NH fl O O O Eihibitll United Progreuivei for Victory Pren and Media. Homt * Who We Are ' Get Involved ' Get Informed ' Press & Media Media Contecte Press contact PRESSQUPF un AIAMC. K1 ORGANIZATION: DM PHONE: SubmaOmry j RepofleShwlle^ O AaPiQgreaaheaPaaartllBClBr.Riglftttnip October 28,2004 WASHINGTON - Ralph Nader has received mom ttwi $125,000 from GOP dorwrs and consultants Jr^^ Veterans for Truth a larger figure than previously reported, United Progressives for Victory said today. UPfofVtatory.com's teteat research draws on press lapoito art Fadanri Electim CommMm tuiKflxibutMmeoe by the GOP in drculaUng arid defending Nao^ • 8wHI Boat Vaterana far Nader? Eight donors to trie Wanwjs Swift Boat Vtetenvm tor Truth 527, who have given $3^ Kenya military service, neve ateo given Nader $11.250. [FEC] • rao^^nu. Corporate SuppOftFto of the lafgertd targeted moderate RapuHcana, have given $7,500 to Nadar. They nave grven $450,000 to trie Club for Growth in the past I cydes. Seven contributors to tr*Pro-Giow» Action Teem, sr^^ [FEC] i Stave Werk raised $30.000 for Choices for America, a group that paid for aignatui Neder^ ballot effort in Nevada. [Las Vegas Review Journal, B/2&VD4] m New Hampshire, Republican consultant David Carney, htov^ ami his bustoessassm to Nader to cover the coat of petition gathering that Can»*MHBtedonNadartbarwlf.TI^ in George H.W. Bush's White House, responsible for 3 out of every 6 o^tara that ntedarraiaad in tnaGianlte State. In MUfgan, lha Rapubiein party made a S3.4W iri« baaot them after the RapubVcane turned in 46,000 signatures foe Wm end vi^ent to court for him. [FEq The New Nader Raldere,NaoVr«s received $20.(X)0 from Jim seven m^^ Jack and Laura Derigerrnond who gave Nader $2,000 apiece and $26.000 to the National Rapubican Congressioa Jeno Paulucci and his wWa Lois, who have given Nader $2,000 each and $160,000 to GOP causes since 2000. [FE Richard and Pamela Egan. who reised $200,000 for Biish-smauo^raiarul gave $2,OWeech to Nader. [FEq Thomes end Catherine Wsfcey, who gave Nadar $2.000 each awl this election elom ru^ gr^n irx)ni than $50.00 campaign and GOP groups. ffEC] rt Pro-Bush individual*, operatrvee and groups have made a blatant effort to boost Nader* candidacy in batOagreimdetBtBe to uridem candidacy. Thai support has been crucial, given that Nader's tongfim«progr»i«h^iupportari.h«vw«bandonadhlmki20(M. ContW reader's 1996 and 2000 funning mate, has endorsed Kerry • Nearly 80 "Neder Raiders" and former Nader ataodaleeraleaBad a etalernam opposing Na^artcar^ fjh^daft^^M^Auemeyrouni IA^o ease^Bw*AAs agawis-—- -* *i ram1*^^ . • Mora than 70 momboni of Nadafs 2000 CNtaens Committee. Including Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore and Sueen Serendc swing state voters to support Kerry. • More trw 50 p«ace and srrtMreq war leao^rs neve released a letter • Mora ftenhvo dozen women's issusslsodors,lrK*ja^ oppo—M— FMQQTe*•••!