CUTTER'S, 706 Franklin, 948.4200 CANAL STREET THE DOUBLE PLAY, 439 Dauphine, costumes 100 523.4517 THE FRIENDLY BAR, 2301 Chartres, New Orleans, LA [504] IBERVILLE 943.8929 QT PIE BOUTIQUE - 241 Dauphine St., 200 GOLDEN LANTERN, 1239 Royal, 581. 6633 BIENVILLE 529.2860, Facebook.COM/GoldenLanternBar GOOD FRIENDS BAR, 740 Dauphine St, 300 566.7191, GoodFriendsBar.COM florists CONTI KAJUN'S PUB, 2256 St. Claude Ave., Baton Rouge, LA [225] 947.3735, KajunPub.COM FOUR SEASONS FLOWERS & GIFTS, 400 LE ROUNDUP, 819 St. Louis, 561.8340 3482 Drusilla Ln., Drusilla Shopping Center, ST. LOUIS LOUIE'S @ CONGO SQUARE, 700 N. 924.1386, 1.800.237.5381 ROYAL 500 Rampart, 252.4558 DECATUR CHARTES TOULOUSE LUCKY PIERRE'S, 735 Bourbon St., DAUPHINE RAMPART framing 600 BURGUNDY 586.1836, LuckyPierresNOLA.com MICHAEL'S ON THE PARK, 834 N. Ram- New Orleans, LA [504] ST. PETER part St., 267.3615, MichaelsOnThePark.COM ANGLE CUSTOM FRAMES, 4422 Maga- ORLEANS OZ NEW ORLEANS, 800 Bourbon, zine St., 269.3726 593.9491, OzNewOrleans. COM ST. ANN BOURBON PHOENIX/EAGLE, 941 Elysian Fields, 800 945.9264, NewOrleansPhoenix.COM galleries RAWHIDE 2010, 740 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA [504] DUMAINE 525.8106, Rawhide2010.COM Court Yard Gallery, 1129 Decatur, 900 RAINBOW ROOM, 632 Bourbon St., enter 330.0134 ST. PHILIP thru Fishbowl, 994.1036, Facebook.COM/ rainbowroomonbourbon 1000 TROPICAL ISLE: Home of the Hand Gre- guides URSULINES nade, 721 Bourbon St., 529.4109, America 1100 TropicalIsle.COM Damron Travel Guide, 800.462.6654, VOODOO BAR, 718 N. Rampart, 265.0953 www.damron.com GOVERNOR NICHOLLS Slidell, LA [985] Gulf South/United States 1200 BILLY'S, 2600 Hwy. 190 West, 847.1921 AMBUSH Mag, 828-A Bourbon St., New BARRACKS Biloxi, MS [228] Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, CLUB VEAUX, 834 Howard Ave., 207.3271 AmbushMag.COM; [email protected] 1300 Houston, TX [713] International ESPLANADE NEON BOOTS DANCEHALL & SALOON, GayBars.COM, 828-A Bourbon St., New 1800 11410 Hempstead Hwy., 677.0828, Orleans, LA 70116-3137; 504.522.8049, www.neonbootsclub.com [email protected] 1900 FRENCHMEN bathhouse groceries/delis 2000 ELYSIAN FIELDS New Orleans, LA [504] New Orleans, LA [504] 2100 MARIGNY Club New Orleans, 515 Toulouse, QUARTERMASTER DELI, THE NELLIE 581.2402, www.the-clubs.com DELI, 1100 Bourbon, 529.1416 2200 2300 body rubs hair salons 2400 New Orleans, LA [504] New Orleans, LA [504] Cum & Get A Rub Down-Good looking, BOBBY BLUE CONTEMPORARY BAR- FRANKLIN2500 RAMPART middle age (but look younger), white guy, avail- BER & BEAUTY PARLOR, 906 Bourbon St., CHARTRES able for full body rub downs, servicing the FQ, DT 527.5100 2600 hotels, guest houses, B&Bs, the Marigny & FEE & ARTS REVIVAL STUDIO, 834 Chartres, 917.318.4300 ROYAL Bywater. Your place only, late night availability too, LOUISA seniors welcome. Call Allen @ 504.250.8356. HEAD QUARTERS HAIR SALON, 900 [is114] Rue Dauphine, 522.2666 DAUPHINE MICKEY NOLAN'S SALON, 815 Toulouse classifieds St., 587.7782 French Quarter/Faubourg Marigny/Bywater book stores SALON D'MALTA, 1233 Decatur, New Orleans, LA [504] 565.5555, SalonDMalta.COM GABRIEL'S DOWNTOWN, 55 South FAB - Faubourg Marigny Art & Books, accounting Joachim St., 432.4900 600 Frenchmen St., 947.3700 THE MIDTOWN PUB, 153 Florida St., hardware Mandeville LA [985] 450.1555 New Orleans, LA [504] Shirley "Toni" McCord, CPA, #4 Sanctu- Pensacola, FL [850] chiropractic MARY'S FRENCH QUARTER HARD- ary Blvd., Suite 304, 985.727.7797, EMERALD CITY, 408 E. Wright St., New Orleans, LA [504] WARE, 732 N. Rampart, 529.4465 www.tmccordcpa.com 433.9491, EmeraldCityPensacola.COM DR. MICHAEL LECHLEITER, D.C., 1526 Metairie, LA [504] THE ROUNDUP, 560 East Heinberg St., Magazine, 566.1833 [is114] lodging/accommodations Shirley "Toni" McCord, CPA, 3925 N. I-10 433.8482 Service Rd., Suite 215, 504.888.8333, Baton Rouge, LA [225] New Orleans [504] www.tmccordcpa.com GEORGE'S, 860 St. Louis, 387.9798, circuit/events AARON INGRAM HAUS, 1012 Elysian HOUND DOGS, 668 Main St., 344.0807 Fields, New Orleans, LA 70117, PHONE: Feb. 28-Mar. 4, 2014, Official Gay Mardi SPLASH, 2183 Highland Rd., 242.9491, 504.949.3110, E-mail us at Gras, New Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush, alterations SplashBR.COM [email protected]. Condos with queen- GayMardiGras.COM Lafayette, LA [337] size beds, private entrances; located only six New Orleans, LA [504] Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014, 15th Offi- BOLT NIGHTCLUB, 116 E. Vermillion, blocks from Bourbon Street and walking distance Mr. Curtis Alterations, 529.3428 cial Gay Easter Parade, New Orleans, spon- 524.1380 to most New Orleans attractions. Several favorite sored by Ambush, GayEasterParade.COM Lake Charles, LA [337] bars are within one block. [0713] May 23-26, 2014 Memorial Day Week- attorneys CRYSTAL'S, 112 W. Broad, 433.5457 BURGUNDY BED AND BREAKFAST, end, Pensacola, FL, sponsored by Ambush, Metairie, LA [504] 2513 Burgundy St., New Orleans, LA 70117, New Orleans, LA [504] GayPensacola.COM 4-SEASONS / PATIO BAR, 3229 N. Cause- PHONE/FAX: 504.942.1463, Toll Free (Conti- Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 2014, 43rd Official South- Littlefield Law LLC, Attorney R. Kelp way, 832.0659, 4seasonsno.com nental US only): 1.800.970.2153, ern Decadence Celebration of Gay Life, Mu- Littlefield, 639 Loyola Ave., Suite 1820, CLUB LAX, 2301 N. Causeway, 834.7979 theburgundy.com, E-mail us at sic & Culture, end of Summer Blowout including 504.525.1328 [email protected]. Gay owned and operated New Orleans, LA [504] the Southern Decadence Parade & loads of ac- Tureau Legal, Troy A. Tureau , Attorney at in newly renovated 1890's double. Four guest 700 CLUB, 700 Burgundy, 561.1095, tivities, bringing over 150,000 revelers to New Law, 8303 Pritchard Place, 70118, 504.602.9511, rooms with private baths, guests' parlor and "half- BIG DADDY'S, 2513 Royal, 948.6288 Orleans, LA, sponsored by Ambush & [email protected] kitchen", courtyard and half-open tubhouse with BOURBON PUB & PARADE, 801 Bour- SouthernDecadence.COM spa (hot tub/whirlpool). Clothing optional in sun- bon St., 529.2107, BourbonPub.COM Oct. 23-26, 2014, Halloween 31, benefit- bathing and hot tub area. Walking distance to bars CAFÉ LAFITTE IN EXILE, 901 Bourbon ing Project Lazarus, New Orleans, LA, sponsored French Quarter. Immediate vicinity of gay and Street 522.8397, Lafittes.COM by AmbushMag.COM, Mobile, AL [251] lesbian bars/venues. [0813] CORNER POCKET, 940 St. Louis, HalloweenNewOrleans.COM B-Bob's Downtown, 213 Conti St., Chateau LeMoyne French Quarter 568.9829, CornerPocket.NET Dec. 26, 2014-Jan. 1, 2015, Gay New 433.2262, B-Bobs.COM 301 Dauphine St., New Orleans, LA 70112, COUNTRY CLUB, 634 