VOLUME 23 5S MAY 2021 ISCT2021 VIRTUAL MAY 26–28 Senior Editor Associate Editors Donald G. Phinney, PhD Oscar Lee, MD, PhD The Scripps Research Institute National Yang-Ming University USA Taiwan Luis A. Ortiz, MD University of Pittsburgh USA Anna Pasetto, PhD Karolinska Institutet Sweden Qasim A. Rafiq, PhD University College London UK Sowmya Viswanathan, PhD University Health Network Canada Commissioning Editor Patrick Hanley, PhD Children’s National Health System USA Aims and Scope CytotherapyÒ, the official journal of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCTÒ), publishes novel and innovative results from high quality basic, translational and clinical studies in the fields of cell and gene therapy. Studies evaluating the potency of experimental cell and gene therapies in clinically relevant animal models of disease and describing important advances in cell/gene-based product manufacturing and validation are welcomed. Results of clinical studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of cell and gene therapies in early and late phase trials are also of interest. In addition to Short Reports and Full-Length Articles, the journal also accepts Editorials addressing emerging trends and potential controversies in the field, and Review articles summarizing bodies of work that have made lasting impacts in the field. Affiliate Societies of Cytotherapy Published by Elsevier Editorial Board Jaap Boelens, MD, PhD Shelly Heimfeld, PhD Robert Nordon, MB, BS, PhD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center University of New South Wales New York, NY, USA Seattle,WA, USA Sydney, NSW, Australia Rachele Ciccocioppo, MD Christian Jorgensen, MD, PhD Giuseppe Orlando, MD, PhD A.O.U.I. Policlinico G.B. Rossi & Inserm Wake Forest Baptist Health University of Verona Montpellier, France Winston-Salem, NC, USA Verona, Italy Joanne Kurtzberg, MD Josef Priller, MD Nancy H. Collins, PhD Duke University Medical Center Charite Universitatsmedizin€ Berlin Foundation for the Accreditation of Durham, NC, USA Berlin, Germany Cellular Therapy Ping Law, PhD Claudia Rossig, MD Darien, CT, USA Miltenyi Biotec University Children’s Hospital Muenster Patrizia Comoli, MD Irvine, CA, USA Muenster, Germany Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Bruce Levine, PhD Khalid Shah, MS, PhD Pavia, Italy University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Har vard Medical School Charles Cox Jr., MD Philadelphia, PA, USA Boston, MA, USA The University of Texas Health Science Center Warren Sherman, MD, FACC McGovern Medical School Sai-Kiang Lim, PhD CardioVascular BioTherapeutics Inc Houston, TX, USA A*STAR Institute of Medical Biology Singapore New York, NY, USA Natividad Cuende, MD, MPH, PhD Akihiro Shimosaka, PhD Andalusian Transplant Coordination Rebecca Lim, PhD Research Foundation for Community Sevilla, Spain Monash University Melbourne, Australia Medicine Colleen Delaney, MD, MSc Tokyo, Japan Nohla Therapeutics Douglas W. Losordo, MD Elizabeth J. Shpall, MD Seattle,WA, USA Caladrius Biosciences New York, NY, USA MD Anderson Cancer Center Ekaterina Doubrovina, MD, PhD Houston, TX, USA Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Mark W. Lowdell, PhD, FRCPath, FRSB Sandeep Soni, MD New York, NY, USA University College London & Royal Free Hospital London, UK CRISPR Therapeutics Allen Eaves, MD, PhD, FRCPC San Francisco, CA, USA STEMCELL Technologies, Inc. Ivan Martin, PhD Paul Szabolcs, MD Vancouver, BC, Canada University Hospital Basel Basel, Switzerland University of Pittsburgh School of JH Frederik Falkenburg, MD, PhD Medicine Leiden University Medical Center Robert W. Mays, PhD Pittsburgh, PA, USA Leiden, The Netherlands Athersys, Inc. Cleveland, OH, USA Satoshi Takahashi, MD, PhD Miguel Forte, MD, PhD University of Tokyo Bone Therapeutics SA Richard Maziarz, MD Tokyo, Japan Brussels, Belgium Oregon Health & Science University Portland, OR, USA Torsten Tonn, MD, PhD Jacques Galipeau, MD, FRCP Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, University of Wisconsin-Madison David McKenna, MD Technische Univerta¨t Dresden Madison, WI, USA University of Minnesota Medical Center Dresden, Germany Minneapolis, MN, USA Adrian Gee, PhD Frits Van Rhee, MD, PhD, MRCP (UK), Baylor College of Medicine Ian McNiece, PhD FRCPath Houston, TX, USA Biocardia Inc, University of Arkansas Miami, FL, USA Bernd Giebel, PhD Little Rock, AR, USA University of Duisburg-Essen Jan J. Melenhorst, PhD Dominic Wall, PhD Essen, Germany University of Pennsylvania Cell Therapies PTY Ltd Philadelphia, PA, USA Massimiliano Gnecchi, MD, PhD Melbourne, VIC, Australia University of Pavia & IRCCS Policlinico Jeff Molldrem, MD Daniel Weiss, MD, PhD San Matteo MD Anderson Cancer Center University of Vermont Pavia, Italy Houston, TX, USA Burlington, VT, USA David Gottlieb, MB, BS, MD George F. Muschler, MD Joseph Wu, MD, PhD Westmead Hospital Cleveland Clinic Stanford University Westmead, NSW, Australia Cleveland, OH, USA Stanford, CA, USA Abstracts of the 27th Annual ISCT Meeting May 25 – 28, 2021 Table of Contents: Volume 23 Number 5S Supplement May 2021 S1 Introduction from the President S3 Welcome to ISCT 2021 S5 Abstract Program at a Glance S7 Author Index S17 Oral Abstract Presentations S17 ISCT Chief Scientifi c Offi cer Abstract Showcase Abstracts 1–6 S20 Oral Abstracts — LIVE Sessions Abstracts 9–26 S33 Poster Abstract Presentations S33 Somatic Stem Cells: Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Abstracts 100–184 S74 Somatic Stem Cells: Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells Abstracts 300–317 S85 Immunotherapy: Malignant Abstracts 400–430 S101 Immunotherapy: Non-Malignant Abstracts 500–513 S109 Exosomes Abstracts 600–624 S120 Embryonic Stem Cells, iPS and Related Abstracts 700–713 S127 Tissue Specifi c Stem Cells Abstracts 800–811 S135 Solid Organ Targeted Therapy Abstracts 900–904 S138 Tissue Engineering Abstracts 1000–1027 S151 Gene Therapies Abstracts 1100–1120 S160 Process Development and Manufacturing Abstracts 1200–1276 S200 Regulatory Affairs, Quality Systems, Policy, and Ethics Abstracts 1400–1417 Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds or experiments described herein. 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