INTERSPECIFIC AND INTRASP~CIFIC VARIATION BETWEEN AND AMONG SYMPHURUS PLAGIUSA (LINNAEUS) AND SYMPHURUS CIVITATUS GINSBURG WITH NOTES ON THEIR DISTRIBUTION A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of the School of Sciences and Mathematics Morehead State University ·In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Biology by Chester A, Nava, Jr. December, 1976 ,A.J->t'•"- Jl'f I n~~'-'"' 597091(, N 3/&;p Accepted by the faculty of the School of Sciences and Mathematics, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree. Master's Committee: 'Gerald1s "-"t .Deos 2~m,;..,, - ~n,/ason. ryor Woorow7Barber~r.->- t. /. Brr:tw ~ ~ 3 , / 'Jljb ate ' ii ABSTRACT INTERSPECIFIC AND INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION BETWEEN AND AMONG SYMPHURUS PLAGIUSA (LINNAEUS) AND SYMPHURUS CIVITATUS GINSBURG WITH NOTES PN THEIR DISTRIBUTION The species status of Symphurus. civitatus Ginsburg, as a· species distinct from Symphurus plagiusa (Linnaeus), has been doubted (Walls, 1975). Through interspecific analyses and observations, it was determined that S. plagiusa and S, civitatus. are, in fact, two distinct species. Important characteristics supportive of species segregation were fin ray counts, scale row counts, vertebral counts, and depth of capture, Symphurus plagiusa has slightly lower fin ray and vertebral counts than does ~- civitatus. _ The.scale row counts, a .reliable character­ istic for both immature and mature specimens, were higher in S. plagiusa than in S, civitatus. The orbital diameter, a reliable characteristic for adult specimens only, was greater in S. plagiusa than in S. civitatus. The caudal fin ray counts were usually 10 ins. plagiusa, and consistently 12 in~. civitatus, The caudal fin ray count was the single most important characteristic for separating the two species, iii H~~~l\:1'1:!lli ~·10lr:!°>\Tfl.f\V ~I'B.IU~f'if3A~{'f·1/1I ai~a 8I°~I~r•J::.!2fi3rfl11 CT Jtl/\ ( tllci.{I Im I,I) .t.E, \JTUA J q <':USHJH'l~ive i.l Vi01,lA (H1i\ ll'J' DI {)flU!l8 ~iii)-etl'I·:O:-f1VllT .. 2tiffiTH 'lMYc'. M0n'U81}1'1'3IU .fl.[,!H~- i,jQ e;~'lOfl J11.ti;;.7.i:vjo ~_!J[fg_m~ 1.·o .,,IJjnJe P.el:ooqe ·en'!" r-e11.i:'.!',1,.[cr mo-r1. ::::slooqa ·s as· -·---- .,,_ ai.;•wriam118,... jonlja.i:t ,;i\'T1Jdeal,~ -·- ____ __ "e.i:~ sqa 1o ev l,.h:oqqua eo.i:dt:.i:'Hldowrr;do ;:J rrnd'IoqmI •-:;?.6!,. .irl s·rnw ,aaem.i:osqe s"Iu;:Jam brrn e•wj;;mri1.t rf.Jod --ro1 ~,l;/c:.i: ,·reJerrw. .i:b .(£.jJ:cbo ell'l' ,p.11jr.;:J.tv_.i:o .l?. rd: rrnrld ~ul:;i,nia .8 n.i: ;Jrwoo •u,•r rrYt Ir,bus::i erl'l' .audsdlVlD ,8 nl Si vl;:Jns~B.i:Bnno ---- - . J:il The depth of· capture was a helpful and reliable aid for separating the two species •. Symphurus plagiusa was collected in shallow.water (six fathoms or less), but was occasionally collected in deeper.waters. Symphurus civitatus was collected in offshore waters, and was never collected in shallow shoreline sampling. Symphurus plagiusa is distributed from New York State to Argentina; the species was divided into five populations for the purpose of intraspecific analysis, The range