• Ami prawopnoe•-• *•—V• •-•-Da•. • Mora ttm 30 nafenel and etatolieelmm • rtagnMalv»teadam In awing elates IncfadingV^^ KH candidacy in those states. [See www.upJbrvlctory.oam far U>e«e etetemente| O • The Green Party chooe not to nominate Nader to ito ticket as R had in 20t». The coneiinwedvocetotr^ espouses errtHmrrapj«fitpc4ick« end wee repreeerrt^ caledforthedeelhpeneftylcreborttonp sure John Kerry never gate around the White House." BlMll^B S^taSB PtoHte BVMM^B^^ SlflrfAV f*iii Jil Dlfliff ftiMdl^^ BA!A Not only hes Neder ebendoned by progreeiive teedere hie backing at the greeeroote level hee eleo dedned over the course of the 2 paa^dcmbyDermx7atStmGroof*erg,NBdort accoroTngtoThaVvs^lngtonPoetNavartheleai.thap^ In key battleground states, Nader is aHI poised to pley the rote of spos*afidce«« e Nationally, the ZogbypolehoweBiaA end Keny conducted 10/10-10/12, margin of error ± 2.9%] • In Ftoride, wham Nader wee rapreee«ted in court by Ken Bt48%endNaoVat2%.[Reseerch20«^uthr^^ • In Nevada, where GOP consutant Steven Vlriuk raised thousan* of dotae to gattiarak^^ Kerry al47%. and Nader at 1%, [Research 2000 pel of 600 •e^vclsri conducted 10A19-1oai.margJn off enw • In Iowa, where vokinteersgetheredsionetur»» for Neder'sta Kerry et 47%, end Neder st 2%. (AinerlcenReeeer* Group • In VVhK»nsln. where tr» righting Cttzero to eS^ wim Nader taking 2 panxrA EAniaflcBn Rasa • In lvawataBJco,wlim individuate o^^^ etettelicBl dead heat, with Neder taking 1 percent [AmerkwReeeercn Group poll of 6C»ek^ Of±4%] a^a^lMltalltfliMBBK* Ua^kalfiM Ma^siBW wesUI UAhi RuAlft Nader hae eeid that the Rapubscan aid he hee received corr^ dlsegree. Veteren OOP StretogM Bl Whatan rejected the rwttonrhstNsdsrt OOP otorwni em help«^ your aclMebi to get otit them and hah> Ralph r^ Chronlde. 7W04] Arfcaneas State Houee Rapubican Leader. Michael Lamouraux niry o^ IB to hell Preeldant Bueh win the etocttOT, and e^ niavir« Ralph Nao^ on the beflotwlirrt^rovePresk^ Colorado Rapubican Party Chairman, Tad Hataby: "If he [Nader] has any Impact, itis more detrimental to Democrat thin Republicans, given the name identifkation and hit liberal phi Poet, 5/13041 town Nader Signature CoNactofi: •We're trying to hripPreeidert Bush by getfogR^ group they wen with. [Aasocirtsd Press, 8/10*04] Iowa OOP Executive Director, Gantry Cofliro: "K aur* wouldn't hurt-Colne, when aaked If having Nader on the ballot would help Bush in Iowa. [Aw 8/10/04] Michigan GOP Executive Director, Greg McNaflry: M<*eiUyufyedpartyactMstsbya-nrtto Tarnpa Tribune. 7/15/04] Nevada GOP Conauaant Slave Wane 1 would hope so.1 didrrt do ft for my own health."— Wark, who formed a poW^corrwnitlw to raiee money to hetp Nader qualify for I by the Associated Press V he thought Nader would mate the diffwwxxj in Nevada for Buih [The Tampa Trtbune, 7/157" Nevada Signature Oatherer. Shi Richardson: Tteaee join me in thia gallant effort to give our President the beet chance poaalble of winning in November" in an email to other part Vega* Sun, 7/12/04] New Hampshire Nader Signature Collectors: Excuse me sinYniBB eta I was wondering if you could take a seoor^ wily. The script also Instructed workers, who wan Miedoy a GOP coiiwltam\ to tel people, "Without dodge queetkms about who wes paying them. [AasociaM Press, 8/7/04] *Tte said he was a Bush si^pon*. that this was his job, g signature gatherer on campus. F^lxiquerojue Tribune Onflne, 8/1 2/04] Oregon Nader Signature Gatherers: CBSafWIatoKTvlWanrtewadasignati^e-gathererwrwa^^ Nader signatrae and that ha was asking signers to "help re-elect Preeidert Bush.