INDEX Ranks shown after the surnames of officers and meii are the highest attained by each. Plates, Maps, and Sketches rtferred to after names of places are those which best indicate their positions. Page-numbers followed by n indicate that the reference is to a footnote on the page specified. AARONS.Maj. Julian Boyd (of AHMEDTEWFIK BEY, 324 Boulder, W. Aust.; b. Mel- AHUNIBEY, 324n bourne), 490, 491, 494 AKEIASHILIMAN (Sk. p. 138), 134. ABBASSIA.422n 138 ABBOTT,Capt. R. H. S. (of Ben- AKEROYD,Capt. G. W. (of Mel- digo, Vic. ; b. Bendigo), 820 bourne and Swan Hill, Vic.; b ABDELRAHMAN BAIR (Plates pp. Bendoc, Vic.), 850 462, 591, 654; Maps PP. 639, ALAI TEPE(Plate p. 654; Map p. 654; Sk. PP. 178, 4621, 178, 654; Sk. P. 6541, 659, 64n, 704 264n, 456n, 462, 471, 582, 583, ALEXANDER,Lt.-Col. H. M., 78 584, 590 et sea, 632, 635, 639, ALEXANDRETTA,792 650 et seq., 663, 678, 695, 715. ALEXANDRIA,63, 82n, 130. 169, 72% 899~ ABD EL REZAKBEY, 524, 530 171, 348, 363, 372, 390, 398, 404, 415. 417th ~grr,802, 835; base ACHI BABA (Plates pp. 42, 43; for Med. Exp. Force, 388, 391-2 Map P. 14; Sk. P. I), I, 2, 5, ALI RIZA PASHA,commands 13 6, 7. 8, 14, 20, 25, 30, 32, 41% 42, 60, 432, 434n, 437, 439n, 441. Turk. Regt., 530; mentioned, 453n. 472, 820, 907; Turkish 531, 535, 551, 554. 705, 708, 709, artillery on, 9; the British goon objective in Second Battle of ALLAHGULLY (Map. p. 472; Sk Krithia, 11-12 PP. 258, 2671, 146n, 257, 258, ACTON-ADAMS,Maj. P. M. (of 268, 269, 300, 302, 303; descrip- Christchurch, N.Z. ; b. Nelson, tion and position of, 267 N.Z.), 191 ALLANSON,GI. C. J. L. (of Lon- ADAMS.Lt.-Col. T.. 90, 746,~ 750 don: b. Carnarvon. N. Wales)._. ADAM& Sgt. w., 559n 635-6 694~6 ADIJISON,Lt. W. E. (of Sydney; ALLENBY,Field-Marshal Viscount. b. Yass, N.S.W.), 739n, 743, 130, 522n 744n AMERICA,773 ADMIRALTY,see BRITISHNAVY AMINBEY, quoted, In, 135n, 443, ADRIANOPLE,523 566, 681, 709n ADRIATICSEA. 169, 431n AMMUNITION,artillery : British ECEAN SEA, 177, 768 short of, in Gallipoli, 2, 64, 83, ACHYLDERE (Plates pp. 462, 711, 172, 442, Turkish, 135, 360, 443, 719; Maps PP. 570, 639; Sk. PP. quantity expended against 460, 634), 178, 181, 186, 188, Turks, 19 Moy, 162, Turks re- 457. 461, 462, 470, 574. 576, 582 ceive increased supply of, Nou., et seq., 635. 636. 638, 644. 645, 848 ; rifle : Birdwood’s appeal 646. 657, 666. 671, 676, 685. 690, for economy in, 52, quantity 691, 697, 698, 699, 7r7, 798, 712. expended against Turks, IQ 799, 844, 877, 893; position of, May, 162, Turks short of, 317%: 460 dumps, 354; see also BOMBS 912 INDEX ANAFARTA(Maps pp. 445, 718; ANZAC-continued. Sk. PP. 179, 44611 136, 195, owing to submarine menace, 264n, 383, 452, 521n, 592, 654, 169; destroyers guard each 656. 