-I ■ - . i , . NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DA^Y CIRCULATION (or rhe month of May, 1928 5,140 Henber of the An4lt linrean ot Oircnlatlonn CoTvn. »^0L. XLII., NO. 22» Ciasaitled Advertising on Page 10. MANCHESTEB, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1928. 'TWELVE PAGES) FOUR KILLED THE CURTAIN RISES AT HOUSTON BY BLAST IN THOMP^NVILLE TICKET, Man and Three Boys Horri­ bly Mangled When Expio- OPENS sion Occurs in Fireworks Eairly Predictions Have New York Governor and Arkan' Factory— Were Visitors. FARMERS SEEK V sas Senator as Standard Bearers— Session Delayed \ ALLIANCE WITH Tliompsonville, Conn., June 26. as Delegates Are Slow in Arriying— Big Hall, Seating — A man and three boys were kill­ ed today when an explosion wreck­ aiHTHFORCES 16,000, is Packed— Drab Meeting as Only Routine ed a storage shed at the plant of the New England Fireworks com­ pany on the northern outskirts of Business is Transacted— Keynote Speech to Be Deliv­ tlxti town. Repulsed by G. 0. P. West­ The main building or other sec­ ered Tonight So That Radio Lsteners Hay Hear It. V. tions of the plant were not dam­ erners Are Trying to Get aged and the property loss, it was estimated, would not exceed $7,- Sam Houston Hall, Houston, HERE’S TODAY’S PROGRAM Democrats to Put Farm AT DEM. CONVENTION 000. Texas, June 26.— The rumble of a Were Visitors Smith band wagon bearing the Houston, Texas, June 26.— The superintendent of the fire­ Relief in Their Platform. legend "Smith-and-Robinson” was •j Convention met at noon under works company, who had given Claiule heard In the nffing today as the the call, effected temporary or­ permission to the visitors to visit a Bowers thousand-odd delegates to the ganization, appointed commit­ shed where /chemicals were stored KEYNOTE Houston, Texas, June 26.— A tees and then recessed until sev­ In order that they might fill some speaker formal offer of an alliance between Democratic national convention en o’clock tonight. home-made bombs for use in a leaders of the "Farm Revolt” and sweltered their way Into this huge At the night session the dele­ Fourth of July celebration, thought mountain of pine and bunting that gates and millions, of radio lis­ that there was another boy in the Gov. Alfred E- Smith of New Yori Houston erected for them almost teners will hear the keynote ad­ party but a search of the vicinity was taken under consideration by dress of Claude G. Bowers of failed to reveal more than four overnight. Of the Smith part of the Smith managers today. the ticket, no one had' any doubt New York, the temporary chair­ bodies. These had been blown some man. distance away and were horribly The proposal, carefully framed whatsoever— not even the bitterest last-ditcher from the forks of some mutilated. by a score of farm organization ' 3 1 The Dead heads, was presented by Ed. O'Neal I poutheru creek. The movement to nominate the prepared for anything. Each stato The dead, all residents oE of Alabama and Chester H. Gray of New York governor on the first bal­ standard was embedded in hea-vj Tliompsonville, follow; Washington, both legislative repre­ lot was growing as the delegates as­ blocks of concrete a foot square and . Rosario Farno, 45. sentatives of the American "Farm weighing something short of a ton. sembled for the first session. A ill William Doreski, 19. Bureau Federation..It was received careful figure analysis showed that Into these blocks of concrete were Joseph Anzolotti, 14. by Judge Joseph F. Proskauer^ and barring last-minute upsets he will sunk four feet of gas pipes. The John Anzolotti, 11. George Van Namee, geieralissimo have more than 700 Votes on the standards could be - taken out, but A few people at work in the of the Smith forces. (Initial ballot, with several of the not if anybody offered much resist­ main factory building felt the Nothing definite resulted from favorite sons teetering on the fence ance. The scarred veterans of the lorce of the explosion but none the conference. A further effort will over the question of withdrawing standard fights at Madison Square were injured. A dull thud shook Garden regarded them with inter­ be made to bring the forces to­ early and letting It go with a whoop est. thd countryside for a mile around gether, it was said by the farm on the first roll call. and fire apparatus and doctors hur­ leaders. Robinson the Favorite. Bands Arrive ' ried to the scene but there was lit­ With considerable opposition de­ As for the Robinson part of the Three" bands were on hand to * tle for them to do. veloping among eastern Democratic ticket, the movement undeniably keep everybody