OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION No. 32 EXECUTIVE BOARD SEVENTH SESSION HELD IN GENEVA FROM 22 JANUARY TO 5 FEBRUARY 1951 PART I RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS ANNEXES WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EALAIS DES NATIONS GENEVA April 1951 ABBREVIATIONS he following abbreviations are used in the Official Records of the World Health Organization : ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination CCICMS CouncilfortheCo-ordinationofInternationalCongresses of Medical Sciences ECAFE -- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East ECE Economic Commission for Europe FAO Food and Agriculture Organization IBE International Bureau of Education ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICITO Interim Commission of the International Trade Organization ILO International Labour Organisation (Office) IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization IRO International Refugee Organization ITU International Telecommunication Union OIHP Office International d'Hygiène Publique PASB Pan American Sanitary Bureau PASO Pan American Sanitary Organization TAB - Technical Assistance Board TAC Technical Assistance Committee TAED Technical Assistance for Economic Development UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration UNRWAPRNE - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East WFUNA World Federation of United Nations Associations NOTE This volume contains the resolutions and decisions ( with relevant annexes) taken by the Executive Board at its seventh session.The Board's comments and recommendations on the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1952, together with its review of the organizational structure and administrative efficiency of the Organization, will be found in Official Records No. 33. The minutes of the session have been deposited in mimeographed form with the depart- ments of health of Member Governments. 11623 C. _ TABLE OF CONTENTS In this table of contents the resolutions are grouped by title under broad subject headings.In the volume they appear in the order in which they were finally approved by the Executive Board. Resolution Page, Introduction REGIONS Preliminary organization of the Office for Africa EB7.R10 3 Regional Organization for the Americas (Pan American Sanitary Organization) EB7. R21 6 Reappointment of the Director of the Regional Office for the Americas EB7.R23 7 Relations with the Pan American Sanitary Organization EB7. R9 3 Admission of the staff of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau into the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund EB7. R25 9 Site of the Regional Office for the Americas EB7. R48 19 Regional Organization for South-East Asia EB7. R11 4 Regional Organization for Europe EB7. R7 3 International Anti-Venereal-Disease Commission of the Rhine EB7.R24 7 Regional Organization for the Eastern Mediterranean EB7.R8 3 Eastern Mediterranean Regional Conference on Health Statistics EB7.R12 4 Assistance to refugees in Turkey EB7.R52 21 Regional Organization for the Western Pacific EB7.R14 4 EXPERT COMMITTEES Draft Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees EB7.R82 34 Appointments to expert advisory panels and committees EB7. R74 30 Reports of expert committees EB7.R80 34 Biological Standardization :report on fourth session EB7.R63 27 Brucellosis (Joint FAO/WHO) : report on first session EB7. R81 34 Insecticides :report on second session EB7.R77 32 International Epidemiology and Quarantine :report on third session EB7. R86 37 Legal Sub-Committee :first, second, third and fourth reports . EB7.R67 28 Section on Quarantine :report on second session EB7.R65 27 - V - Resolution Page Malaria : report on fourth session and report of the Malaria Conference in Equatorial Africa EB7. R76 31 Mental Health :report on second session EB 7. R64 27 Occupational Health (Joint ILO/WHO) :report on first session EB7.R68 29 School Health Services :report on first session EB7. R62 26 Tuberculosis :report on fifth session EB7. R83 35 Unification of Pharmacopoeias :report on seventh session EB7.R79 33 Sub Committee on Non-Proprietary Names : report on first session . EB7. R73 30 Venereal Infections and Treponematoses, Sub-Committee on Serology and Laboratory Aspects :report on second session EB7. R66 28 Zoonoses (Joint WHO/FAO) :report on first session EB7. R78 32 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Technical assistance for economic development of under-developed countries . EB7.R84 36 RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED NATIONS AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Relief to the civilian population in Korea EB7.R50 20 Relationship between the World Health Organization and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East EB7.R42 16 Continuing needs of children and relations with UNICEF EB7.R60 24 International research laboratories EB7.R15 4 Development of arid land EB7.R20 6 Uniformity of postal regulations on transmission of biological and pathological materials EB7.R19 6 Refugee physicians and world shortage of medical personnel EB7.R22 7 Membership