NEWSPAPER OF CURRENT EVENTS IN Ihi. HIGHLANDS, 19.^1967 THE ISLANDS, AND IN SCOTLAND published by AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH — The Highland Associate i DI-ARDAOIN 18 AN CEITEIN 1967 6d fruth THURSDAY 18 MAY 1967 SCOTLAND’S BI-LINGUAL NEWSPAPER- NEW HIGHLAND FEIS NA DRAMA to see any revenue from j GH. iDHLIG LANDLORD these new acres being taken beingover byploughed the National back Trustinto A Tighinn Torridon Estate goes to some kind of local economy Duaisean Comunn structure. We have in mind Gu Inbhe National Trust the employment of local Aon feis deug — sin an Inbhirnis people, opportunity for local aireamh a th’ aig Comunn The Torridon Estate, in Wester Ross, excluding Torri- investment into tourist facili- Drama Ghaidhlig Ghlascu Aig deireadh na seachhdhuin don House and its adjoining woodlands, has been handed ties with a view to creating air an cul a nise. Tha mar sin so chaidh choisinn Comunn over to the care of the National Trust for Scotland. The an income from returns. deagh aobhar aig A’ Cqm- Drama Ghaidhlig Inbhir-Nis estate was accepted by the Inland Revenue in part satis- “This is exactly the kind unn seo a bhith creidsinn gu a’Phriomh Dhuais aig Feis faction of estate duty from the death of the 4th Earl of of thing the Highlands bheil an Fheis air bunait Drama Ghaidhlig Ghlascho. A Lovelace The cost to the National Land Fund has been Board should be inevestigat- sheasmhach. Tha daoine a bharrachd air so thog iad a £22,500. ing. It has yet to do some- nise a’ feitheamh rithe is fios Phriomh Dhuais airson Dealbh The new area is a “piece to be able to contribute to thing along these lines. Or at aca nach eil ni eile coltach Chluich Abhachdaich. of the wildest and most the running of the new least come out into the open rithe ri fhaotainn. Ged a tha faisg air coig beautiful part of the Western estate. that it is active in ecology Chan aithne dhomh cruinn- bliadhna bho’n chuireadh an Highlands,” said a Trust Last night, Mr Frank research.” ichidhean sam bith far a bheil comunn air chois an Inbhir-Nis spokesman. It adjoins the Thompson, secretary of the ktchd - eisdeachd chuJ beo- cha robh iad cruinn comhla o Beinn Eighe Nature Resrve, S.N.P. Highlands Area AN COMUNN thail, le beachdan a siubhal chionn ochd miosan deug gu which was the first national Council, said in a statement: bho dhuine gu duine air na toiseach na bliadhna so. Rogh- reserve to be declared in —"The Council have a GAIDHEALACH — bhitheas mun coinneimh air naich iad “ Bodachan a’ Chao- Britain. Land Use Committee to in- MEUR INBHIRNIS an ard-urlar. Mar as sine an rainn ” a sgriobhadh ’sa Bheurla The National Trust, with vestigate the way in which Fheis ’sann as motha eolas fo ’n t-ainm “ The Magic some 30,000 supporters, land in the Highlands is be- vernessAt the Branchrecent A.G.M.of An ofComunn, the In- agus as geire breithneachadh. Rowan ” le Seumas Grannd owns about 60 properties, ing used. So far, the pre- the Secretary and Treasurer repor- ’S docha gum faod am agus air eadar-theangachadh le more than 70,000 acres of iminary investigations have poUjed that during the five months fear-clu’The a bh'th car fear, cathrach a’ Chomuinn, land, including 15,000 acres found more a land abuse since the branch was reconstituted gruamach gus am bi a chuid Mgr. Alasdair Friseal. at Kin tail, 1 2,800 at Glen- than use, with no real co- functions.there had Missbeen E.four M. MacLeod,successful fhein seachad, ach an deidh Bha Mgr. Friseal fhein tinn coe, and 8,000 each at Bal- ordination between multi- President, joined with them in laimhe tha e a’ fas cho suil- fad thri seachdhuinnean o macara, Ben Lawers and lateral interests. thanking the Committee and bhir ri each. Tha na dealbhan chionn da mhios agus mar a Goat Fell. The Trust also “In particular, the High- artists for their help and the public - cluiche mar sin a’ daing- thubhairt e “ B’e an inntinn owns St Kilda and Fair Isle. lander is hardly ever related forAs their Miss support MacLeod did not wish neachadh cairdeis am measg anns an robh sinn a’ dol a The Highlands and Islands to these acres now under to be re-elected, Mr Duncan Mac- buill gach sgioba agus a’ Ghlascho gum b’i obair latha Development Board are to some form of ‘national’ con- Leod was unanimously appointed brosnachadh deagh - ghean, toiseachadh agus tha Mgr. survey the area to investi- trol, which were once under President. The other office- eadar na sgiobachan fhein. >- i Hamilton, fear stiuiridh a’ gate its potential in tourism, the dead hand of absentee bearersMiss E. M.are: MacLeod, —Vice-Presidents Mr N. Mac- Tha an Fheis a’ deanamfc .Chomuinn ri mholadh airson a agriculture, forestry and re- landlords. Donald, Mr I. MacLeod; Hon. sin, agus