Wartfeer Diitribu+ion Today 17.65Q tm**nt«* omit; ft. tMMfitw wMly Mr,' SH I-0010 VAT tU MO 1 IMM 4*ur. VUMMT uuaaia maty. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 ., 7c PER COPY "Uffigg PAGE ONE VOL. M, JNU.. 1 Project in Doubt Lily-Tulip Plant Prisoners Reported Plans Indefinite HOLMDEL — The board of di- posed zoning and commented, in rectors of the Lily-Tulip Cup regard to Lily-Tulip, "Let's don' Corp., New York, met last week rock the boat." bu^ failed to come to any deci- Ah official of the Holmdel Civic Returning To Cuba sion regarding definite plans for Association reported recently that construction of a new plant in Lily-Tulip had declined a request this township, Peter E. Elbe, by the association to send a com- project expeditor informed the pany spokesman to address the Mission :egister yesterday. group, The announcement was made An employee at Lily-Tulip's 125- amidst a flurry of unconfirmed acre site here conceded last week recent reports that Lily-Tulip has that "a lot of good-weather con- Called Charfef E. Appkgtte Frank J. Conway either run into an unexpected de- struction time is being lost." lay in its. Holmdel project or Soil Problems? changed its mind about locating -Harlan Carroll, a Lily-Tulip in the township. vice president, has declined to Failure Favored in Keyport Mr. Elbe would neither con- say whether soil problems at thi firm nor deny any of these re- site have caused a delay in th> KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)— ports yesterday. • construction ptiase of the pro- • First Indication gramBulldozer. s and earth-moving The prisoner delegation The first real indication that machines have been at work sent here by Fidel Gastro Government here might be some doubt about clearing the tract for the past Saturday will return to Ha- he project came two weeks ago four months. The entire contoui r hen Bernard Goldsmith, chair- of the land has been changed, ana today, the Cuban gov- man of the local Planning Board, and one of the two houses on the ernment radio said. said, "It is not at all certain property has been moved. The broadcast said the prison- ibout Lily-Tulip's building here." ers' plans were learned from Change Seen At the time, the board was dis- The site is on the south sidi nofficial sources and said they missing the proposed creation of of Rt. 35, near Laurel AveN ii in industrial park zone across were returning "because of the "I made up my mind that we Centerville. KEYPORT — Two mentberei the highway from the Lily-Tulip fatlute of their mission." need a borough manager some Mr. Elbe said yesterday he has of the governing body last night site. However, an immigration offi- time ago, seeing the way Keans- no idea when the firm will male went on record in favor of the Mr. Goldsmith noted that the cial here who has been dealing burg has gotten so far ahead a definite announcement about council-manager form of govern- with the prisoners said he had of us," he declared. 'irm was interested in the pro- its future plans: . ment for this borough. heard nothing,of their Inunedi- They are Mayor Charles E. Neither official, however, 'n- ate return to Cuba. Applegate, a Republican, and dicated any concrete plans for Councilman Frank J. Conway, a putting his views into action. don't believe it," he said. Democrat. In other business, the council, Navy's Blimp Fleet There are no such plans." Said Mr. Applegate: declared Councilman Hyman PEACE CORPS GOES TO SCHOOL — K Sargent Shrivor, director, addreise. The broadcast also quoted Fi- "The time is not too far ofl Korobow in "conflict of interest' volunteers of ths Peaca Corps at the itart of their training at Rutgers University del Castro as saying the prison- when we are going to be forced for holding a post as member of ers had not been allowed <o To Be Discontinued in New Bruntwick, N. J. Tha Rutgers trainees will go to Colombia for • two-year to have a borough manager. As the Board of Health, and vacated speak with the defunct Tractors- k is, many projects have been his board membership, by 3-2 WASHINGTON (AP) - The The two being retained in serv- itay. (Story, Page II). (APWir.photo) for-Freedom Committee in which Muted by one administration vote, waUi Mr. Korobow and Navy has decided to take the air ice temporarily for research Work he reportedly described as a __on4y to be abandoned or delayed Mr. Conway dissenting. out of its remaining blimp fleet. are to be deflated by June 30, "mockery."' • : ; when another takes over. We i Cites Finances It announced yesterday that 1962. Fair Haven Mayor Undaunted Castro was also quoted is hav- eight of its 10 active airships will . have wasted years and years." Borough attorney Michael J. The Navy will then have 15 ing said tint Cuba was prepared