Lista Farmacii În Contract 2016

Lista Farmacii În Contract 2016

CASA DE ASIGURĂRI DE SĂNĂTATE BOTOŞANI LISTA FARMACII IN CONTRACT CU CAS BOTOȘANI - 2016 Nr.con tract ntract progra Cod Nr.Crt.G/C me furnizorTip furnizor Nume furnizor ADRESA Adresa de email NR.TELEF. 0231-538070 kaufland.botosani@abpha / 1 20346 14455 16045190 FarmacieA&B PHARM CORPORATION SRL Kaufland Bt. 0758817464 adrenalinumfarm@yahoo. 2 20414 14532 33685547 ADRENALINUM FARM Cristinesti com 0231-619148 farmacia_agathis@yahoo. 0746221797/ 3 20411 14526 31507217 AGATHIS DAMMARA Unteni com 0231-543850 Dorohoi-Str.Stefan Airinei alexincognito2010@yahoo 4 20347 14456 27860511 ALEX INCOGNITO SRL nr.1 ,Braesti,Hiliseu-Horia .com 0231-610025 5 20348 14457 11645444 FarmacieANA FARM Dorohoi-Str. Cristalului nr.6 [email protected] 0231-616070 0231- 625522/0746 6 20349 14458 18994280 ANADAN-PHARM S.R.L. Mihaileni, jud.Bt. [email protected] 967245 0231- Botosani-Str.Cal.Nationala 537883/5100 7 20350 14459 13150581 FarmacieANCA FARM nr.63 [email protected] 41/522022 8 20351 14460 5952320 FarmacieARTEMIS FARM SRL Bt.-Cal.Nationala 49 [email protected] 0231-512032 9 20352 14461 17811236 FarmacieAZARIA FARM SRL Albesti,Avrameni,Calarasi [email protected] 0231-572129 10 20353 14462 3369844 FarmacieBALSAM FARM SRL Bt.-Str.Primaverii nr.30 [email protected] 0231-584048 11 20410 14525 22772648 BIANCA FARM Flamanzi,Prajeni [email protected] 0743035996 0231- 537454/0754 12 20354 14463 10825668 FarmacieCHRISFARM Catamaretsi Deal [email protected] 275701 0231-589049 / 13 20355 14464 22188992 CLAU SILV Tudora,Oneaga [email protected] 0740987987 14 20356 14465 24538032 FarmacieCORINA-FARM S.R.L. Vladeni,Vorniceni,Hil-horia [email protected] 0231-551419 15 20357 14466 18251900 FarmacieCORINDALIS SRL Bt.-Str. Victoriei nr.1 A [email protected] 0231-539068 farmacia_defarmbt@yaho 16 20358 14467 13841765 FarmacieDEFARM SRL Bt.-Str. Primaverii nr. 12 0231-584111 Bt.-Str.Cal.Nationala nr.71 17 20359 14468 10974600 FarmacieDIADRA SRL bl.G 10 Sc.B Ap.3 [email protected] 0231-516990 minodoracampanu@yaho 18 20408 14523 28739241 DORISIMO PHARMA Hudesti 0231-623332 dorna.farmacia26@yahoo. 19 20360 14469 717359 FarmacieDORNAFARM SA Dorohoi-Str. D.Furtuna nr.7 com 0231-611809 20 20361 14470 10444264 FarmacieELADA FARM Bt.-Str.Marchian nr.6 Sc. B [email protected] 0231-534535 0231- 533697/0720 21 20362 14471 7313625 FarmacieELECTA SRL Bt.-Str.Grivita nr.11 [email protected] 353282 22 20364 14473 3748236 FarmacieELFA SRL Bt.-Str.bucovina nr.17sc. A [email protected] 0231-533313 [email protected] 23 20365 14474 13143320 FarmacieELIFARM SRL Bucecea-Str.Principala m 0231-550178 0231- 545146/0729 24 20366 14475 25539826 FarmacieERICFARM SRL Gorbăneşti [email protected] 222307 Saveni-Str.independentei [email protected] 25 20367 14476 4739791 FarmacieEUFARM SRL nr.2 m 0231-541052 0231- 5825570744 26 20368 14477 3199685 FarmacieFAR GALENUS SRL Bt.-B.dul M.Eminescu nr.26 [email protected] 359075 0231- 552000/0745 27 20369 14478 612549 FarmacieFARMABIOMED SRL Famanzi,Copalau [email protected] 089297 [email protected] 28 20363 14472 24216983 FarmacieFARMACIA ELENA Trusesti m 0231-570270 Nr.con tract ntract progra Cod Nr.Crt.G/C me furnizorTip furnizor Nume furnizor ADRESA Adresa de email NR.TELEF. 29 20375 14484 611381 FarmacieFARMACIA HUSAC SRL Bt.-Cal.Nationala nr.57 [email protected] 0231-515955 30 20371 14480 15869290 FarmacieFARMAPLUS Bt.-Str.Grivita nr.1 [email protected] 0231-515215 0231- Dorohoi Str.Duzilor nr.13 6613208 / 31 20372 14481 16947133 FarmacieFREYA GREEN SRL bl.B1,Pomarla [email protected] 0740188520 Bt.-Str. Ion Pillat 32 20373 14482 13880888 FarmacieG&L nr.4,Cotusca,Mileanca [email protected] 0231-536636 0745847868/ 33 20412 14528 17152216 GABI-SAV SRL Ştiubieni [email protected] 0231-556455 0231- [email protected] 574706/0752 34 20374 14483 25811571 GENTIANA PHARMA Todireni,Nicseni om 092695 0231- P.ta Centrala Platou A si 518555/5848 35 20415 20416 35354795 FARMACIILE INTERFARM Piata Viilor nr.77 [email protected] 49 Bt.