FOB SALE.MISCELLANEOUS. I FOR SALE.MISCELLANEOUS. POULTRY. PETS A LIVESTOCK. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE, ETC. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE, ETC. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, ETC. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, ETC. FOR KEHT.ROOMS. KI RK.Continued. *H KCG8.White C.tinned. AUTOMOBILES WAlfTED.CMtliaH PntMIHKD ROOM1 RMTl iCELLAXEOCS.Coillwrt. leghorn.. $1.25 per Setting. K\RLOR SET.Mu*t nell at onw. beautiful 1SU' HOTTED MANrHE.Specially flne fori Phone Cleveland 791. GET Haywart! hook on ignition, starting and WILL PAY CASH for 50 *6od car*. Apply 2460 ONTARIO HOAD.I-arge <«Mr mom: of this with AUTO SALES CO., lighting. 931 G st. n.w. Full Manhattan Ginigf. 1706-8 7th st. p.w. 0* .-onvenlcut and quid location; breakfast; trio. nahoganv flnWhH parlor set. consisting hiwns and 1gardens, Spur Riding School. North DON'T MAKK the name mistake year line Pcarlman's, * pieces and library table: also 2-incli white 8744. c your Iwbjr chirk* by feeding them the same 1707 14th St. N.W. N. 6568. technical hooks. WANTED.A llflrlit tourins: car; will tak* a* 1»li<fttp. m | enamel double lied. complete, and none odd old kind of chirk feed; fry the best baby chirk OLD8 ,,8" part payment on beautiful building l«t in 11MI0 13th.f<arge. air.v. newly room n.w. .'OAT SUIT ami drfssv*. 2111 lHtli n.w., Apt. i TOUUIXO. 4818; seven-passenger: i»ipJred . rocker*: rash or terms. 1346 Quinrjr st. r feed on tiie market. STAR-CHIC-A. and you t Chute, near the all for two or three; permanent or trar.*"t. S3._ chirk*: good tires: real bargain. Col. 1W3. 2007 ('bevy circle; Improvements. OAK DRESSER. nearly new: reaaonable. 71S will solve the problem of raining baby The and oldest used car house in the 18th st. n.w. 1* Address Box 27S C. Star ofBce. ISM MONROE ST.. APT. 1 -Nl.-ely KITCHEN RANGE with water back; l*latrobe. get a from dealer and give it to largest city. Kn&6i Rock Creek mad. Col. WWB-J. .1* 1 >'on» package yonr FORD 1918 TOURING.Electric starter, WE WILL pay c*aali for u»ed Forda of 191# and room, durable apartment; 4-onvenienl location; 11nfoIn 355Q-W. L" the flrnt brood that In hatched, then watrh it. light®, fa «t BEDROOM SUITE, walnut, and dining room ta¬ dealer cannot you If you are looking for a good use car we have demountable rims; cheap: $525. 2007 18th st. 1919 model and later. Taylor-Tolley Motor Ce., Miitable for couple; privilege gcttingJ Weak I 1* FULL DRESS SUIT. Bite 36. Col. 420, Apt. them grow. If your supply n.w. 1* 1840 14th at. if desired. me. cheap. 1311 j*k. ave. n.c. 4U. call on GOLDEN A CO.. the manufacturers. f*nt room. nm walnut i and table: females go¬ cars are FURD 1918 town car, demountable rims; near¬ FORD or Dodge; 1918 or later; no dealers. 1.13ft KBNYON 8T. N.W..Large itBDROOMHRDKUU.M SKT~t3-piecelo-pmt WHITE RABBITS. Itelgian hares, Our in mechanical condition before offered for sale, bath on name Cel. furniture. willow table. Apply»n,.lr 1341?Li dtliM*b to 228 12th put ly new: perfect; new tires. Col. 1643. 