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THROW A | blades WU'RE COMINS HOME SHAVE AND < eiLUETTE /' BREAT STUFF/ THINGIUETTES , SHAVE, WITH US. WE'LL SET . SHOWER AND I SLADE i SLICKEST VtheVre puntt L VOUR I'M THAT i K fVE HAD IN KEEN BASS AFTSRJ > SOLD ^ f ON A DINNER VSTUSBLE VEAR$/y ^ j /Mi? SO A/TSSA CAV-iOMS CXOfV Ht/AfT W/m HAWXAA/O 0</AA. , 'so IPYOU KNOW ANYONE/ WHY, BEN.' T W MEN, WHEN IT COMES TO EXTRA 6HAVINS AVHO'S LOOXINS FOR A / UNCLE BOB HAS r comfort, plus economy, 'wu canY beat’s I^TURSO-JET expert^ BEEN COMBING . THIN @lt.LETTES, THEY'RE KEENER AND UST ''~~^ Bfefrm r T^n the country for LONGER THAN ANY OTHER LOW-PRICE SLADES. ' I J^MENUKEDICK^ YOUR FACE IS PROTECTED FROM NICKS AND IRRITATION.TOO, FOR THIN SlUEnES FIT YOUR HANDSOME (.GILLETTE RAZOR PRECISELY. ASIC FCRTHINJ VsH-LETTSS in the CONVENIENT NEW ‘?«>^10-BLA0E PACKAGE^,.®™^ THE BEST IN SCIENCE FICTION VOL, 5 APRIL, 1949 NO. 2 TWO NOVELS OF TOMORROW DEATH QUOTIENT John D. MacDonald 8 “You must lay down your arms—because before the week is out, this planet will be no more!’’ THE EARTH KILLERS A. E. van Vogt 50 Eye to eye with Earth’s most terrible destroyer, Morlake absorbed the knowledge that branded him "Traitor!” TWO SCIENCE-FICTION NOVELETTES DHACTWHUl—REMEMBER? Wilfred Owen Morley and Jacques De Forest Erman 84 You must remember—for the destiny of the race lies in your hands! SON OF THE STARS F. Orlin Tremaine 110 Once you entered the Door, that valley was the Universe! FOUR SHORT STORIES I, MARS Ray Bradbury 35 Barton’s younger selves lived on, tormenting him for his living proof that their hopes were dead! ALL OUR YESTERDAYS John Wade Farrell 42 It was strange that of these two men, separated by centuries, one must die for the other! DARKSIDE DESTINY James MacCreigh 75 "Tonight 3'ou must solve the secret written in the moon’s eternal stone—or die!” DELUSION DRIVE Peter Reed 100 The kid didn’t know that once in the Space Rip, you’re dead—or only a grey thought in the mind of a machine! DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES FANDOM’S CORNER Conducted by James V. Taurasi 6 THE SCIENCE FICTIONEER . Conducted by Frederik Pohl 72 MISSIVES AND MISSILES The Readers 105 LAWRENCE PORTFOLIO 109 Illustrations by Bok, Giunta, Lawrence and Paul. Cover by Lawrence. Any resemblance between any character appearing in fictional matter, and any person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and unintentional. c^upep Science Stories is published bi-monthly by Fictioneers, Inc. at 353 Third Street. Niagara Falls, New York. All correspondence relating to this magazine should be addressed to 353 Third Street, Niagara Falls, N.Y., or to 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. Application for entry as second-class matter iii pending. This issue is published simultaneously In the Dominion of Canada. Copyright, 1949, by Fictioneers, Inc. under the Internaliohal Copyright Convention and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Annual subscription $1.50. When submitting manuscripts enclose stamped Self-addressed envelope for their return if found unavailable. Publishers will exercise care In the handling 6f unsolicited manuscripts, but assume no responsibility for their return. April, 1949, Volume 5, No. 2. Printed In Canada. — Lee leads the nation in wor^ clothes poptuantyl That fact is revealed by a National survey conducted by a prominent pubQ^ng company among men in all types of jobs. better Buy Lee for longer wear . greater comfort appear- ance . more washings per garment. Sanforized for perma- nent fit—sold with a money-back guarantee of complete satisfaction. Tuc It. S.LCK Buy Lee Vfwk Cfofnes at Leading Stores Coast-fo-Coast There $ a LEE For Every Jsh Ovdtolb Uaiott-Allfi • ilatjixf THE He D. LEE COMPANY, Inc. ShirlB oful Fonts • Dungorees • Mian. Trenfon, N. J» Riders (Cowboy Poets) • Ovesoil Kootos Clfy» Mo. Mianoepouv Jcckels So* Fronciscor CoUf Sovth Besdf Ind. Saiincb Kons. - ;^^^ W b Rit D 'Si l A R G E S T'i^ E R ,0 F . U N 1 0 N M'Afi