4,4. -L THE success- ful combining p.'% of polyester and •Me &)ILGE,••OT I-,AL glass fibers in TliE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER • / Cr,•IPANY AKRON EDITION. a radial-ply tire -- ./1 was announced ToI 3:z ohio OS- F ctober 29,1964 No. 44 by Goodyear. A. J. Gracia, vice president .. of Research, Vaughn: .*. 1-*6 4 shows cutaway r. .. 44' . •... cross sections <" '"44• of an auto tire 'Defensive (left) and a truck tire of th6 new con- PlayGood' struction. Vyta- 042Zt' cord poiyester As far as Hank Vaughn, yarn, such as Goodyear athletic director in the spool at *11> right, is used in and assistant coach for the the plies and United States Olympic glass fibers, the team, is concerned, victory white spools, in came for the U.S. cagers the belt. because of their outstand- i> ing defensive play. , *i \\•RM Vaughn, back at Goodyear for Radial-Ply Type CHAIRMAN RUSSELL DeYoung (left) and Craig Breed- the first time in two months aft- re check the features of a scale model 6'Spirit of America." er helping guide the Olympians he pint-sized racers went on sale this week at the Goodyear to their sixth gold medal win, errice Store on Goodyear Blvd. The cars also are available at said, "the victory was in doubt Polyester, Glass Fibers ie Service Store in Cuyahoga Falls. until the last two practice ses- sions. Before then, we had just •cale-Model 'Spirit' a 50-50 chance. "The turning point was the Combined For New Tire changing and eliminating of one Goodyear this week announced the successful conn- or two things in our oiense and bining of polyester and glass fibers in a radial-ply tire. tacer Goes On Sale setting our defense for the Rus- Using its Vytacord polyester sians. We caught them in a Gor riyear's scale model of Craig Breedlove's world- few offensive mistakes... the fabric in the plies which run It is generally accepted that radial-ply tires, such as those in lorci-• tting car, "Spirit of America," is now on sale same mistakes we had been radially from bead to bead and a glass fiber cord in the belt use in Europe for several years, • the r:ar Service Stores on Goodyear Blvd. and making prior to the final two which runs under the tread in give both increased mileage and IL Cl » practice session. the direction of travel, Goodyear fuel economy, but they produce The racer has a bright metal- "I have never seen the Rus- has produced tires in sizes rang- a "firmer" ride than American lic finish trimmed in blue, and sians so relaxed, so friendly. ing from small industrial types motorists have come to expect - carries the same emblems on They couldn't have been more to those for earthmovers. fronn their cars. the body and tail fin as the big confident. liwe believe this combination •'The polyester-glass fiber •'Spirit." The cockpit canopy is :'But we played good defense could be the answer to a prac- combination gives a much im- transparent. and it was our best ball game tical radial - ply tire for the proved ride over the steel-wire ·- 4..402 - Eighteen inches long, the car for 40 minutes ...we had played American market. Because of belted tires of Europe," Hartz F,99 -1•.'•- -•- sells for $4.95. well for short periods in other limited supplies both of poly- said. It is designed for Goodyear games, but never for an entire ester and glass fibers in the Goodyear produces radial-ply, by WenMac of Los Angeles for game." type needed for this tire cord, or "belted" tires in Europe with 4. - 4 ,. ...I- : I handling by small hands, and is we cannot say when this will - 'if_ 1 4, 0·' rayon plies and either steel or ••When the game ended, I was made of high-impact polysty- be a production item," John J. fabric belts. 4• - -- ' thinking how happy I was for rene. Hartz, manager of tire develop- •<We are continuing to work Mr. (Henry) Iba. We had worked ment, said. A few turns of the key winds with other combinations, includ- :It .. I i hard for hours for this victory." The radial - ply construction a spring motor. ing nylon, acrylic, polyolefin and concept has been in the news t./ ' • , When you set the car on a Iba, head coach at Oklahoma recently because of increased polyvinylacohol fibers, but at et. solid surface, it accelerates for State, was in charge of the interest by some American auto this time it appears the poly- 15 feet, then out pops the para- Olympians. ester-glass combination may ' ' makers. chute and the car glides to a ( Con* •ed on Page 8 ) produce the best overall charac- halt. teristics," Hartz said. ...74 Polyester is ' chosen for the Election Polls Open plies . because of its strength, stability, durability and soft 6:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. ride, and glass fibers for the 464- I The Summit County Board of belt because of their high ten- a,OUGH of this horsing Elections announced that the sile strength and ability to oun('." says Richard Pettus. polls would be open Tuesday at eliminate tread squirming, Hartz added. ·el's. get down to the candi- 6:30 a.m. for the general elec- ,» ., tes r ' For more on reactions tion. They will close at 6:30 p.m. This elimination of squirming the upcoming presidential , The Election Board advised that 4 L Aff- :'., r '....A#v; of the tread on the road is the .. .. t.'