1* 1339 G n.w. 1* bright and airy; flfor. parlor SPRING FURS ing have. young oues, $3 pair. st. n.e. !. If it's In st. s.w. are K88EX 1920 of¬ LATE MODEL. 5 pass., first-class automobile; Much below store prices. the fur and prices right. TOURING; brand-new; Army double a.m.I.; mSHoCXSY BED. dreuser. chiffonier. Adam line, we have it. S. BLACK MINORCA KliUH. tor wltlnc. *2 ficer. called away, needs cash at once. Ad¬ particulars and best price. Address Box 154-C. SINGLE and rooms; .Tentyhot. owner 'earing dress Box 198-C. Star office. 1* Star office. !. water; private family; very reasoi We. Col. dealgn: purchased in January: Home Fur Shop, 1901 15th st. n.w., apt. 22. per 15. ( has. (j. Tape's own stock and extra 1920 Hudson speedster. 1919 Paige, R-pass. 650-J. rity. Call North 70T9 between 6 and 7 p.m. 2* I Terms to approved credit. 8* fine. 1325 U st.. Ana coat ia: 1918 Buick light 6; cord tirea. 1918 Paige, 7-pass. FORD 1919 TOURING; used two monuiH; own¬ 1918 OK 1919 DODGE: state condition, price, eC-RSIT!'RE ---Bedroom. parlor; cheap: no WANTED.Green male canaries and Pomer¬ 1918 Bulrk light 6; two tops. 1917 Paige, 5-pass. er needs cash. 2007 18th st. n.w. Col. 1643. 1* reason for soiling. Address Box 181-C, Star 1218 I ST.. Apt, 1.Nicely fnrniahea room for . * offlrr. 1 or Call bet. 8 and 12 a.m. or fter ..30 Bealerw. 23.* Fla. ave. n.w. 1 ! ~newTadies' dresses.- anian lamb. male. Roocroft. Hotet Carol. 1917 Bulrk light 6; R-pass. 1918 Chalmers, 7-pass. ^ OLD8MORILB TRUCK.Perfect condition; 1* fumed oak. 27x43; new"! Finest quality materials. Exclusive, but sot red rab- 1910 Buirk light 6. R-pasa. 1917 Chalmers roadster used only six months; body. 783 12th ETbrary T.\Ft E. Mrs. SERBY, 31, 1482 B St. FOR SALE.Pedigreed, New Zealand 1919 st. n.w. panel AUTO EEPA1RIWQ. fm E n.e. expensive. Apt. bits, young and old; also Belgian hares; 2 wire- Hodge; rord tire*. 1918 Cole 8. 7-pass. 5 1406 HARVARD ST. N.W..Koo n.w. North 7012. terrier 124 V st. rt.e. 2* 1917 Dodge; good condition. 1917 Oakland 8, 7-pass. REPUBLIC PARKER Al'TO REPAIR.Briscoe. Fords, any em convenience*. W DAVENPORT, practically brand new. com¬ haired fox pups. 1916 1917 %-ton truck: late *17; in good con¬ make auto work guaranteed. Rear f A. F. Arnold (suc¬ 5.000 PAIRS U. 8. GOVT. UNIONALL8; f£ and one Dodge; excellent. Oakland 6, R-pass. dition; new tires; will sell very cheap. 814 repaired; 131d I" ST. N.W.. 2.One furnUt. plete. at sacrifice. $57.50. 033 5th. COR. K. 29~llfCAL'TIFCL HENS and pullets 1917 roadster. 1916 n.e. 213 C sr. s.e. tt* Apt. n«£ly cessor to 1323 G n.w. beautiful white rooster; $2 Dodge Oakland 6. R-pass. Eye 1* ed. suitable 1 or 2 ladies. Cal# after 5.30 Elli< A Arnold). young Leghorn 1917 Buick new. "" * 6 EVERGREENS, $7.50: 12 ornamental shrubs, each; $60 take* the bunch; over roadater; like 1916 Oakland 4, R-pass. AUTO WASHING, polishing, greasing. Mancheater p.m. atUHhEa. IKHICLBB. Mtm* Creek now*prftdurfng 1916 Buick condition. 