Inside Stories GREENBELT NASA Musical, Rain Garden at News ReviewAn Independent Newspaper p.13 GHI, p.9 VOL. 81, No. 22 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 APRIL 26, 2018 Slow Trail Progress Frustrates Greenbelt Station Residents by Diane Oberg It’s been a long time coming yet exist but that major issues updated residents and council on and the end, a completed trail, is have still not been worked out. the current status of the project. not yet in sight. The Greenbelt There is no estimated comple- Washington Metropolitan Area City Council held a worksession tion date (or even an estimated Transit Authority (WMATA) and on Monday, April 16, to discuss construction start date). It is also Greenbelt are reviewing the draft the seemingly never-ending saga unclear whether the project can connection agreement. Despite of the trail that is to connect be completed without additional their efforts several major issues Greenbelt Station to the Greenbelt tax revenues. remain unresolved, such as where Metro Station. The residents who Mayor Emmett Jordan assured power for trail lighting will be spoke at the meeting expressed the audience that the trail will be drawn from, how much load a their anger and frustration that built, even if it means an increase bridge on the trail must bear, and an amenity that was advertised in property taxes or a different more. in the new community’s market- kind of Tax Increment Financing. ing materials not only does not Planning Director Terri Hruby See TRAIL, page 12 PHOTO BY MATT ARBACH MATT BY PHOTO Rev. Raysor Appointed to Term Sophia Riazi-Sekowski and Nina McGranahan organized A Day of Solutions at Eleanor Roosevelt High School on the anniversary On County Disability Comm. of the Columbine School shooting. by Anne Wallace ERHS Students Make Voices On April 3, Rev. Ray eligible customers can use Raysor, Greenbelt activist on-demand cab services at a Heard on School Safety, Guns and Franklin Park resident, discounted rate. Riders pay was appointed to serve a the first $5 of the cab fare by Matt Arbach two-year term on the Prince plus any amount over $20, George’s County Commis- up to four rides per day. When asked about her in- available for students to write sion for Individuals with Riders may arrange rides tentions concerning the Day of down and share their ideas, and Disabilities. “If you live within minutes or hours by Solutions at Eleanor Roosevelt make their commitment to im- long enough, you will de- contacting specific cab com- High School (ERHS) on April 20, mediate changes to existing gun velop a disability,” said panies, including Silver Cab student organizer Sophia Riazi- regulations and school safety Raysor, “so, it’s important and Regency Taxi. Sekowski replied that it would be protocols, to Maryland legisla- to support these programs.” Commission meetings not a moment, but a movement tors. U.S. Senators Ben Cardin The Commission brings are open to the public – that it won’t stop. The event and Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Rep- together businesses, citi- and are held on the third was aimed to go beyond simply resentatives Steny Hoyer (5th zens and the government Wednesday of every month making a statement, but to “uti- Dist.) and Anthony Brown (4th of Prince George’s County from 4 to 6 p.m. at the lize that voice to make positive Dist.) and State Delegate Alonzo to discuss and resolve dis- Largo Government Center. change,” said Principal Reginald Washington were present to show ability issues within the To bring a matter before McNeill. their support for students. county. It also works with the commission, individuals Acknowledging the day of In addition, students were county and state agencies or businesses may come to the tragic school shooting at asked to give their opinions on to promote the needs and the meeting or contact the Columbine High School in 1999, five questions: Would you feel rights of individuals with commission by phone at Day of Solutions was set aside safer with more officers in the disabilities and to ensure 301-265-8450, email dd- to offer students an opportunity school? Do you think teachers that the county complies [email protected] or use to express their views and con- should be armed? Does our lock- with the requirements of Maryland Relay at 711. The cerns on gun violence in schools. down procedure make you feel the Americans with Dis- mailing address is: Depart- Organizers provided laptops and safe? Do you think our school PHOTO BY ANNE WALLACE BY PHOTO abilities Act. ment of Family Services, forms for voter registration and Rev. Ray Raysor with Tiko, his seeing-eye dog See ERHS RALLY, page 6 The commission works Aging and Disabilities Ser- pre-registration. Postcards were to identify and resolve is- vices Division, 6420 Allen- sues that county residents with housing