be deflated and placed in storage Keansburg Comparison Barnacle, in a written opinion lighter-than-air craft in storage to accept farm equipment in re- by Nov. 30. The two others will Mr. Conway compared Key did not rule Mr. Korobow in con- and available if needed in an turn for tile prisoners and that be kept in service until a year port unfavorably to Keansburg, flict—stating that there is no emergency. if no -agreement has been wMch has the councJI-nunagei specific law covering the case— from now for research and devel- Beach Idea Hits Opposition reached, it Is their fault." (The The Navy said the decision to form of government. (See KEYPORT, Page 2) opment work. committee's) ' •: . About 489 civilian employees discontinue the lighter-than-air FAIR HAVEN - Mayor Milton The new plan, which the mayor ?aul J-. Stender, 23 Fair Haven Another Meeting will be affected by the end of the Program was made because of a Kosene will, investigate whether revealed at last night's council Rd. which could be made into "The committee wants to cheat airship program. Officials said shortage of funds and personnel to start condemnation proceed- meeting, met with opposition "combined with the' increasing suitable beach. He later com- every effort will be made to find ings against a resident here in from several councilmen. mented that the area could ac- u-s," Gastro was quoted as say- Crisis Over Berlin other jobs for them. capability of helicopters and ing. fixed-wing aircraft to perform all an effort to establish a borough- Mayor Kosene said there is ap- comodate at least 100 bathers, The Navy said that 100 officers operated beach at the end of proximately 50.feet of Navesink It had been reported earlier necessary antisubmarine and air . $2B,M0 Price Tag and 625 enlisted men will be re- Fair Haven Rd. Riverfront property owned by that John Hooker Jr., executive assigned. borne early warning functions." Mr. Stender, according to th secretary of the disbanded Trac- Taylor'sFirstTask While the airship units and sup- The question of whether to end mayor will sell the- property tors-for-Freedom Committee porting installations at Lakehurst, the colorful blimp era in Navy FBI Officer Says: which joins borough owned land would confer with the prisoners WASHINGTON (AP) - The cri- mer Army chief of staff and N. J., Naval Air Station will be history had been under discussion for $20,000, a price Mr. Kosem once again early this afternoon. •is over Berlin stands out today World War H paratroop comman- shut down, other naval activities for some months. labeled "very high." Hooker1 told the Associated at Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor's first der is being recalled to active will continue at Lakehurst. A group of old-time .balloonists, The next step he indicated was Presshe expected that he would big problem when he dons his' duty. The eight airships to be decom- led by retired Vice Adm. C. E. Court Edicts Makingto consider a condemnation suit, have a decision: to announce to Army uniform again Saturday to His assignment: missioned this year wjli be stored Hosendahl, fought the proposed a matter he will investigate him- the prisoners on the future of become President Kennedy's mil- Kennedy's adviser and staff of- at Lakehurst. action. self, after Councilman EdwardW. the negotiations. He would not itary adviser. ficer primarily within the mili- Stratton in charge of council' comment on the nature of the The White House announced tary and intelligence fields. He Police Task Tougherdocks and parks committee de- decision. > yesterday that the 60-year-old for- will have no authority to com- clined to pursue the idea. At Miami, Hooker said he had mand. SPRING LAKE — Tightening it is our obligation to accept them The land, according to Council- received no Indication whatever One of Taylor's first tasks, i Face Suspensions restrictions through court edict and to try to make them work. man Jesse J. Mcllray serves as from the prisoners that they ex- was understood, will be to review buffer for Mr. Stender's prop pected to go back to Cuba so Teacher Is are giving police a tougher job More Difficult planning already being done on Keansburg Cop Deadline July 6 in convicting criminals, the 49th erty from the public dock lo- soon. what measures to take in the Annual Conference of the New "The pertinent fact which re- cated at the end ot the street. His last Information, he said, growing crisis over Soviet Pre- Cleared In Jersey State Association of Chiefs mains, however,..is that adher- To build a beach there would be was that they could stay in the mier, Khrushchev's drive to push KEANSBURG — Any member only exception would be that they of Police was told today.
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