MICHAEL J. BARANY* Integration by Parts: Wordplay, Abuses of Language, andModernMathematicalTheoryontheMove ABSTRACT This paper accounts for the intercontinental elaboration of French mathematician Laurent Schwartz’s theory of distributions in the years immediately following World War II by tracing how mathematicians explained the theory to each other, advanced new interpretations, and reconciled existing ones. Situating distributions in mathe- maticians’ changing contexts of funding, travel, and publication, especially in con- nection with the postwar reconstruction of international science, I argue that wordplay and suggestive comparisons—often termed ‘‘abuses of language’’—helped tie com- munities of scholars together across disparate geographies and fields of study. Material limits and linguistic ambiguity, here, offered important resources for asserting *Dartmouth College, 6107 Carson Hall, Hanover, NH 03755, USA. http://mbarany.com/. [email protected]. The following abbreviations and acronyms are used: AHES, Archive for History of Exact Sciences; AMM, The American Mathematical Monthly; BPL, Michael J. Barany, Anne-Sandrine Paumier, and Jesper Lu¨tzen, ‘‘From Nancy to Copenhagen to the World: The internationaliza- tion of Laurent Schwartz and his theory of distributions,’’ HM 44, no. 4 (2017): 367–94; CNRS, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; DPM, Michael J. Barany, ‘‘Distributions in Postwar Mathematics’’ (PhD dissertation, Princeton University, 2016); HM, Historia Mathema- tica; LPD, Jesper Lu¨tzen, The Prehistory of the Theory of Distributions (New York: Springer, 1982); MGC, Laurent Schwartz, A Mathematician Grappling with His Century, trans. Leila Schneps (Basel: Birkha¨user, 2001); MI, The Mathematical Intelligencer 26,no.1 (2004); PLS, Anne- Sandrine Paumier, Laurent Schwartz (1915–2002) et la vie collective des mathematiques´ (PhD dissertation, Universite´ Pierre et Marie Curie, 2014); TIFR, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. References to the MathSciNet online database of entries in Mathematical Reviews (http:// www.ams.org/mathscinet/) or the zbMATH online database of entries in the Zentralblatt fu¨r Mathematik (http://zbmath.org/) use the standard numerical reference conventions for the respective databases, e.g. ‘‘MR0035918 (12, 31d)’’ and ‘‘Zbl 37.07301’’ for the first volume of Laurent Schwartz’s textbook on the theory of distributions, which was the 35918th overall review in the MathSciNet database and was the fourth (d) entry on page 31 of volume 12 of Mathematical Reviews, as well as the first entry on page 73 of volume 37 of the Zentralblatt fu¨r Mathematik. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, Vol. 48, Number 3, pps. 259–299. ISSN 1939-1811, electronic ISSN 1939-182X. © 2018 by the Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Reprints and Permissions web page, http://www. ucpress.edu/journals.php?p¼reprints. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/hsns.2018.48.3.259. | 259 260 |BARANY relevance and unity in a fragmented and heterogeneous discipline. I show in particular how reinterpretations and puns of the calculus technique of integration by parts helped advocates of Schwartz’s theory create a far-reaching community of students and researchers that was itself partially integrated—with distributions’ scholars believing themselves to be using a common theory while understanding and using that theory in considerably different (if sometimes mutually recognizable) ways. If exponents of modern mathematical research and pedagogy tend to emphasize settled theories and stabilized innovations, the history of these activities demands a converse emphasis on the variable and ongoing labor required to reconcile techniques and concepts—a labor that often hinges on theories’ instability, pliability, and susceptibility to play. KEY WORDS: mathematics, postwar, globalization, theory of distributions, Laurent Schwartz, wordplay, heterogeneous theory THEORY ON THE MOVE No theory is born universal, and even the most monumental breakthroughs start small. In the winter months of 1944–1945, as the Second World War waned in Europe, a young French mathematician named Laurent Schwartz set out to rewrite the basic principles of mathematical analysis with what he soon termed his ‘‘theory of distributions.’’1 In July 1946, Schwartz lectured for four hours on his ‘‘great progress’’ with the theory to an approving audience of his countrymen, an eccentric collective of radical reformers who published under the pseudonym Nicolas Bourbaki.2 A year later, Schwartz confided to his wife his unease with the ‘‘excessive success’’ his theory had found in Copenhagen, Denmark: ‘‘all the same, [the theory] is not Jesus