Tutte le pubblicazioni stampate – tranne i libri – sono scaricabili dal sito: http://univaq.academia.edu/AndrewHopkins Books: 1 Palladio’s Rival and Heir: Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616), forthcoming. 2 With Daniela del Pesco, La città del Seicento, Laterza Editore, Rome, 2014 (978-88-581-1020-1). 3 Baldassare Longhena and the Venetian Baroque (revised edition in English), Yale University Press, London, 2012 (978-03-001-8109-8). 4 Baldassare Longhena, Electa Editrice, Milan, 2006 (978-88-435-9703-1). 5 Italian architecture from Michelangelo to Borromini, Thames and Hudson, London, 2002 (978- 05-002-0361-3). 6 Santa Maria della Salute: Architecture and Ceremony in Baroque Venice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 (978-05-216-5246-9). Edited volumes: 1 Alois Riegl, The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome, edited and translated by Andrew Hopkins and Arnold Witte, with essays by Andrew Hopkins, Alina Payne and Arnold Witte (Die Entstehung der Barockkunst in Rom, 1908), Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, 2010 (978-16-060-6054-4). 2 Jointly with Maria Wyke, Roman Bodies: antiquity to the eighteenth century, The British School at Rome, London, 2005 (ISBN 978-09-041-5244-9). 3 Jointly with Claudia Conforti, Architettura come tecnologia: acque, tecniche e cantieri nell’architettura rinascimentale e barocca, Nuova Argos, Rome, 2002 (978-88-886-9301-9). 4 Jointly with Gavin Stamp, Lutyens Abroad: the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens outside the British isles, The British School at Rome, London, 2002 (978-09-041-5237-1). 5 Editor, Della architettura di Gioseffe Viola Zanini: con la mappa di Padova del 1599 (facsimile of the Paduan 1629 first edition), Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura “Andrea Palladio”, Vicenza, 2001 (978-88-841-8003-2). Chapters, papers, articles, entries: 1 ‘Votive churches and reliquary chapels’, in Richard Etlin ed., The Cambridge World History of Religious Architecture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, forthcoming 2018 (978-05-218- 3417-9). 2 ‘Architecture and Memory in Early ModernVenice’, in Jörg Oberste ed., Stadtgeschichte(n). Erinnerungskulturen der vormodernen Stadt, Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg, 2018, forthcoming. 3 ‘Taking in San Marco with John Talman: from the ground up’, in Ettore Vio ed., La Basilica di San Marco, Venezia, Marciana Press, Venice, 2017 forthcoming. 4 ‘Seeking Perfection: Scamozzi in Theory, Practice and Posterity’, in Lorenzo Pericolo ed., Perfection: The Evolving Essence of Art and Architecture in Early Modern Europe, Brepols & Harvey Miller, Turnhout and London, 2017, forthcoming. 5 ‘Processional pavements for Santa Maria della Salute’, in Wolfgang Wolters et al eds, Pavimenti Barocchi Veneziani, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, 2017 forthcoming. 6 ‘Searching for Palladio, discovering Scamozzi: Arundel, Jones and Burlington’, in Franco Barbieri et al eds, Vincenzo Scamozzi Teorico Europeo, Accademia Olimpica, Vicenza, 2016, pp. 160–177. 7 ‘Reprinting and republishing Wölfflin in the 1920s’, Journal of art historiography, 14 (2016). 8 Hans Rose ‘Commentary to Heinrich Wölfflin, trans. Arnold Witte and Andrew Hopkins, Journal of art historiography, 14 (2016). 9 ‘Architecture in Rome in the time of Arcangelo Corelli: old models, new models, non-models’, Basler Jahrbuch für Historische Musikpraxis, 2015, pp.13–30 (ISSN 3-905049-88-0). 