Contents Welcome Message ...................................................................2 Organizing Committee .............................................................4 Floor Plan .................................................................................7 Agenda .....................................................................................8 Scientific Program ..................................................................12 Dec.19th (Sat.) Â 601 ..............................................................................12 Â 603 ..............................................................................54 Â Young Doctor Session / Oral Presentation ..............104 Dec.20th (Sun.) Â 601 ..............................................................................92 Â 603 ............................................................................104 Â Young Doctor Session / Oral Presentation ..............104 Official Sponsors ..................................................................136 Welcome Message Dear olleagues and Frends Welcome to the 6th nternatonal Worksho on ynecologc ncology o the Asan Socet o necologc ncolog (AS Worsho 2020) n Taan As the resdent o ASO, cordall nvte ou to the 6th Interna�onal Work- sho on ynecologc ncology o ASO, hch ll e held on Decemer 19th and 20th 2020 in CHANG YUNG-FA FOUNDATION Interna�onal Conven�on enter ae awan. AS as estalished leaders o aanese and Korean gynecologists in considera�on of the need for an Asian regional society dedicated to gynecologic cancer, and held its first mee�ng in Seoul in 2008. At present, gynecological oncology socie�es from 11 countries and regions have par�ci- pated, and it has become a truly unified organiza�on. Six biennial mee�ngs and five interna�onal worshos have een held to date however ths ASGO Workshop 2020 in Taiwan will be the first time for the congress to be held outsde o aan and orea. hs means that ths orsho ll propel ASGO out of its founders' zone, Japan and Korea, and begin to truly branch out across Asia. he develoment o surgcal technues and ne treatments n recent ears s remarale and e must learn and acquire them without delay. Let the exchange of knowledge and experience with our Asan colleagues e a smol o the AS Worsho 2020 AS Worshop 2020 ll arml elcome ou th numerous scentfic rograms as ell as traditonal awanese culture. We sncerel loo orward to meetng ou at the 6th nternatonal Worsho on necologc ncolog o the Asan Socet o necologc ncolog n 2020. Sncerel ours Daisuke Aoki, M.D., Ph.D. he Presdent o Asan Socet o necologc ncolog 2 Dear olleagues On behalf of the organizing committee, we are honored to cordially invite you to par�cipate in the 6th Interna�onal Workshop on Gyneco- logc ncology o AS (AS Worksho 2020) hch ll e held on Decemer 19th 20th n AN NFA FOUNDATION nternatonal onventon enter, aei, aan. Due to the COD19 andemc ASGO Workshop 2020 will be hosted in hybrid mee�ng. ASGO Workshop has been contribu�ng to the research, preven�on and treatment o gynecologcal cancer. Snce commenced n 2008, ASO has made tremendous rogress roviding unified comrehensve medical and surgical care to women with reproduc�ve tract cancers from diagnosis to comple�on of treatment. This year we will have speeches on topics covering in a variety of fields from