Œije pafjaí Pulletm !! 'v-oi. i . SEPTEMBER, 1908. n <*. i. p u b l is h e d u v THE B AB AI PUBLISH iso SOCIETY. SEW YORK Catalogue of Books Hidden Words. The Revelation of Baha'ollah. Words of Wisdom and Communes; By Isabella D. Brinttlngham. 33 pages; from the ‘'Supreme Pen" of paper cover, 10c. Baha’oll&h. 93 pages; paper cover, 10c; leather, 11.00. The Bahai Proofs. The Seven Valleys. (History and Instruction.) Revealed by Baha'ollah. 56 pages; By Mlrsta Abdul Fazl. 310 pages; cloth, paper cover, 26c; leather, $1.00. $2.00. Postage 15c additional. Book of Ighan or Book of Assurance. Unity Through Love. By Baha'ollah. 190 pages; cloth, 80c. By Howard MacNutt. 31 pages: paper, Postage 10c additional. 10c. Tablet of Tarazat, Tablet of the World, Words of Paradise, Etc. Bahai Hymns and Poems. By Raha'ollah. 92 pages; paper, 50c. By Mrs. Louise Spencer Waite. 31 page*«; paper, 10c. The Tablet of IshrakaL By Baha'ollah. 45 pages; paper. 25c. The Story of the Bahai Movement. <A Universal Faith.) By Sydney Spragus. 22 pages; paper. Surat ul Hykl. 5c. By. Baba’Hlah. 63 pages; paper cover. 26cT A Year With the Bahais in India and Burmah. Ten Days in the Light of Acca. By Sydney Sprague. 53 page«; paper. By Julia M. Grundy, from the words 20c. of Abdul Bahn. I l l pages; paper cover. 25c. In Galilee. Table Talks at Acca. By Thornton Chase. 84 pages; paper. By Arthur 8. Agnew. 23 pages; paper 25c. cover. 10c. Some Answered Questions. Notes Taken at Acca. Collected and translated from the Per­ By Mrs. Corinne True. 32 page*«; sian of Abdul Baha by l^iura Clifford " paper cover, 10c. Barney. Address The Bahai Publishing Society P. O. Box 321 Madison Square New York City. Editorial Department Our Beloved A Ul Ul Buha wrote us ;i haps reproduced on the mimeograph. few years ago that one of the principal The dear ones who have done this work ways to hasten the appearance of “The for no other compensation than the Joy Most Great Peace” was to “increase the of service deserve more praise than means of iuter-coinmunicatlon.” All the any appreciate except those who know instrumentalities which bring race and the amount of lanor Involved. From race, religion and religion, man and man now on such communications can be into closer and more sympathetic and promptly spread throughout the entire proiitable contact, are powerful aids to Bahai World by menus of The B ul­ the paelticatiou of the world and the letin. We publish such a communica­ building up of a higher and more God­ tion in this issue from our brother, Doc­ like civilization. Commerce, travel, the tor Ameen Ulhih Farced. newspapers, are some of such instrumen­ It is sincerely hoped that our Be­ talities, and all of them are needed In the lievers everywhere will appreciate the Bahai World, as well ns In the outer importance of supporting T he B ul­ world, to aid In establishing a more letin and of contributing to its success, l>erfect understanding, a wider sympathy not only by subscribing to It and se­ and more co-operation among the dif­ curing subscriptions for It, but by i ferent assemblies and sections. The sending to the Editors from time to need of an “inter-Bahai” newspaper has time news which In their judgment is long been felt. Our brother. Thornton of Interest and value to the Cause. Chase, in a letter from Detroit, dated August 20th, 1908, expresses it as fol­ lows: “I appreciate keenly the need of some publication to convey correct news The Message to the friends everywhere in the Eng­ Time and time again Abdul Balm lish-speaking world and to be a medium has emphasized the importauee of giving of harmony and unity.” the simple message of the truth, rather Mrs. Corinne True writes, “Our good than setting forth onr own Interpre­ Bahai brother, Mr. Hutchison, has writ­ tations of tlie teachings. Different be­ ten me regarding a Bahai organ (Tire lievers, however, have different ideas Bulletin) which will be devoted entirely ns to Just what constitutes the Message. to news of the Cause. This it seems For a few numbers we will print the Is n most admirable thing and a supply Message as it is delivered by different for a long-felt want. We in the largo well-known teachers. This month’s con­ cities have no idea what this would tribution Is from the pen of our brother. mean to the more isolated believers in Mr. Tliorntou Chase. small towns and villages. I am spend­ ing the summer In one of these villages where we have