colleges 40 5.1.6 Examinaton results in TVET colleges 42 6. COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGES 50 6.1 OVERVIEW OF CET COLLEGES 50 6.1.1 Enrolment of students in CET colleges 51 6.1.2 Enrolment per CET College 55 6.1.3 Stafng in CET colleges 57 6.1.4 Examinaton results in CET colleges 58 vi Table of Contents 7. PRIVATE COLLEGES 63 7.1 OVERVIEW OF PRIVATE COLLEGES 63 7.1.1 Enrolment of students in private colleges 64 7.1.2 Enrolment in private colleges by province 70 7.1.3 Stafng in private colleges 71 7.1.4 Examinaton results in private colleges 71 8. SECTOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING AUTHORITY (SETA) SUPPORTED LEARNING PROGRAMMES 80 8.1 INTRODUCTION 80 8.2 REGISTRATION AND CERTIFICATION OF SETA-SUPPORTED LEARNING PROGRAMMES 81 8.2.1 Workers registered for SETA-supported learning programmes 83 8.2.2 Workers certfcated in SETA-supported learning programmes 84 8.2.3 Unemployed persons registered in SETA-supported learning programmes 85 8.2.4 Unemployed persons certfcated in SETA-supported learning programmes 86 8.3 ARTISANS 88 8.3.1 Introducton 88 8.3.2 Learners entering artsanal learning programmes 89 8.3.3 Learners completng artsanal learning programmes 92 9. FUNDING IN THE POST-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND TRAINING SECTOR 96 9.1 INTRODUCTION 96 9.2 FUNDING OF KEY POST-SCHOOL EDUCATION AND TRAINING PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS 97 9.3 NATIONAL STUDENT FINANCIAL AID SCHEME (NSFAS) 99 9.3.1 Introducton 99 9.3.2 NSFAS benefciaries and amounts provided 99 9.3.3 Funza Lushaka bursary scheme 100 9.4 THE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT LEVY 102 9.4.1 Introducton 102 9.4.2 Distributon of the Skills Development Levy 103 9.5 GRANTS PROVIDED BY THE NATIONAL SKILLS FUND (NSF) 104 9.5.1 Introducton 104 9.5.2 Number of projects and benefciaries supported by the NSF 104 9.5.3 NSF infrastructure grants 107 10. APPENDIX: STATISTICAL TABLES 108 vii Table of Contents 11. EXPLANATORY NOTES 122 11.1 INTRODUCTION 122 11.2 SCOPE 122 11.3 METHODOLOGY 122 11.4 RESPONSE RATES 123 12. GLOSSARY 124 13. CONTACT DETAILS 132 viii List of Tables LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1: Overview of post-school educaton and
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