dis�n- guished seaers n Asa and all o the orld to discuss the er latest advances n necologcal ncolog treatment and care. This is the first �me ASGO Workshop is held outside of Japan and Korea. We believe that ASGO Workshop 2020 will certainly be one of the most valuable �me for all the par�cipants. Your out- standing contribu�on and par�cipa�on will be crucial to the success of the conference. We sin- cerely look forward to gree�ng you at the 6th Interna�onal Workshop on Gynecologic Oncology n ae. Sncerel ours Chih-Ming Ho, M.D.,Ph.D. AS Worsho 2020 Organizing Commi�ee Chair TA Presdent 3 Organizing Committee ASGO WORKSHOP Executive committee members Presdent Dasue Ao (aan) Secretar eneral Yusue oayash (aan) Presdentlect reasurer aeWeon m (orea) mmedate Past Presdent eeSug u (orea) Council members Andr Androno (ndonesa) Presdent Dasue Ao (aan) DuSoo ae (orea) eera hatla (nda) Karen han (ongong) Eren Domngo (Phlnes) Presdentlect reasurer aeWeon m (orea) Seungheol m (orea) Secretar eneral Yusue oayash (aan) Suresh umarasamy (Malaysa) Masa Manda (aan) mmedate Past Presdent eeSug u (orea) Dad SP an (Sngaore) Kungahng Wang (aan) demch Watar (aan) Saraan Wlala (haland) Yang ang (hna) Rongu ang (hna) 4 Nominating committee members Shngo Fu (aan) Toshharu amura (aan) Sooneom ang (orea) Ikuo onsh (aan) ooun am (orea) eeSug u (orea) Scientific Program Committee Kungahng Wanghar (aan) nghang hangce har (aan) hengYang hou (aan) Soonen uang (aan) WenShung ou (aan) ao n (aan) Pengu Wang (aan) Musen u (aan) ungheng a (aan) WenFang heng (aan) anShung eh (aan) hensng u (aan) FuShng u (aan) Tze-Ho Chen (aan) Taau nomoto (aan) mo shma (aan) Yong Man m (orea) ae Weon m (orea) 5 TAGO Presdent hhMng o (atha eneral ostal) Execu�ve Director Kungahng Wang (atung Maca Memoral ostal) Pengu Wang (ae eterans eneral ostal) Hungsueh hou (hang ung Memoral ostal and hang ung nerst ollege o Medcne) nghang hang (hang ung Memoral ostal and hang ung nerst ollege o Medcne) Wen-Fang Cheng (Na�onal Taiwan University Collage of Medicine) MngShyen en (ae eterans eneral ostal) Drector Tang-Yuan Chu (Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital) Musen u (rSerce eneral ostal) Cheng-Yang Chou (Na�onal Cheng Kung University College of Medicine) Yaohng ung (hna Medcal nerst and hna Medcal nerst ostal) aeFang u (ae eterans eneral ostal) Keng-Fu Hsu (Na�onal Cheng Kung University College of Medicine) Bor-Ching Sheu (Na�onal Taiwan University Hospital) Yen hen (ae eterans eneral ostal) Pao-Ling Torng (Na�onal Taiwan University Hospital) haYen uang (atha eneral ostal) WenShung ou (aohsung eterans eneral ostal) FuShng u (Sho hwan Memoral ostal) Hung-Cheng Lai (Transla�onal Epigene�c Center, Shuang Ho Hospital) YuanYee an (uans eneral ostal) Execu�ve Supervisor anShung eh (hna Medcal nerst ollege o Medcne) Suersor uas Wu (ae eterans eneral ostal) ao n ( aohsung hang ung Memoral ostal) Soonen uang (h Me Medcal enter) An en hang (aohsung eterans eneral ostal) YaMn heng (ao eneral ostal) Chang-Yao Hsieh (Na�onal Taiwan University College of Medicine) Secretar eneral hhong hang (Maca Memoral ostal) ceSecretar eneral hensuan Wu (aohsung hang ung Memoral ostal) hensng u (achung eterans eneral ostal) YnY hang (hna Medcal nerst ostal) Tze-Ho Chen (Changhua Chris�an Hospital) Tze-Chien Chen (Mackay Memorial Hospital) Yu hen (Na�onal Taiwan University College of Medicine) 6 Floor Plan 張榮發基金會國際會議中心 6樓 配置圖僅供參考,攤位大小以實際尺寸為準 配置圖僅供參考,攤位大小以實際尺寸為準 張榮發基金會國際會議中心 6樓 601 VIP1 601 VIP2 VIP1 會議室 VIP2 大會報到處 大會報到處 點心區 點心區 學分簽到處 試片區 學分簽到處 603603 會議室會議室 A01 A01AZ AZ 610 A02 A03 A04 A05 A02羅氏 A03武田 A04東洋 A05百特 羅氏 武田 東洋 百特 7 Agenda Date: December 19th 2020 (Sat.) 601 Room Topic Speaker Moderator 0920092 enng remars o AS Presdent Dr. Dasue Ao 0920930 enng remars o S ce Presdent Dr. aeWeon m 0930093 enng remars o AGO Presdent Dr. hhMng o 093090 Time for Taiwan - My Beau�ful Island Prac�ce in gynecologic oncology during Covid 19 pandemics Korea Dr. Soom ang aan Dr. usue oayash 0901020 Dr. ungheng a nda Dr. eera hatla Malaysa Dr. Suresh umarasamy Taan Dr. henghang hang ovel mmunothera or adanced endometral cancer 1020100 Dr. haYen uang Dr. eeWen uang ( Industrial sec�on) date on cercal cancer surgery adomnal or 1001110 Dr. Se m Dr. ungiahng Wang mnmall nvase aroach 11101120 rea Update on treatment of metasta�c or relapsed 1120110 Dr. Paong orng Dr. WenFang heng cercal cancer adcal trachelectom or earl stage cercal 1101200 Dr. aau nomoto Dr. uas Wu cancer at 15-17 weeks of gesta�on 12001300 unch Anatomic dissec�on in nerve-sparing radical 13001320 Dr. Wuhou n Dr. ua hysterectom or cercal cancer Molecular characteriza�on and its clinical 1320130 Dr. nghang hang Dr. Shhhu o implica�on in endometrial cancer 130130 rea Two-step sen�nel lymph node mapping strategy 130110 Dr. SangWun m Dr. houhung uan n endometral cancer stagng Aduant thera or earl endometral cancer 110130 Dr. mo shma Dr. aMn heng hen and ho and hy? 8 601 Room Topic Speaker Moderator 13010 rea Treatment for stage 4 and metasta�c 10100 Dr. eeSeung m Dr. hyongue a endometral cancer 100120 Ovaran cancer surgery 1st and 2nd debulking opera�on Dr. Masa Manda Dr. ungsueh hou 120130 rea Personalized medicine- Maintenance therapy 13010 Dr. aYu se Dr. haYen uang n ovaran cancer 101610 Treatment or relased ovaran cancer Dr. engheng su Dr. Paong orng 16101620 rea urrent role o mnmall nvase surger or 1620160 Dr. en hen Dr. Pengu Wang ovaran cancer Big data analysis in popula�onal gynecologic 160100 Dr. heng ao Dr. WenShung ou oncolog methods and outcomes 100110 rea 110130 Shared decision-making in real prac�ce Dr. hensuan Wu Dr. ao n he th ASGO Biennial Mee�ng 13013 See ou n haland 9 Date: December 19th 2020 (Sat.) 603 Room Topic Speaker Moderator 0920092 enng remars o AS Presdent Dr. Dasue Ao 0920930 enng remars o S ce Presdent Dr. aeWeon m 0930093 enng remars o AGO Presdent Dr. hhMng o 093090 Time for Taiwan - My Beau�ful Island Prac�ce in gynecologic oncology during Covid 19 pandemics Korea Dr. Soom ang aan Dr. usue oayash 0901020 Dr. ungheng a nda Dr. eera hatla Malaysa Dr. Suresh umarasamy Taan Dr. henghang hang 1020100 Precson medcne n gnecologc cancers Dr. Shuen hen Dr. orhng Sheu Mechanism targe�ng homologous recombina�on 1001100 Dr. atsutosh DA Dr. Tze-Ho Chen deficiencies in ovarian cancer 11001110 rea 11101130 Biomarker and gene�c tes�ng for PARP inhibitor Dr. aMn heng Dr. MngShyen en Safety and QoL of Avas�n in Gyn cancer 11301200 Dr. ungsueh hou Dr. uMn e (Industrial sec�on) 12001230 S 10th Council mee�ng 12301300 TA 9th Council mee�ng Evolng area o mantenance thera n recurrent 13001330 Dr. ngheng hang Dr.
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