October 16, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1413 Jenks, to the current president Dr. M. Roy Wil- many years Brad has been involved with ables students to grow plants and cultivate son, Wayne State University is the embodi- scouting, he has not only earned numerous produce. This is particularly beneficial for food ment of public service and access to edu- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- pantries, which will benefit from the vegetables cation. Under the direction of Dr. Wilson, ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Brad grown. It will also serve as a hands-on learn- Wayne State University has dramatically in- has contributed to his community through his ing experience for students with special needs creased its overall six-year graduation rate, Eagle Scout project. to gain valuable life skills. with African American graduation rates double Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in I applaud James for his dedication to his what they were just a few years ago. Today, commending Brad for his accomplishments students and our community. I wish him all the Wayne State University attracts, and is com- with the Boy Scouts of America and for his ef- best in his quest for this important grant. posed of, many of the best and brightest stu- forts put forth in achieving the highest distinc- f dents and researchers, with an excellent team tion of Eagle Scout. HONORING SALINA EDWARDS of administration, faculty, and staff profes- f WITH CALIFORNIA’S THIRD DIS- sionals. They remain firmly rooted in the com- TRICT WOMAN OF THE YEAR munity while preparing their diverse student HONORING THE 20TH ANNIVER- AWARD body to impact locally and globally making the SARY OF THE SACRAMENTO university a thriving hub of innovation and aca- GROUNDWATER AUTHORITY demia. HON. JOHN GARAMENDI Wayne State University has also cemented HON. AMI BERA OF CALIFORNIA its status as a leading research institution and OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a champion for women and children in our na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 16, 2018 tion. In fact, Wayne State University is the Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today only site outside of Bethesda, Maryland, that to honor Salina Edwards as a woman of the Mr. BERA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- houses a branch of the National Institutes of year. She is an unflinchingly energetic and op- ognize the Sacramento Groundwater Authority Health. Thanks to the Perinatology Research timistic advocate for her community. A reliable on celebrating their 20th anniversary and their Branch, over 20,000 women, children, and source of determination and persistence, Ms. continued commitment to managing water re- families have received access to world-class Edwards has always made it a priority to bet- sources in the Sacramento region. prenatal health care that they might not have ter the lives of those around her by asking the The Sacramento Groundwater Authority otherwise been able to access. tough questions and delving into the minutia of (SGA) was formed in 1998 to manage the Through the Integrative Biosciences Center an issue before determining the best possible groundwater basin located north of the Amer- (IBio), the University is reimagining the way course for the citizens she serves. After a dis- ican River and is made up of the major water science approaches urban health issues. IBio tinguished fourteen-year career with the Glenn agencies and water users in the region. One was named the 2017 Renovated Laboratory of County Superior Court, she still had a desire of the first groundwater management agencies the Year by R&D Magazine and Laboratory to serve and decided to run for office. In addi- of its kind, SGA’s work has been instrumental Design. This 127,000–square-foot, $90 million tion to her role as Councilwoman, her wide to implementing the Water Forum Agreement facility is dedicated to studying and eliminating range of duties and responsibilities for the city of 2000 which aims to provide a reliable and the many health disparities that plague resi- include the Waste Management Board, the safe water supply for Sacramento through dents of Detroit and communities across the Glenn County Local Agency Formation Com- 2030. SGA is committed to balancing the use country. IBio includes faculty with expertise in mission, the Orland Library Commission, the of groundwater and surface water to meet re- environmental sciences, bio and systems engi- Glenn County Transportation Committee, and gional needs, while reducing water diversions neering, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, asth- the Glenn County Regional Transportation from the American River to protect the natural ma, and bio-behavioral health. Opened this Committee. Ms. Edwards is a caring and resources of the Sacramento community dur- fall, the Mike Ilitch School of Business, further mindful public servant devoted to every aspect ing times of dry water years. expands the Wayne State campus into The of her community, when she isn’t focused on Over the last 20 years, SGA has coordi- District Detroit while adding academic pro- fulfilling her duties as a Councilwoman, she nated with other authorities in the region to grams in the business of sports and entertain- can be found pitching in for the Orland Bee protect groundwater quality. Their achieve- ment. City Committee and the Orland Queen Bee ments include developing and implementing a The mission of Wayne State University is to City of North America. Her unfailing enthu- Groundwater Management Plan, and creating create and advance knowledge, prepare a di- siasm and dedicated spirit make her a highly the Water Accounting Framework, which de- verse student body to thrive, and positively im- visible presence in the community, whether veloped conjunctive use and groundwater pact local and global communities. I congratu- volunteering for local Kiwanis club events or banking programs that enhance the sustain- late and thank Wayne State University’s stu- pitching in at the Orland Food Pantry. Ms. ability of the basin. dent body, Board of Governors, President M. Edwards is devoted community servant whose I extend my sincere congratulations to the Roy Wilson, faculty and administrators for liv- positive impact cannot be overstated. ing out the passion and principle of their mis- Sacramento Groundwater Authority for the f sion statement. Reaching their 150th anniver- great service it provides to Sacramento Coun- sary is a milestone, and I eagerly look forward ty and the State of California as they celebrate TRIBUTE TO MARILYN AND GENE to what the University accomplishes in its next 20 years of operation. I wish them well in their MULKINS 150 years. continued efforts to provide quality water re- Wayne State University has been, is and source management for our region. HON. DAVID YOUNG will always be Warrior Strong. f OF IOWA f RECOGNIZING JAMES MALONEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING BRAD BYLER Tuesday, October 16, 2018 HON. BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. SAM GRAVES OF PENNSYLVANIA today to recognize and honor Marilyn and OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gene Mulkins of Clarinda, Iowa on the very special occasion of their 60th wedding anni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 16, 2018 versary. They celebrated their anniversary on Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today September 14, 2018. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I to recognize an educator in Bucks County, Marilyn and Gene’s lifelong commitment to proudly pause to recognize Brad Byler. Brad is Pennsylvania who recently became a finalist in each other and their family truly embodies a very special young man who has exempli- a national education grant contest. Iowa values. As they reflect on their 60th anni- fied the finest qualities of citizenship and lead- James Maloney, a teacher at Neshaminy versary, I hope it is filled with happy memo- ership by taking an active part in the Boy High School in Langhorne, becomes one step ries. May their commitment grow even strong- Scouts of America, Troop 1692, and earning closer to the $100,000 education grant that is er, as they continue to love, cherish, and the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. sponsored to fund meaningful projects in local honor one another for many years to come. Brad has been very active with his troop, schools and communities. If selected, James Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple participating in many scout activities. Over the plans on creating a ‘‘living classroom’’ that en- on their 60th year together and I wish them VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:27 Oct 17, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16OC8.018 E16OCPT1 E1414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 16, 2018 many more. I ask that my colleagues in the HONORING JAMES J. TEDESCO, III lent protest of Tommie Smith, John Carlos, United States House of Representatives join and Peter Norman at the 1968 Summer Olym- me in congratulating them on this momentous HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. pic Games in Mexico City. occasion. OF NEW JERSEY Mr. Speaker, we know that if it were not for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the active protest of patriots, the United States f of America would not exist. Tuesday, October 16, 2018 It was brave men throwing tea overboard COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 6265, THE Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to into Boston Harbor, and protesting that tax- PRECHECK IS PRECHECK ACT OF call to your attention the many outstanding ation without representation is tyranny. 2018 achievements of Mr. James J. Tedesco, III. The right of the people to peacefully assem- With this Extension of Remarks, I recognize ble and petition their government for a redress HON.
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