a few Bahais, and the watering they get is in the hot months Spirituality when our family is in the cottnge. To Spirituality is the possession of a them n paper coming regularly with good, pure heart. When the heart Is news of the Cause would mean life pure the spirit enters and our growth itself.” Is natural and assured. Everyone Is Heretofore important letters from the better informed of the condition of his East, even Tablets from Akka, have own soul than the soul of others. Our been passed from hand to hand, cir­ responsibility to God increases with culated by typewritten copies, or per­ our years. ABDT'E BAHA. .Vf&kz The Spiritual Table 'Hie following gems from the Ideal YOUR IIEAHT? Are you loviug and Mine nr« selected from the teach logs serving God? Love and service are the of our Beloved Abdul Buna as reported greatest requisites of a good life. En­ by our brother, Prof. Wlnterburn, of deavor In every possible way to do some Los Angeles, Cal., In lfiOG: favor, some service for some one else, “Uve so as to be at |>ence with and I>0 THIS DAILY, no matter how nil your environment. To Ik? happy is small or trivial the act of kindness nmy lo serve God and sever yourself from Ik». Even a smile counts for much." the world. Uadintc Love everywhere, “Prayer is communion, aspiration, soul and you will then become Love. Good­ contact with God. Every prayer for the ness was ever flowing from Christ be­ best IS ETERNALLY ANSWERED ON cause He was one with the Father.” GOD’S PART, but not to us unless “It Is possible to overcome the world, we come Into at-one-meut.” the flesh and all evil by walking con­ “If our ruling desire binds us to stantly in the path of God, by burying God. we shall receive what Is God-like. all negation, weakness, fear, selfishness I link myself THERE and not to dust. and doubt under n mountain of posi­ If <»ne prays to be whole, on God's tiv«». Intense, living Truth. Few attain part the answer, is eternally complete. tilts station.” We must FULFILL THE CONDI­ •The more obstacles one overcomes, TIONS, to expoet GOD to fulfill Ills flu* more difficulties one meets success­ promises. To pray Is to lift the soul fully. the stronger will one be. Never luto unison with the Eternal Goodness. become discouraged. To lie weak 1h WHOLENESS is the NATURAL RE­ not necessarily to be uuwilling to be SULT of abiding in God.” strong. R«»jolce, l»e glad. If In the Cause “ 'All tilings whatsoever ye pray and of God you are made to suffer. To ask for believe that ye have received be misrepresented, to lie misunderstood them.' ” for the sake of God, Is of no conse- “Faith is absolutely esseutial. We cpience. All sincere followers of God must believe or we will never move. ace misjudged—and have been.” Doubt and unbelief end in stagnation “Certainly one may belong to a and death. Positive belief, even if church, be a member of a Christian mixed with error, lends by degrees to­ society, and continue to call one's self ward Truth. Humanity Is one. We a Bahai, because the teachings of must live an«l love not for ourselves, Baha'o'lhih in no way conflict with the but FOR THE RACE. If we rise, we teachings of Christ. They are In per­ help to lift all about us. and If we fect harmony. One accepts the true fall we drag others down. Our highest teachings of true disciples of God. it privilege ami office Is to l»e channels Is not necessary even to label one's self. through which the Divine Life shall One may call ones self a Babal ami flow to invigorate and Inspire. If the In no way live the life. On the other soul currents do not course from within hand, one may live the life and never outwards, they sink lu a deadly vortex. lie known ns a Bahai. It 1« not so Giving out or ministration Is the highest much BY WHAT NAME YOU ABE and greatest law. Love sent out never CALLED, but WHAT ABE YOU IN returns void.” The News From Acca Haifa, Syria. July 31, IDOS. Dear Sisters: Give these Joyous Dr. Moody and Mrs. Russell« tidings to the Bahai friends. Thus may all rejoice! Pleuse give every one of 230 South Hoyne Ave., the beloved my reverent greetings of Chicago. love. I would. If possible, write to Allaho ABBA! every one in order to give the good Two Dear Sisters lit the Kingdom : news. I have given you all the information Doostani Khalil Azlzl Fa reed : we have thus far on this important Let me give you, O ! friends, the matter.
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