The Lions look to Hunter Stadium is make another run at renovated with new the NAIA champion- field turf. ship in 2009. Page 5 u u Page 7 TheL egacy Lindenwood’s Student Newspaper Volume 3, Number 1 www.lulegacy.com August 26, 2009 Online billing ready By Kenny Gerling Staff Reporter This summer, Lindenwood launched a new feature that allows students to pay their tuition bills online through the CAMS portal. The op- tion allows students close by and those in other countries to quickly keep track of and pay their bills. Students can access the option by logging into the CAMS student portal, ac- Legacy photo by Micah Woodard cessible from the university’s main site. Once logged in, clicking on “My Ledger” will St. Louis Rams break in new field lead to another page allowing students to see the current By Micah Woodard balance of their accounts. At Editor-In-Chief the bottom of that page, there is an option to make pay- As more than 7,500 ments online. After clicking fans crammed into 6,500- (above) Rams running back the link, students will be di- seat Hunter Stadium, one Antonio Pittman cuts back rected to a new page where thing was clear. For one through the hole. (left) Quar- payment information can be night, Lindenwood stole terback Marc Bulger signs securely submitted and a re- autographs for fans after the the spotlight and become scrimmage. (below) Defen- ceipt of the transaction can the center of the St. Louis be printed. sive end Leonard Little knocks Rams universe. down a pass. The Rams held The online option has been The Rams held their first their only scrimmage at Hunter available for a few months, Stadium on Aug. 7, 2009. and the response is already and only team scrimmage mostly positive. “It’s been of the 2009 preseason on wonderful. It saves every- Aug. 7 at the Lions home body time and the payment field, breaking in the new is right on the account. It’s turf. a good thing,” said Kathy “It’s a tremendous Steenbergen, one of the un- Legacy photo by Natasha Sakovich opportunity to showcase Fourth-year linebacker Quinton Culber- dergraduate account repre- Lindenwood and our facilities to a wide son felt the intensity as well. sentatives. segment of people that never knew much “There has been a pretty “I wasn’t expecting this many people… about Lindenwood,” Athletics Director tremendous notice of it,” it was like a game almost,” he said, noting said Terry Kapeller, Linden- John Creer said. “You can’t pay enough for that Lindenwood’s new turf was softer and wood’s chief financial officer. that type of P.R.” even better than the field at “People who have discovered Creer said the Rams the Edward Jones Dome, the wanted to choose a facil- it love it.” “It’s a tremendous Rams’ regular season home. The business office urges ity that had sufficient seat- Over the summer, the 10- students to make sure that the ing and amenities, such oppurtunity to show- year-old playing surface was proper semester is selected in as bathrooms and con- case Lindenwood gutted and laser-leveled to en- the portal as to avoid confu- cessions, to house a large and our facilities.” sure smooth transitions from sion on the current outstand- crowd that could watch the different portions of the field. ing balance of the account. scrimmage without cost. For example, transitions can The option to pay in person Quarterback Marc Bulg- easily be made from the foot- will still be available to stu- —John Creer er was impressed with the Athletics Director dents who prefer this way of ball field to the soccer field. billing. turn-out. This makes it “a more play- Any students with ques- “There’s a buzz, an ex- able surface, a friendlier sur- tions regarding this new ser- citement. This is definitely face for the athletes,” Creer vice should contact the busi- going to be a jump start for us. We were said. “Now you have a beautiful field that ness office at 636-949-4950 pumped coming in, seeing all those cars,” is laser-perfect.” or contact their specific ac- he said. Please see Scrimmage, Page 7 count representative. Legacy photo by M.E. Brown Summer improvements visible throughout campus By Natasha Sakovich Hall. in front of the center. In response weeks,” said Mueller. Assistant Editor Several new revisions, such to the comments, new painted di- The new gate, which is to be as crosswalks, traffic signs and rection arrows now mark the cor- made of brick and limestone Driving into the Auto Zone lighting, mark the increased rect way of traffic in each lane. rather than one material, will entrance down the road behind safety improvements. When de- “We analyze where we are signify the old and the