First Issue Publ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ishedWeekly Printed Drn h In 1857 Shool Year. VOL. 81, NO. 26 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS. SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1956 PRICE 15 CENTS Jon Higgins, Jean White Brilliant In "B1rigadoon" Sprig Pom,"HaborLigts"Bradford Junior College Combines With Is Vivid, Romantic Success Andover In Musical Sensation At G. We by JOHN RcKWELL There was a prom at Andover last night. The new gym, heroically galvanized into something resembling a Marseilles cafe hosted 195 couples, plus uncounted multitudes of floor committeemen, chaperones, and faculty. Don Russell's Band, Prof. Kluckholm playing a society brew of vintage music, provided basic rhythmn, Of Ha v r Tels while the 8 'n 1 filled in from time 11 i r ar le , to time.Of hL ternoon after all bachelors had been deported from their Quad by ROBERT POSNER -,' Ihomes and their rooms ad been The annual Hosch Day speaker, put into some semblance of order. this year Professor Clyde Kuck- The Grand March from hte scenic holm, was introduced in assembly Z~~ station to the Quad b6gan around on Wednesday, May first, by Head- 3:30. At 6:00 was the Conmmons master Kemper. (This was the - P meal (I should say delicious) ; and, first time the headmaster had pre- - - at 7:30, the Aces gave a concert sided at an assembly since his ill- at G. W. This was followed by the ness.) Professor Kluckholm -went Senior, Upper, and Lower class to Culver Military Academy, is a pries. Then to dormi to be re- graduate of Lawrenceville, and eied by the ladies of the Faculty. Princeton, and was a Rhodes Schol- After breakfast Saturday morn- ar. He has worked with the De- ig, "informal sports" were enjoy- fense Department and the Depart- edby all, with bathing suits, ten- ment of the Interior. He was pres- shoes, and raquets, and/or uit- ident of the American Anthropo- - *e clothing, which the guests had logy Association and has worked ed to bring. In the afternoon with the Russian Research Center. e formal sports, in the persons Presently, he is a professor of an- fthe baseball team, who played thropology at Harvard. I. T. At six-thirty was the for- In his speech he tried to erradi- dinner. cate the mytA in this country that "Harbor Lights", the 1957 absolutely everything in Russia is Jon Higgins (left) is greeted by Rod Parke as Jean White looks on. Sring Promenade, began at 8:00 controlled from the top. To illus- _______________ (Photo by Othmer) d disintegrated at 12:00. Almost trate this point he drew examples by JOCK MBAINE evrbdy had a good time, as can from his experiences interviewing Aluni F n Sets i "Brigadoon" was the most enjoyable evening of the year. From Seen from the inset pictures, al j former citizens for the Air Force, -tincal te routinIa the evruine foIhl ewscnetdwt h 1 the opening bars of music to the final curtincltepouinwa uhteeening was thiedyoRusian e sachnete.I is the faFot1957vAtg, delightful, professional. Eme when they realized that eerhCetr ndi-G asFo 9 7 A fastsinmoi d forgotten gifts for Mothers' cussions with former factory man-I The Glee Club of Bradford Junior College combined with Andover Ir(Contimued on Page Four) (Contimued on Page Four) jflI 'NJ]j -,'in this Broadway tale of to Americans waylayed in a mysterious WeekendX..II MeY i ngLI6 Scotch village. With words and music by Alan Jay Ler-ner and Fred- God e r e ve ,S ih1 The Alumni Fund Committee erick Loewe, (currently famous for "My Fair Lady",) the show rep- ooctWyea, eaver, Sm ith n'ln ~~metover the weekend of May 3-4 resented a tremendous achievement for such a group. The two perform- LeonardContest 0 }"Jay 2 ~~todiscuss the results of last year's ances on Friday and Saturday, May third and fourth, were the result Leonrd C ntes O n ay 2 drive, in which they made over of weeks of work by the more than one hundred and seventy people JESSUP ~~~~$200,000dollars with 47% Alumni cnetdwt h hw by N. SU participation. They plan to go cnetdwt h hw H ED Thursday evening May 2, in the Bulfinch debating room, ahead with the 1957 campaignTH LE S Ue16th annual reading of the Leonard prize was held for starting October first. Jon Higgins was the star, taking the part of Tommy Albright, a gina toallstuenteseys opn ofEnglsh ne nd wo. The meeting was split into two young amateur huntsman from New York. His baritone voice was origial to eseysll sudent ope of nglih on andtwo.main parts. The first part, aside powerful and clear throughout. Jean White as Fiona McLaren, a Scotch The judges were Mrs. Albert' from reviewing last year's results, lass from "Brigadoon", was also outstanding. On Friday night she was Reehrig, Mr. William Brown, and -- was spent examining the findings obviously and understandably nervous throughout her first two num- bir. Joseph