*-'ll I 9.13.: I . khon, see Page 5. it is better to vote early. primary factor contributing to .'. longer mileage and reduced rol- * 11111111111, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mulmilliliililiniililijilimimilumilulmiliollilillimlmmilillmlimlmililimiumilillicilmillium 4*. 1. ' . ,:', i, '" • ... 2.... '... ling resistance in a belted tire. In conventional tire construc- DeYoung Praises Olympians gi #VI ** . ./ tion, the fabric runs at an angle E 7 he following cablegram was sent by Chairmari Russell • •* from one bead, across the crown Dp,-oung to Hank Vaughn after the United States • .. of the tire, to the other bead. Tic ory over the Russian basketball team in the Olympics · • Alternate layers,, or plies, .run in Tokyo. Vaughn, Goodyear director of athletics, served • • in opposite directions, the indi- as ·issistant coach of the U.S. team. g 66 vidual cords forming a diamond- Goodyear salutes you and Hank Iba and all members • THERE WERE no •,red" faces in the United States basket- - shaped pattern- which changes Of , he Olympic basketball team as U.S. ambassadors of • ball team's lockerroom after the Yanks defeated Russia 73-59 angles with each contact of the the highest order. You stepped into the pages of inter- in the finals of the Olympics last week in Tokyo. Shown in the road. This changing of angles national history by continuing a great tradition of M photo are Goodyearites Larry Brown (center) and Dick Davies uniliterrupted victorY· ,, causes the , tread to squirm (right) first row, and Pete McCaffrey ( fourth from left in the slightly, wearimg away rubber Immzmwmmm•wmmmwm•immmmmimmwmmiwimwmm1l11111111mmumnml1•il•mmimlimgmmum•mmiwimn•·rear.) and reducing treadlife. t Prige 2 4- t'4·f *, 4. 4'., Two-Week Campaign # Weekly Review Of /V ' A ' 'Y' ./ +: Membership Drive Opens I. W,1,5 , Labor Relations T# 41. c . M. : 4 4 . XI . .*' 8 itt·. '. P.: rr '. .,, . 0**p• t#**.4,4<•*'p Z. 036m,•. ·, 44.. :,4,4." ;61036k40 %6. 4-.+1• ..,,# Goodyear's 1964 YMCA Akron YMCA for Division 3. tant general traffic manager, Grievance A-1379 membership campaign, now Chairman of Division 3, which and Tom H. Barret, on special ( By Umpire Martin Wagner ) includes Goodyear, Aerospace, assignment in Executive Vice under way, is taking on the Dept. 070-2, I'liofoam finishing General Tire and the East Akron President Sam DePree's office. and repair appearance of a 66construc- community, is Toni Shubert, Heading the labor section and Nature of Case: tion program. " manager of niai•1," • .. irch :it representing Local 2 is John Claim that company failed to The two-weel, campaign had Aerospace. Bradach, machine installation. *. *..# > its kickoff last n i trht ( Wednes- Heading Theme for the 1964 campaign +, comply with an "understanding" Y< to call in "rotating" employe in day ) in a rail- it the East (irive arci is "Let's Get on with the Busi- *' ..f a department when extra labor 40*--r. ./ .......':.....036F ness of Building Men." 4• 2 0 ... ·· p 99% The drive will end Thursday, 9.. 0.. -: + • dy . was needed in that employe's ..,4.1 department but instead brought . 11 Nov. 19, with Goodyear aiming in labor from another depart- '*, , 9'= toward a goal of 45,919 points. :.10. ,, ment. e One point is awarded for each --I l•14/4 •I .trh :1 14 1 dollar donated and membership A ,# ard: 43%... 'T·· . - « lillI I I .642: r . U.%' sold, and an additional point for ( 1 ) The available work was ..r . •'' 1. '....f... 11'Im* "4 111{11'L each dollar collected during the not in the rotating em- 1. 11 11- 4 :r,042. '. .4. *..... ./. · ... ..1 1 drive. ploye's balancing group, Arlene Colyer Last year, 52,228 points were and therefore, there was .. Queen of the marimbe p.,1 realized in the drive that went no contractual violation. over the top in membership. ( 2 ) The "understanding" is ,...g:% The YMCA membership drive vague as to its content. 25 YearCIu has the approval of the United (:1 ) The evidence indicates Fund. that this understanding 4. ft'4,. Chairman Rose, in pointing was made after the date Show Slate out that the YMCA drive is not of the protested action.
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