660, 676, 678, 680, 698, 704, flank, 171; underground line at, 715, 718, 722, 724, 73~742, 266; water scarcity at, 347, 4.14; 775, 78478, 848, 898, 899n, 901; disembarkations at night, 351 ; Turks shell Beach from, 356, engineer and ordnance stores 357. NORTHERN,172, 178n, 179, at, 353-4, Turks shell, 357; 183, 350, 468% 649, 665, 702. sickness at, and methods of 703, 721, 723, 766. SOUTHmN, combating, 366-83, 800-2, 846, 172, 178, 179, 446% 462% 467. 862, 885; British troops reach, 46% 649, 659, 66on, 665, 761 for Aug. offensive, 448, 485: ANDERSON, Maj. J. s. s. (Of topography of country north of, Sydney ; b. Newstead, N.S.W.), area of:, 7 Aug., 646; 166n ?&ent Battle at, 24-27 Nov., ANDERSON,Lt. K. H. (of Hobart 820, 843-5, 848; see also and Zeehan. Tas. : b. Hobart) ATTACKS, BATTLES, Dm- 98n DANELLES CAMPAIGN,EVACUA- ANDERSON,Lt. L. W. H. (of TION, HILL60, LONE PINE, SARI Launching Place, Vic. ; b. BAIR Launching Place), 623n ANZACADVANCED BASE, functions ANDERSON.Capt. R. C. (of of, 835. 836 Sydney), 75on ANZACBEACH (Plates pp. 348, ANDERSON, Brig.-Gen. Sir R. M. 349, 590, 898; Maps PP. 445, McC. (b. Sydney), 396 850; Sk. pp. 188, 680), 4, 58, ANDERSON, Brig.-Gen. S. M., 66 59. 63, 94, 98, 116, 130, 140, 167, ANDERSONKNOLL, 157 180, 183, 348, 353 et seq., 369, ANNONI,Lt. J. (of Sydney; b. 370. 371, 390, 391, 445, 485, 488, Liverpool, Eng.), 750% 543~~611, 649,- 767, 831 et seq., ANTILL,Maj.-Gen. J. M., 293, 612, 840, 8.11, 859, 868, 869, 873, 875, 617, 618, 631, 632 880, 881n. 883. 886. 888. 902: ANZAC (plates pp. 273, 574), under shell-fire, 76, ’78-81; situation at, early May 1915, I; 349-50, casualtiv, 184, 356, 357. Hamilton’s plans for, I May, 358; appearance of, 346; un- 44; strength of troops at, I May, loading of stores at, 351-2; 44, g May, 184. 19 May, 184, bathing at, 382-3; see also 20 May, 166, 28 May, 184, 23 BRICHTONBEACH, NORTH BEACH July, 323, I Aug., 5qn, 6 Auq.. Anzac Book, The, 851-2 485, 523n, 7 Aug., 644n, mid- ANZAC CORPS, see AUSTRALIAN Aug., 723, 22 N0v.-8 Dec., 862, IMPERIALFORCE 8-17 Der.. 885, 19 Dcc., 889, ANZACCOVE (Plates pp. 462, 835 ; Turkish, Aug. 1915, 522-3. 723; Maps PP. 445, 850; Sk. PP. I@ line subdivided into sections. 680), see ANZACBEACH May, 44* 46-9. 69, 262n, 272-3, ANZACDAY, 910 294, reorganised after Aug. ANZAC GULLY, 358, 359, 888; offensive, 799-800 ; description of, 45-6; trench-warfare com- Birdwood’s and Bridges’ H.Q. mences at, 50; system of in. 79-80, 886n mannmg trenches at, 50-2; “ ANZACS,”639n ; mental change difficulty of emplacing artillery in, 425-9 at. 57. 59-60, 63-77, 2589; APEX, THE (Plates pp. 655, 711, Turks attack, rg May, 14odo. 719; Maps pp. 641, 718; Sk. pp. condition of dead in No-Man’s 637, 698). 639, 641, 645, 646 Land after, 164; maps of, 164n; 666, 667, 670, 671, 679, 691, 696, armistice with Turks at, 24 697, 706 et sea, 799, 803, 804, Mor, 167-8 ; transports leave, 809. 812, 820, 823, 840, 843, 845, INDEX 913 APEX, THE-continued. ARTILLERY (BRITISH AND AUSTRA- 872. 