in the specialized agencies EB7. R18 6 Relations with non-governmental organizations EB7. R47 18 Health Information Centre of the Pacific Science Council EB7. R69 29 PROGRAMME OF THE ORGANIZATION General programme of work covering a specific period EB7.R57 23 Concentration of efforts and resources EB7.R17 5 Programme of publications EB7.R16 5 Tuberculosis Research Office, Copenhagen EB7.R85 36 Inclusion of Tanganyika Territory in the African endemic yellow-fever area. EB7. R2 1 Designation of laboratories for international certification of immunity against yellow- fever EB7.R3 2 Kamaran Quarantine Station EB7. R88 37 Establishment of pilot public-health centres EB7. R4 2 - VI - Resolution Page Waiving of customs duties on insecticides EB7. R49 19 Tropical ulcer EB7. R5 2 Leprosy EB7.R1 1 Supplies for governmental programmes EB7. R37 13 Supplies to governments EB7.R53 22 PROGRAMME AND BUDGET Proposed programme and budget estimates for 1952 39 HEALTH ASSEMBLY AND EXECUTIVE BOARD Biennial Health Assemblies EB7. R26 9 Provisional agenda for the Fourth World Health Assembly EB7. R54 22 Procedure for consideration of the 1952 programme and budget at the Fourth World Health Assembly EB7. R28 10 Technical discussions on special subjects at the Fourth World Health Assembly . EB7.R51 21 Representation of the Executive Board at the Fourth World Health Assembly . EB7. R29 10 Appointment of an ad hoc committee to examine, before the meeting of the Fourth World Health Assembly, the report of the External Auditor on the accounts of the World Health Organization for 1950 EB7. R90 38 Date of the Fifth World Health Assembly EB7. R70 29 Place of meeting of the Fifth World Health Assembly EB7. R46 17 Date and place of the eighth session of the Executive Board EB7. R72 30 Reports to the Executive Board by its representatives at the Third World Health Assembly EB7.R75 30 Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance EB7. R59 24 Use of Spanish at WHO meetings EB7. R44 16 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Status of contributions EB7. R32 12 Currency of contributions EB7.R39 14 Scale of assessments :Israel, Korea and Viet Nam EB7. R40 14 Level of expenditure for 1951 :funds transferred from the Office International d'Hygiène Publique EB7. R30 11 Measures for improving the financial position of the Organization EB7. R41 15 Additional funds for the budget of the World Health Organization EB7. R89 38 Acceptance of gifts or bequests on behalf of the Organization EB7. R27 9 World Health Defence Fund EB7. R6 2 Issue of special World Health stamps, labels and flags EB7. R33 12 Proposed Financial Regulations EB7. R38 14 - VII - Resolution Page Provision of funds by governments for payment of field service allowances to staff of the World Health Organization EB7.R58 23 Use of local personnel in demonstration projects EB7. R56 23 Staff Regulations EB7. R31 11 Amendments to Staff Rules EB7. R34 13 Changes in salaries EB7.R35 13 Salary, allowance and leave systems EB7. R36 13 Differential rate for salaries in Geneva EB7.R55 22 Tax reimbursement for 1951 EB7. R43 16 OTHER RESOLUTIONS Message to the President of the Swiss Confederation EB7.R13 4 Form of annual reports from Member States EB7.R71 29 Establishment of national WHO committees EB7. R45 17 Third award of the Darling Medal and Prize EB7. R61 26 Report of the Léon Bernard Foundation Committee EB7.R87 37 ANNEXES 1. List of attendances 41 2.Membership of committees and working parties 42 3.Establishment of pilot public-health centres in under-developed countries 43 4.International research laboratories 45 5.Programme of publications 47 6.Concentration of effort and resources 48 7.Development of arid land 51 8. Admission of the staff of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau into the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund 52 9.Place of meeting of the Fifth World Health Assembly 54 10. General programme of work covering a specific period 55 11.Long-range activities for children and relations with UNICEF 63 12.Report of the Darling Foundation Committee to the Executive Board 66 13.Report of the Expert Committee on International Epidemiology and Quarantine sitting in corpore for its Section on Quarantine 67 14.Reports to the Executive Board by the representatives of tho Board at the Third World Health Assembly 68 15.Progress report on technical assistance for economic development 71 16.Report of the Léon Bernard Foundation Committee 81 17.Administrative co-ordination with the United Nations and other specialized agencies . 82 - VIII - INTRODUCTION The seventh session of the Executive Board was held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from22January to 5 February1951,under the chairmanship of Dr. H. S. Gear, with Professor M. De Laet and Lt-Col. M. Jafar as Vice-Chairmen.Professor G. A. Canaperia was elected Rapporteur for the session, assisted by Dr. F. J. Brady, Rapporteur of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance.The list of atten- dances will be found in annex 1 and the membership of the committees and working parties in annex2.
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