Heredilas 103: 231-23.3 (1985) Preliminary observations on geographical variation in enzymes of African intermediate hosts of schistosomes: the genera Bulinus and Biomphaluria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) from Togo KODZO MAWULAWOE DOGBA and JENS ERIK JELNES Universite du Benin, I. U. T. de Santk, P.B. 1515, Lomt, Togo, and Thyboroen Alle 82, DK-2720 Vanloese, Denmark DOGBA. K. M. and JELNES, J. E. 1985. Preliminary observations on geographical variation in enzymes of Af- rican intermediate hosts of schistosomes: the genera Bulinus and BiomphaIaria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) from Togo. - Hereditas 103: 231-233. Lund, Sweden. ISSN 0018-0661. Received JanuaryZ5, 1985. Enzyme profiles, constituting data on 7 enzymes, are presented for Bulinus forskalii, Bulinus globosus and Biomphalariapfeifferi from Togo. The observed geographical variations are discussed in relation to climatic fac- tors. Jens Erik Jelnes. Thyboroen Alle 82, DK-2720 Vanloese, Denmark For African species of Bulinus and Biomphalaria only as previously described by JELNES(1980) for Bulinus, few studies have been concerned with geographical and by HENRIKSENand JELNES(1980) for Biom- variation of enzymes within a country: Tanzania (ROL- phalaria. The enzymic data of the two genera are pre- LINSON and SOUTHGATE1979), Kenya (JELNES 1980), sented as enzyme profiles in accordance to JELNES(in Nigeria and Mali (JELNESin press). JELNES(in press) press) using mobility values relative in Biomphalaria has suggested, that the variation observed in West Af- camerunensis, Kinshasa, Zaire stock and Bufinus rican populations of Bulinus forskalii (Ehrenberg, buncatus, Dezful, Iran stock. 1831) and Bulinus globosus (Morelet, 1866) could be correlated to climatic factors. In the present contribution we present preliminary data on geographical variation of enzymes from popu- Results lations of Bulinus and Biomphaluria from Togo. The origins of the different samples are given in Ta- bles 1 and 2 together with theobserved enzyme pro- files. On Fig. 1 the location of the samples from Materials and methods Togo are indicated. In Table 1 the enzyme profiles observed in The material studied comprises 36 individuals of Bulinus forskalii and Bulinus globosus are given. In Bulinus forskalii (2 populations), 16 individuals of B. forskalii no intra-population variation was Bulinus globosus (5 popuiations) and 125 individuals found, whereas the two populations studied, being of Biomphalaria pfeifferi (Krauss, 1848) (6 popula- about 120 kilometers apart, differ in mobility of two tions). The material from Togo was collected by enzymes (PGM and IDH). In Bulinus glohosus, K.M.D. The sample from Mali was collected by P. population 3 shows intra-population variation in Furu. PGI and population 4 shows intra-population varia- Individuals of Bulinus to be surveyed elec- tion in PGM. Inter-population variation is found in trophoretically were frozen and on the day of elec- PGM between population 7 and the other popula- trophoretic analysis allowed to thaw up. Once thawn tions of B. globosus studied. up the soft parts could carefully be pulled out of the In Biomphalariapfeifferi (Table 2) no intra-popu- shell. The procedure gives an intact shell, which can lation variation was found, and inter-population be used for studies of numerical taxonomy. With this variation was observed between the samples from modification of procedure for sample preparation, Togo (nos. 11-15) and the sample from Mali (no. electrophoresis and enzyme stainings were carried out 16) in the enzyme IDH. 232 K. M. DOOBA AND J. E. JELNES t<ereditu.v 10.7 (1985) graphical areas, whereas species such as B. scalaris and B. cernicus showed a high level of intra-popula- tion variation. For B. cernicus this observation has been confirmed in a recent study (ROLLINSONand WRIGHT,1984). The level of allozyme variation of West and North African species of Bulinus was found to differ significantly both within and be- tween species (JELNESin press). It was suggested that some of the geographical variation observed could be explained as being due to climatic factors. The data presented in this paper are preliminary; how- ever, taken together with the data of JELNES(in press) general tendencies for some geographical variations become apparent. In Bulinus forskalii the samples from near the coast of Nigeria show enzyme profiles similar to sample 1. Samples further inland in West Africa show enzyme mobility in IDH identical to sample no. 2. Thus it seems that the phenotype of sample no. 1 is associated with the rain forest area, and that of IDH in sample no. 2, with the savanna area, where there is less rain. For