1917 Maxwell sedan. MART. Auto rear 1318 L at. n.w. Cars $7; 6 apple trees. $4.50; Rock Nursery, one dozen eggs per day. Apply to Mr. Wills, roadater; good 1312 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Laundry, for mm order and RockviUe. lid. April* . 1917 Hudson sedan; A-l. 1918 Oldsmobile 8. 7-pass. cleaned with vacuum cleaner. Phone Fr. 5019. 1821 LAIfONT 8T..Beautiful lorafton ONE-HORSE ICE WAGON; go**I 127 Indiana are. U8ED CAR VALUES THAT CANNOT BE raor near cars: refined family; L st. *.w. 2* 1917 Marraon; 6 cord tires. 1918 Hudson speedster. months, elegant¬ paint: $$*. 842 CIGAR CASE.1.4 circle, 6 ft. 6 in. around; TOCLOTjTe OOOSE EGGS. #2.5« per Vetting"; 1919 MATCHED IN WASHINGTON. ly furnished, electricity and conllJuotis hot w« officer. thoroughbred condition; also 4-burner gas range. 1908 622-J. 3* Stutz. 6-pass.; wire wheels. 1918 National. 7-pass. L.M.AUTO SHOP, >'<)K SAI>E.By Army good 2* immediate delivery. North 1917 Cadillac 8, 7-paas. 1917 Scripps-Booth. 3-pass. 1919 WE8TC0TT. $1,650. 8131 N ST. (REAR). ter; gentlemen only. Col. 3*I saddle horse; Jockey Club register: gentle and Pa. ave. n.w. Hill- 1916 Newly painted; cord tires; front and rear Walter Reed J WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks; April (A Oldsmobile. 4-cyl., 5-pass. 1919 Ford, 5-pass. Quick repairs; accurate work. N EAH Dt'PONT CIRCUS.LaiW room "Krat well trained. Maj. Whitham. SHOWCASES AND STOKE FIXTURES. SAU~ crest Poultry Farm. Berwyn. Md. 3* Italian bumper: motormeter; Rod Seal Continental Moderate 6' floor, kitchenette; no chil¬ IHospital. 2* Pli: FLOOR AND COUNTER CASES AT Fiat, 6-pass. motor; looks and runs like new. prices. j»arlor prleilewea; i 1. BEDS. Barred &cks7 dren; good pianist preferred, rhone North CO SETS HARNESS, converted. V. S. double; SPECIAL PRICFJS. "BUY AT THE FAC- tiuttUtGHBRKli k. 1915 PACKARD. $1,500. TORT." RUSE Jk COMPANY. 808 LOW ST.. Whit* Leghorn egga for hatching. Enterprlst Cars we never so to our Six cord tire«; paint, upholstering, top and WIND"SHIELD. LIMOUSINE 7044. i 200 pair U. S. ham»*s; 30 McCleman aaddlea and 1 j 9th n.w. Phone M. 9D81. coming in advertise, don't fail inspect tlui replaced while m wait. TAKANTO A Hardware Co., 927 condition so room, for l.h k . bridlea; 90 seta harness: 300 collar*, BALTIMORE. MI* general good that car must be WASMAN. 1211 N» Tort in. FraakUa NICELY Fllt.MSHED Indies. single live «irho seen to be appreciated: this is a real UM. all home privileges. Col. 6T»95. plow harness, cart harness and parts all kinds. 1.000 RAINCOATS. $8; extra heavy rubber STAR-CHIC-A.Real poultrymen, stock. Open evenings and Sundays* 1918 bargain. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS 220 11th at. n.w. Frank. 2309. coats for and firemen. $5.50, 933 5th. know what chicks should l>e. are constant u^ers HUICK ROADSTER. $1,250. 1331 N UT..2 furnished 3rd-floor front Cogswell's policemen of and tell wonderful Newly painted; new Ave oversite cord On any make of car.
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