-Str.Imp. Traian nr.43 bl. [email protected] 36 20376 14486 8265151 FarmacieLARIX FARM J11 Sc. A,Roma m 0231-537991 37 20413 14529 26186447 LAVI ANDREIOTHIS S.R.L. Bucecea [email protected] 0742779600 38 20377 14487 7109839 FarmacieLUCI-FARM Bt.-Str.Varnav nr.24 [email protected] 0231-581158 39 20378 14492 26264928 FarmacieMADY FARMVIT S.R.L. Drăguşeni [email protected] Darabani - Str.1 Decembrie 0231- bl.B2,Braesti,Broscauti,Poma [email protected] 631922/0744 40 20379 14488 16884523 FarmacieMAGISTRA FARM SRL rla m 813383 41 20380 14490 4421150 FarmacieMARAFARM SRL Bt.-Str.Ion Pillat nr.9 [email protected] 0231-517374 42 20381 14491 3791724 FarmacieMAREX SERV Bt.-Bld.M.Eminescu nr.11 [email protected] 0231-531177 43 20382 14493 11636373 FarmacieMARIN FARM Bt.-Victoriei nr.15 [email protected] 0231-512058 farmacia_marisimo@yaho 44 20383 14494 28385373 FARMACIA MARISIMO Frumusica,Mihalaseni 0231-554014 [email protected] 45 20384 14496 10381522 FarmacieMEDICAL FARM Bt.-Str.G.Enescu nr.3 m 0231-585868 46 20385 14497 603524 FarmacieMEDIFLORA Bt.-Str.Octav Onicescu nr. 6 [email protected] 0231-512209 [email protected] 47 20386 8105 35315710 FarmacieMEDIMFARM TOPFARM S.A. Str. Ion Pillat bl.O4 o 0331-401649 48 20387 14499 3199693 FarmacieMEPROFARM SRL Bt.-Str.Sucevei nr.5 [email protected] 0231-512198 Bt.-Str.Tudor Vladimirescu [email protected] 49 20388 14500 4523975 FarmacieMINERVA FARM nr.1 m 0331-710783 0231- Bt.-Str. Unirii nr.7 sc.A 530217/0728 50 20389 14501 7864942 FarmacieMIOFARM ap.16,Vaculesti [email protected] 935938 0231- 631848/0766 51 20390 14502 15809655 FarmacieMITZURA SRL Darabani-Str.1 Decembrie [email protected] 744525 [email protected] 52 20391 14503 26494536 FarmacieMONAFARM PLUS SRL Hudesti/Dersca,Lozna m 0231-623300 0231- 583595/0743 004027;0231- 53 20393 14505 9412633 FarmacieN.Y.M. - CATENA SRL Bt.-Str.Cuza Voda nr.14 [email protected] 54 20392 14504 16693760 FarmacieNIDACASO SRL Zlatunoaia [email protected] 0231-629429 0231- [email protected] 612894/0741 55 20394 14506 7661514 FarmacieOMNIAFARM Dorohoi-Str.Postei nr.3 m 054448 0231- 619901/0723 56 20395 14507 16439330 FarmacieOVITRANS SRL Cristesti,Balauseni [email protected] 619809 [email protected] 57 20396 14508 9395060 FarmaciePROFARM Flamanzi m 0231-552217 Nr.con tract ntract progra Cod Nr.Crt.G/C me furnizorTip furnizor Nume furnizor ADRESA Adresa de email NR.TELEF. 0231- 588069/0744 58 20397 14509 18030314 FarmacieREMEDIA & FARM S.R.L. Corni,Suharau,Sarafinesti [email protected] 403883 Darabani str.Teodor Bales [email protected] 0744606943 59 20398 14510 16415969 FarmacieREVITA nr.1,Concesti m / Dorohoi str.Dimitrie Pompeiu dorohoi.cuza@sibpharma 60 20409 14524 15876123 SIBPHARMAMED-RETETA nr.3 0331-101113 61 20399 14512 22706628 FarmacieRODAL FARM SRL Hlipiceni,Cerchejeni,[email protected] 0231-573934 0231- 588955/0749 62 20400 14511 22221983 FarmacieROFARM SRL Vorona [email protected] 693298 0231- Bt.-Str.1 Decembrie 510507;0231- 63 20401 14513 1962437 ROPHARMA nr.45/Dorohoi [email protected] 612244 Saveni-Str.Tudor [email protected] 64 20402 14515 12115837 FarmacieSALVIA SAVENI Vladimirescu nr.2A m 0231-541378 0231- Darabani-Str.Pietii 631068/0744 65 20403 14516 15809647 FarmacieSAMISA FARM nr.10,Rădăuţi-Prut,Păltiniş [email protected] 358416 idea_botosani1@adpharm 66 20404 14517 9378655 FarmacieSENSIBLU SRL Bt.-Str.Marchian nr.4 0231-512162 Bt.Cal.Nationala nr.105 sc.A dona201@farmaciiledona. 67 20370 14521 3596251 S.I.E.P.C.O.F.A.R. DONA/201 parter ro 0372-407201 0231- Bt.-Cal.Nationala nr.107 bl. O 535773/0752 68 20405 14519 8916578 FarmacieVERA 1 [email protected] 114745 Bt.-Str.Pietonal Transilvaniei 69 20406 14520 3199391 FarmacieVIOFARM nr.2 [email protected] 0231-514964 Vîrfu Cîmpului,Candesti,Cosula,Pl 0744253949- 70 20407 14522 24945516 ZAIT FARM openii Mari [email protected] 0231-627221.

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