ESf. W b B^ 5 If you are between iS and SS OSd Line, Legal Reserve LIFE INSURANCE l*Half thf Permanent Rate In effect beginning 6th year) Amounts vary with age, but even at 40 $2.00 buys $1086 of this solid Legal Reserve Life Insurance ! You FAiooi’s mmm pay the same premium NO MAT- TER WHAT YOUR AGE! Conducted by FULLY PAID-UP IN 30 YEARS— no more premiums to pay—all ben- James V. Taurasi efits continued. POSTAL does busi- FANTASY AND SCIENCE- ness under rigid New York State Insurance Laws. Has satisfied pol- FICTION AWARDS COMMITTEE icyholders everywhere. Over $14,- ast year Ray Van Houten wat 000,000 in assets. Over $62,000,000 struck with what he thought was paid out in benefits. L a whale of an idea. He presented it to the Eastern Science Fiction DIVIDENDS! Association (Esfa) and asked them for donation to get started on it. DIVIDENDS, payable annually, a money They also liked the idea and donated further reduce the cost of your in- surance. $5 toward the project. Since then other organizations have offered or given GET THE FACTS EY MAM! him contributions. This April the first results of the idea will show up. POSTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The idea was a simple one in 511 Fifth Avenue Dept. D-S5S New York 17, N. Y. itself; it was not new as applied to Mail me complete information on your now $2.00- other fields; the movies have it, tlic per-month, 30-pay Whole Life Policy at my age. detective story writers have it. But if NAME is new to stf. Van Houten proposes to DATE OF OCCUPATION BIRTH. ....... have the whole field, both pro and fan, ADDRESS get together (through representatives) CITY STATE and make annual awards for the best (Continued on page 125) 6 . Trafning nnder ^ G.I. Bffl la a iSbo miisl enrc£ wMdn ftar jmzs after ymr d^itcacgB or iMfore *ily 2®, 1951 — Trtifefljevar fa faier. ftea to tfiiDS IsS the tew. srftBPirow. YOU MAY CHOOSE I.CS. TRAnmO More veterans study with Intem^lcmal Gorrespoiufan^ Schools Qian with any oQier s^nxi. ^nd todfairfor foffl information on pracQcal, atrffiorfertiva LC.S. training 1 INTERNATIONAL. CORRESPONbEflGE SC,HOOIS BOX 327^Z| SCRANTON 9, PENNA; ' WboBteost«obIIi8Qoa.pfaaMseDdRatoSpartfeofaR^io8ttl»'cg«i*Bffas«Mchlb8Vtannrkad‘I: Afr Comfltionfno and O SfrTtetnral Engfneertnt RdDSMsI Mefanorgy Plumbing Cotflrm Sorv^ylrrg sad Mepping ^’Maebids Shop ComUttODii^ Afr C®n’w«nloatloi».Catti»M _ Me^artfcal Dhsfting ft, cT ^ b^^FMflg Rayoo IfaafiBg Ptarahlog Electronics ‘ Mechanical Errgineerlns n -'i ; Terilfa Desigete Refrifwafloo Steam Eittiog Mold-Loft Work § n_ OFractical Teiopfmqr Q O ttoolen ManafacmfBf Chemistry Courses Radio. Geacral OPattemmaldng—Wood, Metal DChenfeal En^Reering Radio OparsQng Reading Shop Biuepriats Btttlrmss and D Chomistry. Analytical B Radio Servicing Sheet-Metal Drafting Aeadgmlo Couma D Chsntistry, Industrial D Telegraph Engineertng Sheet-Metal Worker AdfSTtidog Chemisfay, Mfg. Iron St Ste^ Eloetrleal Coursss Ship Drafting D '* BookkeetHM Petroleum Refining Plastics O tiectrica! Drafting Tool Designing Stn^sss Adnid^aflofl Pulp and Paper Making OEIactrical Engineering Welding Engineering Civil Engineering, Archl-too' Electric Light and Pov/ar Welding—ig—Gas and EleeWetie Certitied Pubfle A lunting tural and Mining Courses Lighting Technician Raifruacl Courses Commercial Commercial Art O Architecture Practical Electrician Air Drake Car Inspector Cost Accounting Architectural Drafting Internal Combuation Oissoi Locomotive Federal Tax O Rrst Ysar CoITege Bridge and Building Foreman Engines Courses Locomotive Enginear Foremanshfp French O Buildfng Estimating Auto Technician Aviation Locomotive Fireman Good English High School Civil Engineering DiesehEleotrIc t.ocomotive Machinist Higher Mathematics Coal Mining Diesel Engines Sas Engines D Railroad Section Foreman Motor Traffic Postal Civil Secvfco Contracting and Building Mechanical Cout'ses Steam Engtnearlna Courses Retailing Highway Enginscring Aeronautical Engineer’s,rv, Jr.
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