Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 5-22-1964 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1964). The George-Anne. 2530. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SUPPORT EAGLES IN AREA 7 TOURNEY Published by the Students of Georgia Southern College Volume 37 STATESBORO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1964 NUMBER 28 ’64 Graduating Class To Hear Ernest Vandiver, Rev. Carruth SPRING QUARTER Baccalaureate, Commencement Examination Schedule May 30 - June 4 The place of the examina- Programs Scheduled June 7 tion is the regular meeting place of the class unless other- The Rev. Edward H. Carruth, pastor of the Porterfield Me- wise announced by the instruc- morial Methodist Church of Albany, and former Gov. Ernest tor. Vandiver will address Georgia Southern graduates at the Bacca- Saturday, May 30—8 a.m., laureate and Commencement exercises on Sunday, June 7. All 1st period classes; 1 p.m., Dr. Zach S. Henderson, presi-1 Emory University following work All 9th period casses. dent of GSC, announced this in the School of Architecture at Monday, June 1—8 a.m., All week that the Rev. Carruth the Georgia Institute of Tech- 2nd period classes; 1 p.m., All will speak at the Baccalaureate nology. 8th period casses. program which will take place at Reverend Carruth was ordain- Tuesday, June 2—8 a.m., All 11 a.m. Vandiver will speak at ed as a Methodist Minister in 3rd period classes; 1 p.m., All the Commencement program 1942 and served in the United 7th period classes. which will get under way at States Naval Chaplain Corps Wednesday, June 3—8 a.m., 3:30 p.m. during World War II. All 4th period classes; 1 p.m., Prior to his appointment as All 6th period classes. Reverend Carruth, a 1940 grad- uate of Georgia Southern, was Pastor of the Porterfield Memor- Thursday, June 4—8 a.m., ial Church, he held pastorates All 5th period classes. the son of the late Dr. Joseph E. Carruth, professor of edu- at six Methodist Churches in Instructors desiring to com- Georgia. Rev. Edward Carruth Ernest Vandiver bine sections for the examina- cation at GSC from 1928-1947 Speakers To Address Class of 1964 and namesake of the Carruth Vandiver was graduated from tion may do so on Thursday, t h e Darlington Preparatory June 4. Please, however, clear Building which houses tihe Arts and Industry divisions. School and the University of with the Dean’s office for pos- Georgia, receiving both the He also received the Bachelor sible conflicts. Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor Paul Carroll, of Divinity degree from the Candler School of Theology at of Laws degrees from the latter. Dean At Georgia, he served two Academic Enlargement Delays terms as president of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity. He was also president of Blue Key fra- Election Of Representatives ternity, Phi Kappa Literary So- Congress Retreat ciety, freshman law class, the Due to the growth in the var- proposal for “faculty nomina- Interfratemity Council and Grid- ious academic departments Stu- tions of about six students from iron. dent Congress President John each division, and from this He was also a member of Phi Williford has stated that the group allow the students to elect Set For June 4-5 Delta Phi legal fraternity and election of division representa- two.” was elected to Spihinx Honorary tives, will be a little late this Williford stated that he plans Society. year. to work with the new student The third annual Student Congress Spring Retreat, a “post The former governor also Williford attributed the delay- Congress officers during the season” planning conference, is scheduled to be held on the GSC served as a Second Lieutenant Spring Retreat on the problems cathpus June 4-5, according to John Williford, Congress presi- in the U. S. Army Air Corps ed appointments, which are ex- pected to be turned in Friday, concerning division representa- dent. and piloted a B-17 during World to the growth of the depart- tives. Attending the two-day conference will be members of this War II. Following his discharge from ments. He stated that “the di- year’s Congress, newly elected officers, members of the Student visions are increasing in size, Personnel Advisory Council and the present George-Anne editor the service, he was elected May- or of his home town of Lovonia and herefore it makes it diffi- Revised Student and next year’s editor. and was admitted to the Geor- cult to schedule these elections.” Serving as a “changing hands” function, the retreat will allow