Colo. Room Tate Librar Solorado *Collegey PEACE CHARITY TRUTH THE VOICE OF COLORADO “THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS” VOLUME I COL ORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1936. NUMBER 1 16 NAMES ON) The Supreme Court and the Negro LIJ ZAPHIRO | ANTI-LYNCHINGcom the Chicago Daily Tribune, well could not escape the loss of all PAYS VISIT TO Monday, March 23, 1936.) their rights as citizens, i Twice the United States Supreme The moment has come for plain HOWARD UNIV. BILL PETITION ! Court has intervened to save the live8 speaking, Prevailing opinion in great ef the Negro defendants in the sections of the South believes the Ne- Seottsburo cases. In 1932 the court gro to be a hopeless inferior; none Signatures of Nine More Con- iheld that the trial at Decatur, Ala, Ethiopians Members of had not been a fair one because the sf the achievements of Negroes in Race, He Says gressmen Needed to Call prisoners had been deprived of _the the arts, the professions, and in busi- ness has served to alter that view. Caucus help of a lawyer, to which the Con- |: itution entitles them. This was an Phe Negro, the argument runs, as an (From Chicago Defender.) cight to one decision. Mr. Justice inferior, has no rights which the com- WASLINGTON, D. C., Marek 27. NEW YORK-—Sixteen congress- dissented, did so only be- munity must always respect. Colored —Lij Tasfaye Zaphiro, Hirst secretary Butler, who boys can be sentenced to death even men up to March 27 had signed the cause he thought the record on the of the Ethiopian Legation at Lon- petition asking the leader of the » point was not clear. if they have no lawyer prepared to don, and for the past three months Democratic caucus in the House to plead for them. That kind of a trial The Scottsboro cases came bef> an ambassador of good will to call x meeting of the caucus to con- s plenty good enough for them, Ne- Court again last year. America, was a guest at loward ser aati-fynching bills which have the Supreme groes can be sent to the gallows with . Again the court reversed the convic~ university over the week end of Leen introduced in the House. no other evidence against them thas Mareh 13, this time beeause it was shown Twenty-five signatures are needed iians, confessions extorted by terture. And Negroes had been systematically Ata luncheon in his honor on Sat- and if they can be secured it is man- that so on. eveluded from the juries, The dect- urday, March I4, al noon, at So- datery upon the caucus leader to call sion was unanimous in faver of the If ever the power of the Supreme journer ‘Truth Elall, Mr. zaphire, in a meeting. Negroes and against the state of Ala- Court to uphold the Constitution is brief informal address, conveyed The purpuse of this movement in Dama, restricted, the findings of the local to Ue universicy community, then fhe support of anti-lynching legi slation is , cearts in these cases will be final, A uembers oof the faculty present, A few weeks ago the Supreme : foree sume sort of action in the Negro who dares to educate himself ercetings fram his emperor and from Court once more spoke unanimously and acquire property will be whipped hdusc, since the senate seems to be in the the peoples of his native land. jp defense of Negro rights hack into poverty and dependence: il “deadlocked with the Van Nuys reso- South, this time reversing a In the course of his remarks, the = that treatment doesn’t break him, he mi in the committee on audit and “6 ppi judge and jury which had young diplomat took the oppertuni- 1, and with Senator James F. will be framed in a so-catled court of ty fo express his deep, persenal ap- sentenced three Negroes to death, , chairman, of the committee, that the law and sent to the chain gang or preeciation and the thanks of his gov- 'The Supreme Court found the gallows for his impudencee in pre- = td budge. against the defendants ernment te the Ameirean people Tor only evidence tending to be a human being. the keen and syrapathetic interest atters Urge Support. was their awn confessions, which had Vhe. congressmen have received obtained only after they had Thus an entire race will he reduced they have marifested in the Ethi- ibeen opian cause in this troublesome pe~ letiers acd telegrams from many sec- n subjected to prolonged and ¢x- to a kind of serfdom meaner than tons oa: die country urging them to torture, The trial judge. slavery itsel!, The victim will suffer tional, ernelating Hye emphasized parucularly the — suppart this meted of bringing the in Mis ippi had not regarded this ail the luumiliations of slavery, but will be deprived of even the