INSIDE THIS ISSUE NEWS FEATURES SPORTS Dwyer "walks the walk" at Saint Xavier By Christina Cucci we were talking about the idea of having Deputy News Editor SXU students meet the President, just like she had met previously with faculty and Last Friday, Sigma Tau Delta National En­ staff. The officers were really excited about glish Honor Society held a meet-and-greet it and they brought it to the attention of Dean ceremony for Saint Xavier University's new John Pelrine who I guess had somewhat of President from 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. in Saint the same idea. He told us that our new Presi­ Xavier's Butler (Main) Reception Room. dent was very interested in student involve­ SXU cordially invited and welcomed all ment and this would be the best way to meet members of the student body to an overall us. Hopefully, we can have more of these invigorating introduction and reception for meetings with her, more periodically in the our new President, Dr. Judith A. Dwyer. future, because it was a very enlightening experience." The event commenced after students signed ^L ' in and created name-tags for themselves, Junior, Kathleen Mesterharm, Sigma's vice- 1^1 demonstrating yet again that positive Saint president was also excited about the student Xavier touch of making all people feel wel­ attendance as well as their participation at come and important at such receptive events. this conversational reception, "I was pleas­ Not to mention, this reception satisfied the antly surprised at the turnout and the ques­ SXU tradition of preparing simply delicious tions people were asking the President. food to entertain our taste buds while min­ People took the time out of their day, espe­ gling with our fellow colleagues and a hand­ cially on a Friday, and were so enthusiastic ful of Student Life staff before the more for­ about it. It was really great! I'm sure we'll mal question-and-answer period began. All have more of these, and even more students in all, the food was great and the presenta­ can make it out too." tion to follow would soon consume us all. Dr. Dwyer answers questions from the students on Friday October 24th. (Photo - The Xavierite). During this presentation, we learned Dr. ings when possible to promote some of your Participation is a key way to get people in­ Allison Fagan, a senior at SXU and also the Dwyer's ongoing plan for success; "I plan concerns. volved. I also see lots of dedicated men and president of the hosting Sigma Tau Delta to see Saint Xavier among the top universi­ women who are highly professional, highly NEHS gave a pleasantly open-ended intro­ ties in the Midwest. We're going to con­ "I encourage all of you to help strategically qualified, a real great team who want to duction which allowed for President Dwyer tinue to enhance levels of quality of the pro­ with Dr. Thomas Murphy and his great team. make Saint Xavier so positive for everyone." to share her own career path, background, fessors, students, and programs that I see at As far as recruiting goes, however, by your and future aspirations for the SXU commu­ Saint Xavier University. This is a very fine own word of mouth, student-to-student is SXU senior, Rami Tadros was unquestion­ nity, as well as opening the rest of the time university. As far as visibility is concerned, the best way to get the word out. Also, ably motivated by Dr. Dwyer's words when for student inquiry and input. Later, speak­ I personally plan to continue meeting with through our student-run newspaper and ra­ he said, "Students having the opportunity ing with Allison, she explained how this stu­ key political and civic leaders in our com­ dio station, which broadcasts to a million dent-only meeting with the President came munity, promote big speakers more regu­ people, that's quite a compliment, both have to be; "Sigma Tau Delta had a meeting and larly, and attend student organization meet- plenty of options for students to speak out. 'Dwyer" continued on page 2 CMENC Halloween Bash a monstrous success By Becky Hicks vices, and far-reaching professional and News Editor public health education. On Saturday, October 25, CMENC, the Muscular dystrophy is a disease in which Saint Xavier University Music Department, muscles of the body get weaker and weaker and some of their famous friends, put on and may slowly stop working. Some people their third annual Halloween Benefit Con­ with MD also have problems with the mem­ cert. Willy Wonka, Sleeping Beauty, The branes around their muscles. The mem­ Scarecrow and The Mad Scientist were just branes surround the muscles like protective some of the celebrity guests who helped containers and they hold the muscles to­ raise money. gether so they can work. The muscles and membranes need many different kinds of The celebrities sang, played music, danced proteins to stay healthy. Without these pro­ the Monster Mash, and then