gia Bar Association in 1947. The present Student Congress the old officers to work with the new incoming slate. Policies and In 1951, he was federally rec- constitution calls for one repre- Judiciary Sent problems that need special attention, along with proposals for next ognized as a Major Gen. in the sentative to be elected from year’s Student Congress will be discussed. Air National Guard and thereby each curriculum division on cam- Back To Council Williford stated that “this will give new officers a chance to was the youngest person to re- pus to represent that group in talk over the problems they are going to have to face in the forth- ceive this recognition. the Congress. The proposed Student Judici- coming year, and to discuss these with the outgoing officers.” He also served as Adjutant Williford added that he felt ary Amendment was sent on an- He added that since this year’s Congress will be more familiar General in June, 1954. He then the constitution needs some re- other one of its many excurs- resigned to become Lieutenant vision governing the number of ions since being formulated, and with many of the problems, changes would be recommended con- Governor of Georgia in Septem- cerning many of the present statutes. representatives and appoint- now it is being passed around ber of 1954, and in 1958 was ments to the Student Congress. The conference will focus special attention on the activities through the Student Personnel elected Governor of the state, Advisory Council. and functions of the Congress, with special emphasis on studying “I think the addition of a rep- carrying 156 of the 159 coun- resentative from each depart- and becoming more familiar with the constitution. ties. John Williford, Student Con- ment, bringing the total number gress President, said he hopes to two each, and the addition the proposal will be returned to of the class vice-president to the the Congress before the Spring body would bring about greater Retreat where it will be intro- participation and interest as well duced to the incoming slate of Eight Professors Promoted as provide better representation” Congress officers. he said. The amendment was drawn up Eight Georgia Southern facul- were named assistant professors. have been promoted from as- In selecting the two represen- last summer and was forwarded ty members received promotions Dr. Gordon P. DeWolf, bi- sociate to full professors. tatives, he made an unofficial to the SPAC. It was returned to in rank approved by the Board ology; Dr. Leo Weeks, biology; Dr. Joe Wilbur, chemistry; the Congress and given a cam- of Regents of the University and Dr. Donald Hawk, education and Dr. Sturgis McKeever, bi- INSIDE THE GEORGE-ANNE: pus-wide vote. The measure lack- System last week. ology, moved up from assistant ed a valid student body decision Dr. Zach S. to associate professors. Dr. Rob- Schedule of Coming Exams :..2 as a result of the Congress Con- H e n d e r - ert G. Mitchell, history; Juan- Off-Campus Housing 2 stitution specifying that 51 per son, president ice Forte, mathematics; and Summer G-A :2 cent of the student body must of GSC, stated Mary Elizabeth Heltsley, home Social Science Institute 3 vote. that three fac- economics, have been promoted Summer School 3 The proposal was revised an^ ulty members from instructors to assistant pro- Editorials 4 sent back to the SPAC, who re- have been pro- fessors. Patrick Kelley 5 turned it with questions and sug- moted to the Regional Campus 5 gestions. That was winter quar- Dr. DeWolf received his BS ter. rank of pro- degree at the University of Mas- Halley Fennell 5 Williford took over the Con- f e s s o r, two sachusetts, M.S. degree at Tu- 1920’s Editor Recalls 6 gress Presidency this spring and have been lane University and the Univer- Southern Belle 6 Inquiring Reporter 7 gave the proposal another “go- named as as- sity of Malaya, and Pli.D. de- sociate profes- Sports 8-9 ing-over” before returning it to sors and three DR. DEWOLF DR. HAWK DR. WEEKS —Continued on Page 3— Athletic Contest 10 the SPAC for the third time. G-A Schedules Summer Edition The George-Anne will publish eight editions during the sum- mer quarter of 1964 beginning Senior Recital June 25 through August 13, an- nounced Hoyt Canady, editor. Set For Sunday The paper will keep the same format, and the issues will be Miss Sandra Swint, a music published consecutively for eight major from Rome, will present her senior recital Sunday at 3 weeks of both summer sessions.
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