meager hope that the bonds of friendship autioyncking legistation ta Ue atten- as an injustice, and neither had the and undereiteitiiggs a ARC ebro pero we tion of t ouse, This inethod has si c 6 6 Ayes Poet aeyety crags sowhichki the. slexe,. been adapted > uscanse Congressman: the a deputy sheriff had admitted on { rable piceé of property, enjoys. ing up during these times between Hatton W. Sumners of Texas, chair- the witness stand that he had been person will net be safe from the lash; Race Americans and the peoples of map oof the house judiciary comunit- and had himself swung the and his property will not be safe his country would be deepened and present be! expanded during the coming years. vec, has refused to take any action on whip. ‘from expropriation, He will Sound to the soi in a form of peon- The speaker called attention to the the bills which have been introduced The Supreme Court or ine United 1 age, bound in chains of ignorance of the major ptrpeses in the house. tu which | fact that ene States was the only agency and helplessness. Phe Negro’s lot of his mission to America is to aid The N, AL ALC. BP. has sent letters and impoverished Ne- these obsenre | in all parts of the country is bitter and cneourage programs directed toe to mere than 130 congressmen and elementary fus- eroes could turn for enough today with the court to pro- ward these ends, senators who a year ago expressed Hee, Save for the court and the Con-! teel him: without the Constitution Expresses Hope. themselves as willing to do anything which it interprets they i stitution 1 and the Supreme Court jt would pe He expressed high hopes espe- to aid federal anti-lynehing legisla- would have had no chance. “They | today. i far worse, especiaily im the deep cially for the wark that was heing tion, informing them of the present wonkh) all he in their graves | doue by the United Aid for Ethi- have suf | Seuth, status of the fight for federal legisla- As individuals they weuld upia, a national organization with tion and asking them to do all they bul that is: It is that fate which the New Deal- fored the ultimate wrong, New York City, can ta bring i up at the present that would] ers who seek to curh the Supreme headqaarters in the Teast of the damage its efforts to rais- session, Uf there were 10 Court are preparing, perhaps unwit- whieh is devoting have been done. ing funds for the support of the Court upon tingiy, for the Negroes and, it shod Need Administration O. K. check by the Supreme Ethiopian Red Cre race prejudice in these and similar be added, for every other minority In many quarters the present dead- Warm tribute v also paid to the cases, Negroes throughout the South group in this country against which lock on anti-lynching legislation is limely and far-reaching programs of parts of the North as, prejudice exists. blamed upon the administration, In and in many the Ethiopian Research Council, an fact, one congressman, whose name organization which was established may not be mentioned, went so far as in December, 1934, by Dr. Matuka to write the N. A. A, C. P. that there 41% of Lynching Victims Were Unaccused Bayen, a relative of Tanperor Haile would be no trouble whatsoever Selassie, and a graduate of the How- about the Costigan-Wagnerbill if the of Minor Offenses, Report Reveals ard University. Medical School, for adminisiration would pass the word Or Guilty the purpose of assembling and dis- dawn to act upon it, seminating information regarding the history and civilization af Greater Asan example of the feeling in the bring about “legal lynehings,” ac- country on this bill a letter from ATLANTA, Ga, April 2.—Forty- Ethiopia in ancient, medieval and one per cent of the 84 persons cording to the report. On the other Dick “Donahue, chairman of the band, a number of cases are cited in modern times. Minnehaha county central committee Iynched in the last five years were Ry no chance, the speaker urged, either unaccused of crime or else which officers successfully resisted or of the Democratic party in Sioux outwitted mobs. should Race Americans permit them- Valls, S. D., addressed to Congress- were charged only with minor of- selyes to be misled into believing that made man T, B. Werner. Mr. Donahue fenses, according to a report the Ethiopians do net consider them- say public by the Commission on in- GIRL’S PRINT TO “FIRST LADY” sel members of the black race, terracial Cooperation, summarizing “The colored voters of South Da- Published statements to the effect the results of a careful study of all Negro’s Design Bought by Mrs.
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