10 ‘Taking the sting out of the Baroque: Wittkower 1958’, in Andrew Leach et al eds, The Baroque in Architectural Culture 1880–1980, Ashgate, Farnham–Burlington, 2015, pp.150-159 (ISBN: 978-1-4724-5991-6). 11 ‘Heinrich Wölfflin’s Annotated Books’, Getty Research Journal 17 (2015): 177–184 (ISSN 1944-8740). 12 ‘Palladio and Scamozzi drawings in England and their Talman marks’, The Burlington Magazine, 1344 March (2015): 172–180 (ISSN 0007-6287, ISI 00800J0). 13 ‘The Potential of Prints in Patronage: Giovanni Pesaro and other Venetian patricians at S. Maria della Salute’, in Eckhard Leuschner and Sabine Frommel eds, Architektur–und Ornamentgraphik der Frühen Neuzeit: Migrationsprozesse in Europa (exh. cat. Forschungsbibliothek Gotha) Campisano, Rome, 2014, 67–75 (978-88-98229-22-2). 14 ‘Longhena, Lapislazzuli, and the Pozzo brothers’, in Mario Bevilacqua et al eds, Studi in onore di Marcello Fagiolo, 2 vols, Gangemi, Rome, 2014, I, 240–43 (978-88-492-2914-1). 15 ‘Sights and Sighs in the Serenissima c. 1610: Built Architecture and Its Depiction’, in Deborah Howard and Henrietta McBurney Ryan eds, The image of Venice: Fialetti’s view and Sir Henry Wotton, Holberton, London, 2014, 82–99 (978-1-907372-48-3). 16 ‘Translatio Longhena Salute: drawings and patrons in pilgrimage between Venice, Rome and Gostyn’, in Nebehat Avcioglu, Victoria Avery, Emma Jones eds, Art and Identity in Venice and its Territories 1450-1750, 2 vols, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2013, I, 87–101 (978-1-4724-1082-5). 17 ‘Momenti critici agli Scalzi: i primi tre disegni architettonici’, in Sergio Bettini and Martina Frank eds, La chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth e la spiritualità dei Carmelitani Scalzi a Venezia (conference proceedings), Marcianum, Venice, 2013, 65–74 (978-88-6512-225-9). 18 ‘Bedeutender Wiederentdeckung in Los Angeles: Wölfflins annotierte Werke’, in Kunstchronik, 66/12 (2013): 570–78 (ISSN 0023-5474). 19 ‘Giving away ones children: Baldassare Longhena and a drawing for Borromini’, in Louis Waldman and Machtelt Israëls eds, Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, 2 vols, Officina Libraria, Milan, 2013, I, 623–28 (978-88-9773-705-6). 20 ‘Symbol of Venice: the doge in ritual’, in Samuel Cohn, Marcello Fantoni, Franco Franceschi and Fabrizio Ricciardelli eds, Survivals and Renewals. Ritual in Late Medieval and Early Modern Italian Cities, Brepols, Turnhout, 2013, 227–39 (978-2-503-54190-7). 21 ‘Sulle spalle di Elena Bassi: Longhena studies 1950-2010’, in Martina Frank ed., Da Longhena a Selva: un’idea di Venezia a dieci anni dalla scomparsa di Elena Bassi, Archetipolibri, Bologna, 2011, 13–28 (978-88-663-3028-8). 22 ‘Riegl Renaissances’, in Alois Riegl, The Origins of Baroque Art in Rome, edited and translated by Andrew Hopkins and Arnold Witte, Getty Research Center, Los Angeles, 2010, 60–86 (978- 16-060-6054-4). 23 ‘Architecture and Music in Early Modern Italy: ten years of research’, in Fabrizio Pezzopane ed., I luoghi e la musica (conference acts, L’Aquila, l’Università degli Studi, 28–29 October), ISMEZ, Rome, 2009, 29–33 (978-88-967-5055-5). 24 ‘Spazi sacri a San Marco, Venezia: architettura, arredo, cerimonia e apparati effimeri’, In Marcello Fantoni and Fabrizio Ricciardelli eds, I luoghi del Sacro (conference proceedings, Villa Le Balze, Georgetown University, Florence, June 2006), Pagliai Editore, Florence, 2008, 83–90 (978-88-564-0039-7; ISSN 1123-2463). 