Louisa St., Year's in New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, Flip Side Bar & Patio, 54 S. Conception Phone: 504.581.1303, http:// TheCountryClubNewOrleans.COM, 945.0742 GayNewOrleans.COM St., 431.8819, FlipSideBarPatio.COM www.hiclneworleanshotelsite.com/gay-hotels- 26 • The Official Mag: AmbushMag.COM • Jan. 14-27, 2014 • Official Gay Mardi Gras Guide • GayMardiGras.COM new-orleans. Enjoy a stay enriched with the cul- 522.8049, AmbushMag.COM; email: SOCIATION, b-bobs.com/gcbla.htm 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, ture and history of New Orleans at Chateau [email protected] THE SOUTHERN RENEGADES, a Levi/ GayMardiGras.COM LeMoyne. Our historic building features all the AMBUSHonLINE, 828-A Bourbon St., Leather Club, southernrenegades.com GAY NEW ORLEANS, 828-A Bourbon St., best of old-time architecture and our prime loca- 70116-3137; 522.8049, ambushonline.com, Pensacola, FL [850] 70116-3137, 504.522.8049, tion allows guests to stay just steps from the email: [email protected] APPETITE FOR LIFE, INC., provides 2 nu- GayNewOrleans.COM French Quarter, while still at enough distance to tritionally balanced meals a day-lunch & dinner, HALLOWEEN IN NEW ORLEANS, INC., enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. Versatile guest ac- for some 60 men, women and children living with PO Box 52171, 70152-2171; halloween commodations include charmingly appointed museum/arts HIV/AIDS, 1842 West Cervantes St.; Mail: P.O. neworleans.com/ambush suites and cottages, while on-site amenities in- Baton Rouge, LA [225] Box 308, 32592-0308; 470.9111, Fax: 470.0201, HATE CRIMES NATIONAL HOTLINE, clude drinks and dining, a scenic courtyard area LOUISIANA ARTS AND SCIENCE CEN- gaypensacola.com/appforlife 206.350.HATE (4283), National Domestic Vio- and pool, and meeting and event space. When TER / RIVERSIDE MUSEUM, 100 GULF COAST TIDE, INC. lence Hotline at 800.799.SAFE (7233), Hate you’re ready to explore, top New Orleans attrac- S. River Road, 344.5272 www.GulfCoastTIDE.org; Crimes Hotline at the U.S. Commission on Civil tions are only moments away. We look forward to LOUISIANA GOVERNOR'S MANSION, [email protected] Rights 800.552.6843 welcoming you to the “Big Easy.” 1001 Capitol Access Rd., 342.5855 Alexandria, LA [318] KREWE OF AMON-RA, PO Box 7033, THE FRENCH QUARTER GUEST LOUISIANA STATE ARCHIVES, 3851 CLASS [Central Louisiana AIDS Support Metairie, LA 70010, KreweOfAmonRa.COM HOUSES, 1005 St. Peter, New Orleans, LA Essen Ln. Services], 103 Bolton Ave., 71301; KREWE OF ARMEINIUS, PO Box 56638, 70116, Phone: 877-681-5087 LOUISIANA STATE CAPITOL, State Capi- 1.800.444.7993, 442. 1 0 1 0, FAX: 443.5216 New Orleans, LA 70156-6638, frenchquarterguesthouses.com. Email: tol Dr. Baton Rouge, LA [225] kreweofarmeinius.org [email protected]. Four meticulously re- LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY HILLTOP AIDSLaw of Louisiana, 4560 North Boule- KREWE OF MWINDO, PO Box 51031, stored boutique Inns located in the heart of the ARBORETUM, 11855 Highland Rd., 767.6916 vard, Suite 118, 302.5968, AIDSLAW.org 70156; 913.5791, KreweOfMwindo.ORG, French Quarter’s most popular LGBT neighbor- LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY RURAL HAART (HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two), [email protected] hood.
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