Christ, and the compliments of the three Magi from the world over unsettle me a little; wasn’t he later crucified?’’3 In 1949, Schwartz took his first ever airplane trip on his way to lecture on his theory in Vancouver, Canada. The next summer, he received a prestigious 1. Schwartz’s own retrospective narrative of his theory’s origins is in MGC, chap. 6. For a critical appraisal and reconstruction of the first half-decade of this story, see BPL. 2. Cartan to Weil, 19 Jul 1946, in Miche`le Audin, ed., Correspondance entre Henri Cartan et Andre´ Weil (1928–1991) (Paris: Societ´ e´ Mathematique´ de France, 2011), 118. On Bourbaki, see Liliane Beaulieu, Bourbaki: Une histoire du groupe de mathematiciens´ franc¸ais et de ses travaux (1934–1944) (PhD dissertation, Universite´ de Montreal,´ 1989); Maurice Mashaal, Bourbaki: Une societ´ e´ secre`te de mathematiciens´ (Paris: E´ditions Pour la Science, 2002). 3. Laurent to Marie-Hele´ `ne Schwartz, 5 Nov 1947, Schwartz family archives, reproduced in Claudine Schwartz, ‘‘Autor des premiers travaux de Laurent Schwartz sur les distributions,’’ Gazette des mathematiciens´ 113 (2007): 112–18,on117–18. See also PLS, 134. INTEGRATION BY PARTS | 261 Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where his theory was compared to ‘‘Descartes’ development of the analytic geometry’’ and his earliest paper on distributions was hailed as ‘‘one of the classical mathematical papers of our times.’’4 In 1954, an elder statesman of Argentine mathematics all but rolled his eyes at the ‘‘enthusiasts of Lorenzo Schwartz’s theory,’’ a group that included many of his continent’s leading young mathematicians.5 By the end his theory’s first decade, Schwartz had traveled tens of thousands of miles, crisscrossing continents, and his theory had traveled even farther. Scholars studied and taught variations of the theory in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa, across the Western and Eastern Blocs, and in many parts of the non-aligned world. Schwartz went on to be a leading figure in French and international mathematics, and distributions became a foundational element of postwar scholarship in several broad areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. This kind of itinerary, for a young and previously little-known mathema- tician or his newborn theory, would have been unthinkable before 1945. The speed and, especially, the intercontinental geographical span over which math- ematicians learned of and took to the theory defy comparisons to prewar precedents in mathematics.6 After the Second World War, however, mathe- maticians and their sponsors reshaped the discipline’s institutions, practices, problems, and pedagogy. Stories like those of Schwartz and distributions became extreme examples of a normal pattern, rather than startling exceptions. Mathematicians pursued theoretical research in more and farther-flung places, forging and refashioning connections between the discipline’s global centers and peripheries.7 Their discipline’s transformed scales depended on newly 4. Harald Bohr, ‘‘Address of Professor Harald Bohr,’’ in Graves et al., eds., Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1950 (Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1952), 127–34,on130, 133. 5. Julio Rey Pastor, ‘‘La matematica´ moderna en Latino America,’’´ in Segundo Symposium sobre Algunos problemas matematicos´ que se estan´ estudiando en Latino America, Villavicencio-Mendoza 21–25 julio 1954 (Montevideo: Centro de Cooperacion´ Cient´ıfica de la UNESCO para America´ Latina), 9–30,on15–16. 6. In this respect, especially in terms of research and collaboration, mathematics blossomed comparatively late among the ‘‘international’’ sciences, despite its oft-presumed universality and relative independence of many of the material constraints of other sciences. See DPM, 9–14. This work also develops the historiographical distinction between ‘‘international’’ and ‘‘intercontinen- tal’’ science. 7. See DPM; Amy Dahan Dalmedico, ‘‘L’essor des Mathematiques´ Appliquees´ aux E´tats-Unis: L’impact de la seconde guerre mondiale,’’ Revue d’histoire des mathematiques´ 2 (1996): 149–213; Karen H. Parshall, ‘‘Marshall Stone and the Internationalization of the American Mathematical 262 |BARANY available means of travel and communication and the new institutional con- nections they allowed, but also on new ways of studying and understanding mathematics that reached to the very words and principles with which math- ematicians articulated their theories. Amidst changing geographies and infra- structures, mathematicians debated the nature of mathematics itself—whether it was unified and structured, adaptable and applied,
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