had a costume teins, the membranes may develop holes and parade for the over 40 children. This year, break. Once that happens, it is easier for the CMENC raised $845 for The Muscular muscle fibers to become damaged. Once the Dystrophy Association, a jump from last muscle fibers are damaged, people with years' $746. muscular dystrophy begin to have problems with the way their bodies work. Beth Ott, CMENC President said, "I was very pleased with the turnout for the con­ There are different types of muscular dys­ cert. So many children came and we all had trophy. In some types, muscle problems ap­ a great time. I can't wait to do it all again pear when the person is very young. With next year." other types, symptoms of muscular dystro­ phy may start later, sometimes not until the The Muscular Dystrophy Association is a person is an adult. voluntary health agency, a dedicated part­ nership between scientists and concerned Most kids with muscular dystrophy have citizens aimed at conquering neuromuscu­ Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Kids with lar diseases that affect more than a million Duchenne muscular dystrophy look and act Americans. just like other kids when they are bom and when they are small babies. MDA combats neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, "MD" continued on page 2 comprehensive medical and community ser­ COUGAR BITES NEWS SHORTS Chicago Community Center celebrates a thirty-year tradition • Interested in pursuing graduate stud­ By Marty Fleming the festival was also designed to get more ies? Twenty-two local University Ad­ News Contributor people to walk through the front doors of By embracing its own culture, the Pilsen missions Representatives are currently Casa Aztlan, painted in the style of the re­ community that embraces Casa Aztlan cries visiting SXU's Main Reception Room As an English and Spanish major at Saint nowned Mexican muralists with figures of out against oppression with a voice that will today from 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. for the Xavier, I have become involved with CAS A key historical Mexican and Latin American not be silenced just as their strong sense of Graduate/Professional School Fair AZTLAN, an organization that deals with figures, either in the capacity of volunteers cultural heritage will not be erased, assimi­ sponsored by Counseling & Career Ser­ issues such as immigration rights and edu­ or students of the center. lated or forgotten. With immigrant rights vices. www.sxu.edu/career cation of immigrants here in Chicago. being such an important part of the political struggles in Chicago, Casa Aztlan indeed • McDonough Chapel is holding an This past weekend marked the 13th annual plays a central role. Autumn Communal Reconciliation Ser­ "Viva Aztlan" festival in Pilsen, Chicago's vice this afternoon at 4:45 p.m. Come portal neighborhood for many newly ar­ Carlos Arango, director of the center, insists pray for tranquility throughout the land rived Hispanic immigrants, by the major­ that culture preservation and much-needed as we enter this season of thanksgiving. ity of Mexican descent. public aid are the tenets that form the foun­ dation of the center. "Since its formation • Saint Xavier University's Center for Taking place at a community center de­ Casa Aztlan offers education, culture and Religion and Public Discourse will host voted to the rights, education, and public leadership development. Casa Aztlan sup­ a lecture, "Center Your Self in the Pub­ aid of the increasingly growing numbers ports an agenda that provides full rights for lic Life" with former Illinois Governor, of Chicago's Mexican immigrant commu­ all immigrants. Currently Casa Aztlan is the Jim Edgar at 7:00 p.m. in McGuire Hall. nity, events revolved around traditional leading force in the struggle for a driver li­ Mexican dances, food, and musical perfor­ cense for undocumented workers to have • Celebrate the opening of the Orland mances. safe roads in the state of Illinois," explains Park Campus on Thursday, October 30th. Arango. Transportation will be provided from Although the three-day festival (October the Main Campus various times 10, 11, and 12) took place perfectly situ­ Education is the great developing force in throughout the day. Tour inside SXU's ated within Hispanic culture and heritage the empowerment of struggling immigrants. stunning new facility, as well as its sur­ month, it also had a couple of more practi­ Most importantly, with its many education rounding outdoor natural beauty. For cal objectives. Many of the donations, programs, Casa Aztlan always encourages more info, mail to: [email protected] which included food from Los Comales volunteer participation as well as any finan­ Mexican restaurant, a pair of Mexicana air­ (Photo: www.neiu.edu/-casaaztl/Main.htm) cial donations.
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