Bulinus globosus a similar situation might exist as the enzyme PGM have shown geographical variation in Nigeria (JELNESin press). The phenotype PGM-0.85+1.00/1.25 was found closer to the coast, whereas the phenotype PGM- 0.85t-1.00 was found in most other investigated West African samples, e. g., from Niger, Mali and the Gambia. A single sample from Upper Volta showed a very complex PGM polymorphism with the occurrence of slow mobilities similar to the PGM-0.45+0.68 type found in sample no. 7 from the most northern part of Togo (Dapaong). It would be interesting to see if the geographical variation found in PGM of B. globosus in Togo could be re- lated to the importance of this species in transmis- sion of Schistosoma haematobium, as it has been suggested by COKERand KUMA(1974) for an esterase polymorphism found in the species from Ghana. Fig. 1. Map of Togo showing the location of samples. Very little information has been published on en- zyme polymorphisms in African species of Biorn- plzalaria. WIUM-ANDERSEN(1973) and UKOLI(1974), both reporting on esterase patterns, found no intra- species variation. It is rare to observe intra-popula- tion variation in enzymes of Biomphaiaria pfeifferi Discussion (JELNESunpublished observations) as it is in South Allozyme variation in Bulinus and Biornphalaria American species of the genus (JELNESand POINTIER species has been the subject of a number of studies. 1985). It has been found that closely related species often show different levels of variation. Within the Bulinus forskalii group some extremes might be Al,knowlrdgement, ~ This investigation received financial sup- port from the UNDPlWorld Bank/WHO Special Programme for found. JELNES (1980) showed Bulinus forskalii to be Research and Training in Tropical Diseascs. The skilful technical nearly invariant in enzyme profile over large geo- assistance of Mrs. R. Herk-Hansen is gratefully acknowledged. lahlr I. Species. origin. numbers investigated and enzyme profiles for material of Hiilinris from Togo lhc rm-viilue\ arc givcn rclative to Bulinro III,IIC~IIIIC,Dezful. lren Sample Species Locality and area Numbers PGI PGM IDH HBDH a- GOT XO number invest. GPDH I jorskalii Kpalimt. Togo South 30 I .22 1.2.5+143 0.71 0.48 1.09 1.00 0.98 2 for,ddii Kolokope, Togo Central 6 1.22 1.45+1.67 0.81 0.48 1.09 1.00 (1.98 3 globosus Assahoun, Togo South 3 0.82/1.18 1.00+1.25 0.83 1.31 1.69 1.00 0.98 4 glohosus Kpalimt. Togo South 5 1.18 o.8s+i.oo/1.25 0.83 1.31 1.69 I.MI 0.98 5 gloho~irs Kolokope, Togo Central 3 I.IU I.(Kl+I 25 0.83 I .31 1.69 1.00 0.98 6 glohom~ Kara, Togo North I 1.18 I.OO+I.~S 0.83 1.31 1.69 i.nn n.9~ 7 globosus Dapaong, Togo North 4 1.18 0.45+0.68 0.83 1.31 1.69 1.00 0.98 Tubk 2. Origin. numbers investigated and enzyme profiles for material of Riomphnlariupfe$ferr from Togo and Mali rhc rni-values are given relative IO Aiornpliuluria cumerunensrs, Kinshasa. Zalre Sample Locality and area N urn hers PG I PGM IDH FfBDH LY-GPDH GOT MPI number invest. -_ ~ - 11' Klounon, TogoSouth 17 I .m 0.85 + I .oo 0.95 0.74 1.05 1.0n 0.91 12 Kara. Togo North 26 1.03 om+ I .OO 0.95 0.74 1.05 1.00 0.01 13 Togotex, Kara.Togo North 15 I.03 0.85+ 1.00 0.95 0.74 1.05 i.00 0.91 14 'I'char6,Togo North 20 1.03 0.85 + 1 .MI 0.95 0.74 1.05 1 .oo kYI IS Farend& Togo North 32 I .03 0 85+ I .no 0.95 0.74 1 .OS 1.00 (1.91 I6 Bamako, Mali 15 I .03 O.M+1 .on 0.90 0.74 1,0S 1.nn 0.01 This sample wa$ only available as an old lahoratory stock Literature cited COKEK.W. 2. and KUMA, E. 1974. A study of the genetic individual. -Zoo/. J. Linn. Sor. (in press) heterogeneity in Bcilinus globostts populations in southern JtLNtS. .I.E. and POINTIER, J.-P. 1085. Taxonomie experimcrl- Ghana: electrophoretic patterns of esterasc enzymes in snail ex- tale de Riomphalaria (Gastropoda: Planorhidae) - 111. Mohi- tracts. - Ghana J. Sci. 14: 19-21 lites enzymatiques considtrees comme 6ICments de diagnostic HENKIKSEN. U. B. and JELNES. J. E. 1980. Experimental pour les Biontphalarin antillais. Etude de sept systemes en- taxonomy of Biornphalnria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) - I. zymatiques. - Malacologia 26: 137-143 Methods for experimental taxonomic studies on Biomphalaria ROLLINSON, D.and SOUTHGATE. V. R. 1979. Enzyme analysis carried out by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis and staining of Brdinus afriranus group snails (Mollusca: Planorbidae) from of twelve enzymes. -J. Chromatogr. 188: 169-176 Tanzania. - Trans. R. SOC. Trap. Med. Hyg. 7.3: 667472 JFI.NES, J. E. 1980. Experimental taxonomy of Rulinu.5 (Gas- ROLLINSON, D. and WRIGHT, C. A. 1984. Population studics on tropoda: Planorhidae) - 111.
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