15,000 People lead" the H'EKALD. '•Justice to ail; Published Every Tuesday llQ© toward, D.OUC," aad Friday, and SUMMIT MECOMD FOSTy-SEVENTH YKAfc. NO. 6 SUMMIT, N. l, *B1DAY AfcTE&NOON, SEPFEMBLK 20, Is35 t3.50 PE1 YEAR An Appreciation By 'Republican Downes iseisses County "Committee KE6IST1ATI0N RepiiMIcaiis Name Bander For Iay§r Candidate for Mayor The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th. lorSales Tax—R^by f is ly Over 4,( Ethiopian Situation tellers Named The last day-to register in - ' . Over Hay-CnDis Defeats To the Citizens of Summit: Summit under permanent regis- I sincerely appreciate the ex- Democratic City Chairman tration system will be Tuesday, •Mair, Van jFIeet, Kerner aid Geddes Win for Assembly pression of coafidence of the Lions Club Hears Summit October 8th. Big Majorities for Summit Republican Club, Inc., Can* Nmnittations—May Be Recount on Latter Because Citizens of Summit, aa evi- . High School Instructor Pkzi Loses in tlis Own There is still a large number dictates In Tuesday's Primary — Peer aad- Buye ; denced by the large vote cast •of citizens who are not regis- of Sight Margin. Above Kein—Brokaw, Brooks and for me in Tuesday's : Repub- —Ethiopians "Not Col» District — Other Demo- tered. Named to Council-—Total Vote Exceeds Primary of lican Primary - Election. As : - 'Sniiih Win Places.on Freeholder .Ticket • J ,,. ,,cratk,,Cojstes,ts Last Year .• •• • "ItatM""3'u"rffig tne""caro'pa!g'n'1"'I" City Clerk, at the City Hall, any j shall endeavor to work co- day up to October 8th, from 8 ¥©tefs Fmw, Experiences in Senate, Assembly, Etc.. operatively with the "Common Mussolini Seeks Territory Three iepublican Contests a. ni. to ip, in. No Contests for Local Offices in Democratic Primary Council to the end that tne beet Senator Charles.13. Lokeaux, of Flalnfield, Tuesday was renoniinat- Interests of Sunimit will be An interesting talk t>a the Italian- Keen interest was shown in the A sweeping victory in the Republican Primary in .this city on Tm.a- ed to office,by the EepUbllcajia of Union County, on a platform of party served. I cannot thank in per- Ethiopian situation was given by countests for Comity Committee day was scored by the Summit Itepubiican Club, Inc., against a ticket regularity and support of Governor Hoffman's fiscal,policies, and in the son the many frle&ds who James E. Downes, Summit High members in both the Itepubiican AVOID VISITING INFANTILE put in the field by the Republican Veterans Association. There «ai face, of a bitter attack on the Senator's vote for the State'sales tax. and Democratic Primaries in laat PARALYSIS AKEAS wide interest in tho Primary election here not only because of the hn-ul worked actively in getting out School history instructor, Wednes- contest but uSso because of tho contesta for Senator, Sheriff, Assembly- The Senator defpted Assemblymen Herbert'J. I'ascoe by a piargin of the vote, but I Want' to take day noon before the Summit Liona Tuesday's election. There were about ten conteatB among the Dem- Dr. Henry P. Dengler, health j men and Freeholders in the county. 3,184... Tbo count TOB'23,115 to 19,931. • this means of expressing to all Club. Mr. Downes stated that __: & More than fifty per cent, of the of them my sincere thanks for ocrats and three among the Repub- officer of Summit, states that ' Aggena&lrmeh Aenoiulqated • *————- — when a nation seeks new territory I IJCUUS, there are no cases of infantile , electorate participated in the 1M- their efforts in wy behalf, • that it must have an excuse and) In the Republican Primary in the paralysis in the city but points Nominated for Shrtevlty mary. recording, a higher vote tli.iii Nominated for Senator J. W. BANCKBR, that the alleged attack ...at Ualual first ward in the seventh district, out that there are nearby com- was polled in the' spring of 1931. seeking,re-election &n their record •. - ,- ". - ; *'*'*' ~Q abput one year ago serves that pur- Raymond T. Parrot, present com- munities which have several There was a total vote of 3,349, 2,- —Thomas M. Muir, of Plamfleld; Vi'l -,, ,stiftJ2S&>M pose, despite tho fact that maps mittee member defeated Newman cases. He urged residents, es- 966 of which wa,s polled.in the lie- Hart S. Van Fleet, of Resells Park, ^ f ' '•' ><?