I S S U E 4 9 . 3 SEPTEMBER 2011 BC/YT Skaters Hit the Jr. Grand Prix Circuit The BC/YT Sec- Nam Nguyen, coached by tion is dominating Cana- Joanne McLeod at the Cen- da’s entries on the Junior tre of Excellence. Round- Grand Prix Circuit this ing out the BC entries is season with a record set- Mitchell Gordon who is ting 10 Entries in ISU Jun- coached by Eileen and Kee- ior Grand Prix competi- gan Murphy at the Con- tions this season. naught SC. Four dance To date our BC teams, Nicole Orford/ Skaters have already won Thomas Williams, Noa three international medals. Bruser/Timothy Lum, Once being a gold from Madeline Edwards/Zhao Orford and Williams which INSIDE THIS Kai Pang and Caelen was BC’s first Gold medal ISSUE: Dalmer/Shane Firus ,who in a Jr. Grand prix event in are all coached by Megan Dance. Website Launch 4 Wing and Aaron Lowe at With five entries Success the BC Centre of Excel- yet to compete, the future Competitive 5 lence, were invited to looks promising for skating Synchro Teams represent Canada on the Photo courtesy of Melanie Hoyt in BC. Live Streaming 6 Junior Grand Prix Circuit. Nicole Orford & Thomas Williams For full results a Big Hit Joining them is Liam Firus, competing their gold medal winning please go to www.isu.org. coached by Lorna Bauer at Free Dance in Brisbane, Club News 7 the Vancouver SC and Australia. Cont. on pg. 8... International 12 Medals International 13 Audrey Williams Inducted into the BC Sports Assignments Coaches Corner 14 Hall of Fame 2011 Adult Audrey Williams, tude of capacities—all vol- first of over thirty Canadi- international figure skating unteer it should be not- an championships in her Figure Skating 16 Competition judge, was inducted into ed—Vancouver’s Audrey career in 1961. By 1967, the BC Sports Hall of Williams stands as one of Williams was appointed an Gold Feet 18 Fame at the 43td Annual the all-time great skating International Judge by the Banquet of Champions at officials from BC. Begin- USU and went on to judge the Vancouver Convention ning her career as a pairs numerous international Centre on September 13, competitor, she judged her competitions including the 2011. first test at age fifteen. 1994 Olympic Winter Involved for over Appointed a national judge Games in Lillehammer, six fifty years in the sport of in 1959, she judged the World Championships, and figure skating in a multi- Cont. on pg. 5 This story can fit 150-200 A great way to add useful con- crosoft Publisher offers a sim- words. tent to your newsletter is to ple way to convert your news- One benefit of using your develop and write your own letter to a Web publication. newsletter as a promotional articles, or include a calendar So, when you’re finished writ- tool is that you can reuse con- of upcoming events or a spe- ing your newsletter, convert it tent from other marketing cial offer that promotes a new to a Web site and post it. materials, such as press releas- product. es, market studies, and re- You can also research articles ports. or find “filler” articles by ac- While your main goal of dis- cessing the World Wide Web. tributing a newsletter might be You can write about a variety to sell your product or service, of topics but try to keep your the key to a successful news- articles short. Caption describing letter is making it useful to Much of the content you put in picture or graphic. your readers. your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. Mi- “To catch the reader's attention, place an Inside Story Headline interesting sentence or quote from the story here.” This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed employees or top customers words. internally, you might comment or vendors. The subject matter that ap- upon new procedures or im- pears in newsletters is virtually provements to the business. endless. You can include sto- Sales figures or earnings will ries that focus on current show how your business is technologies or innovations in growing. your field. Some newsletters include a You may also want to note column that is updated every business or economic trends, issue, for instance, an advice or make predictions for your column, a book review, a letter customers or clients. from the president, or an edi- torial. You can also profile new Inside Story Headline Caption describing picture or graphic. This story can fit 75-125 be out of context. article. Be sure to place the words. Microsoft Publisher includes caption of the image near the Selecting pictures or graphics thousands of clip art images image. is an important part of adding from which you can choose content to your newsletter. and import into your newslet- Think about your article and ter. There are also several ask yourself if the picture sup- tools you can use to draw ports or enhances the message shapes and symbols. you’re trying to convey. Avoid Once you have chosen an selecting images that appear to image, place it close to the I S S U E 4 9 . 3 P A G E 3 Message from the Chairman tions have all been well attended look forward to more exciting – we have already had VISI, VDI, things to come from these two Summer Skate and in October talented gentlemen. we have Autumn Leaves. The At our September Board BC/YT Section Skate Canada meeting, we were thrilled to pre- Championships in Kelowna will sent Robert Mandley with the mark the final competition for Skate Canada Honorary Official our competitive skaters to try to Award. Bob has retired from up their point totals to become judging after many years and the Pond to Podium Super Series more travel miles than any other Champion! Our Star Skate com- official in our Section I’m sure! petitors will be using points from This is a wonderful honour for their Region Championships and someone who has given so much Welcome back to another ex- will have their chance to be a to this sport. Congratulations citing year of skating in our Section! Super Series Champion in March Bob! Clubs are busy registering skaters 2012. Good luck to everyone Good luck to everyone and getting their programs orga- and thank you for supporting this for the coming season, I look for- nized for the upcoming season. new initiative! ward to seeing you at the rink at Don’t forget to register your Club We were very pleased competitions, or at Region meet- Board and any Officials that are affil- to be able to hire two Directors ings. Please remember that your iated with your Club. Skate Canada of Development for our Section Region Chairmen and the staff in put forward a new helmet policy for – Jamie McGrigor and Steve the Section office are wonderful CanSkate this year, so please be Muff. These two coaches have sources of information and are sure to follow this on your sessions. been busy developing our Long more than willing to assist you in Even though our season is Term Athlete Development any way. just beginning, we have had our larg- model, keeping in touch with est group of skaters ever taking part coaches throughout the prov- Take Care in International competitions! And ince, assisting with the delivery we’ve had wonderful results!! Con- of live streaming at our super Lorraine Mapoles gratulations to all of these competi- series competitions, visiting Re- Chairman BC/YT Section Skate tors and their coaches for a job well gion Boards and holding work- Canada done! shops and seminars for skaters Our Super Series Competi- and coaches. I think that we can Thank You to SummerSkate Volunteers Thank you to all the skaters, coaches, parents and volunteers who volunteered their time to make SummerSkate such a success. We couldn’t do it with out you! P A G E 4 Website Launch Success This past August 135,000 page views BC Section Office, Janice saw the launch of a new Average of 9.5 mins Hunter and most im- Skating in BC website. on site portantly to the Execu- The design and layout 69% returning visi- tive of the BC Section was created by Red tors for having the vision to Rocket and the staff of 19.5% of visitors vis- make the decision to the BC Section office. ited 9+ times modernize our site. We We tried to have a Skatebuzz.com made hope you enjoy the new unique, clean and stylish up 10% of referral site. look while designing traffic clear and easy navigation. ~Ted Barton Although we had a few We hope to Executive Director minor glitches on Sum- keep the site current and Skate Canada BC/YT merSkate weekend with include more video and the site going down as a photo highlights from result of the activity, competitions. We will overall the performance also keep new items was very strong. Here coming and hope to get are the important num- more people involved in bers showing the activity blogs. All of this may (As of Aug 24, 2011): take some time but we encourage you to partici- 17,000 visits pate and let us know 5.3% social media how we are doing. referrals– anything above 2.5% is consid- I would like to ered good. give great thanks to Red 5,900 unique visitors Rocket, the staff of the Cool.
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