of S. civitatus overlapped the range of s. plagiusa in two areas. One of these areas was from the Atlantic coast of North Carolina to Florida; the other, and the largest area, was in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Intraspecific observations and analyses showed significant levels of geographic variation among populations of s. plagiusa;, however, all analyses made on s. civitatus populations were negative. iv ; .ssl9sqs cwj· eri~ ~nJj~~rsqsa ~o~ . .;§n.i·lqr;:sc: snl_lwrorle woIJ..-;rta_ n.i: b£',!!'l0Jlo:: ;,~wY l-ffl~l rno•r1 bsjudl'J'je.i:b z.t ----·--eeulnslci ---··--ei.J'lur!omv2. ,:, "' ·~ .1..0 bnwoiie aeo'{Jsrrn hns erio.i:.:JHV'lsr:do !'l.i:11:ieqes'ljfll • evJjsJJsrr B'lOl'l anoljcJuqoq·---- i:u.:JsjJ-vl:J ,8 no v.t ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my appreciation.to all those people who gave of their time and effort in support of this thesis, I would like to thank Dr, Jerry F., Howell, Jr,, who acted as chairman of my graduate committee. I also thank the other members of the committee, Mr. Woodrow W. Barber, Dr, Gerald L, DeMoss, Dr. Madison E, Pryor, and Dr. Robert L. Shipp, for their many hours·•'Of work, interest, and constructive criticism concerning this research. Still others who deserve recognition and thanks are Mrs, LeMerle Bentley for her many hours spent in helping to obtain the literature sought for this research; also Ms, Marilyn Stone, Mrs, Ana Angus, Mr. Steve Angus and Ms, Aggie Angus for aiding me with translations in the literature. Dr. Frank Osborne gave invaluable aid in assist­ ing with the statistical analyses. His time and effort greatly enhanced the conclusions of this research. There were many people ~ho aided by lending specimens, offering suggestions, and allowing me to examine specimens at their museums. I am very apprecia­ tive of the time and effort of the following people, V without whose help required data could not have been obtained: Mr. Charles E. Dawson, Mr. Robert D. Nester, Dr. Herbert T. Boschung, Dr. Ralph W. Yerger, Mr. Gordon Cherr, Mr. AndrewJ. Leslie, Jr., Dr. Carter R. Gilbert, Mr. George·H,·Burgess, Dr, Gary F. Mayer, Mr. Charles R, Futch, Mr. John E. Darovec, Jr,, Dr. c. Richard Robins, Dr. William Anderson,- Mr. c. c. Koening, Dr, Frank J, Schwartz, Mr, F. C. Rohde, Dr. John A. Musick, Licenuada Graciela Lazzaro, Licenuada Hugh Castello, Mrs. May Tillman, Mr, Allen Lake, and Mr. Barton o. Kern. I wish to thank the administrative staff and the faculty of the Department of Biological Sciences at Morehead State University for the graduate assistantship awarded to me while pursuing the Master's degree, The roster of names has been long, but each has contributed to my research, ·My sincere apologies to anyone whom I may have omitted, vi A.f '3UA0lJG Mj.lOlll l l!Ji'JA peAG ouq r..pGq' 1 J,JJ~ LO::.Jr.GL oi:. IJ8r.G68 fJ'J8 fJ69lJ JOlJb'. prrr. St/Cp J198 KeLJ;. 1 ( ~'J..,'. ,,i•\J"TJ:f8iJJ • J • VllqSL801J l•.rL•• ('",, c• •·llOGllJIJ~.1, • PL'. ; 1i.l,:01lJT('"' j '":.. • 1•,Il/:Gj.J' w-· '}OjllJ F.' DSLOAGC' '}J."' r,L" c· iS:fCJJ'31,q isop:p.;·c:• LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Dorsal Fin Rays in Symphurus plagiusa and Symphurus civitatus ••••••• • • 25 2. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Anal Fin Rays in Symphurus plagiusa and Symphurus ci vitatus • • • • , • • , • • 25 Frequency Distribution of the Number of Caudal Fin Rays in Symphurus plagiusa and Symphurus civitatus ••••••• • • 26 4. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Scale Rows in simphurus plagiusa and Symphurus civitatus .••••• • • • • 29 5. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Vertebrae Occurring in SfD1Phurus plagiusa and Symphurus civitatus • • • • 32 6. Mean Value, X, in Percentages, of Standard Proportional Measurements in Symphurus plagiusa and Symphurus civitatus • • • • 35 7. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Dorsal Fin Rays in Symphurus plagiusa, Segregated by Zoogeographical Region • • 38 13. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Anal Fin Rays in Symphurus plagiusa, Segregated by zoogeographical Region • • 39 Frequency Distribution of the Number. of Scale Rows in Symphurus plagiusa, Segregated by Zoogeographical Region • • 41 10. Frequency Distribution of the Number of Vertebrae in S~mphurus plagiusa, Segregated byoogeographical Region • • 43 11. Mean Value, X, in Percentages, of Standard Proportional Measurements in Symphurus ~la~iusa, Segregated by Zoogeographical egion . , . • . 45 vii .11.:rr .r 6 eir OU ' • " • • • • • ' • " • • • • • ij~-~.riiaS 1 c:1e~.r..s'6:;1p0q pA soo'2so':tLSbJJl~~:r bLObo.t.p.[OLIUJ j,JG\J:)/J!,<o':JJGlJ~a :p; ;fhiimjJJ1L:1i rr i·/G:rIJ J\9JI1'3' x• :ru bGT-.CE:l.l/:'\JS:Ga' O+:, 3p:,;;;qsr.q -- . ?,Gii'.UJii:i;!psg p1 soot.'.soh'.J..abµ.[GUJ gG\\::fOU . r.s:cr.spr.ss :ru ·aXiiiopnLna nrs?.-r,1~•• .ro· l•.~GclJJGl!GA o:p,pr.:fprip:fOlJ O:{. r.µe· i1muµ_GL o:r, ?,GG'.;;:.st'.sr.sq P-"· sooGGoo:LsbJI.fCGJ W3 1~:f0lJ • • 2G\JJG !fOMZ :pJ aAmi:iµm:.11a .bJ5li:rnmi' -.. i-,Lsdnsucl>. 1i:rar.1.:ginp:rqu ot r-µs r,inmpsr. oi;, 0 3srlr,sli'.sr.sq fl-"- s:oo~~i;:1,SbEI,GSJ l[~ll::i_:~-'.1 ' . vi.my i,.-ru f,\lf.3 :ru 6Awbµ11.t.rrn .DJu\.q rrnu • ~,J,Gc.illGJ.JC;\ fff\l~L:fpH~-fOIJ O{. PJJG !1Jl1JlpG;. OJ;. 86~L6t.'.S"f6q pi\. ~00~6 O~LS OJ.l:f CSJ f-{Gi?..f c,u . DOL8SJ r,-ru gsi..a :fl.J •afl.lllbjJflL/13 op~iqn aH' ""LGdl!GlJGi-. o:ra.p:i:.:rprrr.:rou 0+:, r.µe j,jH!llpGL 01, DJ91i'..ffi:39' 0':Jq ',:!AWbpnf.iJa G:f .i\fZ:~8 • • • 3~ bLOhoL.r.:r 0.U\:J'J v,)Gll8flL9illGlJ p 8 :f ll ;=;t,iiib)Jl!LJ i8 ~· i•JG$LJ fll:l'JllG' !:.' :flJ J,6LCGIJpSE'.6a' Ot ar.·,rnqa,,q DJCJ~:rn2a 9uq 2AllibjJi~ GfA-ff0~rru • • · " )S I\_Sl.pGpLUG (\CGJ1LLrul't :ru 81).WDµriwm ~ • T!,LedH6,JG1 DI ar.LT pnr.:rou ot, r. ps HnlllpGL 01, suq C!Aill61jfiLJn CrA:r.par.118 • • • • " • • ' • Sd ?,GSJE> H0.-18 :f!J V-llltJJ/lLJTQ DJ'Je'.:fJ1~:\J I'" i,,r.edm;JJC1 D:f'3PL:rpn.r.:ro.u Ot r.pe i1fllllj)Gl. 0t 0 ~fJJq 2Amfiµrn .. rre c:r A.[fSr.rra • • • • • • SQ csnqsJ f,,.f!J gsla :r11 ;-i-Xruop11Lna ofstqrrn'i! )· ~.LGUII61JG:\ [J:f2PL.fprr.r.:roJ.J Ot P.)JG Viill!lPGJ, O:{.
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