* &^>% 1 Another Trip Story clearly indicate that Ualual in C. Wade 144 to 77. The County pecially those having children, publican Primary and 383 in the and John. M.'Kernsr, of Elizabeth— Ethiopia is fifty miles from-the Committeewoman elected in that to avoid • making unnecessary Democratic Primary. The total Italian border. registration, was G/TTifi. The vnin who had f been bracketed with a district was Mrs. Florence L. Nel- contacts in communities where ttujth candidate, former Judge Told to Old iiiard It was explained that Italy and son with a vote of 190. In the first there is infantile paralysis. lii tho 1934 Primary was 3,028. Gustavo. Q. Kein, Jr., of Union Germany are modern nations, hav- district of the aecond ward Rus- Council President James \V. pwnship. Kein wp topped ia the ing been formed about sixty years sell B. Cain defeated Kenneth D. Bancker won the nomination for f seembly voting by Charlea It, The Old Guard this summer has j ago and were unable to grab them- Cranstoun by a vote of 11 to 51. Mayor by a vote of 1,960 to 769 for Oeddes, also of Union Township, been regaled as ID a number of > selves territory in Asia, North orThe County Comihitteewoman elec- Allan Hay, hla opponent. Jlr. P» ws the first man in the tours that member have taken but south America, or in Africa when ted was Ruth Dearborn. In the Predicts Rising Bandcer lost but one district in tho bracketed group of ahtl-aalea tax the most novel trip vaB told Tues-| England and Prance wore adding city, that of the eighth in the Bec- eighth distrlcC^of the second ward f ond ward, by three votes. candidates 'affiliated with the Pas- ivvm day by Dr. Palmer A. I'otter. In new possessions, Dr. Robert S. Milligan, present in- coe elate, .Geddes will share ballot the summer of 1897, the hey-days ," "German Imperialism," declared G. Harry Cullis, Councilman-fit- cumbent, won out over Alfred V. Commodity Prices large, Was renominated for that position In November with hifl three of bicycling, while Dr. Potter waa a Mr. Downes, "was one of the major Swick by 97 to 71. County Commit- opponents of tho primary voting. medical student, ho and a friend causes of the World War. Taly ^woman elated aere was Mri Testifying on future price levels office by a vote of more than threo A recount of tho Geddes-Kein took nn extended venturesome I to one, 1,981 to 656 for Frank H. must now upset the status quo IfMarlon W. Leavens with a vote of in the Commonwealth Water Com- j Robinson, Jr. Mr. Cullis carried voto to dotermine the fourth r Dlcycle trip to Gaspo Bay, Quebec, her Ethiopian aims arc to bo real- pany hearing before the State i nominee OH tho 0. 0. I1. Assembly 4 on tho Gulf of St. Lawrence. 122. every district by substantial ma- ized. Such action threatens tlie The voto for Committee members Board of Public Utility Commis- jorities. In the first ward, the Re- slato seems likely. They took a Hudson Illver boat peaco of Europe." sioners, in Newark, yesterday, Dr. fiiL In the other districts was as fol- publicans nominated for Common Tho unofficial eanv&Ds qf elec- to Albany, bicyclod to Lake George Mr. Downes said that national Garfield V. Cox, Professor of Fi-| tion, figures gave Goddea a margin M and then on a boat for the upper lows: Council Verner D. Peer with a voto pride often had aa much to do with First Ward: First District, Les- nance, School of Business, Uni- j of 1,065, and in tho second ward of fifty-nine. end of the Lake. They rodo their the desire for, new territory as the versity of Chicago, stated in part: i The official promulgation of the wheels from there and proceeded lie li. Ilurrell 82, Mrs. Anne Nel- Burton L. Boy6 was nominatod both natural resources of the country son 74; Second District, Malcolm "Regardless of any temporary I for tlie unexpired term by 1,165, and election results will not be forth- along tho west side of Lake Cham- and of a desire to "civilize" the setbacks that may occur, the broad I for a three-year term by 1,282. coming until tho county clerk has plain to Wostport, N. Y., whore Leslie 89, Mrs. Milia B. Gauch 78; tabulated the roturns and thoy aro people. Third District John W. Clift 140, prospect over the next few years Summit went for Senator' STATE SENATOR LOIZUAUX again tho impassable roads obliged is for strongly rising commodity Loizeaux for re-election by a vote canvassed by tho County Board of them to resort to tho stoamer. Not A Negro Itaco Mrs. KalherineM. Card 136; Fourth UNDER-SHERIFF RIGBY Elections. * I One of tho most interesting state- District, Hobert J. Murphy 224, prices in this country. The prob- of 1,660 to 1089 for Assemblyman Reaching tile upper end of the Lake ability is that within five yeara Pascoe, giving the'Senator a ma- Herbert F. Sailer of Elizabeth they wheeled to Montreal. A night ments made by tho speaker was Henrietta Browster 203; Fifth Dis- place sixth with 18,227; Edward Fall Garden Exchange that Ethiopians are not a Negro trict, Louis D.
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