Masterplan 2016 - 2040 1 Contents Foreword 2 Executive Summary 4 1. Introduction 8 2. The social and economic benefits of aviation 14 3. Policy and regulation 28 4. Edinburgh Airport changes from 2011 - 2016 40 5. Surface access and parking 44 6. The local environment 64 7. Future land uses 76 8. Maps 90 2 1 Foreword Growth. So yes, growth is good. It seems to be a word that we at Edinburgh But we also firmly believe that our Airport have had to deal with for a number growth is something that must be linked of years now. to, supported by and supportive of Edinburgh’s future development. We’ve grown by one million passengers each year since 2012. We’ve grown our That’s why this masterplan document is so route network, serving more destinations important. It sets out how we think we’ll and working with more airlines than ever. grow in the decades to come and we’re asking some questions around that. Your We believe that this growth is good for views are important in making sure that Scotland. An independent study that our thinking is correct and that it fits with was carried out earlier this year gives wider plans. evidence to that – the activity at the airport generates almost £1 billion per year for the It’s important to stress that our masterplan Scottish economy while supporting over is focused on our growth on the ground. 23, 000 jobs. It is not concerned with air space change. We’ll be consulting again on that early in We also believe that growth will continue the 2017. at Edinburgh Airport. Thank you for your interest in our airport. Fundamentally we’re an importer of people. I look forward to reading your views on So we concentrate not just on the 5 million how we continue to manage its growth for Scots that we serve but on the 7 billion the benefit of all. people across the globe that wish to enjoy what our great country has to offer. Scotland is a great product. Our growth is driven by that product. Edinburgh is Scotland’s attack brand, it leads the rest of the country and will continue to do so, whether in terms of tourism or business. Scotland itself has a great global draw. Edinburgh Airport is an enabler – a conduit Gordon Dewar for prosperity for all. Chief Executive Foreword 2 3 Executive Summary This Edinburgh Airport Masterplan sets out Constant growth in passenger numbers the development strategy for the realistic presents Edinburgh Airport with and responsible growth of Edinburgh opportunities and challenges. We need Airport. Based on forecast growth and to ensure that growth can be managed resultant expenditure we propose terminal efficiently, whilst continuing to improve and airfield expansion and expansion of service levels. The Airport operates without supporting ancillary facilities up to 2025 any public subsidy so there is a need to and 2040. We have also produced a more ensure that the business is sustainable. speculative plan of development up to 2050. The current economic benefit of having an The key objectives of this Masterplan airport in Edinburgh currently amounts to are to: £955.4 million Gross Value Added (GVA)/ year to the Scottish economy of which » set out a sound development scenario £507.1 million/year is retained within the which will provide clarity and certainty City of Edinburgh. The analysis also found for local communities, passengers, that this level of activity currently supports the local authority and neighbouring almost 23,340 Scottish jobs, including landowners, amongst others; around 12,330 jobs in the City of Edinburgh. » highlight the prospects for air traffic Edinburgh Airport was sold by BAA to growth, and associated developments. Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in 2012. The change of ownership kick started a » quantify Edinburgh Airport’s impact period of growth and development for the upon the environment and how this can airport, seeing approximately one million be enhanced in the future. passengers added per year and growing to a projected 12 million passengers in 2016. » identify future land uses in order The airport, designed in the 1970s to handle to allow the airport to expand to handle one million passengers a year, has needed the forecast growth in passenger to change to accommodate growth and numbers. ensure that passenger experience levels are maintained. GIP committed to an investment set out the approximate timescales » programme of £150 million to ensure that for the phasing of additional capacity the airport was able to grow effectively. requirements. This programme has seen improvements to Over the last 10 years, the number of many parts of the campus, most notably a passengers traveling through Edinburgh terminal extension containing a new security Airport has increased significantly. This hall and upgraded retail facilities; a new has grown more in the past three years arrivals hall; and a complete upgrade of the than the previous 10 years. It is anticipated