25 ‘L’architettura sacra al tempo di Santa Maria della Salute’, In Franco Barbieri and Augusto Roca De Amicis eds., Il Seicento (Architettura del Veneto, 5), Marsilio editore, Venice, 2008, 56–81 (978-88-317-9441-1). 26 ‘L’esperienza di Giuseppe Pozzo agli Scalzi di Venezia’, In Francesco Suomela ed., L’album dei disegni di Giuseppe Pozzo (Beni artistici e storici del trentino 14), Trent, 2008, 36–49 (978-88- 7702-218-9). 27 ‘Sant’Andrea al Quirinale’, in Cristina Strunck ed., Rom: Meisterwerke der Baukunst von der Antike bis heute: Festgabe für Elisabeth Kieven, Imhof, Petersburg, 2007, 403–08 (978-38-656- 8186-7). 28 ‘Ceremony, Singing and Seating in San Giorgio Maggiore’, In Deborah Howard and Laura Moretti eds, Architettura e musica nella Venezia del Rinascimento (conference proceedings, Fondazione Cini, Venezia, September 2005) Bruno Mondadori, Milan, 2006, 147–59 (88-424- 9892-0). 29 ‘Venezia festiva: ephemeral ornament in the service of spectacle’, in Martin Gaier, Bernd Nicolai, Tristan Weddigen eds, Der Unbestechliche Blick: Festschrift zu Ehren von Wolfgang Wolters, Porta Alba, Trier, 2005, 315–18 (3-933701-19-8). 2 30 ‘La villa nel Seicento: scenografia e diletto’, in Guido Beltramini and Howard Burns eds, Andrea Palladio e la villa veneta da Petrarca a Carlo Scarpa (exh. Cat., Museo Palladio, Vicenza) Marsilio, Venice, 2005, 117–23 (88-317-8640-7). 31 ‘Combating the plague: devotional paintings, architectural programs and votive processions in early modern Venice’, In Gauvin Bailey et al eds, Hope and healing: painting in Italy in a time of plague (exh. cat., Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Ma.), Chicago University Press, Chicago, 2005, 137–52 (0-936042-05-2). 32 With Maria Wyke, ‘The Body of Rome: Introduction’, in Andrew Hopkins and Maria Wyke eds., Roman Bodies: antiquity to the eighteenth century, The British School at Rome, London, 2005, 1–9 (0-904152-44-8). 33 ‘Nel nome del padre: due lettere giovanili di Longhena’, Arte Veneta, 62, 2005, 165–67 (ISSN 0392-5234). 34 ‘Baldassare Longhena’, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 65, Rome, 2005, 624–31 (978-88- 120-0032-6). 35 ‘Melchisedech Longhena’, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 65, Rome, 2005, 633–35 (978- 88-120-0032-6). 36 ‘Layers of sacred space in Saint Mark’s, Venice: architecture, arredo, ceremony and ephemera’, in Aleksej Lidov ed., Ierotopija: issledovanie sakral’nych prostranstv, Radunica, Moskva, 2004, 101–03 (5-88123-061-2). 37 ‘Venezia e il suo dominio’, in Il Seicento (Storia della Architettura Italiana), Aurora Scotti ed., 2 vols., Electa, Milan, 2003, II, 400–27 (88-435-7415-9). 38 ‘Vincenzo Scamozzi e Baldassarre Longhena’, in Franco Barbieri and Guido Beltramini eds, Vincenzo Scamozzi 1548-1616 (exh. cat., Museo Palladio, Vicenza) Marsilio, Venice, 2003, 120– 27, 202–20, 260–61, 285–88, 469–70 (88-317-8345-9). 39 ‘Vitruvius and Scamozzi’, in Gianluigi Ciotta ed., Vitruvio nella cultura architettonica antica, medievale e moderna (conference proceedings, Genoa, October 2001), De Ferrari, Genova, 2003, 514–19 (88-7172-555-7). 40 ‘Longhena proto e architetto: disegni e documenti per le aree attorno alla Piazza’, Arte veneta, 60, 2003, 199–206 (ISSN 0392-5234). 41 ‘Lutyens’s plans for the British School at Rome’, in Andrew Hopkins and Gavin Stamp eds., Lutyens Abroad: the work of Sir Edwin Lutyens outside the British isles, The British School at Rome, London, 2002, 69–86 (978-09-041-5237-1).
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