in a good humor, Five in Party (?) leaders to a blanket enfforsement of was growing by leaps and bounds one was. the famous “ Old Gray Mare The superintendent of the plant the principles contained in the far- this morning to name the Arkansas Band,” which blared into, toe arena said that Farno and the boys ar famed McNary-Haugen bill, a fight Senator early In the proceedings. led by a blonde girl on t^ie^briginal rived in an automobile. He thought The Tammany people were for old gray mare. They were tooting there were five in the party but on the equalization fee appeared in­ NOBILE DIRECTS Southerners Idolize NEW STRIKE VOTE evitable. him, his 'Senatorial colleagues scat­ the tune, and they got a great hand. was not sure. The company has tered throughout a dozen delega­ “ Yankee Doodle," “ Dixie” and a only a small plant here and as Opinion D ivide The New York .codgressiona^ tions were boosting him, and within lot of other old-timers followed. Farno.,and his friends were well the'nextyihr^ day* there probably The box holders were the most knoiui-Uia superlntendest said he WORK OF r e s c u e! New York City Mayor TAKEN TOMORROW delegation already had. disclosed a' wide diffsrence o f opinion on this will-be.TOon^ votes lined up to in­ favored people'.In the hall. While did hesitate to^ttow "them to sure bis i0n41tt$tl'on. the delegates sat out in the middle complete their Fourth of July prrtlcular method of farm - relief. and perspired, the box holders sat Farm spokesmen were counting The cry was everywhere to make bombs. this convention ’'short and snappy” on the outer fringe and were cooled The quartet had just entered the Commander of Italia Gives Houston, Texas, June 26.—-<$; self like him, too. No compulsion If Trolleymen Decide on heavily upon the probability of Sen. by Individual electric fans. On the ahed when a terrific explosion oc­ They’ve rolled oip the sidewalks of was necessary. Houston today Robert Wagner going on the resolu­ — no Madison Square Garden. The heat, of which Houston has plenty, railing of each of the hun(jred boxes curred. The next moment bodies New York and relaid them in Hous- likes Jimmy Walker because he's tions committee. He fought for the was perched a small electric fan, and pieces of the building shot sky­ Detads of Tragedy; Plans top. Jimmy Walker. Walkout They Will Quit bill in the last Coa.-vess. contributed to the desire to wln4 and all of them were going. ward, some of'them being lodged Follow the crowd and you’ll fina The mayor was told that several Despite the protestations of things up as quickly as possible. Franklin D. Roosevelt of New in nearby trees. Plane Trips. that the crowd is following Jimmy bands, a women's organization Democratic leaders that the farm The principle barrier seemed to be York, floor manager for Gov. Smith, Walker, the mayor of New York, among them, wished to serenade Work Next Monday. issue would be met squarely and the prohibition plank in the plat­ was one of the early arrivals. He the pal of Al.Smith and, since he him on the mezzanine floor from that the party favored relief, there form but here again was the im­ took his'seat up in the New York fa-rived here, the pal of the south. the lobby of the hotel. The mayor was perceptibly less optimism patient desire on the part of lead­ block at 11:40 and was immediately London, June 26.— General Um­ Jimmy’s a pally guy. He calls him­ appeared, late as usual— and the New Haven, Conn.,. June 26.— among the two score farm organiza­ ers to avoid any lengthy argument. surrounded by a group, Roosevelt berto Nobile, now Lafrt aboard the self a “ guy.” In another week the Southerners here liked it. They Trolley workers of Connecticut will tion heads than when they descend­ A short and snappy fight and a is popular with the rank and file TWO PERSONS DEAD strong law enforcement plank that Cltta di MTano at Virgo Bay, today governor of South Carolina prob­ must have, for they cheered him till know on Friday morning whether ed upon Houston expecting to be re­ and they gave him a warm greetln,*?. ably will be calling the .governor of the welkin quit ringing and began will be acceptable to the wets and Familiar figures qf the Wilson held a conference with the pilots they are to go on strike to enforce ceived with open arms. AHER AUTO CRASH North Carolina a “ guy.” to clank. Peek- Optimistic sllll will mollify the drys was the administration, ex-Secretary of. the of the three seaplanes using the Houston knew Jimmy was com­ Any good mathematician could their demands for higher wages, Thomas Cashman of' Minnesota goal.
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