main check in hall. that between 2015 and 2020 passenger numbers will increase to 13.1 million in 2020. Executive Summary 4 5 Executive Summary Edinburgh Airport is on track to reach the The Masterplan therefore proposes the target it set to increase the percentage following: Improved access of passengers using public transport to 35% by 2017. Continued mode shift from » An enlarged terminal building to through provision of car towards public transport has been create space for more passengers and achieved through a proactive approach facilities, particular to serve additional and working in partnership with Councils, international services a new road linking to Scottish Government, SEStran and transport operators. The arrival of Tram during 2014 » An enlarged area for the parking of the Gogar Roundabout. has provided an alternative mode of travel aircraft to / from the city centre and the opening of Edinburgh Gateway rail station provides » An enlarged cargo storage area a nearby connection for local and national heavy rail services. » Improved access through provision of a new road linking to the Gogar Edinburgh Airport is committed to growing Roundabout sustainably and doing all that it can to protect the environment. A number of » In order to achieve all of the above, the initiatives have been undertaken, and removal of the current second runway, efforts will continue in the future to ensure the configuration and size of which are that environmental issues are at the not suitable for frequent use. forefront of decision making. » The continued safeguarding of land for So that the airport can effectively and a new second runway. This safeguarding sustainably serve the people of Scotland is a long-term precaution only, as we and those that wish to come to Scotland, believe that the future growth of the to visit and to do business, we believe that airport can be sustained by the current growth of the Airport is required, albeit main runway only. within its current boundaries and in a sustainable manner. 6 7 Introduction Background to the Masterplan 1.5 This new Masterplan is a key tool in taking forward the strategic policy 1.1 The UK Government’s 2003 White framework for Edinburgh Airport. Further Paper “The Future of Air Transport” sets supplementary documents will provide out the long term framework for the greater detail on how we will address development of UK airports over a 30 year targets or prepare specific strategies. period. The White Paper requires all UK Development proposals will need to be airports to produce new or revised airport considered through the statutory planning masterplans to reflect the contents of the system. White Paper and explain how they propose to take forward development of airport 1.6 The relevant national and local facilities. UK Government policy on aviation planning and transport bodies have continues to be based on the White Paper. taken into account the White Paper and 2011 Masterplan content when preparing 1.2 The Department of Transport guidance, strategies and policies. It is issued guidance on the “Preparation of therefore advised that these are referred Airport Masterplans” in 2004, which to when reading this document. Planning requires masterplans to be prepared and policies protect land required for future reviewed on a five-yearly basis. The current airport expansion. Edinburgh Airport Masterplan was approved in 2011 and will be replaced by this Historical development emerging masterplan. of Edinburgh Airport 1.3 The 2011 Edinburgh Airport 1.7 Edinburgh Airport, as it stands today, Masterplan is referred to in the Edinburgh covers 367 hectares and its current layout Local Development Plan. Policy EMP 4 of and land use are shown are shown on Map the Local Plan, supports the development 1 in Chapter 8. It is bounded to the north by of the Airport consistent with an agreed the River Almond, to the south by The Royal masterplan. Highland Showground, and to the east by the Edinburgh to Fife rail line. 1.4 The Edinburgh Airport Masterplan (2011) reflected the principles of The White 1.8 The existing terminal building and Paper and presented; main runway were developed in 1977 replacing the Turnhouse facilities which » forecasts for passenger demand; had been in place since before the Second Introduction World War. The facilities at Turnhouse now » expansion requirements up to 2013; house our expanding cargo operation, which » surface transport improvements to is Scotland’s small parcels hub and a key access the airport up to 2013; and facility supporting Scottish businesses and the economy. » a less detailed overview of future development from 2013-2030. 1. 8 9 Introduction 1.9 The core developed area is around 1.13 The busiest times at Edinburgh 1.16 That growth is reflective of Scotland 1.20 The key objectives of this Masterplan the terminal building.
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