barrachd. Tha fhio£ Meithid deth dhreach a thoirt creation. The, Board hopes “The Council would like Secretary — Miss S. Fraser; Hon. againn na tha an drama a^ loimn.” Treasurer — Mr I. MacDonald; deanamh as leth na canain, Bu toigh-leinn meal-an-naid- TeaMr I.Convener MacLeod — was Miss re-appointed C. Fraser. An uiridh bha ceithir buid- heachd a chur orra le cheile ’s auditor. hnean aig an Fheis, an air- air na h-actairean ’s an luchd Mr MacLeod thanked Miss eamh bu lugha riamh; am cuideachaidh uile airson an ur- Vim. Hr iff nr iV Snn MacLeod for her welcome and bliadhna bha deich ann, an ram a choisinn iad dhaibh fhein thewas meetingcertain forthat, electing with thehim. con-He aireamh a bu mhotha fhath- agus dha ’n Chomunn Drama Limited 'inued co-operation of the mem- ast. Saoilidh mi gu bheil an Ghaidhlig. berspublic, andthe Branchthe Gaelic-speaking would thrive. togail seo a’ leantainn an He stressed the importance of tomhas mhor air oidhirpean neachadh, agus a Ghaidhlig, working all the year round and ura A’ Chomuinn Gaidheal- le cheile barraichte. 20 HAMILTON STREET catering for the tourist population. aich, agus chan eil seo ach an B’ e dealbhan — cluiche INVERNESS. TEL. 34343 Theshould meeting be functions agreed duringthat there the toiseach. aighearach a bha anns a’ summer months. Thainig iad a Leodhas a chuid mhor. Cha robh ach rithist, da bhuidhinn, as an da dhealbh - cluich ur ann, PROVOST W. J. MACKAY Oban, agus a Obaireadhain. agus b’ ann bhuapasan a Thainig iad cuideachd a In- fhuair sinn, an doighean air RETIRES bhirnis agus a Tiriodha. Bha leth, dad de chnuasachadh Last week, after 22 years of ceithir buidhnean an Glaschu air ceisdean cudthromach. public service to his native town, fhein, aon dhiubh o Chomunn Ann am “Balach Ciatach ex-Provost W. J. MacKay retired, nan Leathanach. Coir” thug Domhnall Mac- duringhaving thebeen last Provost three years.of Inverness Bha breitheamhnan againn lain dhuinn sealladh air an Ex-Provost MacKey bi ought roimhe aig a robh Gaidhlig. easaontachd a dh’ fhaodas dignity to his office that will long Fhuair sinn fear mar sin am eirigh ann an teaghlach nuair be remembered by all those who bliadhna cuideachd Coin- a tha nighean a’ togail ri cameGaels in contactwill'remember with him his won- neach Mac-a-Ghobhainn, a duine dubh — Cuspair geall- derful hospitality and humour Leodhas; thug esan a bhreith- tanach agus an dealbh-chluich when Inverness played host to the neachadh cha mhor air fad a b’ fhearr, nam bheachd-sa, 1966 Mod. an Gaidhlig. Bha a bhreith- a fhuair sinn fhathast on CouncilHis colleaguespaid ex-Provost on the MacKay Town (Continued at foot of next column) sgriobhaiche seo. the supereme compliment when, at M.P. RESIGNS WHIP Dhe na dha, b’ i an dealbh- his last Council meeting, he was chluich eile, “An Comety,” urged to consider returning to the Mr Russell lohnston. M.P. for le Fionnlagh MacLeoid, a Townres’. Council after a period of Inverness-shire,Scottish Liberal Whip,has resigned because theof chuireadh air thoiseach. Bha Inverness Cream We understand the ex-Provost his membership of the Royal fadachd air daoine a dh’ and Mrs MacKay are at present Commission on Local Govern- fhaicinn de bheireadh Na SCOTCH WHISKY enjoyingthe Continent. a well-earned holiday on mentof his in time. Scotland takes up so much (Continued on page four) Two Sruth, Di-ardaoin, 18 An Ceitein, 1967 Birth On the other hand ... BRUSH UP IRELANDInverness, — Aton Raigmore10th May Hospital,1967, to YOUR GAELIC daughter.Alastair and Both Alison well. Ireland — a with Tormod Marriages COLOUR SUPPLEMENT (A series of lessons on basic Gaelic) MORRISON—MACLEAN — At the Obviously with the launching ing from others and have long ment, always provided that de- Under each Gaelic sentence Church of Scotland, Tarbert, of any newspaper, some little admired the aggressive sales mand will permit the con- orEnglish phrase translation you will and finda guide an D.Harris, A. onMacRae, 4th April Kenneth 1967, by John,Rev. matters will be overlooked. The drive of the Readers’ Digest. In tinued publication of the news- to pronunciation. youngest son of the late Mr and editorial staff of SRUTH ap- a blatant copy of their sales paper. Thu "singular or familiar form. Mrs Kenneth Morrison, 3 Meavaig, pear to have forgotten all about tactics, we are sending out The SRUTH financial sup- Sibh = plural or polite form. North Harris, and Effie, only a colour magazine. But, all is stamped, addressed cards to pos- plement will be printed on anddaughter the oflate Mr Mrs Angus MacLean, MacLean 3 not lost and we have been giv- sible subscribers, offering them green paper to distinguish it Lesson 3 Cliasmbl, North Harris.
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