SU/Wr4Eli 2002 Vclutrre 24, lssue 2 (-, $6'00 \' \-/ \- i À A full week of kites and fun! INTERNATIONALKIT, :fIV É Long Beach, Washington o August 1-9-25t L-800-451.-2542 www.kitefestival.com 1 President's Page 2 AKA Directory 3 AKA News 4 Member Merchants 6 Letters to the Editor 7 FortWarden Kitemakers Conference I We Love to Fly 9 Balloons and Kites 10 KAPrrorus: Ralf Beutnagel 12 National Kite Month 15 Event Calendar 16 Clubs 18 Sport Kite Conferences 20 Bird Kites 22 Convention Preview 26 HrsroRY: Kites on the Winds of War 29 Spring Buggy Blast 31 Kiteboarding Safety 34 Trps aTecnruroues: Reverse Appliqué 39 K-Frrrs: Sharon Musto 40 WorldTeam Championship 42 Smithsonian and Ocean City Events 43 Regional Directors Reports 52 PPT: A look at the otfbeat angles of kiting [over Pholo: 0reon (ity (onvenlion ond Visilors Bureou Editor/Publisher: Mike Gillord/Gillord (ommunicolions Art Diredor: Suson Shompo All ronlenl @ 2002 by the Americon Kilefliers Asotiotion :,rp:f 7,fi '6r' ê'Cii.diê:n:trf:S ::: Ptà$te: the fine international ludging panel which new provider was maddening. ln the end, included our own Mike Cillard and Chuck we solicited service from over 100 Sigal, and to Scorekeepers Dave and Cinny providers and sought advice from dozens Hansen. Members of the of other Associations. A lnternational Rule Book 1rhe Conventign mere two weeks before committee spent more I ls:^ more_^-^ rnon+r^^-^ the policy expired, we than 30 hours in face-to- touna a Érm willing to face meetings working on t competition provide us what we future rule revisions to ond workshops. It is need. So it was a diffi- insure that we continue the Chonce to see old cult task but in the end, with a common world- r r. the news was good. rnenos ono To moKe-r_^ wide set of rules. new ones.' ili;:il:",i'.'J:,.il; I think it was also signifi- to sanctioned events cant that the scores posted by each judge and $25,000 to individual members. This in each of the six heats were published is a reduction from the $100,000 we used with the judge's name attached. "Open,- to provide, but much higher than any honest, and fair" was the theme of the claim that has ever been filed. And it was fhe thing I really love about this Associ- week. Significantly, there were no contro- the best proposal we received. I ation is that there is always something versies or protests. going on! We are now hard at work finalizing Look for another great event next spring. details for our 25th anniversary this year National Kite Month 2OO2 is behind us It's our intention to expand competition to with a return to the Iocation of the orig- now, but I just have to take this last oppor- include pairs, individuals, and quad. lnvi- inal AKA Convention Ocean City, tunity to thank everyone that contributed tations will be based on the result of con- Maryland. Mark your calendars- now for and say what an amazing success all of you vention competition. September 30 to October 5. We expect generated. this to be our biggest gathering in years! lnsurance...How many hours have your Wow!! Six-hundred-eighty events!!! That is Board and staff spent on insurance this The convention traditionally includes double what we did last year! And the best Spring?? As most of you know, our insur- national competition in kitemaking, sport news is that so many of these activities ance carrier informed us earlier this year that kites, fighter kites and buggies. We offer were organized by scout troops, service they would not be extending our Association about 20 workshops covering all aspects clubs, schools, and other groups outside event and personal liability policies. We of kite design and flying, event organiza- our kiting mainstream. That's exactly what immediately went to work searching out tion, club development, and safety. Busi- we wanted to accomplish when we started new options. lt wasn't easy. ln the wake of nesses will be showcasing new products this project four years ago. 9/1 1, most providers have been very con- on the field and in our Fly Market. lnter- servative about even traditional policies. nationally recognized artist and author Tal Phil Broder, Chairman, Jim Miller, Coordi- And kiting insurance is not traditional. Streeter will be featured by our Kite Art nator, and Chuck Sigal our Webmaster did Committee. The auction will offer trea- an outstanding job! And of course, special We have two important insurance needs. sures you can take home and we'll be thanks are due our friends at Jackite who The first is for events. Without insurance, recognizing