Elytra, Tokyo,35(1): 194-204, May30, 2007 A nfesA Revisio o us th Genu F,ormosotoxot (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Apatophyseinae), with Description of a NewSpeciesfromSikkim Nobu0OHBAYASHI Entomological Laboratory,Facultyof Agriculture, Ehime Uni versi ty , Tarumi,Matsuyama,790-8566 Japan Abstract The cerambycid genus F,ormosotoxotus is revised. Fo r, n oso to:xo tus masataka1 sp no v. is desc r ibed fromSik ki m, and F fulvopi1osus HAYAsHI, 1979 is synonymized wi th F malayanus HAYAsHI, 1977. The systemat ic posi tion of thegenus is discussed and it is placed in the subfamily Apatophyseinae. Introduction On my shor t t rip to Paris made in 2005, I found a very old specimen belonging to thegenusFormosotoxotusin thecollectionof theMuseumnationald'Histoirenature11e. After acareful examination, it wasconcludedthat thespecimenbelongedtoaspecies new to science. Alongwithdescriptionofthenewspecies,I takethisopportunity to revisebriefly thegenusFormosotoxotusandbestowsomeconsiderationson itssystematic position. Tax onomic placement of the species of Formosoto:x;otus has frequently changed. KANO(1933) descr ibed the first speciesoxotinusauripi1osusfromTaiwanasaclose「 relativeof To:)cotinus reini1HEYDEN. In thesameyear, MATSUSHITA (1933) described Ar tel id a aslatica from Taiwan (the genusArtelida had been used unt il then exclusively for Madagascan species). GRESSITT (1951) placed T1oxotinus auripi1osus in the genus To:x;otus (subgenus To:xotinus) o fh te Stenocorini. Simultaneously he erected a new genus Paranthophylax (inXy1osteini) foranewspecies,P.sericeus(designatedasthetypespecies)andP asla ticus , tra nsferred to this genus fromArtelida. Paranthophylax is currently regarded .ERIADROC AL suegopyr as a juniO「 InTl960, HAYAsHI sune g eh t fomynon Sy sy n ony m ized Artelida aslatlca with Toxotinus auripi1osus and established a new genus F, ormo so tox ot us fo r lt. Since then, five more species were added to the genus F,ormoso- t();)cetus, viz., Fmalayanus HAYAsHI,1977 and F fulvopi1osus HAYAsHI,1979, from Malaysia, F. uenoi N. 0HBAYAsHI, l 995, f rom Kalimantan, Indonesia, F takaoi NIISATo, 1996, from North Vietnam, and Fnobuoi VI vEs et N IIsATo, 2006, from Nepal. Up to n ow , all the authors regarded those species as members of the subfamily RevisionoftheGenus.Formosotoxot11s 195 Lepturinae except JENIS (2001) who illustrated an unidentified Malayan species of F,or mo so to:foe t u s an d placed it, without proper explanation, in the Apatophyseinae, together withmany Madagascanspecies, theAfricanDorcasomusSERvILLEandCapo- te;xotus rugosus TIPPMANN, and the Or iental genera Prota-x;is GAHAN and Trypogeus LA coRDAIRE. The subfami ly Apatophysinae LAcoRDAIRE was erected by DA N ILEvsKY (1979) for a single genus, Apatophysis CHEvRo LAT, main ly based on the larval morphology (original LAcoRDAIRE's Apatophysides included also the Sou th AfricangenusPachytt'conTHOMSONandtheOreintalTrypogeuswhoselarvaewereand still are unknown). The correct spelling of the subfamily name apparently shou ld be Apatophyseinae, first used by LoBANov et a1. (1981). So far there have been few external adult characters dist inguishing the Apatophyseinae from other subfamilies. However, the subfamily could be characterized by a combination of stridulatory file of me sonotum , hind wing venation and male genitalia (personal unpublished results) . Ba se d on m yst u dy of h ind wing venat ion and male geni tal ia, I conclude that the genus F, o r mo soto:x:otus is closely rel ated to Apatophysls, and thus it belongs to the subfami ly Apatophyseinae. Th is s h o rt pap er is dedicated to the memory of the late Prof. Dr. Masataka SAT0, who was one of th e most prominent Japanese coleopterist, and also had been my closest sen io r like a brother since fifty years ago. I hokI wis t than ch PetrSvAcHA(Cze emy ofce, Acad eske Scien ice) C Budejov for his useful advice and critical review of the manuscript. My thanks are also dueto the fo l lo w ing e n to mologists for their kind help, useful suggestions or offer of invaluable sp ec imens for study: Gianfranco SAMA, Mikhail L. DANILEvsKY, Eduard VIVES and Tatsu ya NIIsATo. I was also much indebted to Th ier r y DEuvE and Azadeh TA GH A vIAN of the Museum national d'Histoire nature11e, Paris for their kind help extended to me at my visit to themuseum. Su bfamily A p a t o p h ys e i n ae LAcORDAIRE, 1869 Apatophysides LAcoRDAIRE, 1869, 234. Apatophysinae: DANILEvsKY,1979, 827. Apatophyseinae: LoBANovet a1., 1981,786,794. - SvAcHA& DANILEVSKY, 1988, 125. - SV CHA et al., 1997,364, fig 55. Notes. A fter D ANILEvsKY (1979) erected the subfamily ApatophySinae LAcoRDAIRE for receiving the genus Apat ophysls, SV ACHA (in SVACHA & DA NI LEvsKY, 1987) made the following comment:ThegenusApatophyslshasnodi“ 「cot re a l tj on ot the Le ptur inae, and it has been placed in a separate subfami ly ApatOphy- se