and recreation. town Road, Camp Springs, MD disabilities encounter with public For example, Rev. Raysor not- 20748. safety, accessibility, transporta- ed, the commission supports Abil- tion, education, employment, ities-Ride, a program in which What Goes On Silent Auction and Luncheon Saturday, April 28 9 a.m. to Noon, Shredding Launch Digital Archive Project Documents, Parking Lot be- by Deanna Dawson hind the Credit Union 9 a.m. to Noon, Electronics A silent auction is being held belt Cooperative Publishing Asso- and Paint Recycling, Public in conjunction with the May 6 re- ciation, Inc., which is a coopera- Works Facility tirement luncheon for Mary Lou tive. As such, it is not eligible to 10 a.m. to Noon, Earth Day Williamson, long-time editor of apply for most grants for public Celebration, Buddy Attick the Greenbelt News Review. The service-type projects. Also, mon- Park auction will raise funds to digi- etary contributions to the News Monday, April 30 tize issues of the News Review Review are not tax-deductible to 7:30 p.m., Budget Workses- and its predecessor, the Greenbelt donors and are taxable income sion, Community Services, Cooperator, from 1943 to 2001. for the paper. Planning, Economic Develop- The auction is sponsored by Background ment, Municipal Building the Greenbelt Archive Project, a The News Review currently Wednesday, May 2 new non-profit organization that has electronic copies in pdf for- 8 p.m., Council Worksession, AMY HANSEN BY PHOTO was established to raise funds mat of most issues, linked to the Recreation and Park Facili- The ERHS Flute Choir (Lela Versteegen, Diana Moneke, Pa- and apply for grants to support Archives page on the paper’s ties Master Plan, Community tricia Divinagracia and James Rogers-Sites) performs at the the digital archive. The News Re- Center Music & Art Festival on April 21. See story on page 7. view is published by the Green- See AUCTION, page 16 Page 2 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, April 26, 2018 Letters to the Editor Student Art Show sional District hearing back from you soon. This exhibition looks wonder- 1705 Longworth House Office Sincerely, ful with many talented young Building Alonzo T. Washington artists. I have been hearing lots Washington, DC 20515 Maryland State Delegate of positive comments towards Dear Congressman Hoyer, District 22 this show. At a recent meeting of the Michael Smallwood Prince George’s County House Editor’s Note: Delegate Delegation, I asked you for your Alonzo Washington asked us to Editor’s Note: Students from position on the Baltimore Wash- share the letter he sent to Con- Eleanor Roosevelt High School ington Superconducting Magnetic gressman Steny Hoyer’s office. have their art on display at the Levitation (MAGLEV) train. In New Deal Café through May 7. your response, you stated that you had not taken a position on the proposed high-speed train and To Our Readers: It has come to the atten- Film Raises Awareness that you needed additional infor- tion of News Review staff that On Saturday, April 21 with mation before you would take a some readers may not have financial support from Bee Yoga position. received a copy of the paper Fusion, a City of Greenbelt ACE For your information, the Fed- this past week, or may have grant, Greenbelt Elementary eral Railroad Administration re- experienced sporadic deliv- School PTA, Greenbelt Middle cently released its Preliminary ery of the paper over the last School PTA and Eleanor Roos- Alternative Screening Report, few weeks. We are aware of evelt PTSA, the Old Greenbelt which narrowed the number of the problem and are work- Theatre hosted a free screening of possible routes for the MAGLEV ing to correct it. To report the documentary Angst followed train line to two. This report can News Review delivery issues, by a discussion. Seventy-five be accessed on the MAGLEV please send a brief note de- students, parents and community Project website – www.bwmaglev. scribing the situation to circ members attended the screening info – which also includes links @greenbeltnewsreview.com. to learn more about the causes, to previous reports released on effects and treatments for anxi- the train. ety. I hope our community can According to a Washington Oh Great Wiseman…Please tell me if we will ever have a continue the discussion and that Post article dated February 24, trail from Greenbelt Station to the Metro. everyone can see it when it’s fi- 2018, Maryland Secretary of nally released for streaming. Transportation Peter Rahn has Cartoon originally ran on May 13, 2004. We updated the caption. After the film, one elementary publicly stated that Maryland will school student stated that often not invest any State tax dollars people don’t realize how anxious to fund the MAGLEV project.
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