877, 87 890, 893, 894; LIAN),6, 137, 166, 222, 235, 295, position of, 8j8; conference of 319, 483, 821; shortage of, in brigadiers at, 8 Aug., 688-90 Gallipoli, 2, 40, 784; during ARABS.see TURKISHARMY (72nd Second Battle of Krithia. 12. and ’77fh Regimenfs) 15, 19, 20, 25, 27. 3%’ 331 Aragon, 386n, 782 Turkish attack of rg May, 157. ARCHIBALD.Maj. R. G. (of Col- Third Battle of Krithia, 438, Chester, Eng. i b. Secunderabad, Battle of Sari Bair, 455, 495, 643, 656, 693-4, 705, 710, (shells India), 368 N.Zs.) 692, (shells Gurkhas and ARI BURNU(Plates pp. 348, 834. S. Lancs.) 695-6, Lone Pine 898; Map P. 75; Sk. P. 441, 75. attack, 499-501, 542-5, Nek 79. 134n, 382, 383n, 681, 831, attack, 611-3, Hill 60 attacks, 836, 837, 840, Sg6, 898, goo, 903 727-8, 749, 752; difficulty of ARMENIANS,317n, 835 ernplacing. at Anzac, 57, 59-60, ARMISTICESAT ANZAC(Plates pp. 63-77, 258-9 ; : at Anzac, 138, 139)~ Hamilton forbids May 1915, 57, %?23 July, 323, Birdwood to open negotiations I Aug., 523n, 6 Aw., 485, 523~~ for, 165; on 1 Inf. Bde’s front, 22 Nov. and 8 Der., %3n, at 20 Moy, 165-6; of 24 May, Suvla, 21 Aug., 723; repair of 146rr, 167-8. 198 guns, 82n, 83; co-ordination of, ARMSTRONC,Lt. F. L. (of Bris- Q; fires star-shells, 309, 317, bane: b. Mt. Perry, Qland), at 500, 531 ; abandoned at Evacua- Quinn’s, 9-10 May, 91, 101, I03 tion of Anzac, 903n; see also et seq., 112, killed, 113 AMMUNITION,AUSTRALIAN IM- ARMSTRONG,Lt. H. P. (of Towns- PERIAL FORCE,BRITISH ARMY, BRITISH NAVY,INDIAN ARMY, ville, Qland ; b. Townsville), at NEW ZEALANDEXPUJITIONARY Quinn’s, 9-10 May, 101, 104-5, FORCE,TRENCH-MORTARS 106-7, 112, killed, 113 ARTILLERY (FRENCH), at Helles, ARMY MEDICAL CORPS, See 6, 12, 438, 442 AUSTRALIANIMPERIAL FORCE, ARTILLERY(TURKISH), 62, 68, 2, BRITISH ARMY, MEDICALAR- 77, 82-3, 84, Idn, 114, 1127, RANGEMENTS, NEW ZEALANDEx- 166, 29% 303, 304, 310 1% 319, PEDITIONARY FORCE,STRETCHER- 445, 458% 494, 500, A-9, 887 BEARERS et seq.; on Achi Baba, 9, Mortar ARMY SERVICECORPS. see Aus- Ridge. 7In; gyps purchased TRALIAN IMPERIALFORCE, ETC. from N.Z.. 65n; Beachy Bill,” ARNALL, Maj. H. F. (of East 76, 888, 897; fires star-shells. Maitland, N.S.W.; b. Truro, 102; guns opposite Anzac, May Eng.), 813. 820n 1915, 135; ceases fire during sinking of Triumflh, 170; “ ARNALL’S ” (Map p. 817 FOLLY ; patrols locate Anafarta guns, Sk. p. 813). 812-3. 818, 895 183; attempts to emplace, near ARNOTT. 74 Pte. T.. 1 Bn. (b Nek, 198; mountain-guns, 65%, Sydn;y), 225 309,. 639; 75-mm. guns, 341-4; ARTHUR,995 Sgt. C. E. P., 5 Bty, during Second Battle 01 A.F.A. (of Brighton, Vic.; b Krithia, 19. 22, 26. 35, 41n. Yarragon. ViC.). 71 attack of rg May, I 6 7, 157-8, ARTHUR, Sir George, quoted 164, Lone Pine attact,-soq, 515. 432n, 789~ 516. 526. 544-5, 600-1, Battle of ARTILLERY(ALLIED), guns of, ir Sari Bair, 572. 573. 641, 642. Gallipoli, 22 Nov. 1915. 854n 652. 656, 657, 670, 676, 678, 70s.
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