new char- Rauch Memorial Hall, students ciding which areas would receive getting the most complaints and acteristics of Lindenwood. returning to campus will notice improvement, safety concerns where safety issues need to be A new improvement in prog- something new. Freshly paved and number of complaints were addressed, and we then make ress that is ahead of schedule is and widened, this road is just the leading causes for revision. the necessary adjustments,” said the Harmon Hall addition. Work one of the many improvements “Safety is our number one pri- Mueller. on the building has taken place made around campus during ority,” said Vice President Julie One addition in particular re- all summer, and the completed the summer months. Mueller. mains unfinished. Due to delays, section will be ready for use dur- Perhaps some of the most One area in particular that re- the new decorative gate marking ing the spring of 2010. noticeable improvements are ceived new traffic safety mark- the First Capitol entrance and Construction also progresses the newly paved road behind ers is the section of roadways exit awaits completion. “We’ve with the new student center. Rauch, the patio seating area in front of the main entrance to had several problems with the Ground breaking for the center outside of Butler Hall adjacent the J. Scheidegger Center for stone breaking, and the stone is occurred at the end of the 2009 to Grab and Go, and the new the Arts. According to Mueller, now on order again. We hoped spring semester, and construc- sidewalk leading from wom- many complaints were received to have the gate finished a week tion continues to be made. Cur- Legacy photo by M.E. Brown en’s housing to the back side of about confusion regarding which ago; however, we hope to have rently the project is scheduled to Construction is in progress at the First Capitol entrance. men’s Dorm G and Pfremmer lanes were the entrance and exit it completed in the next few be completed sometime in 2011. Page 2 News August 26, 2009 Carrying on the Legacy Psych. program Julie Beard returns to Lindenwood with a different role By M. E. Brown expands pool Photo Editor Julie Beard is no stranger of ‘participants’ to the world of communica- By Chris Bennett between psychology and ath- tion. Neither is she a strang- Staff Reporter letic training. There is sports er to Lindenwood Univer- psychology, among other in- sity. Now, for the second With every semester comes terdisciplinary fields, where time, she has the chance to change to a university, and there are research projects combine the two and con- for Lindenwood University, apart of those disciplines.” tribute to the ever changing this is no exception. Nohara-Leclair said. academic structure of the One of these changes is the The Athletic Training college. renaming of the Psychology program echoes this senti- After a brief leave from department’s Human Sub- ment as well, believing that teaching at LU, Beard has jects Pool to the Lindenwood their students would gain a returned with a new title: di- Participant Pool (LPP). lot from participating in the rector of executive commu- While the name change LPP. nication. She is responsible might not seem significant “Athletic training is very for ensuring the accuracy to those outside the program, human based and in the fu- and effectiveness of internal there is a rational behind the ture one of the options is re- and external communica- Legacy photo by Chelsea Lewis change for those in the LPP. search, so I feel if students tion from the executive of- Julie Beard (right) consults with Roche Madden at Fox 2 News during a J-Term trip in 2007. “We wanted for people are a part of research at an fices. to realize that they have a pectations,” said Beard, who she felt the program was “in Channel 5. She also has writ- early age, it will benefit them This new role was cre- choice in participating in earned a master’s degree from good hands.” ten a number of romance nov- in their careers,” Delaine ated because “our growth got these studies and felt that the Northwestern University’s During her hiatus, she had els. Young, assistant athletic di- so amazing,” President Dr. name change would encour- Medill School of Journalism. the chance to work with a For her job as a reporter, rector and associate profes- James D. Evans said. He real- In 2006, then Provost Ev- start-up Internet company. she enjoyed meeting so many age that type of thinking,” sor said. ized that he needed someone ans and the late President Dr. She hoped to bring her ex- interesting people, “from the Dr.
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