- [The CJregcnian, 8^1/2004] Oregon Family Council Worker. Tim NaahK •We'd fce to take a few votes away nwnJormKen^» It would be rx^ making hundraUa of phone calls to membem urging them to het> get Nader on the batot [OregonLivB.com, 6V25VD4] CKnna for • Sound Economy President awl CEO, Matt Mbbec inJe saw tt aa an obvious opportunity to split Hie lateral base hi a awing [ABCNewscom. 7/25/04] WJeconsMi slats dirsdor for Citizens for a Sound Economy, Cameron Snotty: •Wei defWlsly be spread** the word thrt antitax group. [New York Times, 7/1/04] Former Wtoconrtn Nadar SupportM* Call on Remaining Nader Votera to Abandon hto Candidacy A to Unite Aga October 24 2004 OSHKOSH.WI-Fomw Wisconsin Ralph Nader siipportsniM effort to defeat George W. Bush. UnAed PvognMaivw tor victory (UPforVtotor^ Kerry aw locked in a dead heat in Wtsconsn. "Under George W. Bush. Wisconsin farr«lescamK)t pay lor their heelthora. student atoction ie too critical to cast a protest vota tor RatohNwtorJaupported Nader in 2000, but I will not voto lor hM VVtaoomin cannot afford fow mora yam of Buih." traveled to Oshkosh to encourage voters to unite against Buah. Nader, who • campaigning in batttaground states, Including Wtoonain, when ho wiU appear todiy in Oahkoah by ecttvtati and grataroota eupporton. For example: • More than 75 original-Nader's Raiders'* and close pubWy denounced Ralph Nadar* preaidential bid last week i egeinet him hi battleground Print odverti began running today in Medtaon, Wl. (View the NADER'S RAIDER: PRINT AD) • Leederi in Waxanslrx such as fwnw U.S. Santa currant Attomay General, have signed • pubic ilalaniaiitunjing Nadarvotra to oppoaa hia candidacy. Otham in Waahingt Mlnnaaota md Colorado, nav* tignad aimilar totawa. (READ THE WISCONSIN LETTER ONUNE) dantMn^waracfrtatehav^^ 2000 campaign* kwca^ voters to support Kerry. • More ttian two dozen w( hwdara and 30 national and state health cam advocataa hava pubUdyiaJdlheyoppo pnaJdanHal nai. On tha othar hand, Rapubiicana aupporlani and major OOP and nghtwing i I Nadar in hia afforta to run for P In order to split the progressive vote and help re-elect Bush. For example: • Eight major donors who have given $31 ,000 to Swift Boat Veton lor Truth to air attack ads on John Kerry* miWary eer given Nader more than $11,000. Nader has also ecceptod contributions* onaervetiva PAC donors who have given to •aVaOub for Growth. Nadai*a campaign haa rvcaivad lagal rapraaantation 1 vh •M Buah hi tha 2000 Florida recount a ifromaRepubfcanconautantinr4evao*,conaarv^ 1 45,000 aignatwaa for hia aflori ao^liaaacoaptadovar$125,orjOincaBharidkii^ tfwunraportadin-Jdndcarrtrib^^ Including paaca and toraign policy, tha anvlronmaiit conwmar rigrrta. woman's toauaa. dvll ngr^ rip^, and aocW and acormnic jiatfioa. For moro Morm UPfbrVlctory.coni Calto cm Rmnalnlng Nadar Voters to Abandon hta Candidacy ft Join Prograaaivea WorWng to October 2f, 2004 TAMPA^ FL-Onao^allBrmoraminTSoriginil^ PregrMaiwja tor Victory (UPIteVidoiy.com) caHod on aN poawlial NaO^ AcconSng to recent surveys, Buah and John Kany am locked in a dead haal in Horida. win Nadar iioBng at 1%. "Progressives in Florida and across tha country are ure^aixlo^tamiined to take back «irc»urrtryfro^ George Buah on November 2nd ia the first step in niovkig foiwaid a inognmiwj egenda.
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