Dodge, with Mr. Kem- of five recent surveys. These sur- rsbuastehopogsedsesowdhtsehdafievc. Per presiding. First prize was tak- veys included an analysis of the Meis; buteas the show-prresed, she st wtahe lehador lb as voie en by Dick Goodyear, second by pledge system of money donation, M isWhite the vie-prsiden ofda te a f Geesolubwasth Alan Weaver, and third by Laird t -a system by which an individual most POieoftelasndhdagatelofprnlty Smith. Ipledges in advance to give a cer- Rod Parke and Lenore Messineo, as Charlie Dalrymple and Jean The first essayist who recited - tain amount of money towards the McLaren, were top flight. He handled his songs wvell- ("Go Home With was Allan Albright, whose piece i- I fund every year; a study of ans- Bonny Jean" in articular;) she combined a fine voice, which wvas entitled "O A Summer Day." It wers to letters sent to alumni who heard only once, with a great deal of dancing ability. was about an old man who feared have never or who have seldomI Rick Steinkamp threatened to steal the show as Jeff Douglas, the imminence of death. He was - contributed; a discussion of the IAbih' uoosprnr abr oeadmd iaiu oet disappointedhe thoughtbecaus he ~ possibility of establishing quotes Alrgtshmru ate.Brar oeadmd iaiu oet hdasited hicasetie anduho Io -- h lse;a nlssohe him and found her way through a song called "The Real True Love of hdwoetat hif ien anotheo relative generosity of the Alumni My Life." chnca by,~oud e eios and Parents; and finally a report PRODUCER, DIRECTORS- - and make good. Suddenly, from ancoerigtescssfth a- Mr. Ralph Symonds did a miagnificient job of producinig the mus- Unknown source, and in a perhaps sociate class agents, Formerly the rather farfetched manner, he re- class, on graduation, elected one' inca - an heroic feat considering the limitations of space involved. Mr. ainsced tout he urls ae class agent, but recently a system Willam Schneider and Mr. Glenn Walsh directed the show's music. of asocatewa encuraed.TheMr. Schneider conducted the Phillips Acadamy orchestra in a fine pe- stne laythivrb ats box results last year'based upon forty- formance, surpassing any of the yeao-'s previous endeavors. ctlneminto theuriera! abye. two classes with agents compared The stage chor-us and sword idancers were vem-y effective. The dance Allan the Chapinnext was ~~~with the same forty-two withoutj was a veny difficult one and Roscoe Brown, the soloist, proved hiniser 3peaker, with a piece entitled "The Dick Goodyear, first prize wnner, agents the year before, showed a truly talented. N~nt", a descriptive essay on a I scholarly analysis of the United total increase of $20,000 dollars As is always the case, a great deal of the credit foi a show goes Piae.treed summer haven of a boy. States' part in the Middle East and an average of fifteen more to the unseen: to the offstage chorus for the beautiful song "Briga- Ironically, one of the piece's short- crises. It was said to have fallen by men per class. I dioon" and for adding immeasureably to the group numbers, to chore- ciiiings was that it ad no point, the wayside because it wasnoa The second part of the mneetinz "The Problem of the Middle personal essay, one of the requre was spent planning next year's I grapher Joan Morace, who also erformied a highly ipressionistic East", by David Epstein was next ments of the contest. goals. The dollar goal was made, and vei-y beautiful dlance, to Mrs. Harford Powel for the inspired sets, al the program. This was a very (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Three) 12, 1956 Page 2 The Phillipian -May ay - - - Faculty Committees Form Plans To Solve ptlILLIP fan Student Problems Relating To School Activities Last fall, a committee made up of Mr. Bennet, Mr. Kimball, and Mr. Couch was formedi wvas to study the role of the day student at P. A. The problem confronting the committee Editor-in-Chief................................ JON MIDDLEBROOK kind of atmosphere to JOCK MCBAINE that day students are not being provided with enough of the right Managing Editor................................. them to participate each advisor so that the adviso BuiesManagqer IEBENRencourage Students......................DVI more fully in the various scool can get to know them better. Low EDITORIAL STAFF P'erkins dns activities. This committee forward- ers and Uppers will be assigned t the proposal to another faculty faculty advisors. General Manager................................. JOHN ROCKWELL IT led be assigned to dormitories the results will be much to the da S Editor.BILL STILE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SA .possibly This...co......ittee....in..turn...forwaSTILdedin urandrartheuenschool's students'te scoo benbnef ........................
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