se jna e (DAN LEI vsKY, 1979) . _ Despi te DUFFY (1957, 1980), the genus DO「CaSOmuS can be o n noacco u nt retained in Lepturinae, and, although differing in some characters fro mAp a tophysis, it should be provisionally included in theApat,ophyseinae. The wr jt er susp ects al l the Leptur ine-1ike forms occurr ing in the Eth iopian Region ( inCl. Ma d agascar) to be of a similar taxonomic position ” According to P. SVACHA (Pe「S・ 196 Nobuo OHBAYASH] Figs. 1-8.Hind wing venation of the subfamily Apatophyseinae. - 1, Ap atophys is barbara LucAs 2, A patO phySiSSlniCa SEMENOV TIAN-SHANsKIJ; 3, Artelida sp ; 4, Mastododers nodjco11js KLUG; 5 Formosoto)cetus. aurtpi1osa;6, F malayanus;7, Fno buo i ; 8 , Tr i pogeus cab i gas i VIvEs. Comm ) , afte r inclus ion o f Do rcasomus the Apatophyseinae should be renamed Dorca_ SOminae for p rio rity easons r (Dorcasomides were established in LAcoRDAIRE, 1869 a, 456) . A fte r discu sions with some European entomologists, it is becoming clear that the majorty i o f the so -ca11 e d lep tur ine-1ike forms of Madagascar should be included jn th js Su bfam ily, ut b the re are differe nt pinions o concerning the position of the genusDorca_ somus distributed in continental Africa. Not having examined specimens of I)orca_ SO muS,I Cann ot contribute to solving the problem and therefore I retain the name Ap atoph y seinae unti l the change to Dorcasominae is formal ly published. Co n cern inghe t A s ian genera of this subfamily, VIvEs (2006) described a new 9enuSBO neo ph 「ys ts f rom Sabah, Malaysia, and also upgraded two former subgenera of APa tOPhySi S to g eneric status: Paratophysis GREssITT et RoNDoN, 1970, andEpjtophysls GR ESSITT e t RO NDO N,19 70. nI addit ion, the genus Trypogeus should be included in this Sub fam lyi (E. VIVES , pers. omm c ). As the result, six genera of Apatophyseinae occur Revision of the Genus F,or mosot oxot us 197 in Asia: atopayszs, formosotoxotus,Paratophysls,◆pftophysls, orneop ys is and 「rypo- geus. Hindwingvenationof thegeneraApatophysis,Artelida,Mastododera, Formosotoxo- tu s and Tripogeus are illustrated in Figs. 1-8 for comparison. Genus Flo rmosotox:ot us HAYAsHI , 1960 Fo,mos otox otus HAY AsHI, 19 60, 1; type species: Artelida aslatlca MATSUSHITA, 1933= Toxot itl tlS au「lP11oSuS KANO,1933. - HAYAsHl & VILLIERS, 1985, 27, 31. Bo dy st out , short, ent irely covered wi th adpressed 1ong hairs. Head shor t; mandi- ble s la rge and sharp; gena as long as the width acrosseye; antenna inserted laterally at so me dist an ce before eye; eye coarsely faceted and emarginate behind antennal inser tion; te mp e rag radually narrowed poster ior ly, not constricted. Pronotum with conical lateral tuberclesand twopairs of discal tubercles, theanterior pair of which is larger thanthe posterior one; presternal process narrowand sligh t ly di lated at apex; acetabula of pro coxaeclosed or narrowly opened posteriorly; mesosternum without stridulatory files and wi th a c om plete subcuticular longitudinal median black line visible through the translucentcuticle;surfaceofcuticlewithouttransversestriation, indistinctly reticulate. Elytrabroader thanpronotum, almost twiceaslongasbasal width, almost parallel-sided or slightly narrowed posteriad. Hind wing venation asin Figs 5-7. Legs rather long; tibiadilatedandusuallyflattenedapically;hindtarsuswithfirstsegment as long as seco n d and th ird combined. Median lobe of male genitalia longer than tegmen, widened fr o m median struts in dorsal view; median struts longer than half of total length of med ian lobe; median foramen roundly opened. Notes. This ge n us has very close relation with the genusApatophysls, in particular by the f ea tures of hind wing venation, the structure of male genitalia, laterally inserted an ennt al s c ape, a n d two pairs of disca1 tubercles of pronotum, but it is distinguishable by rather short antennae, irregularly arranged pubescence on dorsal surface, hind tarsus with first segment not longer than secon d and third combined, abdomen of female entirely covered by elytra, and so on. F,ormosoto:x1otus aurip i1osus (KANO, 1933) (Figs 5, 9, 13-14 ) T, ox oti nus a lt rip i1os1ls KANO, 1933,263; type local i ty: Tat taka (7,300 f t. in al t ) near M usha, Cent ral Formosa (Cerambyci nae, sensu l ate). - TAMANUKI , 1939, 69, fig 25. (Senocorin i ) Arte11da asiatlca M ATSUSHITA, 1933, 172; type local ity: Hozan, Formosa. (Toxotini ) Paranthophylax aslattcus: GREssITT, 1951, 50, 51. (Xy1osteini) T,o_x ot11s (T1oxotinus) atlriplIos11s: GREssITT, 1951, 56, 58. (Stenocorini) Sp ec i m en s e x a m i n e d. ld1', Sziuaniakou, Taichung, Taiwan, 25-V- 1999, M. SAT0 leg; l , Anmashan, Taichung, Taiwan, 25~28- IV-2002, N. 0HBAYAsHI leg; l , , Meifeng, Nantow, Taiwan,25-IV-1976,K.MAsuMoT01eg;1早, S u n g k a n g - Meifeng 19 8 Nobu0 OHBAYASHI Figs 9-12.
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