AKA's best at our annual agreed to pay for promotional posters, most organizers can't get permits to host award banquet. We're also planning our and then volunteered to provide free kites festivals or flies. But one- or two-day poli- first kiteboarding exhibition. That's a lot to most registered events. cies are prohibitively expensive. Last year, of flying and information in one action- over 'l 50 events relied on the AKA for event packed week! My biggest worry is how we are going to coverage. We're committed to this program beat this new record next year!! because festivals support our members and But of course you know that the con- draw new enthusiasts to the community. vention is more than competition and We've just completed the First World workshops. lt is the chance to see old Sport Kite Championships in Berck, The second insurance need is personal lia- friends and make new ones. We're even France. This was a truly historic occasion bility for individual members whenever scheduling a gala opening party with with the flier's organizations; AKA, STACK they fly. This is one of the core benefits of music and dancing. in Europe, and AJSKA in Asia, working AKA membership and while many of us together to oversee rules, select competi- don't think about it often, coverage is cru- So plan on Ocean City for a great con- tors and staff, and manage the event. cially important. vention. And meanwhile - remember to Congratulations to Legend and 6th Sense We have never filed a claim for event cov- on their fine showing! Our AKA teams took erage and the total claims for individuals 4th and 5th, beating everyone but the over the past 'l 0 years is less than one dominant French. Congratulations too, to year's premium. And yet, our search for a Summer'O2 AKA Ifews The Great Kite Raffle PaÉy at Ocean City! It's time to go sur.fing! Surf on over to the When making your arrival plans for the AKA Creat Kite Raffle and buy a chance to 25th Annual AKA Grand Nationals, don't win a spectacular kite surfing package. forget to include the Evening Mixer hosted Details are still being worked at press time, by Co Fly a Kite, on Tuesday, October 1, butyou can expect 2002. Held at Shenanigan's Restau- a premium kite rant (Located under the Shoreham surfing package Hotel), the evening gala will feature with a value of live entertainment, complirirentary $2500 courtesy of hors d'Oeuvres, two free drink tickets Active People. and drawings with prizes totaling over $2,500!! There are several other great raffle No problem. items on the web Post-Convention Tour site. Depending on the whims of For those ofyou who have never been At Catch the Wind, you'll find the US Postal Sys- to Historic Cettysburg here's your tem, there should chance for a guided tour. Jeff Erzin, an extraordinary collection of be a few days left Gettysburg expert, will be giving a to buy tickets for free guided tour of the Battlefield at the finest kites, windsocks and .l:00 the Cobra buggy PM on Sunday, October 6. The package. which Battlefield is located just an hour from wind toys available. includes every- Baltimore convenient for those fly- Our sales staff are dedicated thing needed to buggy in style. There will ing in and out -of the Baltimore airport. ln definitely be time to buy tickets for the the same area you will find many museums kiteflyers who know our wonderful package of sport and single line and plenty of Pennsylvania Dutch food! To kites from Blue Moon Kites. The sport kites see it all consider staying over Sunday products, what they're made of span the continuum from precision to night. For questions about hotels in the freestyle performance. The package also Gettysburg area or for more information and how they fly. We'll make includes an lchiban, a stunning piece of about the tour email Jeff Erzin at single line artwork. And by the time you [email protected]. Please arrange for your own sure you find something that's read this, there will be another item that transportation to and from Gettysburg. we are still working on. just right for you, no matter A quick note on the boring stuff, we have Fly MaË! what your age, budget or skill sold $1 3,615 in tickets this fiscal year and level. Ready to be delivered have expenses of $1 ,478. However we It's time to start thinking about the fly mar- have several bills that have not been sub- ket at the convention. This year is shaping right to your doorstep. mitted. lf they are all submitted, we will up to be really big.
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